#terezi in particular i think i came to really like as i got older but she wasnt top 3 when i was a teen
kastellaran · 5 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
tagged my @defeateddetectives ^_^ thank you <33
3 ships you like: hmm see which three should I pick here... let's say komahina (danganronpa. yes), bruabba (jjba p5) and just to spice things up, momoko and ichi from maiko-san chi no makanai (really lovely food centric manga about two girls who move to kyoto to become maiko but one of them ends up becoming the cook at the maiko house instead. sometimes frustrates me because of how strong the gay "undertones" are and then the author seems to insist on pursuing a het love triangle/probably het end game with a dude who has a comparatively shallow relationship with his love interest. anyway ever since the flashback chapters came out ive been shipping the house mother and sumire's geiko onee-san because if there's one throughline in my top ships, it's older side characters with some kind of tragic/emotionally fraught relationship LOL.) propaganda:
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"Yuuko never let anyone in her room before she became a trainee. [...] For her to be swapping beds with others is... no, it's just Azusa."
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(They have each other's apartment keys. She comes over and sleeps in her room. Halfsies!!!)
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(This is basically a marriage proposal to me)
first ship ever: ...I think it was karkat/terezi from homestuck. This is kind of funny but before I really got into fandom or when I was just beginning, my approach to text was basically reading it with the most surface level/likely reading. I literally didn't understand why people would ship characters who I "knew" would never get together in canon. I didn't see the point in it LOL to me shipping was like horse racing or something, you ship the characters who are the most likely to end up together. This is also very funny in retrospect considering what happened with that particular ship but I had long moved on from it by the time davekat was canonized so I was happy.
last song you heard: either burning desire by lana del rey (blaming mirai for this) or alan stivell's ian morrisson reel
favourite childhood book: i don't think i had or have a favorite one ummm I was really into the secret series by pseudonymous bosch when i was a kid
currently reading: hmm i'm keeping up with maiko-san and ekuoto (make the exorcist fall in love. it's neat i recommend it though i'm not a big fan of the art style), and I was reading the oofuri manga which i should get back to but currently my attention is being taken up by natsuyuu lol. as for non-manga though the last thing I read before natsuyuu was Devil Venerable Also Wants To Know which is SO GOOD and i had more art ideas in mind for it which i want to get back to at some point...
currently watching: I don't watch a whole lot of stuff. I'm keeping up with the dunmeshi anime but tbh i really don't like the coloring for it. the art is okay but ryoko kui's art is kind of unmatched. it's just nice to have something to watch with my friend every week. also i've been doing a natsuyuu anime rewatch in anticipation of s7 with a friend whose never seen it before
currently consuming: nothing but i just had some crazy noodles. leftover curry in a pan + frozen corn + instant noodles = yummy
currently craving: nothing because i am now full :D
ill tag @ponimado @tattoosingarishhues @beguinemystic @dysaniium @moritzallein @somapodra @garbageg0blin @chuck-charles @joelletwo as always this is just if you wanna!
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hms-no-fun · 3 years
what is your reasoning for having some characters have dual name/text colors? is this just another stylistic choice to try and even further branch out from homestuck or what
there are a lot of unstated style rules in godfeels that have just kinda emerged. there's a logic to, for instance, who gets third person narration vs first person, & how they show themselves in that narration. June's narration is always her text color because she isn't really capable of intense subterfuge. Terezi, meanwhile, is very good at hiding herself in narration up until she gets flustered or mad. i never really set out to make an expressive narratorial matrix for these characters, right, but it's there.
going back to 2.1, i actually originally wanted to make June's name be Vriska-blue and her text be Egbert-blue... but i had yet to discover the magic of find & replace, and the thought of having to manually replace "June:" with "<span class="vriska">June:</span><span class="john">" forever after seemed like WAY too much of a hassle. i think giving her a bespoke text color was by far the better choice, because it literally being a blend of Vriska and Egbert was a very very early metaphysical indication to me that there was a much more complex psychological phenomenon occurring under the surface. it took me until writing 3.1 before i realized that the name for that phenomenon is plurality (thanks to the commentary made by a number of plural readers).
