#thank you for sending some sweet feedback even if you're a 'silent reader'
vanaera · 4 years
For the one fic ask game, can I ask more than one? Bc's I can relate (some of them) to The Prince and His Rose, You will Feel a Flash of Red, and Say Goodnight and Go. P.S. hey I'm your new 'silent reader' since 2 weeks ago, and finding your account feels like I've found a precious treasure/time capsule box! Gonna spend my quarantine reading all of your wonderful works and I hope life treats you well! -🍑
Of course you can ask more than one, hon! I'm always curious of what my readers want to know about my writings! I'm glad you can relate to those 3 stories of mine as they are slice-of-life stories that are heavily inspired by happenings in my life! (Let's all relate to the 24/7 stressed and broke college student a.k.a. me lmao 😆).
So here I go.
For The Prince and His Rose, there's actually a couple of scenes that inspired me to build a story around it, considering it's a series. But what really inspired me to write it in general was my dream of writing about "old-fashioned courting." I live in a conservative Asian home and bc of that, I place great value on that old-fashioned courtship (love letters, serenades, etc.), which is now somehow non-existent in by various mainstream media. So every installment in TPAHR is centered on that old-fashioned courting and pining. I can go on and on about this bc every installment has a specific scene that inspired me to write it so feel free to ask more if you have a certain installment you're curious about!
For You Will Feel A Flash of Red, the scene that made me want to write it is the final one where Seokjin scares the living daylights out of OC by following behind her in the dark street. This is inspired by my best girl @sophrosinn and the spooky story she told us about her college in one of our dates. And since YWFAFR is my birthday gift for her, and she loves Seokjin, why not make the story totally inspired by her?
Lastly in, Just Say Goodnight and Go, what made me want to write that story was the scene where Seokjin is spouting so many cringey pick-up lines to OC! And the way he "strategically" got inside her room! I've been wanting to write a story about a couple where one of them can be seriously frustrating while at the same time, so charming. That "I want to catapult you to the moon if I didn't love you" vibe. That got me cracking up and also blushing bc it IS cute as it is hilarious and isn't that the best combination ever?
P.S. I'm glad you found my account! And my, you even compared it to a treasure box/time capsule 🥺🥺🥺. It's an honor to have my writings considered so precious like that! Thank you so much for dropping by and taking your time to send in love. Your support means the world to me! Hope you enjoy your time reading my stories ☺️☺️☺️
🌻Send me one of my fic titles and I'll tell you which was THAT scene for that fic
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thespiritoflife · 3 years
Pairing: Raymond Smith x reader
Summary: Your father finds himself in troubles with the dreaded Mickey and you pay for it.
Warnings: violence, nudity, swearing, mention of character's death, long story, grammatical errors
I don't know if I'll make a series of this. But you know, feedback is always appreciated!
Bloody rose 🥀
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"You're doing great, Y / N!"  my friend Tracy said.
I smirked.  I did a Cartwheel for the last time and then I stopped.
"Thank you, hon," I shouted at her.
She handed me a towel.  "Take it. Then we have to go,"  she muttered.
"Where?"  I was in no hurry.  Oh, I loved Fridays.
"At that party, you fool,"  she said.
I sighed.  "Tracy, no. I'm not going to that party."
"Buut ... at least for me."  she threw dog eyes at me.
"No. I don't understand why you want me there, at all. I'm not a party woman. I hate parties. And you'll have a bunch of buddies there. And your boyfriend."
"God, there's no fun with you. Fine. I'll go there alone. But how do you spend Friday night? Staring at the ceiling?"
We started walking to the parking lot.  I laughed.  "No, Tracy. I'll relax. I'll go to the bathtub. I'll open my wine ... relax. I deserve it."
She didn't say anything.  She just turned her head inconspicuously in some direction.  I turned and rolled my eyes.
Josh was there.  My .. what?  Classmate.  And he kept flirting with me, even though I told him a thousand times that I am not interested.
"You should give him a chance, Y / N."
Sweet Tracy. 
Don't get me wrong, Josh is a great guy.  He's nice too.  Funny.  Athlete.
But he didn't attract me. 
I was not interested in the relationship.  I was attracted to guys, yes, but ... I haven't dated anyone yet.  And that was strange, according to other people.
"Y / N! Are you going from gymnastics, aren't you? You look like a goddess. Let's go for coffee!"
I moved to my car, which he was leaning on.
I smiled falsely.  "Josh .. I am.... Not. Interested..."
