#that the genre isn't relict/dead but is in continuous development and iteration including many many books commenting on/subverting it
thebestoftragedy · 8 months
Biller, director of Love Witch (2016) and Viva (2007), told Jezebel that with Bluebeard’s Castle, she saw an opportunity to subvert the trope of the dark, brooding male love interest who must be tamed and civilized by the unconditional love of his heroine, regardless of who he’s killed or locked away in a closet. Gavin is a composite of Jane Eyre’s Rochester, the mysterious love interest who keeps his first wife in the attic; Wuthering Heights’ Heathcliff, the obsessive lover driven by maddening passion; and Rebecca’s Maxim de Winter, dapper and charismatic and ultimately violent toward women.
with the possible exception of jane eyre. none of those guys are meant to be great awesome super cool unproblematic men. why does it sound like anna biller is a 14 year old who has never actually read romeo and juliet or whatever going "ummmm did you know it's actually BAD for preteens to get married the day after they meet"
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