in homestuck proper, having a name that's a different color from your text is generally relegated to the sprite^2s. i always read this as a simple way of visually communicating that they're fusions. i always liked the EFFECT of reading their lines because the dual text colors help them feel ascended in some abstract sense.
so, when it came time to introduce Silverbark, i wanted a way to indicate that something big had changed with her beyond the obvious stuff like her appearance. because what makes Silverbark interesting imo isn't just that she's gotten older. if she'd just gotten older while living more or less the same life she was living on earth c, i don't think her hair would have greyed, and i don't think her name color would have changed. it has to do with experience and perspective somehow. to my mind Silverbark's silver is the ultimate tell that her initial impression as the same silly girl that everyone remembered was a front she was putting on. something has changed in her deep, deep down, and in a way the whole space opera side of things emerged out of my own desire to understand what changed. perhaps one could make some inferences there given Padua's color conventions.
in the case of Risk and Dare, i take sort of an opposite approach-- and here i'm now realizing this actually pretty closely mirrors my philosophy about who gets first person narration. imo there's two primary ways one takes control of their own narration. one side, the Dirk side, is brute force. the other side, June's side, is self-realization. so you have two poles, one associated with external power and the control of others, the other associated with internal clarity and a desire to live one's own life more genuinely. i know this particular verbalization makes it sound like one is good and one is bad, but i think you can look at the events of godfeels and say pretty definitively that both camps are just as capable of doing both really good shit and really terrible shit. how you got power certainly informs how you use that power, but it's hard not to think of obama running on hope and change only to turn around and become just as bad as the last guy, dismantling every apparatus of party organization that got him in power and made sure the dnc would never ever run a campaign that effective again. it's complicated, baby. there's no easy answers in life, and there's no easy answers in godfeels.
so anyway in Davepeta's case, you've got a name color change due to a cosmic fusion, the result essentially of a basic math problem. in Silverbark's case, you've got a name color change due to some level of personal/political ascension, a crossing of some kind of rubicon that came with great benefits at what looks to have been a pretty heavy cost.
with Risk and Dare, you've got name color changes as a result of literal self-actualization. it is with Dare's insistence that their name is Dare and they do exist that they finally push through the veil between internal self and external self, forcing June to acknowledge that they are in fact Real and Whole and Independent from her in some key way while also being equally part of her, inextricable from her. it's the final expression of Dare's arc-- throughout chapter 8 they keep trying to find reasons to live, trying to find gods to believe in. they plead to June, they plead to the universe, they even plead to us as readers, and still they get no answer. it's only when they take their life into their own hands and embrace the name that X gives them that they reach the point of being In Control that allows them to fight back in the way that they do. you'll remember that when Epigone is making everyone sing happy birthday, Dare-as-J is the only one who seems to be able to put up any kind of resistance to the words being pushed out of their mouth.
in Risk's case, the motivation for the color change is similar but distinct. for her it's a matter of realizing that "Vriska" as an archetype just doesn't fit anymore. it's still self-actualization, but where Dare's was about fully knowing and embracing their right to exist as an individual, Risk's is about knowing and embracing her right to be someone who doesn't already exist. what exactly that means in the longterm remains to be seen, but you can be sure that it's gonna come up again eventually
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blaperile · 4 years
Homestuck^2 - Reactions Chapter 7 “Distress Call From The Closet” (Pages 170 - 191)
Chapter 7: "Distress Call From The Closet"
abundantChewtoys is probably right that this is referring to the closet Vriska, Vrissy and Tavros are currently hiding in!
The question is, who will they be calling?
At first I'd think Harry Anderson, but if Jane's sending her troops over there they might need more back-up then that. Will Vrissy call upon her mothers and/or the rest of the resistance to get them out of there?
Oh man, I really hope they're all gonna join the resistance.
Page 170:
Yup, that's indeed the scene we're headed back to!
Page 171:
Pffahaha, yup, Harry Anderson definitely didn't see this coming.