He waved his hand.  "You're just saying that today."
I told him this every day, but okay.
"But you can change your mind tomorrow, can't she, Tracy?"  he winked at her.
Tracy nodded.  "As Y / N's best friend, I promise Y / N will be only yours for coffee tomorrow."
"Tracy!"  I hissed.
She just shrugged innocently.
"That's great. See you tomorrow, then!"  Josh hugged me and walked away.
"You're great. Not to hold my side, no."  I told her angrily.
"Come on. You need fun. You can't just ... give him a chance at least once. Go on a date with him. Poor boy, he's been trying for you for years."
Her cell phone rang.  I knew immediately who was calling her.  I wanted to roll my eyes.  Really?
"Love!! Yeah! Come after me, we'll meet ... yes, there. Don't wait. What? I love you too. Have a nice day, I'm sending kisses."  Tracy's voice changed completely as she spoke to her boyfriend.  But completely.
"I'll say goodbye to you now, Y / N. Goodbye, at school! And enjoy your date."  she, too, walked away and waved cheerfully at me.
I got angry in the car and sighed in defeat. 
I stood in front of a huge luxury villa.  Yes, I live here.
I opened the door and a cat stopped at my feet immediately.  I leaned over.  "Mickey! You're hungry, aren't you?"
He whimpered in agreement.  I gave him granules and stroked him.  He was the only one in this house who kept me company.
I lived with my father.  He stopped here that very rarely.  He was really rich, he had his own business and he had some company.
I had a good relationship with him, but ... I missed him.  I didn't want to be alone.  I didn't have siblings and my mom ..
I looked at the painted picture. My father had her painted while she was still alive.
Yes, she died.  She died in a car accident when I was very young.  I don't remember her at all.
But she looked like me.  She had my hair and my eyes.
Okay, I'm going to relax.  I deserve it.
I was lying in the bathtub with my eyes closed.  I have dreamed.
"You're so beautiful, Y / N .." someone whispered to me.
"I love you," I said, holding someone's hand.
"I can't believe I finally married you."  someone said.
"Life is unpredictable .."
The smell of a candle hit my nose.  That wouldn't be weird, I lit the candle myself.  But what was strange was that ..
That I smelled a men's perfume.
I opened my eyes immediately.
An unknown man stood beside the bathtub, looking at me.  If it weren't for the bizarre situation, I would have thought he was attractive.  He had wide shoulders, an overgrown face, blond hair, blue eyes framed by stylish glasses.
I screamed in an instant.
What. The.  Fuck.  Is. This!
He immediately ran to me and stuffed my mouth.  "Be quiet, sweetheart. Please,"  he said in a rather pleasant voice.
I shook my head.  I didn't like it!  An unknown man was at my house!  And he probably wanted to kidnap me.
Suddenly male voices came from the hall.  I thought I heard my father.
My father is here.  Everything will be explained.
I calmed down.
The man noticed it too.  "I'll let go of my hand now, but you can't scream, do you promise?"
I nodded.
He released his hand, but at that moment I got up (yes, I got up naked from the bathtub) and left and put my feet on the floor.  I quickly took the only weapon I had and that was a hairdryer.
The man tried not to stare at my naked body, but he looked furious.  "What the fuck are you doing, girl?"
"If you don't tell me what's going on in a moment, I'll throw the hairdryer in the bathtub!"  I screamed.
"You're crazy."
I approached the bathtub.
"Would you like to kill yourself?"
"I have nothing else left! Tell!"  I shouted.
He shook his head.  "You'll find out at the right time ... well! Just don't get any closer to that fucking water!"  he shouted.
"Your father cheated on us and he has to pay for it. He's talking to my boss Mickey now."
"You're fucking kidding!"
"I don't, girl. And now, if you were so kind ..." he approached me.
He carefully took my hairdryer and I stared into space.  What?
I stomped on his leg, he screamed in pain and I wanted to run away from this bathroom, but he managed to grab me in his arms.
I swung in his arms like a furious puppy, and somehow he couldn't keep his balance and we both ended up in the bathtub again.
He was with me.
"Get off me! Immediately!"  I demanded.  I didn't like it, to hang out with a naked guy like that.
He took my hands.  I couldn't run away from him.  "If you try anything else, you'll just make trouble, young lady. Do you understand?"
I was silent.
"You understand?"  he repeated the question.
I nodded angrily.  What was I supposed to do?
He released me carefully and came out of the bathtub angrily.
