#that i have to specify that the biting is derogatory and not (AFFECTIONATE)
deepspacedukat · 2 years
Pssst. You should totally list all the characters you want to bite or nibble. Definitely 1528628162191610% mandatory at this point.
Instead of actually watching enterprise I am instead watching Shran clips on YouTube and I want to know the KMFHK for the Andorians if you’re willing to do it because I am having feelings for side characters again. I am challenging myself not to and I am completely failing. It’s not my fault I like to squish them like the moldable erasers they sell at the art store.
Oh lord. All the characters I want to nibble? That's quite a heckin' list. Your wish is my command, friend! These are in no particular order, but I did try to categorize them.
Nibble (gently, barely harder than a kiss, tenderly):
Data, Picard, Geordi, Julian Bashir, Krem, Uhura, Kirk, Trip
Bite (affectionately/in a much more overtly sexual manner):
Spock, Shran, Dukat, Q, Jadzia, Kira, Solok, Vorik, Taurik, Tuvok, Janeway, Chakotay, Damar, Weyoun, Garak, Mirror!Brunt, Keevan, Yelgrun, Macet, Madred, Daro, Lemec, Tebok, Boheeka, Tekeny Ghemor, Ortegas, La’an Noonien-Singh, Hemmer, Pike
Bite (aggressively and in a derogatory manner - think angry dog):
Captain Jellico, Kai Winn, Brunt, Tolaris, Admiral Nechayev, Admiral Ross, All of the Founders except Odo, 
As for the Andorians *cracks knuckles* Here we go. Gonna include the Aenar, because there aren’t too many named Andorians to begin with:
- Talas (ENT) - She could step on me and I’d thank her.
- Telev (ENT) - We see him for like a single minute in “Cease Fire” but he’s played by Christopher Shea, so I’d go there in a heartbeat. And he’s a Captain, so he could v much order me around.
- Thy’lek Shran (ENT) - ...I mean, the reason’s obvious, isn’t it? Daddy
- Hemmer (SNW) - I love him, your honor.
- Keval (ENT) - A lil makeout wouldn’t hurt, and he’s pretty...
- Thon (ENT) - Same reasoning as Keval.
- Jhamel (ENT) - I’d like to specify that this would be a forehead kiss because she’s a sweetheart and she’s very brave and she’s been through a lot.
- Gareb (ENT) - The poor guy deserved better.
- Lissan (ENT) - Idk why, but she seems as though she’d give good hugs.
- Tholos (ENT) - He’s the one who made that SA remark toward T’Pol. Rest in pieces.
- Tarah (ENT) - Might be a bit biased, but she basically betrayed Shran so... Rest in pieces.
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