#tempted to put down he got too much screen time but. sighs. i can't deny i enjoyed it
wovenstarlight · 2 years
character opinion bingo sung hyunjae pls homie
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he does have a cool design. i gotta admit. the coat and the chains and the sunset palette in general
wow! he is a horrible person ^_^ if he was real i would attack him <3
yes i know. i contain multitudes.
i would've put down the handbag/technically canon squares except he really is doting housewifey in canon and also he would not go in my handbag because he would be carrying my bags for me with this expression -> ^^ (in a hypothetical scenario where i am hyj or stw and do not get immediately blown up and killed for this behaviour, naturally)
speaking of hyj and stw shj really is better when he's playing off them. they make him a better person. and also a funnier person
(send me a character to do bingo with!)
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jiwonsssi · 6 years
— on the count of three.
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- Let's take a photo! One, two..
- I'm going to kiss you.
- Three.. What?
characters: Eun Jiwon, 'you';
warnings: slight cursing, slight R-rating.
Jiwon is a really good old friend of yours. Not like 'good', not really 'really', but surely 'old' and sometimes even a 'friend'. Well. Decision of spending an evening together was not quite a bad idea. He started to behave lately, and was a bearable human being, even funny and nice sometimes. You wanted to know what caused those extreme changes, but decided to not to disturb it to not to ruin it.
- And you know what she did? She hid the fact that she stole it! Like, I can't believe..
- But what do you want her to do? Being, like, 'oh, you know what, I stole this, that and that, just saying'? It's bullshit. Use your head before talking, you, - he put a hand on your hair to mess with it while laughing and you just roll your eyes since it was better to not pay attention to his antics rather than fight back. Useless anyways.
Anyways it was a good way of wasting time on watching a movie or drinking or doing God-knows-what. You end up re-watching the first Iron Man for, like, tenth time and by the end of the begging of the film it was only a conversation that was matter.
- Look whos talking, mister I-Say-Shit-Without-Thinking-Since-I-Started-Talking, huh, - but you, being, well, you, continued bickering. Following the easiest path was never a choice. And it's funny to see him frustrated. More like a hobby of yours.
- What? Why are you being so brave tonight? - he looks at you with those angry eyes and you answer with same expression. Because.. well, we already discussed it.
Then you are being pushed to the side by his hand on your shoulder. Seeing his all smiley and mocking 'I am the winner' face while he sips his drink was not pleasant at all, so with a deep sigh and a slight kick on his leg, you stood up to straighten your shirt.
- It's not like I was scared any other day, you know, - he follows your hands with a gaze and nod, taking another sip. And now that was surprising. Because having him checking you out is surely something you have never experienced. Jiwon adjusts his pose and avoids your eyes when you bend a brow.
He's not ashamed; to be honest, you are not entirely sure if he has a clue what shame actually is.
- I know, - and it suddenly awkward. Maybe it just you, but he definitely changed his expression. Now he tries to burn a hole in a TV screen and you just stand there not knowing what to do. Very nice. Just a dream, - I want another bottle of soju. Have some? Bring it.
He didn't even glanced your way. Usual Jiwon is back in town so nothing to worry about.
So you made yourself comfortable on a couch again and took a cup with soju from his hand.
- Help yourself, - you smiled at him with false politeness and nodded to a kitchen, receiving muttered curses and soft 'I didn't want it that much anyways'. You smile, shaking your head.
He's really cute, you just couldn't deny it.
By knowing him for more than a few years now, you got an immunity to all his attacks (almost), so you actually found him adorable mostly. He indeed is. When he's not a moron, he's either a squishy sleepy lost ball or a charismatic rapper and powerful, smart leader. And you even had just a tiny small little micro crush on him before. Well maybe a huge ass crush if being honest. And you even sure that he knew. You were young, naive and inexperienced. Of course he knew. It was obvious.
The thing is, he never took an advantage, even if he had a chance, and it made you respect him at some point. Now it's gone, just a funny memory; yet something is still there. You just preferred to ignore it. God knows why.
- Someone is spamming you with texts and you are too deep into admiring me to notice.
Being slapped in a face? That's how it feels like.
Resume: you stared at him while thinking that you used to have a crush on him while holding a cup near your mouth but not drinking while your telephone kept ringing while he was fully aware of what was happening for God knows how long. Well.. Shit happens, right?
- Was thinking that you need to see a dermatologist.
Maintaining a straight face when you actually had an internal breakdown was not an easy task, but you managed. Now the task is to ignore his smirk. Like hell he would believe. Ugh.
You opened a text from your friend, well, a bunch of texts, from just one tiny friend, to see her asking you repeatedly what were you doing. Lots of unnecessary photos of her face with all the faces she could have manage, surroundings, and similar messages; she is a really close good friend. The only reason for tolerating it.
Still funny sometimes tho.
