#that is my essay if anyone acc reads it um. yeah i'm sorry i'm not active school is just sm </3
lanzhans · 1 year
hm okay like this is my take on the post-why did you drop out of yale rogan fight that no one asked for!! inspired by a tiktok i saw where the comments were all pro-logan but i digress. i digress. we start off w rory (RIGHTLY) calling logan out for being an absolute jerk to jess. which he was. and we all know it. logan, in typical huntzberger fashion, brushes it off + claims that writers are sensitive + that if jess wanted to, he should’ve “taken a pop at [logan]”. what is rlly funny 2 me abt this is that this is so so similar to what mitchum said to rory?? like mitchum dismissed rory in a really similar fashion to logan just dismissing jess’s accomplishments. and both have that air of oh-if-they-wanted-to-prove-me-wrong-they-could yk? idk i thought that was interesting. and then he ends all that by saying that rory shouldn’t let jess get to her. which. this is one of many many scenes that show truly just how incompatible rory and logan are, just because it’s been proved just time and time again that logan does not understand who rory is and also just doesn’t care. rory obv responds saying that logan is the one getting to her and that he was an ass. logan retorts saying that he’s sorry that he messed things up (but he’s obv not, when has that man ever been sorry in his life). this is kinda when we segue into rory’s underlying crisis with everything that’s happening. she calls logan out for mocking jess when he’s actually accomplished something amazing (logan saying everyone’s doing something like. lol what are you accomplishing exactly?? stole 2 yachts probably set a world record but like...that is rich coming from him), and goes on to say that she’s unhappy with her life bc she feels like she’s not doing anything. and as viewers we know that this is nowhere near the vision rory had for her life, and she’s so unhappy bc she doesn’t belong in the dar, she doesn’t belong in logan’s world, just partying her sadness away. rory is so deeply unhappy with where she is in life right now, and logan isn’t even listening to her he’s just telling her that it’s temporary and she should have a drink!! and this is again. just. such a good example of why they’re so so incompatible bc rory needs someone who is going to push her to be the best person she can be, someone who’s not going to take her shit and redirect her to who she actually is when it gets hard, not someone who’s just going to let her continue her self-destructive behavior just bc he’s doing all that too!!! like rory is spiraling and she’s at rock bottom in her life and logan has absolutely nothing to say until he feels like she’s criticizing him. like bro not everything is abt u sorry!!! she’s talking abt herself and logan comes at her when she wounds his pride a lil like...partying and drinking is not who rory is point blank!! and he just puts it all on her like yes it’s her choice to be partying and drinking but that’s also just. all he does and he knows it!! and rory says that and he just. launches into a monologue of self pity about the great huntzberger dynasty and how he’s being pushed through only one door and it’s like. rory is so right he doesn’t have a hard life he doesn’t know what it’s like to actually work for what you have. and yes i welcome the convo abt rory also having a lot of privilege but her privilege ≠ logan’s privilege at all!!! they’re very different!! but rory is so right in this scene bc we’ve never seen logan actually fight it. and logan has no aims!! no goals!! no passions!! he just wants to continue abusing his family’s wealth with no consequences!! like this is the only time u will see me agree w mitchum huntzberger but like. logan should be pushed thru that door bc he has no actual aims in life...and also like. logan saying that he gave rory a month is so absolutely useless bc he never once checks up on her. he never once comments ab how dropping out is uncharacteristic of her. never asks her if she’s doing alright??? no he just gives her a month like she’s going to fix herself and btw. yeah it did have smth to do w you!!! it had everything to do w you in fact...it was ur father that said all that shit that got in her head. and he never even disagreed w his dad btw. like god sometimes i wonder if logan ever even LIKED rory or just felt attracted to her bc she was the first girl who didn’t give him time of day like...he never once felt concern for her? when she dropped out of the school she worked so hard to get in to? like it’s wild to me truly. like even in this argument his main point is to absolve himself of any blame in rory’s dropping out/rory’s spiral. like there is no concern. he doesn’t care!!! his gf, the one he apparently loves sooo much, is spiraling and struggling and he does not give a fuck. he only shows any sort of emotion when she criticizes his lifestyle and when he feels like he’s to blame for her situation. like that says so much...
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