kunalp1234 · 2 years
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moleculardepot · 2 years
Rose Bengal (Highly Pure)
Rose Bengal (Highly Pure)
Rose Bengal (Highly Pure) Catalog number: B2012340 Lot number: Batch Dependent Expiration Date: Batch dependent Amount: 1 g Molecular Weight or Concentration: 1017.6 g/mol Supplied as: Powder Applications: molecular tool for various biochemical applications Storage: -20°C Keywords: 4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-3′,6′-dihydroxy-2′,4′,5′,7′-tetraiodo-spiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9′-[9H]xanthen]-3-one Grade:…
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neurotoxiceffects · 3 years
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(alt text: different neurotoxins listed including manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, DDT/DDE, Tetrachloro-ethylene (PERC), Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs), Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Toluene, Ethanol, and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) as well as a little image that is the source of each. Source: The Atlantic article written by James Hamblin)
I came across this image that goes into different neurotoxins and where they are found. In one of the previous blog posts, I talked about how lead is a neurotoxin found in paint on old houses. Ethanol, found in alcohols, was another everyday neurotoxin talked about in a previous blog post.
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Lupine Publisher|Evaluation of the Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Using Fasting Blood Glucose and Glycated Heamoglobin in Yenagoa Metropolis
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Lupine Publisher|Journal of Diabetes and Obesity
There is understanding that most pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus stands the risk of having adverse obstetric and perinatal outcome. The need for an early detection and effective management of this problem with a view to ensure better maternal and fetal protection was the driving thrust for this study. Through the application of spectrophotometric methods employing enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems, the concentration of fasting blood glucose (FBG) and glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) were determined in 2nd and 3rd trimester pregnant women and compared with non-pregnant women. Data were analysed using student’s t-test with the aid of Graph pad Prism (R) software version 6.10 at p<0.05 values considered statistically significant. Result reveals that 11% of pregnant women investigated had gestational diabetes mellitus in Yenagoa metropolis. Our findings elucidate the danger of gestational diabetes mellitus, its prevalence and the need to allow for effective proactive intervention program regarding screening and management and in addition highlight areas requiring further research.
Keywords: Gestation; Diabetes mellitus; Fasting blood glucose; Glycated hemoglobin
Abbrevations: FBG: Fasting Blood Glucose; GDM: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus; RBC: Red Blood Cells; EDTA: Ethylene Diamine Tetrachloro Acetic Acid
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disease conditions that have significantly contributed to increasing health burden and financial problem of many countries worldwide. Although the prevalence and screening methods for the two major clinical subgroups type 1 and type 2 diabetes are well researched and to a large extent, the mechanism are understood, other subgroups of this disease notably gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are less established. Gestational diabetes mellitus is defined as glucose intolerance of variable degree with onset or first recognition during pregnancy which as a concept, existed since 1964 [1,2] established that GDM occurs in about 2-10% of all pregnancies and the condition may improve or disappear after delivery. Studies of [3] have observed that GDM is estimated to affect 1% to 14% of pregnancies in the United States annually, depending on the population studied and the diagnosis test method used. It has been shown in [4] that gestational diabetes mellitus prevalence has been steadily increasing with the rise of obesity and type 2diabetes. Both birth certificates and pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system which include questionnaire completed by others can provide population based prevalence estimate of gestational diabetes mellitus.
