#tb joshua contact number
watchigtbj · 7 years
The atmosphere was filled with high expectation as people from all works of lives – visitors from neighbouring country in the Caribbean, citizens from Spain, Brazilian, USA, England, Paraguay, and Haiti, government officials, security personnel and locals trooped to the Felix Sanchez Olympic Stadium in Santo Domingo, to witness the awesome power of God through Prophet T.B Joshua in the day two of the historic crusade in the Dominican Republic.
The audiences were entertained with opera, traditional gospel music and Latin American gospel rhythms. There were hands clapping, feet dancing and smiling faces at the Santo Domingo’s Felix Sanchez stadium, for the glory of God!
There were countless number of testimonies from many that received their healings and deliverance in the day one of the crusades In which, the deaf received their hearing, the lame walked, the demon-possessed received their freedom, the dejected received God’s love, the broken received restoration and countless testimonies filled the atmosphere in the glory of God’s name. And there were also testifiers from those that were delivered in the last August 2017 Paraguay Crusade with Prophet T.B. Joshua.
From among those that testify was little Maxi Ayala who had difficulty walking since childhood due to weakness in both legs. From the early age of one, Maxi fell on nearly every walk he attempted. As he grew up, he found himself struggling to cope with the distress of not being able to join his peers in physical activities. As a child, being athletic meant a lot for him but his condition made that dream seem as if he would be chasing a mirage if he wanted to achieve the dream of becoming a sportsman in the future. To avoid seriously injuring himself, doctors had to restrain his legs with metal braces while his parents waited for further medical consultations.
Frustrated by his son’s condition, Maxi’s mother brought her little son to Day 1 of the crusade with Prophet T.B. Joshua in the Dominican Republic. Maxi’s mother cried out to Prophet T.B. Joshua to pray for the healing of her son. After praying for Maxi and having the metal braces removed, Prophet T.B. Joshua told Maxi to walk and run. Maxi wasted no time, he took to his heels and began to accelerate until the evangelists caught up with him. On any slightest release, Maxi took off in full speed, to the glory of God.
Today, little Maxi Ayala and his mother returned to the Felix Sanchez Olympic Stadium to testify to the goodness of the God we serve. As his mother recounts the little boy’s ordeal when he had the problem, Maxi kept running back and forth. Completely healed and freed from the ailment, Maxi said he will throw away the leg braces. His mother advised viewers all over the world to have faith in God and believe that God will take away their sicknesses.
Also, Mr & Mrs Brown, a couple from Trinidad & Tobago, came to Day 2 of the crusade with Prophet T.B. Joshua in the Dominican Republic to give thanks to God and to testify to the miracle-working power of Jesus Christ! For six years the couple had been trying to have a baby. The couple visited various hospitals and Mrs Brown was diagnosed with having fibroids. The doctor informed the couple that they would not be able to conceive unless Mrs Brown underwent surgery to remove the fibroids. Frustrated and desperately seeking a solution, the couple got to know of the miracle-working power of God in the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua. They decided to visit Lagos, Nigeria from their faraway nation, Trinidad and Tobago, to receive prayers and a touch from God. The couple reiterated that for six years they had been trying to conceive and after the prayer of Prophet T.B. Joshua, a mere three months later Mrs Brown conceived.
Delightedly, the couple showed their bouncing baby girl for all to see the glory of God in their family. The couple gleefully says God did for them what was impossible for others. The couple advised everyone to put their faith in Christ because nothing is impossible for Him.
Afterward, Antonio Galeano, a former homosexual testified to the goodness of God. Born a male, Antonio Galeano had the desire to be a female. At the age of 6 years, Galeano started to have affection for males. It was at this young age that he started wearing his sister’s female clothes. At the age of 11 years that was when he had his first homosexual experience with another man. As he grew up, the spirit of homosexuality continued in his life, to the point where he started to do prostitution. As a young man, he started to take drugs and would sleep with multiple men as a prostitute.
Galeano says every time he looked at himself in the mirror he felt like a woman. He says his sister is a Christian and would always try to invite him to church. He would always aggressively decline the invitation to go to church because he says he had no desire for church or God. He would always tell her he would not go to church until he felt a desire to go to church. Galeano’s sister told him about the crusade with Prophet T.B. Joshua that was to take place in their country, Paraguay. In response to his sister’s invite to attend the miracle crusade, he mocked his sister and her attempt at inviting him to a ‘miracle crusade’.
Galeano says the evening the crusade was scheduled in his country, he was supposed to go out and prostitute that night. Instead of going to prostitute, he watched the crusade live via YouTube. He watched the live broadcast to simply mock the event. When he watched the crusade, it was the time of mass prayer. Confused at what he was watching and what was happening, Galeano says he felt strange sensations going through his body and he began to vomit right in his apartment. He was undergoing deliverance. After vomiting, he says he felt relieved – he was delivered. After that encounter with God in his apartment on that fateful evening, during the mass prayer, Galeano says understanding returned to him and he wanted to become a man again.
