bizgames · 6 years
Business games for innovation and change
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In Gamification for Business, there are 22 game cases for how games can be used in organizations for various purposes. People interested can check these 22 games out here.
The Acid Test
#TeamCommunication #TeamProblemSolving #TeamMindset
Once a project or activity is completed, there is a strong tendency in many organizations to move on to the next without reviewing performance. This tendency exists for both successful and unsuccessful projects. Reviewing the Acid Test encourages some familiarity with the concept of after review in an easy application.
For more information contact Elgood Effective Learning (UK).
Add value – Know Your Customer
#ServiceValueProposition #CustomerJourney #CustomerFocus
The Add Value game leads participants through all elements of the service experience. Participants learn which services to improve, whether the right services are offered, and which services can be discontinued since they do not create increased value for customers.
For more information contact UCN act2learn (DK).
#OrganizationalCulture #OrganizationalValues #Onboarding
Align is an online values game, aimed at introducing, exploring and understanding core values, as well as building enthusiasm and intrinsic motivation for participants to live their values in their daily work.
For more information contact InContext (NL).
#CustomerFocus #BusinessDevelopment #ManagingGrowth
Bizzbuilder is a digital game about growing a business in the professional services industry. Managers in these firms usually rise through the ranks and face the challenge of maintaining existing clients, developing new ones and keeping their professional teams happy.
For more information contact InContext (NL).
Business Branching
#CompetitiveAdvantage #InnovationOpportunities #ResourceAllocation
The innovation game Business Branching deals with the difficult and complex challenge of balancing ongoing operations and new innovation-oriented activities. The purpose of this game is to exercise the ability to allocate resources to launch and ramp up concrete new business branches, while also exploiting, reconfiguring and disengaging the old business branches.
For more information contact GameBridges (DK).
#WorkplaceLearning #ChangeManagement #LeadershipDevelopment
Changesetter is a game that addresses change management. Using the game, managers can practise leading changes in the workplace. Players face a wide array of challenges and dilemmas that they will recognize from everyday work scenarios.
For more information contact Actee (DK).
#TeamDevelopment #SalesDevelopment #CustomerJourney
The purpose of Changeskills is to create a structure in which participants produce interpretations, insights and solutions for predesigned questions and topics with the help of the game. The discussion that takes place during the game is created by the players themselves and solutions arise through such discussion.
For more information contact Muutostaito (FI).
Exploring Change
#LeadingChange #BusinessTransformation #LeadershipAttitude
Change is a social process, not just a project. It is experience driven, iterative, and often requires taking unforeseen turns. In a transformation project, we use CELEMI Exploring changeTM as a key element to create this experience and develop a common understanding and language.
For more information contact Canmas (DE).
Innovate or Dinosaur
#InnovationOpportunities #CreativeThinking #Idea-To-Action
Innovate or Dinosaur is an award-winning, collaborative innovation game that helps teams, businesses and organizations think creatively and critically, generate new ideas for real work opportunities and challenges, and put these ideas into action. The game offers a different kind of innovation experience and builds participants’ capacity to innovate every day.
For more information contact Traction Strategy (CA).
Innovation Diamond Learning Game
#InnovativeMindset #InnovationOpportunities #InnovationCulture
The Innovation Diamond Learning Game enables developing and acquiring four leadership roles associated with the early stages of an innovation process. By working with 16 different tasks, the players gain handson experience with the four leadership roles.
For more information contact Brilliant Innovation (DK).
Leadership development simulations
#BehaviourChange #ChangeManagement #StakeholderEngagement
Workz offers game-based tools for leadership development that can help managers be the leaders they aspire to be. Our leadership simulations are designed so that the lessons and insights are easy to transfer to real-life leadership behaviour afterwards. We especially ensure that the key elements of the game, often the game board itself, can be used in real life as mapping and planning tools.
For more information contact Workz (DK).
#TeamDevelopment #TeamBuilding #TeamCollaboration
Linkxs holds up a mirror to participants by offering a team challenge that stimulates individualistic, non-collaborative behaviour. The game shows the team the undesirable compounded effects of this behaviour.
For more information contact InContext (NL).
Managing Your Sales Business
#SalesManagement #TerritoryPlanning #OrganizationalCulture
Managing your Sales Business (MySB) is a business game originally designed for the Oracle EMEA Sales Readiness department to improve the effectiveness of sales managers.
For more information contact Elgood Effective Learning (UK).
Ocean of Culture
#OrganizationalCulture #OrganizationalValues #OrganizationalStructures
Ocean of Culture unlocks sources of value within a company and identifies factors flowing from the company’s culture that inhibit realizing that value. It is an experiential game that enables participants to encounter and confront both productive and unproductive aspects of their company culture, including both visible, deliberate aspects of the culture and those that may be more hidden and below the level of conscious choice and awareness.
For more information contact Kommitment (DK).
Pitch Perfect
#TeamCo-creation #TeamOwnership #TeamCreativity
In the Pitch Perfect game, the participants do not listen to a pitch from a CEO or a salesperson trying to sell an idea or a product – they make the pitch themselves. The game is highly engaging and creative, and is designed to increase the participants’ ownership of an idea, product or key message.
For more information contact Moving Minds (DK).
#WorkplaceLearning #StakeholderCommunication #StakeholderAlignment
PublicProfessional is a conversation-focused, awareness-building concept for professionals who manage multiple stakeholders and must balance the interests of citizens, customers, politicians and regulations. This educational game teaches professionals about communication with the public and improves their analytical skills with regard to their own practice.
For more information contact Actee (DK).
Stakeholder Management
#StakeholderCommunication #StakeholderAlignment #ConflictManagement
Stakeholder Management is a board game that helps project managers and team members find ways to deal with the stakeholder dilemmas they often face in their work. The game is developed as a hands-on, visual mapping tool to start a constructive conversation about the uncomfortable and complex dilemmas that we sometimes face with the stakeholders we are involved with.
For more information contact GameBridges (DK).
Strategic Derby
#StrategicForesight #CompetitiveAdvantage #StrategicThinking
Strategic Derby tackles the challenge of strategy development by visualizing the competitive advantages at stake and giving managers and business developers instant feedback on their strategic decisions. The purpose of the game is to give participants a sense of how future strategic scenarios could play out.
For more information contact GameBridges (DK).
#LeadershipAttitude #LeadershipStyles #LeadershipCulture
The goal of this game is to develop leaders and put them in charge of leading people. This highlights the role of Celemi TangoTM in a change project to strengthen leadership and HR development processes, and align them with the business strategy.
For more information contact Canmas (DE).
The Meeting Design game
#TeamDialogue #TeamPrioritizing #TeamAgreement
The Meeting Design game is a card game. The game comprises more than 100 different meeting design elements, divided into 12 main categories.
For more information contact Moving Minds (DK).
The Way Forward
#BusinessDevelopment #ManagingGrowth #StrategicThinking
The Way Forward was commissioned by the MBA Alumni Association of Bradford Management Centre for a national competition. The simulation was designed to provide MBA students the experience of running a business at a strategic level.
For more information contact Elgood Effective Learning (UK).
Quick games
#TeamCo-creation #TeamEnergy #TeamCommunication
Quick games are short games that last from two to thirty minutes. They are usually aimed at creating learning readiness and positive, constructive group dynamics. 
For more information contact Moving Minds.
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