Studies indicates that whereas specificity for gestational diabetes mellitus is high, on the birth certificate sensitivity is as low as 48%, thus gestational diabetes prevalence obtained from the birth certificate alone is likely underestimated. In contrast, pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system may overestimate GDM prevalence. The exact mechanism underlying GDM is still not clear. The hallmark of GDM however, is increased insulin resistance. As elucidated [5] pregnancy hormones and other factors are thought to interfere with the action of insulin as it readily binds to the insulin receptor. Insulin resistance is known to be a normal phenomenon which sparks up in the second trimester of pregnancy and progresses further thereafter to levels seen in non-pregnant patients with type 2 diabetes. It is unclear why some patients are unable to balance needs and develop GDM but it has been shown by [6] and [7] that autoimmunity, single gene mutations, obesity and other mechanism cannot be ruled out. Studies by [8-10] have ascribed this problem to loss of insulin producing beta cells of the islet of Langer hans. It had earlier been shown [11] that women with gestational diabetes are at high risk for pregnancy and delivery complications including infant macrosomia, neonatal hypoglycemia and cesarean delivery. Earlier work by [12] revealed that women who are affected by GDM have more increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes 5 to 10 years after delivery. It has also been shown by [13] that children born to mothers with gestational diabetes are also more likely to develop impaired glucose tolerance. It has been shown by [14] that glycated hemoglobin is a form of hemoglobin that is measured primarily to identify the three month average plasma glucose concentration. The test is limited to three months average plasma glucose concentration. This is because the life span of a red blood cell is four months about (120 days). However, since red blood cells (RBcs), do not all undergo lysis at the same time, glycated hemoglobin is taken as a limited measure of 3 months. Glycated hemoglobin is a measure of the beta-N-1-deoxyfructosyl component of hemoglobin. Previous report shows that normal levels of glucose produce a normal amount of glycated hemoglobin [15]. When blood glucose is high, glucose molecules attach to the hemoglobin in red cells. The longer hyperglycemia persists, the more glucose bind to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells and the higher the glycated hemoglobin. Once hemoglobin molecule is glycated, it remains that way. A build up of glycated hemoglobin within the red cell therefore reflect the average level of glucose to which cells have been exposed during its life-cycle.
Measuring glycated hemoglobin assesses the effectiveness of therapy by monitoring long-term glucose regulation. It has been shown that measurement of glycated hemoglobin is effective in monitoring long-term glucose control in people with diabetes mellitus [16]. It provides a retrospective index of the integrated plasma glucose values over an extended period of time and is not subject to the wide fluctuations observed when assaying blood glucose concentration. Our findings and implications for life of gestational diabetes mellitus patients are encapsulated in this work.
Material and Methods
The study was conducted in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria among pregnant women in second and third trimester of pregnancy attending clinic in Diette Koki Hospital and Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital. The study population consisted of 100 pregnant women and 100 non-pregnant women that served as control.Ethical approval for this human study was obtained both from the Niger Delta University and the Diette Koki Hospital. Patients consent were sought for and agreed before sample collection commenced.
5.0ml of venous blood was collected from fasting subjects at 8.30am and the samples were ali quoted to fluoride bottle and ethylene diamine tetrachloro acetic acid (EDTA) containers. Sample in fluoride containers were spun to obtain serum for glucose determination. Samples in EDTA bottle were used for glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) determination.
Analytical method
Glucose was determined by the glucose-oxidase-peroxidase method (Randox Product, UK). The glucose in sample was catalysed oxidatively by the glucose oxidase and converted to hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acid. The hydrogen peroxide was broken down by peroxidase and oxygen released reacts with 4-aminophenozone and phenol to give pink color whose absorbance was measured at 540nm with the use of spectrophotometer 22D+ (product of UNISCOPE, England). Glycated hemoglobin was determined nonenzymatically by first cleaving hemoglobin into peptides by the enzymes endoproteinase Glu-c, and in a second step by the glycated and non-glycated N-terminal hexa peptides of the ß–chain obtained were separated and quantified by ion-exchange high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-Esi/ms) with UV-detection. Principle depend on the fact that a non-enzymatic reaction occurs between glucose and the N-terminal of the Beta-chain forming a Schiff base which is itself converted to 1-deoxyfructose an Amadori rearrangement. The longer hyperglycemia occurs in blood, the more glucose binds to hemoglobin and the higher the glycated hemoglobin concentration.
Statistical analysis
Data were analysed using student’s t-test with the aid of Graph pad Prism (R) software version 6.01 p values of <0.05 were considered statistically significant.