- C'mon, let's take a picture, - someone need to break the ice now, right? You leaned backwards closer to his face to adjust an angle and put on the dumbest expression you could maintain, - One, two..
- I'm going to kiss you.
- Three.. Wha-
And then his lips are on yours.
There is not a single thought in your mind.
You weren't even able to be surprised.
The kiss is so light; his lips barely touch yours and yet it's so breathtaking. So soft.
No one ever kissed you like that.
You don't want it to end; you will need to talk about it, to sort things out, but for now his hands on your cheeks and you let him deepen the kiss. It's somehow magical now; the atmosphere around you.
Feeling your arms getting weaker by every second, you just lean into him. Into comfort you never knew even exist. His hands reach you neck to gently guide you and you completely surrender. It's impossible to not to.
God, he's amazing. And when you realise that one of your hands is slowly making it's way up his tight, you hear loud crack of the phone hitting a floor.
Perfect timing.
It ends this magic just like that; you open your eyes trying to catch a breath.
And then silence.
Complete silence; just his slightly hitched breath and your heart. You wander if he can hear it.
You wait for him to joke, to be nervous or at least be even slightly surprised. But when you meet his eyes, he's so calm. He looks at you directly with so fucking gentle smile.
You have never seen him smile like that. And you were lucky; he could persued you to do anything by looking that way.
There is only you who look like a deer caught in a headlights, actually. And Jiwon finds it adorable.
His hands never leave your body and now he keeps your head straight for you to look at him; and you just choose to shut your eyes tightly. Causing him to crack and laugh.
You have no idea what to feel now, you just really want to decide later; but the sound of his laugh was never that charming.
You never imagined your heart can beat that fast.
- Look at me, - you just shake your head, realising that one of your hands is now stuck in the air and you, like a complete fool, place it on your knees. And another one, that was on his thight all the time. For fuck's sake, oh God. Still refusing to open your eyes tho.
- No, - voice is like a tiny squeak and he finds it funny again when you feel him caress your neck with his fingers; it's so light and tender you barely notice. But he does it.
Remember fast beating heart? Now it's faster and it seems like a good idea to just die in his arms.
- Please, - he rarely asks this polite and you decide to give him a chance. Since he already kissed you. You are going to face him anyways, it's not like he's planning to fuck off. Not like you want it.
- I broke my phone, - your hands now on his wrists and you find yourself not being able to do what you wanted to do.
He's so warm. You can feel it. You can feel his pulse under your fungertips. So calm.
It's impossible to look at him now.
- I know, - he's a lot closer now; voice is barely audible. Perhaps you would get mad if it wasn't so good.
Yes, long forgotten crush, all that staff; but you can't deny that he's exactly what you ever wanted. As simple as that. You just choose to avoid those feelings to not to get hurt. Because he never made a move; was always around, like a friend. He made it clear then. And now he offers something different to you. Yes, it feels really good.
It would be better to know that he does it not because he's drunk and wants to mess with you.
His presence feels different all of a sudden. Hot. Tempting. Delicate?
- You wouldn't be able to keep them close forever, - Jiwon laughs again and you feel, suddenly, a smile creeping on your face as well.
He's not like that, right? Jiwon is not going to do that to someone.
- Don't underestimate my fear of facing you, - you feel him stroking your hair lazily and he gave your ear a light pinch.
- You said you are never afraid. Never, my ass, - he's mocking you again as if kissing wasn't enough. Not going to let it slide, you unconsciously open your eyes to see him smiling ever so brightly.
- It wasn't.. Fuck, - it's not the moment that breathtaking, it's him.
His expression is priceless and he's so close and so happy. God, so happy.
You are falling for him so hard you can feel your ribs clenching.
- Now I'm going to kiss you again. Ready? 1..
He never finishes since it's rather difficult to talk while kissing. You can feel Jiwon smile widely in the kiss and this is incredible; all that happening is incredible. His hands on your waist and he's pulling you on his laps and you happily help him. Way too happily perhaps since he breaks a kiss to laugh, while giving you short pecks and getting down your neck with wet kisses. The skin feels like it's on fire; everywhere you feel his fingers touch you, it burns. You move your head to give him better access, burying fingers in his hair, slightly tugging on it.
You would sell your soul to not to moan like a teenager, but you can't. All you manage is biting your lip and pulling his hair harder. He likes it. You can feel it. You totally can feel exactly how much he likes it.
- Let's pretend it was our first date and when I asked you to be my girlfriend you said yes, - you catch something in your throat not because you are taken aback by his audacity, but because he definitely leaves a hickey on your neck.
The thing is, you are mad, happy and turned on at the same time.
Tagging on his hair, you make him look at you. And damn those eyes.
Now you just turned on. Nice.
- What made you think I would say yes?
- You just jumped on my lap like you..
- I understand your point, now shut up, - well, testing him is not an easy game to play.
But it so worth it.
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