Now, three months later and in the Dominican Republic, Galeano says he is delivered and he can confirm that indeed he is a man again. He says he is happy and fulfilled to be a man. Galeano’s sister echoed Antonio’s testimony, she says growing up she remembers her brother, Antonio, always wearing her clothes and dressing like a female. Galeano’s sister told the congregation that she knew her brother would not attend the miracle crusade in Paraguay that day, so she brought his photograph with her to the stadium during the crusade in Paraguay with Prophet T.B. Joshua. Three months later, she confirms his deliverance and says he is now a man and no longer dresses like a woman.
After Galeano’s deliverance, he says he was ashamed because he did not have any male clothes. His sister contacted the Emmanuel TV team to share his testimony. When the Emmanuel TV team was contacted, the team purchased an entire male wardrobe for him. Now, he says he is a believer – he believes in Jesus Christ, he is free and is content.
Finally Galeano shared his advice with the people of God saying: “Open your hearts for Jesus Christ. Believe in God that you will receive your miracle”.
Following the amazing testimonies, Kimmy Skota, the opera singer and American international Gospel starts – VaShawn Mitchell, JJ Hairston with others lead the congregation in a powerful praise and worship.
After Prophet T.B Joshua came to the crusade ground, he went to the podium to share the word of God with the excited crowd. Prophet T.B. Joshua encouraged listeners on the importance of giving. He said, “Everyone has something to give. There is always someone in need of you – no matter how little you have, someone is always there in need of you. If you say you are poor, you may be surprised to see someone poorer than you are. In life, there are always greater and lesser people than we are. It is not what you give that is important but the manner in which you give it. The way and manner you give attract Jesus’ attention. Christ is constantly putting us to the test in the small things”.”Your help to the poor, refugees, widows and less privileged – see it as an assignment from God”.
Furthermore, the man of God said that “A break in prayer means a break in faith. A break in faith means a break with God”. “If you know how much you need God in the little things, you will know how much you need Him in the big things. If you know how much you need God to look, you will know how much you need Him in affliction”.
After the inspiring message, Prophet T.B. Joshua went to the prayer line section to pray for the sick and oppressed in the name of Jesus Christ.
As the man of God Prophet T.B. Joshua began to pray for people in the Prayer Line, the various faces of sickness were exhibited by the pains expressed by the afflicted. A woman cried to the man of God about her disc hernia and cervical spondylosis. She received a touch from the man of God and the Prophet ordered the removal of the lumbar corset and what followed next was a rewritten of the woman’s history. She became a new person as she walked and exercised her body freely to the glory of God.
In another scenario, a young woman in arm sling was prayed for and instantly she got her left arm out of the sling to exercise it with ease. Having received her healing, the entire stadium shouted “Cristo Vive” to the glory of God. A man, who cried out for help over his epilepsy, detached himself from his crutches and walked away without expressing any pains. To God be the glory!
Severely suffering from a cervical hernia, two individuals with the same health situation spent the day at the mercy of a cervical traction device. From the human perspective, treatment may seem to be a far distance away or impossible, to say the least. But when the power in the healing hand of God touched the sick through Prophet TB Joshua, the sickness in the pair bowed and they freed themselves from the traction device, breaking away and never looking back at the cervical traction device. The list goes on and on as the anointing at the Crusade was in abundance.
After the massive healing and deliverance that took place in the prayer line section, Prophet T.B. Joshua led the congregation and viewers all over the world in a mass prayer. As the mass prayer was ongoing, mighty signs and wonders took place. There were immense manifestations of evil spirits by the demonic possessed. Some get up from their wheelchair and received their healings by faith in Jesus name.
At the close of the day two historic crusade, Prophet T.B Joshua was presented an award by the evangelical body of the Dominican Republic. The Prophet was honoured by the various faith leaders in the Republic for his work as a minister of God. When acknowledging this honour, Prophet T.B. Joshua said, “I receive this honour on behalf of the Body of Christ and for the unity of the Body of Christ”.
*Photo: Courtesy of T.B. Joshua Ministries Facebook Page
  THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC CRUSADE WITH PROPHET TB JOSHUA – DAY TWO The atmosphere was filled with high expectation as people from all works of lives – visitors from neighbouring country in the Caribbean, citizens from Spain, Brazilian, USA, England, Paraguay, and Haiti, government officials, security personnel and locals trooped to the Felix Sanchez Olympic Stadium in Santo Domingo, to witness the awesome power of God through Prophet T.B Joshua in the day two of the historic crusade in the Dominican Republic.
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