The concentration of glucose and glycated hemoglobin in pregnant and non-pregnant subjects is shown in tables below. Table 1 is a one sample statistics for the pregnant women showing their glucose level and glycated hemoglobin. In Table 2 below show a comparison plot of glucose concentration in pregnant and nonpregnant. In Table 3 below a one sample statistics is shown for glycated hemoglobin concentration in pregnant and non-pregnant (Table 4) and (Figure 1).
Table 1:   Glucose and HbA1c concentration.
t=31.398, p=0.0001. P is significant at <0.05. Values on table suggest a relationship at p = 0.0001
Figure 1:   Is a scatter plot showing the relationship of glucose with glycated hemoglobin. The plot shows that both parameters correlate positively.
Table 2:   Glucose concentration in pregnant and non-pregnant subjects.
t=31.398, p=0.0001. P is significant at <0.05. Values on table suggest a relationship at p = 0.0001
Table 3:   Glycated Haemoglobin in pregnant and non-pregnant.
t=17.71, P=0.0001. P is significant at <0.05. Values on table suggest a relationship at p = 0.0001
Table 4:   Glucose and glycated Haemoglobin concentration in non-pregnant.
t=55.21. P=0.0001. P is significant at <0.05. Values on table suggest a relationship at p = 0.0001
Concern for the health of the pregnant woman and he unborn child have driven the heightened interest in the investigation of gestational diabetes mellitus. The diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes are varied and include screening of high risk patients, strong history of diabetes, and history of abnormal glucose metabolism, presence of glucosuria, diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome, overweight and being a member of an ethnic/racial group with a high prevalence of diabetes mellitus. Pregnancy is known to induce a state of insulin resistance. This condition is usually elucidated especially at late pregnancy due to lowering of the renal threshold. Under this condition there is an increased demand on ß-cells function which may reveal sub-clinical aberrations in carbohydrate homeostasis which may not be normally apparent in a non-pregnant woman.
The present study which is the first of its kind undertaken in this part of the country showed the prevalence of GDM as 11%. It has however been reported variably from 1.4-14% worldwide and differently among racial and ethnic groups [3]. It was revealed that values obtained also depend on the population studied and the diagnostic test used [2]. Studies by [17] revealed that gestational diabetes mellitus rate differ by state with the greatest variation attributable to difference in obesity. Obesity is known to be associated with gestational diabetes and could be prevented if we reduce the risk of overweight women. Preventing obesity is a key component of good women care regardless of pregnancy intention.
We have used only those pregnant women whose glucose was close or above the threshold of 10.0mmol/l in this study in determining the prevalence on account of the criticality of the threshold value. The inclusion of the glycated hemoglobin in this study was intended to show how they correlate in GDM in consideration of the complications in diabetes. Earlier result [18] had epitomized this epidemiological profile of diabetics in pregnancy. The study by [19] also brought to the fore the need for care of diabetic mothers. It has also been recognized that most women with GDM revert back to normal glucose metabolism after delivery of their babies. It has however been observed that they stand the risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life as are their offspring. Other common maternal complications include hypertension, vaginal candidiasis and abruption placenta with the possibility of macrosomia and stillbirths occurring in the fetus.
Our findings in this work are to a large extent at tandem with those found in the literature both at national and international level. The inference to be drawn from this study is that Yenagoa metropolis inspite of its differential ethnicity being a state capital, living standard, and variation in food is not significantly different from the diabetic incursion world over.
In conclusion, this work buttresses the need to initiate effective policy guidelines with intervention programmes to systematically structure and strengthen care for the pregnant woman and the fetus.