He mumbled something under his nose, but I didn't listen to him.
I pressed my knees together.  I tried not to cry.  It's over with me.
"Do you have any clothes here?"  he asked me.
"I don't know," I said.
"Come on. Don't lie,"  he demanded an answer.
I gave it up.  "My father has something in that locker," I pointed to the locker.
The man walked over to her and opened it.  He started rummaging in it, but I didn't listen to him, I didn't notice.
It will be over with me.
I will die.
The man had changed in the meantime, but I wasn't looking at him.
I pressed my knees together and stared at the ceiling.
He walked over to me and looked at me regretfully.
"Put this on, please."  he held my clothes in his hand.
I had no desire to object.
I wanted to get up and fulfill his wish, but he stopped me.  "I'll leave your privacy. I'll be at the door."
I piled up and got dressed.  He was a gentleman.. who wants to kidnap me or something.
He locked the door and left.
Dressed, I carefully opened the door.  He was there, leaning.  He offered me his shoulder, but I refused.
I walked into that fucking living room, where male voices came from.
I saw a few men.  Everyone in tuxedos and on the couch was sitting with my father.  He looked startled.
"Y / N!"  he shouted.
"What's going on, Dad? Will you kindly explain it to me?"
"I'd hear that, too," a man shrugged.
I ignored him and looked at my father.  "So?"
"Y / N, honey .. I didn't mean .."
"What did you do? Tell me straight."  I asked him.
"I ... I ... I had some business with them. I was late paying and ..."
My father must have had something on his tongue, he didn't want to answer.
The guy answered me.  "He killed our man."
I felt sick.  "You're making fun of me, aren't you? My father wouldn't kill in his life ..."
"Confess to her."
"I'm sorry ..." my father looked at me.
I fell to my knees.  "Father, what did you do? You threw us in danger! We will die for you! You should not have gotten involved with any mafia!"
"I am sorry.."
"I don't want to hear anything from you anymore."  I wanted to cry, but I was silent.  I screamed inside.
The cat also broke into the living room. 
"Mickey," I whispered and took him in my arms.  He has always been my support.
The man, apparently the boss of it all, was intrigued.  "What did you call him?"
"Mickey,"  I said.
The man who was in the bathtub with me laughed.
The boss frowned at him.  "What happened to you, Raymond? You're in a different outfit."
How could they be so callous? 
"That's a long story,"  he said, looking at me.
I kept clutching Mickey, even though he was starting to get uncomfortable.
"Hey, let go of that cat, we need to talk."  the boss spoke to me.
"About what? Kill me right now,"  I shrugged.
The man laughed.  "No, it won't work that way. I have no plans to kill you. You're just a daughter ... of an evil father. You'll pay differently."
Sweat ran down my forehead.  "What are you going to do with my father?"
"It's none of your business anymore,"  he replied.
"Leave him alone. You better kill me."  I declared and finally released the cat.  He was running away from here.
He didn't want to be here.  Like me.
"Y / N!"  my father shouted, but I ignored him.
The boss scratched his chin.  "I call it ... child's love. Too bad your father doesn't love you that much. He offered your life to save his life."
For the second time, I felt like throwing up.
"What? That ... really?"  I looked at him.  I had tears in my eyes.  Finally, some tears.
It hurt.  Like hell.  My father wanted to say something, but I didn't listen to him.
My father betrayed me.
"But we won't grant his wish, will we, Ray?"
The man in the bathroom with me, apparently Raymond, nodded.
"Take the girl away, Ray."  the boss stood up.
Raymond came up to me.  I did not understand.
He took me.  "Come with me.."
"What, no!"  I shouted.
Raymond looked at me.  "Trust me, you don't want to see this. Come on."
And then it went awry.  Raymond lost his temper with me, grabbed me hard, and took me away.  I didn't understand why.
And then I understood.
One of the boss's men aimed his gun at my father.  But my father did something weird.  He picked his gun by himself and shot himself in the forehead.
And suddenly I heard it.  The sound of a gun.
"No no!!!"  I screamed.
"Let me go!"  I shouted.  I already cried.  My father fell to the ground dead with a hole in the middle of his forehead.
"It's after him. It's his fault, sweetheart... he's decided that way ..."
He said something else to me, but I didn't notice him because I cried a lot.
I only heard snippets of sentences.
"... take her with you ...."
"... why me? I have nothing to do with her, Mickey ..."
