#that he'll want to join this man under the ground than live above without him
Steve Home
Inspired by they lyrics from Johnny Home.
Gather round for a story to be had
Of a six-foot-six strapping lad
He'd enlist to the navy of his own ports and
Make a name and then return home
A towering man, quiet and shy
Hugged his kids and kissed his wife goodbye
And he said "Young Billy, don't you cry, for soon I'll be coming home"
And she wished Johnny would stay home
Steve joining the military under the guise that they need the extra hands with their enemies closing in. He's able bodied and willing and its better than watching his friends coming home in caskets if they come home at all. He kisses Peggy goodbye and promises her he'll write.
He wishes to stay but he cannot in good faith while everyone around him dies. Peggy knows this and so does he. And she knows this. Its heartbreaking to leave her home but she's a smart woman.
"Come back home alive," Peggy makes him promise. "You're wanted and loved. Dont make our boy miss out on having a father."
Their little son, now just one, all smiles and giggles with his dad's eyes cries as he boards the ship. Peggy doesnt shed a tear.
Never had we seen such a faulty man
With a thirst for knowledge, and a course well planned
He spoke of his family again and again
And the life he soon would sow
Yeah, we'd all see Johnny home
Now we'd all see Johnny home someday
To his wife and kids assuring "It's okay"
We'd eat and we'd drink and we'd end our day
With a sad old sailors song
Steve was a man of knowledge, with talent to be able to read a map and chart a course. If it wasnt for him several times they'd surley been lost in the bad weathers.
He knows how to avoid military lines, works with the Captain to sneak around. He gains respect amongst the crew for being silent but deadly force amongst their enemy.
For however he is on the field, Steve is a family man at heart. He writes letters to his family daily and talks about them all the time. Its clear to everyone how much he loves them. How steve deserves to come home.
Captain was an undaunted man
He swore he knew his enemy all firsthand
And we knew someday he'd make his stand
If again their paths did cross
It was dark as hell on a ghostly night
The cannon-fire was the only light
And what we saw next was a sickening sight
And the Captain's life was gone
To the battle, we all saw Johnny run!
Captain Chester Phillips knew he was to die at sea. He just never knew it be in the arms of Steve Rogers. The promise to bring this man home was on his dying lips.
Steve takes up the mantle of Captain and no one disagrees with him. His orders are brute and ugly. They're dropping like flies but Steve sees them through.
With the Captains blood on his hands, he makes a solid promise to the Howling Commandos, Hydra will fall.
The battle is not an easy one. They bury Captain Phillips at sea as promised and do as they must, moving on to make Hydra fall.
Johnny jumped in without a fear for his life
As the enemy boarded our starboard side
We were fifteen down and droppin' like flies
When I saw Johnny's eyes turn red
And he let forth a scream and a ravenous might
With a pistol in his left and a cutlass in his right
Like a wild hurricane, he commenced to fight
This battle's not finished yet
And to Johnny we owe our debt
The next battle is a sickening sight. They're fighting for their lives. They're fighting to protect others. Steve had seen too much blood shed. He misses his wife and child. He misses the talk of home.
They fight by the light of the moon, against enemies that shouldn't exist. Agaisnt the undead and unnatural forces.
Its only by Steve's blow that they win.
The sacrifice they all knew what was to come.
Then the crew joined in into the ship we breach
With a newfound vigor of ten men each
Some did die, and some did flee
But in the end, our crew stood tall
Then we all looked at Johnny, now covered in blood
He collapsed to his knees, cursing Hell and above
"Woe me punishment here what have I done?"
And he muttered "I felled them all"
And we all saw Johnny fall
"Son," is all Dugan can whisper as he catches Steve before he can fall, holding him close. "Let us.."
Theres nothing to be done. They can curse heaven and hell but no one can do a thing. No one can fix what's been done.
"Just take me home," is his dying words.
And we all saw Johnny home that day
To his wife and kids assuring "It's okay"
We told them of the battle on the fifth of May
And not a braver man had fought
And we all piped down when she started to cry
Then she fell down beside him and she said "Goodbye"
And the children fell in with her by her side
For the loss, time stood still
And then anger ensued for the months of prayers
That went unanswered
And she drew back her long dark hair
And we watched as she died a little bit right there
Then she stood and addressed me as "Sir"
"Thank God you brought Johnny home"
She must’ve known because she's waiting for them at the docks. Her eyes are steel as she watches them carry the casket, saying nothing as hes lowered to the ground.
"You brought him home," Peggy whispers, eyes full of unshed emotions. "Thank you."
She knows what she must do. Hydra must fall.
This is such a bad, rough explanation.
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