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hardcoreakan · 7 years
Quick Reference Guide
Name- Akanov Nikolaivich
Nicknames-  Akan, Snowflake/Snow White/Paper (by Verin)
Zodiac sign- Gemini/Tiger
Gender- male
Favorite color- Reds, browns, and oranges
Average hours of sleep- 6-8, depending on the night
Last thing you googled- “practical uses of tetrachloro 3 nitrobenzene”
Height- 6′1″
Name- Your MOM
Nicknames- Galibi
Zodiac sign- Scorpio/Rabbit
Gender- female
Favorite color- maroon red
Average hours of sleep- 8ish
Last thing you googled- ”Jace Berelen” (@mtg players u know whats up)
Height- 5′ 8″
Tagged by @one-man-war-machine
tagging @stridande @neverarhyme @motherfvckingphoenix
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2017 Global Tetrachloro-p-Benzoquinone Market in North America, Europe and Asia
2017 Global Tetrachloro-p-Benzoquinone Market in North America, Europe and Asia
The Global Tetrachloro-p-Benzoquinone Market Research Report 2017 offers a Worldwide survey on Tetrachloro-p-Benzoquinone Industry including the current Tetrachloro-p-Benzoquinone market tendency and market status. The Tetrachloro-p-Benzoquinone Report focuses on the market in major continents, Like North America Tetrachloro-p-Benzoquinone Market, Tetrachloro-p-Benzoquinone Market in Europe and…
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healthtimetaylor · 5 years
Aged garlic extract and its constituent, S-allyl-L-cysteine, induce the apoptosis of neuroblastoma cancer cells
PMID:  Exp Ther Med. 2020 Feb ;19(2):1511-1521. Epub 2019 Dec 27. PMID: 32010332 Abstract Title:  Aged garlic extract and its constituent, S-allyl-L-cysteine, induce the apoptosis of neuroblastoma cancer cells due to mitochondrial membrane depolarization. Abstract:  Aged garlic extract (AGE) has been demonstrated to have therapeutic properties in tumors; however its mechanisms of action have not yet been fully elucidated. A previous study revealed that AGE exerts an anti-proliferative effect on a panel of both sensitive [wild-type (WT)] and multidrug-resistant (MDR) human cancer cells. Following treatment of the cells with AGE, cytofluorimetric analysis revealed the occurrence of dose-dependent mitochondrial membrane depolarization (MMD). In this study, in order to further clarify the mechanisms of action of AGE, the effects of AGE on mitochondria isolated from rat liver mitochondria (RLM) were also examined. AGE induced an effect on the components of the electrochemical gradient (Δµ), mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨ) and mitochondrial electrochemical gradient (ΔpH). The mitochondrial membrane dysfunctions of RLM induced by AGE, namely the decrease in both membrane potential and chemical gradient were associated with a higher oxidation of both the endogenous glutathione and pyridine nucleotide content. To confirm the anti-proliferative effects of AGE, experiments were performed on the human neuroblastoma (NB) cancer cells, SJ-N-KP and the MYCN-amplified IMR5 cells, using its derivative S-allyl-L-cysteine (SAC), with the aim of providing evidence of the anticancer activity of this compound and its possible molecular mechanism as regards the induction of cytotoxicity. Following treatment of the cells with SAC at 20 mM, cell viability was determined by MTT assay and apoptosis was detected by flow cytometry, using Annexin V-FITC labeling. The percentages of cells undergoing apoptosis was found to be 48.0% in the SJ-N-KP and 50.1% in the IMR5 cells. By cytofluorimetric analysis, it was suggested that the target of SAC are the mitochondria. Mitochondrial activity was examined by labeling the cells with the probe, 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethylimidacarbocyanine iodide (JC-1). Following treatment with SAC at 50 mM, both NB cell lines exhibited a marked increase in MMD. On the whole, the findings of this study indicate that both natural products, AGE and SAC, cause cytotoxicity to tumor cells via the induction of mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT).
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priyanka16me · 5 years
Impact of Existing and Emerging Carbon Tetrachloride Market By 2023
Carbon tetrachloride is a sweet smelling colorless liquid, also known by other names such as tetra chloromethane and carbon tet. Carbon tetrachloride is a vital chemical which was introduced by a French chemist in 1839 and has been an important inorganic chemical since. It is manufactured commercially as a by-product of chlorination of methane. It is synthesized during the manufacturing of other chloromethane products such as dichloromethane. Carbon tetra chloride molecules contains only one carbon atom which is surrounded by four chloride atoms. It is tetrahydral in shape and is highly symmetrical. Tetra chloromethane is a non polar compound similar to methane gas. Carbon tetrachloride is a very good solvent. Being a non polar compound, it readily dissolves other non polar compounds such as oil, fat and iodine.
