#tbh they probs don't even gain anything from playing the games on the computer (being aimed more are pre-k)
princesslocket · 1 month
❤️🧊🎯 for Ikuto on the OC ask game please >w>
You know how down I am for NosaIchi
Omp yes it's finally Ikuto time ;w;///
I'm not even joking when I tell you I've seriously missed making art and stuff for Nosaichi!!! ((We can thank burn out and lack of time in general for that lol))
❤️ What is one of your OC's best memories?
So there was this one time where Nosaka took the kids to the library to check out some books and while Nosaka was distracted with getting several picture books off one of the higher shelves for Mitsuka, Ikuto wandered off towards one of the children's computers that just so happened to be on the other side of the wall directly behind the one Nosaka and their siblings were at. The computer was normally occupied every time they came to the library but by some miracle, it was open that day! Seeing this as their one and only opportunity to play on it, Ikuto booted it up right away to play whatever games had been pre-installed on it for as long as they pleased! Which would turn out to be a good 15 minutes before Shinzo came rushing over, asking if he could have a chance to play as well, followed by a slightly distressed looking Nosaka and Mitsuka.
((For slightly better context, the computer came with a pair of children sized headphones that pretty much canceled out any noise around them. So while Ikuto was happily playing games with character from popular children shows, Nosaka, Mitsuka, and Shinzo were searching all over for him ksjhuohgsvb)).
🧊 Is their current design their first one?
Yup! Or mostly yes - Here's the first ever sketch of him too!
Tumblr media
((As you can probably tell, Shinzo is the only of the Nosaichi kids who actually changed... Like three times before we got the one we know of today))
🎯 What do they do best?
Ikuto's pretty fond of playing video games - More specifically rhythm based games! They aren't like a master at them, but just give him an hour and you can bet you'll be seeing Ikuto's hitting all kinds of combos without missing a single beat!
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