I love how they also have Instagram on Earth C... At least they didn't name it Vriskagram here. Though that would have been hilarious. :P
Let's see what Harry Anderson can think of... is he going to call John??
Page 172:
Pffff, yeah I can imagine Rose and Kanaya would be very angry about what they did on one hand, and on the other hand probably be happy that Gamzee is out of the picture.
Oh wow, we're going to Roxy's home! Looks like we'll be seeing some of Roxy and John's stuff then! :O
It's interesting how we're explicitly avoiding seeing any of the adults here on Candy Earth, with the exception of Jane and Jake. I wonder if it's going to remain this way, that we won't see any of the others?
Page 173:
Wait what? They had Gamzee's body with him?
I thought they'd dropped him in the hallway when the sprinklers went off?
So uh... are they just going to leave him here then? I wonder what will happen to his body in that case. Is Jane going to retrieve and revive him?
Page 174:
Pfffff, oh Vriska.
Don't tell me we're gonna see the door close now, and then get a sign he's still alive after all?
After all, if there's one thing we've learned, don't turn your back on the body!
Page 175:
I love how my theory I just wrote a couple of pages ago, about explicitly avoiding seeing any of the adults around (except for Jane and Jake) was immediately shot.
So, just goes to show that it IS possible we'll still be seeing both Meat AND Candy versions of particular characters (other than Dave)! Seeing as we've first had Meat Karkat, and now Candy Karkat.
Pfff, yeah, that description does sound like a pamphlet would phrase it. Especially considering Karkat didn't like being called Commander, like he told Swifer. :P
For a second I thought Meenah had a golf club, until I realized it's her hair. xD
Oh yeah, I wonder what they're gonna look like!!! All those descriptions of Karkat have been pretty badass, with his eyepatch and all. And I just wonder what an older and alive Meenah would look like. Does she look somewhat like The Condesce now?
Page 176:
Yeah, I can understand they wouldn't let Karkat participate in the most dangerous operations. It happens all of the time despite his wishes, haha. Just think of when Kanaya made him sleep on LOFAF so he wouldn't risk his life in battle.
Pfff, so Swifer is also still around! And near them, not just tending to the Mother Grub in their hideout then.
It was to be expected that Karkat wouldn't mind Gamzee being dead. Karkat suffered enough from that douchebag.
I love how anticlimatic Meenah is reacting to the news of Vriska being here.
The question is, are they now going to head over to retrieve these people and secure them within the rebellion?
Page 177:
Oh wow!!! The response to Gamzee's death is way different than I would have thought. I'd thought it would make people more angry at Karkat, but no, they're getting angry at Jane! That's a positive side-effect I had not expected.
But yeah, like Karkat is saying, better be careful that Jane doesn't use it to her own advantage either.
I like how all those people are using that ICP clown symbol.
Page 178:
KARKAT IS GOING TO CONTACT JOHN??? Is John finally going to appear in Homestuck^2??? I'd really started fearing he'd NEVER show up!
...And watch this be a psyche and Karkat contacts Harry Anderson instead, seeing as it's also an Egbert. xD
Ooooh, look at that eyepatch. I love it, and we haven't even seen the rest of Karkat yet. I like how they're teasding their appearances but not showing them just yet.
Page 179:
Look at that house! I really love the design. The slick white design reminds me a bit of Rose and Roxy's old homes.
And it's even located near the coast! Maybe Roxy wanted that, because she grew up in the middle of the ocean?
I wonder if he's still got that moustache that the Epilogues referred to.
The question is, will John already have received the call from Karkat by now?
And what kind of car did Harry Anderson provide his friends? A clown car? :P
Page 180:
OH SHIT!!! So that part of the Candy Epilogue was taking place NOW! :O
That perfectly explains why John hadn't showed up yet until now. Oh hell yes! :D
Just look at them... John and Roxy definitely look like themselves, except older of course.