Planning to lay down strategy for the next few years? Our report can help shape your plan better.
Carbon tetrachloride was extensively used as a fire extinguisher, refrigerant and cleaning agents. It was widely used to produce chloroflurocarbon refrigerants. However, chloroflurocarbon was banned after research proved that it is an ozone depleting agent. This in turn decreased the demand for carbon tetrachloride. Despite carbon tetrachloride being used as pesticides to kill insects in grains, its usage was banned in U.S. in 1970 owing to the increasing health concerns related to tetrachloro carbon-containing pesticides. Hence these uses are considered as historic usages of this compound. Presently, carbon tetrachloride is used in significant quantities as a laboratory reagent. It is used as a solvent and a source of chlorine in a wide range of chemicals. Moreover this inorganic compound is a hepatotoxin. It means it is toxic to liver and hence is used in scientific research as a hepatoprotective agent.
Asia Pacific is the largest as well as the fastest growing market for Carbon tetrachloride and other chlorine containing hydrocarbons. The demand for Carbon tetrachloride is rising due to its increasing demand from application industries and increasing population needs. China has emerged as the leader in Asia Pacific for this industry. Some of the other major markets in this region are India, South Korea and Japan. South Asian countries contribute significantly for the growing demand for carbon tetrachloride. Emerging economies such as Taiwan, Indonesia and Malaysia have been organizing major global chemical industry events over the past few years. Increased industrial manufacturing activities and local production is boosting the demand for this compound in Asia-Pacific region. In North America and Europe the demand for carbon tetrachloride was significantly high over the past decade. However the demand in these two regions has declined recently due to the environmental regulations by government agencies such as U.S. Environmental Protection agency. Extensive research studies highlights that consumption of carbon tetrachloride gives results in emission of gases such as Chloro fluro carbon (CFC) which is termed as a harmful gas as it leads to ozone layer depletion and is banned in North America and European Union. Owing to this regulatory legislation, the usage of carbon tetrachloride as a refrigerant and fire extinguishers has been replaced by tetrachloroethylene. However the demand for tetrachloro methane as hepatoprotective agents and laboratory reagents is increasing globally. Increasing chemical manufacturing activities in Brazil and Russia is also increasing the demand for this compound in Rest of the World regions.
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Some of the major carbon tetrachloride manufacturing companies are AkzoNobel N.V., Occidental Chemical Corporation, Ineos, Solvay S.A., Kem One, Shin-Etsu, Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. and Tokuyama Corporation.
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cmfelatestarticle · 5 years
Carbon Tetrachloride Market to Rear Excessive Growth During 2023
Carbon tetrachloride is a sweet smelling colorless liquid, also known by other names such as tetra chloromethane and carbon tet. Carbon tetrachloride is a vital chemical which was introduced by a French chemist in 1839 and has been an important inorganic chemical since. It is manufactured commercially as a by-product of chlorination of methane. It is synthesized during the manufacturing of other chloromethane products such as dichloromethane. Carbon tetra chloride molecules contains only one carbon atom which is surrounded by four chloride atoms. It is tetrahydral in shape and is highly symmetrical. Tetra chloromethane is a non polar compound similar to methane gas. Carbon tetrachloride is a very good solvent. Being a non polar compound, it readily dissolves other non polar compounds such as oil, fat and iodine.
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Carbon tetrachloride was extensively used as a fire extinguisher, refrigerant and cleaning agents. It was widely used to produce chloroflurocarbon refrigerants. However, chloroflurocarbon was banned after research proved that it is an ozone depleting agent. This in turn decreased the demand for carbon tetrachloride. Despite carbon tetrachloride being used as pesticides to kill insects in grains, its usage was banned in U.S. in 1970 owing to the increasing health concerns related to tetrachloro carbon-containing pesticides. Hence these uses are considered as historic usages of this compound. Presently, carbon tetrachloride is used in significant quantities as a laboratory reagent. It is used as a solvent and a source of chlorine in a wide range of chemicals. Moreover this inorganic compound is a hepatotoxin. It means it is toxic to liver and hence is used in scientific research as a hepatoprotective agent.
