#that pp look is still one of the best looks ever 😋
moaserendipity · 3 years
I Promised You the Moon Final messy review
I am back, it took me some time to complete this review, but I finally sat down for it so let’s start the review of the last episode!! We ended with the two of them breaking up, let’s just see where they are now!
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I am back, it took me some time to complete this review, but I finally sat down for it so let’s start the review of the last episode!! We ended with the two of them breaking up, let’s just see where they are now!
We skipped to senior year☺️ Good to see Oh-Aew doing alright, oh but you immediately see the connection he still has with Teh. Those Flashcards are definitely not completely his idea👀 but that being said he looks good🥰
I love this friend group, they are close and just cute although I just know that he has feelings for Oh-Aew, it’s quite obvious. Ohhhhhh I see u Oh-Aew, lol yeah he is still not completely over Teh, seeing as the news about Teh, sparked his interest👀👀👀
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I love that he looks so proud of Teh though, that means there aren’t much bad feelings left anymore☺️ awww he didn’t remove his tattoo😲 “CRAZY LOVE INDEED”😆 best crazy love though👀 LOVE YOURSELF IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER! You go Oh-Aew💜💜
Oehhh friendzoned👀
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Ah will you go or not Oh-Aew😋 because the chance is that you run into Teh👀 ohh poor boy you did not get over him at all but thankfully you are smiling🥰 ( ps. I love this OST)
We are switching to Teh🥰 who looks tired!! He must be working so much🥺 really a shake for food, sigh just give him normal food🙈 stuck on a thesis, I never had to write one but looks hard tbh. Hmm she really only thinks about work doesn’t she🙈 there is more in life, I am just saying. To think I first thought Top would be the problem, boy was I wrong xD
Poor Teh, he must really feel exhausted. Just take a breather, you sometimes need one🥺💜 burned out on that age is not good🥺(it’s never good of course)
You miss Oh-Aew, that’s why you feel empty🥺. OHHHHHHH HELLO THERE! ITS FATE!! Wow the look on Teh’s face says it all😭 (side note: PP is seriously beautiful) wow it’s like he is soaking in the sunlight that Oh-Aew radiates, like it’s not only me who sees this right. As if he has lived in the darkness ever since that break-up and now there is finally sunshine again.😭 all the staring makes it a tiny bit awkward though Teh🙈
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Yes go to Oh-Aew🥰 although Oh-Aew is looking like “just leave already” but in the nicest way🙈 lol just ignore him Oh-Aew, it must be hard though! Lol Teh, how is sending an E-mail cool😂 He still loves Oh-Aew that much is obvious, will Oh-Aew feel the same though?🤔
Oh-Aew that’s not the best idea because you will be in that story as well🙈 reminiscing about the old days, is always nice🥰 it’s nice to see he still thinks back fondly. Teh already knows that he want to write about and sadly enough that is you Oh-Aew🤭😬 NOOO TUTY DIED😭
Ahhh smooth way to see if he is single Teh👀😎 Oh-Aew of course that’s imaginary. Come on that relationship is for promotion only. It’s quite obvious that he only has one person in his heart👀💜
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Tbh you should’ve fought for Oh-Aew as well but yeah that must’ve been hard🥺 sigh yeah he is still upset about everything which I can understand. Teh should’ve been more open to Oh-Aew and the things he found important. Lol yeah you are not completely okay Though but we’ll take it 🤭
Oh the invite to Teh’s final project. I am curious to see what he did! I have a feeling Oh-Aew won’t like it though, seeing as he will be a big part probably. Ahhh again the Sun flower, this really is t the right flower for these two🙈🌻
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Ohhh boy….😬 he did not use this as an apology and a confession for what has happened between them😬 yeah I would not accept this as well😶 it’s like ripping open old wounds and rubbing salt in it🥺
Ahh this is what I expected to be his answer. Teh you hurt Oh-Aew badly and this was not the right way to fix that but at least Teh is finally talking about his feelings🙈 so I guess that’s some sort of progress.
I feel bad for both of them🥺 I mean as fan I just want them together but I don’t want any of them hurt🥺 Teh my buddy this really isn’t the time🙈 hmm I just feel sad now
Awwww Bas is there for some wisedom 🥰 I love this so much💜 lol he is not surprised at all. Of course you felt al that, he betrayed you, that’s not easy to get over. Uhu I agree with Bas, your heart never gotten over Teh and the heart just wants what the heart wants, you can not fight it. It’s the only way you’ll know if it will work or not. Just follow that heart🥺🥰
Wow Teh never really did give up, that makes things even more sad😭 he did fight for you oh-aew🥺 (Ugh thank you for making me cry😭)
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Aw the gang is reunited 🥰 every one grew up super nicely 🥰 this mom is so sweet🥰 ugh there is absolutely no joy in his eyes, sigh😔 okay the OST/background music they use during the wedding still gives me goosebumps🥺 I am so happy for Teh’s brother and now wife☺️💜💜
Oh-Aew has arrived🥺🥰 he looks so handsome🥰 Oh-Aew wil catch it for sure😂 hahaha so cute🥰
Did he just gave him the answer he wanted, because I will cry 😭 Oh-Aew is definitely the grown up between the two, he made so much progress and I am proud that they are finally communicating 🥺
I love how Oh-Aew speaks right now. It’s so mature and loving at the same time & the fact that Teh is letting him speak, is also saying a lot. Yes communication is a must🥰
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I am so happy they got their Happy Ending😭😍
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