#that and the mountains of insane stressors i've been handling alone has been overwhelming
wraithwonder · 2 years
i do love the friendships that pick up where they left off, the ones where both parties grow and are able to reconnect. lately, i haven't had anybody to talk to and no one i feel close to anymore, no one to relate to, but then i reconnected with a friend who i had a pretty bad falling out with a few years ago. what made me forgive them? they owned up to what they did, explained to me why it was wrong, and proved that they were doing better. they listened to me as i owned up to my side and respectfully agreed, telling me about the stuff that had bothered them with me and i did the same. no one yelled or tossed accusations. we just talked. it was honestly a really wonderful experience to see someone i thought of as family for the longest time grow along with me despite us being separate and at odds with each other for so long. and to especially have closure for something that put so much weight on my shoulders for so long. and we spoke even more recently & officially have reconnected.
she had a baby recently and said i was her son's aunt too. i almost cried, not gonna lie. but i'm really happy it wound up this way.
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