Asia Pacific is the largest as well as the fastest growing market for Carbon tetrachloride and other chlorine containing hydrocarbons. The demand for Carbon tetrachloride is rising due to its increasing demand from application industries and increasing population needs. China has emerged as the leader in Asia Pacific for this industry. Some of the other major markets in this region are India, South Korea and Japan. South Asian countries contribute significantly for the growing demand for carbon tetrachloride. Emerging economies such as Taiwan, Indonesia and Malaysia have been organizing major global chemical industry events over the past few years. Increased industrial manufacturing activities and local production is boosting the demand for this compound in Asia-Pacific region. In North America and Europe the demand for carbon tetrachloride was significantly high over the past decade. However the demand in these two regions has declined recently due to the environmental regulations by government agencies such as U.S. Environmental Protection agency. Extensive research studies highlights that consumption of carbon tetrachloride gives results in emission of gases such as Chloro fluro carbon (CFC) which is termed as a harmful gas as it leads to ozone layer depletion and is banned in North America and European Union. Owing to this regulatory legislation, the usage of carbon tetrachloride as a refrigerant and fire extinguishers has been replaced by tetrachloroethylene. However the demand for tetrachloro methane as hepatoprotective agents and laboratory reagents is increasing globally. Increasing chemical manufacturing activities in Brazil and Russia is also increasing the demand for this compound in Rest of the World regions.
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Some of the major carbon tetrachloride manufacturing companies are AkzoNobel N.V., Occidental Chemical Corporation, Ineos, Solvay S.A., Kem One, Shin-Etsu, Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. and Tokuyama Corporation.
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kunalp1234 · 2 years
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moleculardepot · 2 years
JC-1 (Highly Pure)
JC-1 (Highly Pure) Catalog number: B2011451 Lot number: Batch Dependent Expiration Date: Batch dependent Amount: 2.5 mg Molecular Weight or Concentration: 652.2 g/mol Supplied as: Lyophilized Applications: molecular tool for various biochemical applications Storage: -20 °C Keywords: 5,5′,6,6′-tetrachloro-1,1′,3,3′-tetraethylbenzimidazolylcarbocyanine iodide Grade: Biotechnology grade. All…
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trendingnewz-blog · 6 years
Carbon Tetrachloride Market Industrial Forecast On Global Industry Analysis and Trends till 2023
Carbon tetrachloride is a sweet smelling colorless liquid, also known by other names such as tetra chloromethane and carbon tet. Carbon tetrachloride is a vital chemical which was introduced by a French chemist in 1839 and has been an important inorganic chemical since. It is manufactured commercially as a by-product of chlorination of methane. It is synthesized during the manufacturing of other chloromethane products such as dichloromethane. Carbon tetra chloride molecules contains only one carbon atom which is surrounded by four chloride atoms. It is tetrahydral in shape and is highly symmetrical. Tetra chloromethane is a non polar compound similar to methane gas. Carbon tetrachloride is a very good solvent. Being a non polar compound, it readily dissolves other non polar compounds such as oil, fat and iodine.
Carbon tetrachloride was extensively used as a fire extinguisher, refrigerant and cleaning agents. It was widely used to produce chloroflurocarbon refrigerants. However, chloroflurocarbon was banned after research proved that it is an ozone depleting agent. This in turn decreased the demand for carbon tetrachloride. Despite carbon tetrachloride being used as pesticides to kill insects in grains, its usage was banned in U.S. in 1970 owing to the increasing health concerns related to tetrachloro carbon-containing pesticides. Hence these uses are considered as historic usages of this compound. Presently, carbon tetrachloride is used in significant quantities as a laboratory reagent. It is used as a solvent and a source of chlorine in a wide range of chemicals. Moreover this inorganic compound is a hepatotoxin. It means it is toxic to liver and hence is used in scientific research as a hepatoprotective agent.
