#thank u trans women ‼️
hello-yue-here · 3 years
are u a fucking idiot lol do you think queer like used to be a slur and..isnt now? bc everybody reclaimed it or something? if i see you and your friends and go look at that band of queers am i being inclusive❤️
hey anon does it ever get boring being so obsessed with me?? like im sure it doesnt because im so interesting and fun and sexy and queer and popular and amazing and hot and all. like period thank you for sending me anons calling me dumb so you get attention. im happy to give you the attention you so desperately crave but you dont need to hide behind anon and get pissy w me about the word queer and the fact that i literally identify as queer. like you can just ask for attention next time babe.
did u even read the full post i reblogged ab this
like did u
because all the questions ur asking me can be answered w that post. the history behind the word queer is there. the letter q in lgbtq+ stands for queer. the fact that terfs use the “queer is a slur” claim as a way to divide the QUEER community. ppl who use queer as a label arent the enemy booboo. the people who divide us are. so quit calling me an idiot and leaving anons on my blog and actually think about what the real issue is here. because it sure as hell aint one lil avatar fanblog who identifies as queer. there are bigger fish to fry and bigger issues in the queer community than the meaning behind the word queer.
for example:
black trans women are being murdered at very disproportionately high rates. but lets talk about how the word queer is such an issue.
the BBC is expected to end their involvement with an organization that upholds lgbtq+ rights for workers which is very appalling. but go ahead tell me why im the bad guy for thinking that queer isnt a slur. clearly thats the biggest issue here.
just look at the headline.
this is just the tip of the iceberg anon. “queer is a slur” is terf rhetoric to divide us and keep us from uniting to fight the real obstacles facing the community. arguing over the word queer is pointless and helps no one.
‼️if anyone has any links to donation pages, paypals, cashapps, etc. to help out queer people who are struggling, please feel free to add them to this post or send them to me so we can signal boost them that would be wonderful.‼️
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