#tarot readers don't give their towers away willy-nilly
zwoelffarben ยท 2 years
Item: The Towerot
(based on this post)
A tarot deck of dubious make, it's immediately obvious to anyone who beholds the cobbled together set of cards with different backs, shapes, sizes, aspect ratios, compositions, and conditions, that they were never meant to be taken together and used as a singular divinatory tool; and yet, anyone who beholds it can feel the power radiating from it. If one took the time to sort through the deck, they'd find nothing to sort because in it there is nothing except for The Tower (XVI), each card painted in a different style and paired with a different back, but each card The Tower all the same.
Each Tower in this deck was once part of another tarot deck, freely given up to become a part of The Towerot, sacrificing a bit of divinatory power from it's original deck to The Towerot. With each card, the Towerot grew to more perfectly embody the aspect of The Tower, the pile becoming more and more untenibly Tower-like, and with that growth came an exponential increase in power, eventually surpassing what was sacrificed but at the cost of being more specialized, more difficult to harness, and more difficult to interpret.
Each card had, in its original context, a number of symbols tied into it surroundings arcane. The sacrifice severed those symbols from theat context and set their meaning adrift. The key to interpreting readings from The Towerot is grasping a new meaning for each of these decontextualized set of symbols which makes sense within their new context; reading the subtle changes between each card's depiction of The Tower.
Be warned however and do not misunderstand. Each card in the The Towerot is The Tower into and of itself, and they should all be interpreted as such; do not play with the deck lightly: The Towerot is a powerful but specialized divinatory tool which can only be properly used after determining that SHITS FUCKED!; It's purpose is understanding the way shit became fucked, is currently fucked, and can be unfucked. If shit ain't fucked, powerful though it may be, it can't help you.
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