Read Report Overview @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/carbon-tetrachloride-market.html
Asia Pacific is the largest as well as the fastest growing market for Carbon tetrachloride and other chlorine containing hydrocarbons. The demand for Carbon tetrachloride is rising due to its increasing demand from application industries and increasing population needs. China has emerged as the leader in Asia Pacific for this industry. Some of the other major markets in this region are India, South Korea and Japan. South Asian countries contribute significantly for the growing demand for carbon tetrachloride. Emerging economies such as Taiwan, Indonesia and Malaysia have been organizing major global chemical industry events over the past few years.
Increased industrial manufacturing activities and local production is boosting the demand for this compound in Asia-Pacific region. In North America and Europe the demand for carbon tetrachloride was significantly high over the past decade. However the demand in these two regions has declined recently due to the environmental regulations by government agencies such as U.S. Environmental Protection agency. Extensive research studies highlights that consumption of carbon tetrachloride gives results in emission of gases such as Chloro fluro carbon (CFC) which is termed as a harmful gas as it leads to ozone layer depletion and is banned in North America and European Union. Owing to this regulatory legislation, the usage of carbon tetrachloride as a refrigerant and fire extinguishers has been replaced by tetrachloroethylene. However the demand for tetrachloro methane as hepatoprotective agents and laboratory reagents is increasing globally. Increasing chemical manufacturing activities in Brazil and Russia is also increasing the demand for this compound in Rest of the World regions.
Some of the major carbon tetrachloride manufacturing companies are AkzoNobel N.V., Occidental Chemical Corporation, Ineos, Solvay S.A., Kem One, Shin-Etsu, Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. and Tokuyama Corporation.
This research report analyzes this market on the basis of its market segments, major geographies, and current market trends. Geographies analyzed under this research report include
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
Latin America
This report provides comprehensive analysis of
Market growth drivers
Factors limiting market growth
Current market trends
Market structure
Market projections for upcoming years
This report is a complete study of current trends in the market, industry growth drivers, and restraints. It provides market projections for the coming years. It includes analysis of recent developments in technology, Porter’s five force model analysis and detailed profiles of top industry players. The report also includes a review of micro and macro factors essential for the existing market players and new entrants along with detailed value chain analysis.
Request Report Brochure @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=6493
Reasons for Buying this Report
This report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics
It provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growth
It provides a six-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to grow
It helps in understanding the key product segments and their future
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It helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segments
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eurekamag--com · 7 years
Anaerobic degradation of 1,1,1,2-tetrachloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DTE)
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healthtimetaylor · 5 years
Licochalcone A induces T24 bladder cancer cell apoptosis by increasing intracellular calcium levels.
PMID:  Mol Med Rep. 2016 Jul ;14(1):911-9. Epub 2016 May 24. PMID: 27221781 Abstract Title:  Licochalcone A induces T24 bladder cancer cell apoptosis by increasing intracellular calcium levels. Abstract:  Licochalcone A (LCA) has been reported to significantly inhibit cell proliferation, increase reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, and induce apoptosis of T24 human bladder cancer cells via mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-triggered signaling pathways. Based on these findings, the present study aimed to investigate the mechanisms by which LCA induces apoptosis of T24 cells. Cultured T24 cells were treated with LCA, and cell viability was measured using the sulforhodamine B assay. Apoptosis was detected by flow cytometry with Annexin V/propidium iodide staining, and by fluorescent microscopy with Hoechst 33258 staining. The levels of intracellular free calcium ions were determined using Fluo-3 AM dye marker. Intracellular ROS levels were assessed using the 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate probe assay. The mitochondrial membrane potential was measured using 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethyl benzimidazole carbocyanine iodide. Furthermore, the mRNA expression levels of B‑cell lymphoma (Bcl)‑extra large, Bcl‑2‑associated X protein, Bcl‑2‑interacting mediator of cell death, apoptotic protease activating factor‑1 (Apaf‑1), calpain 2, cysteinyl aspartate specific proteinase (caspase)‑3, caspase‑4 and caspase‑9 were determined using reverse transcription semiquantitative and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analyses. Treatment with LCA inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis of T24 cells, and increased intracellular Ca2+levels and ROS production. Furthermore, LCA induced mitochondrial dysfunction, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, and increased the mRNA expression levels of Apaf‑1, caspase‑9 and caspase‑3. Exposure of T24 cells to LCA also triggered calpain 2 and caspase‑4 activation, resultingin apoptosis. These findings indicated that LCA increased intracellular Ca2+ levels, which may be associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. In addition, the ER stress pathway may be considered an important mechanism by which LCA induces apoptosis of T24 bladder cancer cells.
