#that being said i'm relieved that babe was actually conscious for everything
kylianswifey · 1 year
You're Perfect - Kylian Mbappe x Reader
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Hi👋Can you please do one where kylian suggest to workout with his gf who is very out of shape and thank you😊
___________________ I was in the living room going through some papers for work. I woke up at 7am to start my shift, I work remotely. Kylian woke up two hours after me to go to the gym. I felt a soft kiss on my cheek and I looked at Kylian smiling.
"Good morning, sunshine. Did you sleep well? He sat next to me and took a look at the laptop. "Good morning, angel. Yes, you? You seem stressed." "There's a lot going on right now, I'm in a crisis. I need to get this done as soon as possible" "Why don't you take a break, you can't work like this. Come with me to the gym." I gave him a look, he never invites me to work out with him. I actually am not very active, I try to take walks everyday and watch my food intake, but that's pretty much it. I know Kylian didn't mean to offend me in any way, but I feel very self conscious about my body. I'm not in a very good shape, I consider myself to be a skinny-fat girl. "Hmm, okay. But, you'll have to give me a workout routine." "Sure, let's go get ready and leave." He gave me a quick kiss and stood up, I followed behind him. ___________ "You can go on the treadmill for twenty minutes and then continue with some light workouts since it's your first day" "Okay, Ky." I stationed myself to a treadmill facing the whole gym, I could feel eyes on me. This only managed to make me more uncomfortable. Kylian went along with his usual workout routine. Running gives you an opportunity to think about everything, especially what you're running for. I finished my running session and approached Kylian. "Hey, babe. I'm done with running." "Great, here's the yoga mat. Lay it next to mine and repeat my workouts. If you get tired stop and wait for me to finish my reps and do the next one." I nodded and did what he instructed. I began to get extremely tired after the second round, but I wanted to keep going. What if Kylian really meant to say that I need to lose some weight? I could feel him looking at me with a kind of concerned look. My face was really red and I was shaking lightly. "Babe? Don't push yourself too hard, okay?" "I'm okay, Ky. I want to do this. It's obviously going to hurt a little." "It's your first day, babe. If you burn out, you won't want to come back here tomorrow." he said and chuckled. Wow. It's clear to me now. We finished out workouts and got changed to leave for home. I waited by the car for him since I got ready before him. "Ready to go, honey?" "Yeah." "Do you want to stop somewhere to get food?" he said and we entered the car. I didn't feel like eating at all. "I'm not that hungry, Ky. But, you can get whatever you want for yourself?" he took his eyes off the road to take a look at me and went back to look at the road. He placed his hand on my thigh. "Babe? Is something wrong?" "No, why would you think that?' "I don't know, you just seem lost in your thoughts. Are you still thinking about work?" "Um, yeah, work. I'm thinking about work." he didn't seem convinced, but decided to let it go. We arrive at the house and I get back to my laptop. Kylian decided to hang out with his friends, he hasn't seen them in a while. I was glad he didn't insist on me joining him, I really didn't feel like going out. I was very confused about what I was feeling. Kylian was just being the sweetest person ever, he wanted to help me relieve some stress and here I am taking it the wrong way. After a couple of hours, I shut down my laptop and sighed. I was finally done with work and I was extremely tired and still sore from the workout this morning. I decided to wash my face and go to sleep. Suddenly, I heard my phone buzz, Kylian was calling me. "Hi, babe. I'm on my home. What do you want to eat? I still haven't eaten yet." "Hi, honey. Um, I ate an hour ago, I'm not hungry, babe. But you can get something for yourself since there isn't any leftovers." "Oh, okay, cool. I'll see you at home then." "See ya, Ky. Love you." "Love you too." _________ I heard the front door open and close, letting me know Kylian arrived. He made his way to the bedroom where I was laying on the bed with my back facing the door. I wanted to avoid the uncomfortable conversation so I pretended to be asleep. I felt the bed move next to me and I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Y/N, I can tell you're awake honey. Can you talk to me?" I decided to drop the act and I turned around to face him. He caressed my cheek with his finger and looked me in the eyes, waiting for me to talk. "Ky, am I pretty?" "What do you mean, baby? Of course you are." "Do I need to lose weight?" he sighed and shut his eyes. He finally connected the dots. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He open his eyes and sat up on the bed pulling me into his arms, my back resting on his chest. "Y/N, I don't know why you got the impression that I want you to lose weight, but I don't. I invited you today because I wanted you to take a break from work. I promise, I never even thought about changing anything about you." "I know, Ky. I just couldn't help this thought. Thank you for being so sweet to me." "Y/N, don't ever think this, please. I'm being serious. I love you so much just the way you are." "I love you too, Ky. Can I join you at the gym more often?" "Of course, baby. Only if you want to."
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