"Don't ask me why, just do it until we decide what to do with her. She looks awful, put her to bed."
"Of course she looks awful. She lost her father ... I'll do as you say, boss ..."
Some days seem so boring.  Also, ordinary.  Immutable.  Nothing is happening.
And then there are such days.  When something happens that will change your life forever.
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dongiovannaswife · 5 years
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Count your last blessings; Don!Giorno Giovanna x Donna!Reader
summary: that's how Mafia works (literally). When the union of two gangs brings the interest and discomfort of a traitor, Giorno and (Y/n) won't doubt on showing who rules the underworld.
Warning: a bit of torture, blood, language, death of a character.
Side note: this is the milestone for the 400 followers! Thank you so much to all the people who's there 💕 I wanted to write a power couple for this one and since I've been flirting with this idea for MONTHS I finally decided to write it. Special thanks to @naranciabestboi for encouraging me! 💞 you're an angel.
Feedback is always appreciated.
The room was dark, the only dim light illuminating the unconscious man on the chair, his arms and legs attached to the wood by chains, his head hanging in an angle that advertised how much his neck would hurt when he woke up.
Or when they decided to wake him up. And not in a sweet way.
In the shadows, sitting in a box alongside Alessandro Esposito, who toyed with a cigarette in one hand and a lighter in the other, was Guido Mista, his own gun on his hand, lazily pointing at the target in the chair. Not so far from the gunslinger was Pietro Li Fonti, who drank now and then from the vodka bottle on his hand; Panacotta Fugo stood at the other side of the room, the back of the man on the chair facing him, Fugo was close to the door, having been told to stay there until they came back.
Out of the creepy dark room, besides the door, with the light being almost blinding, waiting patiently stood Giorno Giovanna; the slim boy who took over Passione 12 years ago now gone as the tall man towered besides everybody, the only thing one could recognize from his old self was the braid. The white suit hugged his figure, making him look like an angel. A powerful and dangerous angel who could become the emperor of the world if he wanted. Still, he choosed only one country. And that's how he would stay.
His eyes held the same calm from before, a shadow of maturity making the edges darker, almost a deep green.
The door at the other side of the corridor was opened by the hand of a tiny boy, Paolo Mazzi. This boy was the definition of «appearances can be deceiving» even with his 145 centimeters he was as deadly as the long dead Risotto Nero. His age wasn't in correspondence with his height: 28 years old. This man was the bodyguard of the woman who appeared carrying the authority and power on her shoulders as if she was born with them; truth be told, she was. Even before she was born her father had already planned her life as the donna of the gang; Uroboros. Second most powerful gang in all Italy. Dressed in a black cocktail dress, high heels on and that mysterious glance dragging his attention instantly, the friendly nod from Paolo almost unnoticed as she got closer, her heels sounding in the scary silence of the long abandoned factory.
"Don." She muttered sweetly, the intimidating glance now gone as her eyes held a deep admiration and love.
"Donna." He answered in the same tone, closing the space between them, his hand found his way on her waist, the fabric of the dress cold against his big calloused hand. A kiss exchanged between the lovers; lingering, sensual but still loving. Despite the way they met, the situation was far from the one from that time and now, Passione and Uroboros had plans to unite with the marriage of the leaders.
However, someone wasn't pleased with this, the alliance of the two most powerful mafias in all Italy wasn't a good augury for someone who planned on taking over the second most powerful. Uroboros didn't had half of the power Passione did, but it certainly had potential. Even more than Passione.
Godfrey Alighieri was the poor bastard on the chair. The traitor who was trying to drag the most trusted men on Passione and Uroboros at his side, the man who slept on the chair.
The door sounded with three knocks in a certain rhythm and Fugo, after confirming the message, opened the door.
The first one on entering was (Y/n), Pietro nodded with a genuine smile, Alessandro waving distractingly at the two leaders. Her response was a nod, the heels alerting of the way she was taking. Following close behind her was Giorno; Mista nodded and Fugo gave him a handshake. As Paolo entered, being the last one after confirming the other guards outside, the door closed; Fugo and him stood at the door, guarding.
Giorno watched as (Y/n) toyed with the gun attached to her thigh, taking off the security on the gun, her eyes turning a bit to find his already fixed in her. Even in the dark, the diamond as eyes of the don shone bright. Enough to let her see them. Giorno nods and Paolo whistles, playfully commenting. "Get a room, you two."
Mista snorts and (Y/n) looks back at Paolo, a smile making it's way on her lips. The gun's suddenly on the air, pointing at the ceiling. "Time to wake him up."