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cmfelatestarticle · 5 years
Carbon Tetrachloride Market to Observe Strong Development by 2023
Carbon tetrachloride is a sweet smelling colorless liquid, also known by other names such as tetra chloromethane and carbon tet. Carbon tetrachloride is a vital chemical which was introduced by a French chemist in 1839 and has been an important inorganic chemical since. It is manufactured commercially as a by-product of chlorination of methane. It is synthesized during the manufacturing of other chloromethane products such as dichloromethane. Carbon tetra chloride molecules contains only one carbon atom which is surrounded by four chloride atoms. It is tetrahydral in shape and is highly symmetrical. Tetra chloromethane is a non polar compound similar to methane gas. Carbon tetrachloride is a very good solvent. Being a non polar compound, it readily dissolves other non polar compounds such as oil, fat and iodine.
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Carbon tetrachloride was extensively used as a fire extinguisher, refrigerant and cleaning agents. It was widely used to produce chloroflurocarbon refrigerants. However, chloroflurocarbon was banned after research proved that it is an ozone depleting agent. This in turn decreased the demand for carbon tetrachloride. Despite carbon tetrachloride being used as pesticides to kill insects in grains, its usage was banned in U.S. in 1970 owing to the increasing health concerns related to tetrachloro carbon-containing pesticides. Hence these uses are considered as historic usages of this compound. Presently, carbon tetrachloride is used in significant quantities as a laboratory reagent. It is used as a solvent and a source of chlorine in a wide range of chemicals. Moreover this inorganic compound is a hepatotoxin. It means it is toxic to liver and hence is used in scientific research as a hepatoprotective agent.
Asia Pacific is the largest as well as the fastest growing market for Carbon tetrachloride and other chlorine containing hydrocarbons. The demand for Carbon tetrachloride is rising due to its increasing demand from application industries and increasing population needs. China has emerged as the leader in Asia Pacific for this industry. Some of the other major markets in this region are India, South Korea and Japan. South Asian countries contribute significantly for the growing demand for carbon tetrachloride. Emerging economies such as Taiwan, Indonesia and Malaysia have been organizing major global chemical industry events over the past few years. Increased industrial manufacturing activities and local production is boosting the demand for this compound in Asia-Pacific region. In North America and Europe the demand for carbon tetrachloride was significantly high over the past decade. However the demand in these two regions has declined recently due to the environmental regulations by government agencies such as U.S. Environmental Protection agency. Extensive research studies highlights that consumption of carbon tetrachloride gives results in emission of gases such as Chloro fluro carbon (CFC) which is termed as a harmful gas as it leads to ozone layer depletion and is banned in North America and European Union. Owing to this regulatory legislation, the usage of carbon tetrachloride as a refrigerant and fire extinguishers has been replaced by tetrachloroethylene. However the demand for tetrachloro methane as hepatoprotective agents and laboratory reagents is increasing globally. Increasing chemical manufacturing activities in Brazil and Russia is also increasing the demand for this compound in Rest of the World regions.
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Some of the major carbon tetrachloride manufacturing companies are AkzoNobel N.V., Occidental Chemical Corporation, Ineos, Solvay S.A., Kem One, Shin-Etsu, Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. and Tokuyama Corporation.
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kunalp1234 · 2 years
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