Welp, too bad John already shaved that moustache apparently. Oh well, at least we got to see Jake's moustache. :P
So yeah, what we saw at the end of that Epilogue conversation was that John and Harry Anderson would be going for a ride. Is John going to receive that call from Karkat during that ride?
I like that they didn't forget to draw those glasses of water that Roxy explicitly retrieved from the kitchen at some point during that conversation.
Page 181:
Oh wow, I didn't think they'd be arriving so soon! Too bad we didn't get to see the car they came with, haha.
Oh Harry Anderson. You sure got your priorities straight. He really is John's son. The TRUE pranking master. xD
Page 182:
Oooh, look at Roxy. Her outfit reminds me of Rose's Mom!
I like that she does look happy, after all that just happened between her and John.
It's probably not going to happen, but it would be so hilarious if she notices that they're hiding behind the bushes.
Page 183:
Pfff, oh Tavros. Feeling a bit jealous here.
I wonder what Harry Anderson's room will look like! Will it resemble John and Roxy's old rooms a bit, or will it be something else entirely?
Page 184:
Hey look, a command! The first time here in the Candy chapters. Of course it's a totally nonsensical one. :P
That... wow, that's DEFINITELY something else entirely than John and Roxy's old rooms.
Is... is that a Pokémon poster??? :O
Don't mind me, just fanboying here as a big Pokémon fan, but now I'm very curious to hear about Harry Anderson's interest in Pokémon. xD
Ahahaha, I love how the narration is like a classic Homestuck introduction! Despite missing its kid. :P
So, he likes musicals and sewing clothing! That's definitely something else than his parents! That's pretty fascinating, I kinda hope we'll hear more of those interests later.
And goddammit, if for some reason we ever have a musical flash, HARRY ANDERSON MUST SING IN IT.
Does... does this mean Pokémon is a musical here? :O
Page 185:
Sprite Mode! :D
Vrissy's Sprite Mode reminds me a bit of Aranea.
Page 186:
Pffffff, that's NOT the reaction I expected Vrissy to have to this. I thought she would be weirded out, but nope, she's loving it. xD
Also, I love how Vriska's casually trying out Harry Anderson's stuff. Is she gonna settle on one of them and take it with her?
Page 187:
Oh man, Vriska's going to settle on this one, right? It's Terezi's colour after all. That would be pretty sweet.
And Vrissy's sure having some doubts. I mean, Vriska didn't want Vrissy to become more like her, but it seems Vrissy doesn't know what SHE wants.
It'll be interesting to see what path she takes.
Page 188:
There he is! I assume John just dropped Harry Anderson off and left then? And Roxy's presumably still at the store.
But yeah, what ARE they going to do now? Is Harry Anderson going to run away from home with them all, and will they all join the rebellion?
Or are we going to see John as he receives Karkat's call?
Page 189:
Wow... look at John. I love the way he's animated here.
But uh, abundantChewtoys has got a fair point. How is he receiving a call on his phone... when Vriska swiped his phone earlier?
Let's say that indeed he had two phones on him, like a sensible person. :P
Let's say that when Terezi left to go back to the Furthest Ring, John kept using that phone to keep in touch with Terezi and eventually switched to another phone for the rest of his business and that it's just that first phone he's now lost.
Ahahahaha, this interaction with Karkat. John's completely clueless. I wonder what his reaction is going to be!
I mean, he won't mind Gamzee being dead, but what will he think about the rest of it?
Page 190:
He's finding this WAY too funny. Ahahaha, I guess he's probably also compensating a bit for all those negative emotions he'd been feeling up to this point.
John and his facial expressions. NEVER GETS OLD.
Page 191:
Oh god... John's got a plan??? Oh man, what's he gonna do?
Uptil now, he refused to involve himself in the rebellion because he felt he didn't care enough about what was happening, but maybe now after his talk with Roxy he's finally got everything he needs to side with the rebellion?
I can't WAIT to see what John's got in store.
I'm so PUMPED for this. I'm so relieved that he's actually still going to be relevant in this story, I'd actually become afraid he wouldn't appear or only barely.
Things are definitely kicking into gear in this timeline!
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