#task: 132
lex-sterling · 1 year
He was no longer watching.
Lex took the notes, mades his own based on reports and the glimpses he caught of the screens. But, he was no longer watching with interest and heart. Though, everyone else was. The shadows had just been released onto the Arena, the next threat deployed to give the tributes something to run from. Which was why it came as a surprise to him to find someone lingering in the lobby, just like he was. "You should be watching," he curtly said. "Things are moving along."
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riodair · 1 year
"Ooh," Rio hummed, sitting up a little straighter as things inside the Arena began to rustle, shadows spreading all over and lying in wait in corners of darkness for their designated tribute. "Creepy." They were going unnoticed by the tributes so far, but the cameras paid special attention to the newest additions to the summer camp. After another few moments of watching the screen, Rio furrowed his brows. "How the hell do you fight something you can't even punch?"
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dahlia-ambervale · 1 year
She had not lingered around the viewing rooms in years. Even while she'd still mentored, Dahlia had avoided the spaces as best as she could. Sometimes, her presence had been necessary, and sometimes she just hadn't cared to watch the Games while seated on an uncomfortable bar stool.
If she'd felt out of place once upon a time, it was even worse now. Dahlia held on to the glass like a lifeline, the rim resting lightly against her bottom lip as she watched the happenings in the Arena. She sighed to herself. There were two kids on the tables down in the morgue in that moment, and even while she was on a break, it seemed that there'd be more new arrivals sooner rather than later.
"What do they do?" she asked, furrowing her brows. "They're shadows, so they can't kill, right?"
As she was thinking about it, they reminded her an awful lot of the sandmen during her own Games. Time would tell if the shadows' touch would make the tributes hallucinate as well.
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helios-serpentine · 1 year
Cornelia woke up with a start, disoriented, but somehow still more clear-headed than she'd been after the whole ordeal it'd taken to stop the bleeding. Her back ached, the rubber mattresses in Two's cabin nothing short of uncomfortable - though, probably still better than the floor could've ever been. Chancing a glance over at Nano, she realized he was still asleep.
Only then, when she lokoed away again, did it dawn on her what had woken her up in the first place. An annoucement that boomed over the loudspeakers around the camp. Her hand reached out to nudge at Nano.
"-be split into two teams, the Blue Team and the Orange Team. The object of the game is to capture the other team’s flag before they can capture yours. Once you receive your team assignments, you and your team will have approximately one hour to meet up, strategize, and hide your flag. The hunt begins at the flagpole at ten o’clock sharp! Get excited, folks, because the members of the winning team all get a special prize!"
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masonxxbrick · 1 year
"Wow." Mason mumbled to himself as he sat in the viewing room, watching the large screen in front of him. "A game within in a game.. Now that's amazing! If I were in the arena, this is what I would hope for! A little distraction and fun." He spoke to the person who was sitting not too far from but Mason wasn't sure if they were even listening. "Do you think new alliances will form from this? Maybe alliances within their colored team?" Mason watched as Conny walked with Ren wondering if they would also form an alliance. Sometimes it was nice seeing Careers working with non-careers, it was refreshing. "Are you Team Orange or Team Blue?" He asked the person.
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ellemora-datum · 2 years
This wasn't supposed to be this hard. It was a simple plan - volunteer, win the Games, and live in riches in the Capitol. It was a surefire, foolproof plan. So why were swords so heavy?
Ellemora knew she was stronger than other Victors. Other people who weren't as talented, as driven, or as excited as her had made themselves winners. So there was no doubt in her mind that she could do this. This was hers. It was hers. She just needed guidance.
It was this exasperation that launched Ellemora into the District Three lounge, looking for help, assurance, mentorship. Thankfully, she found just that: her Mentor, Electra Conduit. The person whose job it was to do just this.
"How do I go about this?" She asked, skipping pleasantries and throwing herself down on the couch. "How do I win? Everyone makes it seem so easy!"
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bobbi-blue · 2 years
This place sells a somewhat limited selection of houseplants. The merchandise is of low to very good quality and is fairly priced to somewhat overpriced. Most customers report that the staff is sufficiently nice.
Bobbi was deeply engrossed in a bright pink flower. When she turned her head to the other side, though, it looked more purple. Turned left, pink. Turned right, purple. Left, right, left right; pink, purple, pink, purple. It was a fascinating phenomenon. No doubt someone back home in Eight could find a way to replicate the sensation on fabric. Maybe velour. Yes - this would be a fabulous velour.