The gun ends up pointing at his knee. She pulls the trigger.
Godfrey Alighieri wakes up with a scream as the pain sends a shot of adrenaline through his system. Everyone stays silent.
"Buongiorno, signore."
Godfrey growls, trying to bend over to check on his injury, however, Megadeth controls his spine, making him stay still.
"I've heard the rumors that came true." She says, the gun back at her thigh. "Did you knew about them, my dear capo?"
Godfrey snarls, whispering something indulging her mom. "Mhm, I knew you would say that. So, I brought with me your biggest fear; Pietro Li Fonti. Do you remember him? Yes, just like you and everyone in this room, he's a stand user. His stand has always terrified you. You told me that after he joined, remember?" She does some gestures, "he's a monster, how could someone's soul be so putrid to the point their stand can transform blood into acid?" Pointing at him, the woman sends a cold glare at the brunette man. "Now, this isn't about your comfort. Right now, you're wishing death, a quick, painless death. But truth be told, you damaged the honor of one of my men."
Megadeth, (Y/n)'s stand, forces Godfrey's arm bones to brake.
As Godfrey screams, she keeps talking. "You'll see, Godfrey, every since I was a little girl I've been around the family business. The first time I saw my dad torturing a man I was (…) seven. When I asked him why he was cutting off that poor man fingers, he looked at me like the next pray of a predator. Then he looked at me like he did always and explained to me the thing that would change my mind and perception of Uroboros: honor. We're men of honor, Mr. Godfrey. And you killed one of my men when he refused to join your stupid rebellion."
The screams echoes in the room as Godfrey's spine broke under the influence of the stand. "Now, now." A piece of paper ended on his mouth as a ball, forcing back his screams. "You didn't just went with killing him fast and without suffering; you asked his family for money and silence; you told his husband to don't say anything to me, you asked for a money he didn't had and even if he did the impossible and actually paid, you killed him."
Godfrey tries to breath right, to process her words and talk, but the pain was suffocating, the paper on his mouth making his tries to breath almost impossible.
With an exuberant force, and the pain sending a jolt of adrenaline to his system, Godfrey manages to throw the ball out of his mouth, looking up at her, the man's eyes fill with tears and regret. "Please, heal my spine. Y-you can do it! Your stand is capable of doing it."
Turning a strand of her hair, she seems bored but her voice and the glance she throws at him it's enough for Godfrey to feel like he's going to shit his pants.
"It can. But I don't want to."
Godfrey's face turns red with anger, his stand out in the blink of an eye; she's on his range. Godfrey's Muse launches at her.
But stops midway.
"Your Muse is useless against Megadeath." It's a death statement, a letter sent from hell and signed by the devil itself.
Suddenly, a raspy and almost scary voice sounds from the dark as a man, tall and blond, steps out of the shadows.
"All your efforts are useless."
Giorno Giovanna.
He steps behind her, his big hand resting on her waist; pressing a kiss to her head, he still glares at the scared man on the chair. As he speaks, the aura around him turns darker at every second and Godfrey almost forgets his legs, arms and spine are broken, his body being held at the chair by the little and lethal stand of the donna.
"Not only you killed one of her men, you also betrayed her trust. Our trust."
Stepping in front of him, the Don's eyes seem gold, his own stand present. "Your actions aren't based on truth, not even in evil; you're trying to be something you can't be, something you will never get the chance to."
Godfrey laughs, a wholeheartedly laugh. He's about to speak when a string of blood runs down his lips, following his jaw.
When the liquid reaches the floor, the cement underneath it melts; it's not longer blood but acid.
Pietro Li Fonti grips the vodka bottle, "I paid you and you still killed him."
Mista places a hand on his shoulder, Pietro looks at him with so much sadness and grief the gunslinger gifts him a knowing smile. "Let them start, then he's all yours. (Y/n) said that, remember?"
Pietro nods, his red hair covering his eyes. Party Poison no longer on Godfrey's system.
Giorno looks back at his fiancée, throwing an accomplished glance. She nods, now standing besides him.
With a smirk and his voice turning teasing, he asks. "What should we do with him, Donna?"
She sends a wink on his direction, then her eyes are fixed on Godfrey's forehead as his bones on that area start deforming until the skin breaks and the Uroboros sign stands proud; Godfrey can't talk, his jaw is closed, forced to be like this until they finish.
"What we do with traitors."
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