#that just because he's being diplomatic now doesn't mean he doesn't harbor thoughts of just punting him all the way to the Unending Ocean
manybcdthings · 7 months
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Name: Nicholas 'Nick' Winslow
Age & Birthday: 34 years old, August 10th
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Man He/Him
Birthplace: Washington D.C
Time in Hollow Cove: July 2023
Species: Water Witch - Belcourt Coven
Role: Runner
Positive personality traits: Diplomatic, Engaging, Thoughtful, Observant
Negative personality traits: Distrusting, Analytical, Indecisive, Non-confrontational
Dubbed as the quieter and reserved Winslow brother, Nick was never bothered living in his older brother's shadow. From a young age, he showed a particular skill for avoiding confrontation and mediating situations around him. What started as fairly distributing toys in play school became an integral part of Nick's personality. While debating or heated discussions has never been his thing, agreeing to disagree has. It's followed him through life but it never stopped Nicholas' passion within the world of politics. Aligning himself to communist opinions more often than not, it's hard to catch Nick willing to argue specifics or details. He loves open ended questions, and asking them more than answering them.
The Winslows were integral witches within the Belcourt coven, particularly Nick and Percy's mother, Claire who was the trusted ward for a number of years. And each one of the Winslows remained loyal to the coven even during difficult times that Nadia was able to see them all through. Because of this, Nick carries an unwavering loyalty to the High Witch even if he doesn't always agree with certain decisions or choices.
When the war began, the Belcourts stuck together as they always did. It tested their strength in more ways than Nick ever predicted, specifically when his parents were killed in the March of 2023. Overcome by grief, Nick has persisted onwards and has been supportive of his brother's new role as Ward to the coven. He has particular thoughts and opinions on the coven welcoming in an ex-soldier turned wolf, but like always, those are kept to himself.
Despite known as the quiet and reserved Winslow, Nick knows that those closest to him are aware he is neither of these things. He knows his worth too, that his observant and diplomatic nature allows him to clock the bigger picture happening around them. He isn't arrogant to think he's invaluable to the coven, but he knows and respects his place within it, along with the hard work he brings to the table even without being asked.
Settling in Hollow Cove has finally given the coven a respite of stability that they've desperately needed, but Nicholas is aware that it doesn't mean there's time to dwell with his grief. There's plenty to be done, even more so now they're harboring an enemy to the Supernatural world. Just like his brother, Nick is keeping his head above water, keeping up appearances just as good old D.C taught them to. But, as always, Nick can sense that something bigger is brewing within the coven, growing distrusting of Lawrence gradually over time but without any proof of his suspicions, Nick has to do what he's always done best. Watch everything closely.
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tinotika-arts · 2 years
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“Or in this case: A lightning storm.”
-Cue battlefield being nuked 1 second later-
Trammander prompt got me wanting to draw a cold, angry Alexander seconds before he unleashes a lightning barrage on the poor fellow who decided to dig up old wounds.
I like to think that because Alex usually tries to fix conflict without fighting and usually holds himself back, that people tend to forget that he is in fact, a very dangerous being with enough magic capability to rival a dragon. In fact, he can be terrifying if pushed too far.
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