A hopeful sales associate approached her as she bobbed her head side to side. "Can I... can I help you with anything?" Bobbi said nothing, just tilting her head occasionally. She was imagining a ball gown. Plunging neckline. Gloves that stretched above the elbows. All in this fabulous new material. Eventually the attendant got the message and retreated back to the register to leave her in her fantasy world.
Then the door swung open, and the atmosphere in the entire shop changed. Bobbi saw her out of the corner of her eye - wearing something that a trashy Capitol designer had put out... if Bobbi had to guess? Two seasons ago. Probably. But she wasn't about to take the time to look at Marina Bellheart properly to assess.
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corpsoir · 2 years
ive gotten one small task done and now i feel like i need to hibernate forever
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linkcache · 1 year
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Ball Outfit.
consider these more reference images than an exact representation of her outfit. it’s this, but bigger. the neckline is tight and ruffly in a way that’s just uncomfortable enough to tick her off by the end of the night. the belt is an enormous black bow, and her blazer (hung over the back of her chair) is covered in rows of sparkles. she was supposed to wear it, but it “dampened” the shoulder ruffles, so... this is the solution.
the only part she’d ever choose to wear again in this outfit is the pants.
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wattsonxxdean · 2 years
"So, how's training going?" Wattson asked Edison at the end of the day. He was curious about the progress she was making, if she had been working with the trainers or even other tributes. "Are you learning stuff? Making alliances?" He questioned, wanting to be sure to cover everything. "Do you have any ideas for the skill presentation?"
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cress-meadowforge · 2 years
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"if there are two things i know, it is people...and how to kill them without leaving a scratch."
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lex-sterling · 2 years
Lex had his hands buried deep inside the pockets of his dress pants, brows furrowed and head cocked to the side, as he watched the Capitolites outisde the Tower flutter by, undisturbed in their strange custom. "It puzzles me," he muttered, "each and every time." Perhaps it wasn't even as odd as he thought it was, but back in the Districts, this counted as quite an odd thing to do. And he'd lived partly in the Capitol for close to twenty-four years now. "Don't you think it's strange?" he asked, when he noticed a person coming up next to him.
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riodair · 2 years
"I think it's some sort of park." Rio leaned back against the wall, looking over the training center and the busy tributes while he narrowed his eyes. "I don't know what kind, but it's something natural."
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dahlia-ambervale · 1 year
Dahlia had never gotten to meet Greer Morgan. After everything that'd happened on Cress' victory tour, she'd been hiding in the victor's village under the guise of yearning for peace and quiet. Half the Tower was filled with new people. She was still torn on whether coming back had been a good idea at all. "I'm team whatever color orange and blue make," she stated dryly, comfortably lounging in a back row padded chair next to the other victor as the Games went on, teams forming on screen. "Why choose when you can also not."
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helios-serpentine · 2 years
For the show, Conny would deny that she even had the ability to be exhausted. It didn't look awe inspiring, if there was an aspiring victor-to-be just panting around while she was supposed to be impressive. Promising. So, in such spirit, she'd been sparring with her signature weapon all day, hardly taking a break and pulling out one complicated maneuver after the other. Still, all the present Gamemakers ever did was glance at her, before going on to the next tribute. It made Cornelia's teeth clench. That was decidedly not how it was supposed to be. "Well, that's a freaking bummer," she pouted to herself, neglecting to notice the person lingering near her.
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montgomery-cannon · 2 years
"This place sells vegan foods. The merchandise is of very good quality and is fairly priced to somewhat overpriced. Most customers report that the staff is somewhat condescending."
Honestly, Monty could have dealt with the Tower's awkward air, the way no one there seemed to want to be there, and the weird glances he got as someone just trying to help out. But what he couldn't stand was the food. Over-engineered, bland, and truly gross - all dressed up to be luxurious and fancy.
Lucky for him, next door was Rocco's Vegan Kitchen. It wasn't his typical fare, but he could use a good salad every now and then. It was typically pretty good stuff, and - importantly - it was convenient. A massive salad bar was their main attraction, along with a handful of Games enthusiasts who hung around hoping to catch sight of someone important. This resulted in a staff that was, generally speaking, usually annoyed with their clientele.
Montgomery was an easy customer, though. In and out, quiet, trying to stay out of sight (though, it always seemed as if not too many people were interested in hunting him down). He built a quick salad for himself and retreated to a back corner when he spotted a face he knew: Carol Eyre of District 4. Monty chose a seat at the long table a few away from him.
"Also trying to escape the Tower food? You'd think they'd serve better stuff."
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