#terasu x reader
mysouleaten · 5 months
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PLATONIC! younger! yotsurugi siblings x older sister! reader
summary... you're braiding the hair of the longer-haired siblings and it seems hibaru wants his hair braided too!
warnings... fluff, brothers bickering, the siblings are around 7-11 y/o, hibaru and kou fight, name trying to keep peace, name is blood-related to hibaru
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sitting cross-legged on the couch, [name] the oldest of the yotsurugi siblings is braiding the ninth adopted son of the yotsurugi-- taira
taira was sitting down on the floor in front of his older sister and watching a show that was playing two men fighting with katanas
many of his siblings were here, talking amongst themselves or resting by [name] kuran was laying his back against the left side of [name] and kou was sitting beside him on the floor as well
shikaba was laying his head on the arm rest of the couch while laying his feet on [name]'s lap
shio and satsuki were sitting together playing cards and his other brothers went to join them, his other sister was also sitting on the floor with him but was on her phone--seeming to play a game on it
while....hibaru and terasu... were nowhere to be found, hopefully not causing any trouble..
he spoke too soon...
"[NAME]! I WANNA- huh? what are you doing?"
hibaru jumped up and leaned over the right side of the couch to peek at what his older sister was doing, terasu doing the same
she looked over at him and smiled "I'm braiding taira's hair"
taira looked over his shoulder and lifted his chin, he was proud of his hair "it's cool, right?"
hibaru nodded "ya! really cool!.. [name]! can you braid my hair too??"
[name] laughed lightly "i don't think you have enough hair for me to braid, hibaru"
hibaru's happy smile faded off his face and he touched his hair, but his smile came back "don't worry! ill grow it out like taira's! then you can braid it!"
before [name] could answer the cheerful brother, kou did
"pft...doubt it.." kou remarked
hibaru whipped his head around with a scowl towards kou "what was that!?"
"i said! you're bald!" kou yelled, "kou..please-" [name] couldn't finish before hibaru grabbed the pillow under shikaba--who groaned-- and plunged it at kou's face "eek!!"
"hibaru!-" [name] got interrupted again by hibaru, he jumped over the backside of the couch right onto the half-asleep shikaba
"ow!! hibaru!"
hibaru couldn't apologize right that second and flew at kou and they both tumbled around the carpeted ground--shouting at each other
"take it back!"
"no! get off!"
"take it baack!!"
"ow! no!"
"[NAME]!!" both kou and hibaru shouted in unison
[name] had to put down the unfinished braid and stood up to lift hibaru off of kou "kou...hibaru, please" name pleaded
both of them looked up at their older sister's disappointed face, before hibaru hid his face into [name]'s neck and mumbled "he...called me bald.."
"you are.." kou murmured
"wha-" [name] placed her hand over hibaru's mouth "ah!.. no more of that"
she felt hibaru's cheeks puff up under her hand but she didn't acknowledge it, "kou, after I'm done braiding taira's hair, it'll be your turn, ok?"
kou shook his head in understanding, [name] then turned around to see kuran waiting patiently to lean his back onto his sister's side again, and taira was waiting for his braid to be finished
she sat cross-legged on the couch again and placed hibaru on her lap
she felt kuran lean on her side again and turned to shikaba "are you okay shika?"
"yeah..are you okay? im sorry for jumping on you.." hibaru apologized to his older brother
"yep, im okay...just got crushed..thats all" he yawned, he placed his feet onto terasu's lap--who was now sitting next to [name], terasu looked up at her and smiled "hello"
you smiled softly "hello" terasu--after smiling back-- rested his head on the side of your shoulder and watched the show that was continuing to play
carefully leaning over little hirabu she took taira's unfinished braid "here hibaru you can help me braid taira's hair, ok?"
"okay!" hibaru cheered
taira smiled softly at his younger brother's happy voice and relaxed into the bottom of the couch, kou also quietly leaned into taira's side
the other siblings seeing the relaxed state everyone else was on the couch, had made their way to them and sat in the open areas around their siblings
everyone happily watching the show together in peace
"I love all of you..so much" hibaru murmured and [name] kissed the top of his head
"we love you too...so much"
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first short fic for astro royale!! I LOVE THEM SM<33 and sorry for any mistakes I didn't proofread
edit: ok everything should be edited now!
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minorflower · 3 months
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Rough translation:
Ken Wakui: Congratulations!
Due to the release of the first volume on July 4th, the official X account (formerly Twitter) has been launched.
The reason I've come this far is because of all the fans who have always supported me! Thanks to all Jump readers. Thank you!!! Ken Wakui.
Terasu's words: We have been nominated for the Next Manga Award 2024, please vote if you enjoy!
Bottom: Thank you for your continued support!
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