#terrified i'm going to lose interest in bg3. please it's been so nice having a fixation like that again after all these years
rackartyg ยท 4 months
my brain and body for the past week: Bad
me: ok what do you need. a vegetable? a walk?
brain and body: Bad!!
me: a treat? let's play some bg3, that's always a nice time
brain and body: no. everything is bad and we refuse to be distracted
me: okay fuck you too, let's be productive then
brain and body: not that either. Badness Is Pervasive And Eternal
cycle tracker app: hi! if it helps at all, we're in the fortnight between ovulation and menstruation ๐Ÿ˜‡
me: ohhh
cycle tracker app: just be glad there's no suicidal ideation this time buddy
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