#that would have the plothole of just where the fuck is Tails during this whole ordeal
so, @queencurlycrown suggested that I sit down and watch the 2019 movie all the way through while typing out my thoughts about it, and I thought that was an absolutely BRILLIANT idea (she’s a genius, so I shouldn’t be surprised).
So please, enjoy my (very long) ramblings!
- I love how echo-ey the music is. It’s not as strong or intense, but it gets the job done, and gets me excited for the movie.
- Cat shadows are kind of creepy, not gonna lie
- The music getting so intense as soon as Victoria is thrown just gives me chills, honestly. Also, can I fight an old lady? Because I want to fight an old lady.
- I kind of like how all the cats immediately surround the bag as soon as the old lady leaves oH HI CASSANDRA I LOVE YOU QUEEN ...where was I? CORI MY SON I LOVE YOU
- All of them surrounding Victoria and circling her is super intense and wonderful and UGH YAY MUNKU HELP YOUR GIRLFRIEND
Jellicle Songs:
- Hi, I’m in love with Robbie Fairchild
- All of them popping out of random places just makes me feel so immersed in their world and I love it. Also, is Alonzo the one who sings “can you say of your bite that it’s worse than your bark?”
- Jfc Cori stop flirting with Victoria and give mISTO HIS HAT BACK also you’re an absolute dumbass and I absolutely adore you, you little baby boy
- Misto adjusting his hat with his tail? I’m in love. But also, the way that the music picks up makes it such a bop, and it really starts to get you into the movie.
- Gosh, Tantomile, how do you keep track of the braincell? Because Cori most definitely does not have it.
- Misto, you absolute fucking DORK that face during “Were you Whittington’s friend” GETS ME and Cassandra is just so unimpressed. They have such sibling energy.
- Syllabub, honey, please get out of the toilet.
- Okay, I’m honestly getting sibling vibes from Plato, Socrates, and Coricopat, so that’s my new headcanon for those three, plus Tantomile. Plato and Socrates are Cori and Tanto’s big brothers.
- Gosh, if any Munkustrap smiled at me like that I’d follow him into an alley too.
-  Cori, your HIPS. And, going off of the choreography, I actually really enjoy it? It’s very modern, and while it’s nothing like the Broadway choreo, I think it definitely gives the movie its own feel while still staying true to the original vibes.
- Gosh, I love how the sign changes from Moriarty to Macavity. Also, please Mr. Macavity sir. Keep your coat and hat on. You look much better.
-  Ugh, I love all the looks that Munku and Victoria share. And how he’s guiding her around and keeping her close? Excuse me while I cry.
- WHO SAYS “ORATORICAL CATS” BECAUSE I LOVE HIM? Also, Misto, pls, calm down. I know you’re already in love, but you’ve just met the queen. JERRIE PUT THAT BOX DOWN
- CORI JUMPED ONTO PLATO/SOCRATES’ BACK THEY’RE BROTHERS OKAY?? (sorry, this entire one song turned into “liv’s in love with coricopat”)
- “a-and magical cats!” oh sweetheart...
- Francesca’s dancing is just stunning. She did an amazing job as Victoria, and I will fight for her honor.
- OOF the way it just trails off just as Victoria’s getting into the song and how everyone runs off and she’s just standing there confused. It’s perfection.
- Macavity with the hat and coat is just so much better than nakey Macavity. But the way he obviously tries to hypnotize Victoria is so well-done. 
Naming of Cats/Victoria’s Dance:
- Cassandra and Demeter are girlfriends. I don’t make the rules.
- Still not 100% on their characters and their reactions to Victoria, but I do appreciate some protective ladies. Them hissing at Misto gives me more “We don’t know her, so you can’t talk to her just yet, so let the big sisters do the talking” vibes.
- Hi, I love Robbie Fairchild
- The different cats saying the different names, the setting being a graveyard, the very faint soundtrack in the back, it’s all just so creepy and I love it.
- I still hate that they skipped talking about the second part of the First Name, and the Second Name. It still doesn’t make sense, and I wish they had kept it because MUNKU DESERVES TO SAY HIS NAME DAMMIT (it would also give cats like Plato, Jelly, Cori and Demeter a chance to introduce themselves as well)
- HOOO BOY THAT TENSION BETWEEN MUNKU AND VICTORIA WOW THEY’RE ALREADY IN LOVE (also I’m just picturing Misto freaking out about the pretty cats)
- It’s almost as if Munku is teaching Victoria how to truly feel like a Jellicle/dance, as if she’s never danced before.
Invitation to the Jellicle Ball:
- oh... oh my poor anxious boy... (laurie I love you)
- Misto: *is anxious* JUGGLING TIME BABEY
- Munkustrap be like: *internally panicking at how adorable Misto is*
- Munku you smooth bastard. He lifts Tori so easily.
- The expressions, and the CGI of the ears and tails just makes everything 10 times better.
The Gumbie Cat:
- Oh... oh god here we go.
- Robbie’s voice is angelic, I love him, and he’s the only good part of this entire cursed scene.
- I hate Rebeldots. I’m sorry, but I do. I don’t enjoy anything about her. It’s just... awful. WHY THE CROTCH SCRATCHING??? JUST STOP PLEASE
- Munku leaning over the rocking chair with his arms crossed? Baby boy...
- These expressions are absolute gold, though. Everyone is absolutely terrified and confused. 
- Plato and Socrates are helpful boys, and are just happy to be there.
- Misto helping out the cockroaches? Also baby boy...
The Rum Tum Tugger:
- MY BOY I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!! I really love Derulo Tugger and the rebellious teen-vibes he gives off. 
- Munkustrap just. adopting all the cockroaches. I can’t with him sometimes. He’s just such a dad to everybody.
- I can’t believe I didn’t realize that Misto and Tugger are ex-boyfriends when I first watched this movie. It’s so obvious now.
- Plato, Socrates, and Tugger are BFFs. They even have matching necklaces. Someone come and collect these dorks please because oh my god I love them. 
- Rebeldots, please take your nasty “funny” comments and leave. They’re so uncalled for, and it really makes the scene kind of uncomfortable. Especially when she LOOKS DOWN AT MUNKU. But his expressions are the best part, so that’s all I pay attention to. 
- Ugh, I really love Jason’s voice during this whole song. This entire song just made me fall in love with him as Tugger, and his dancing and just how he portrays Tugger is amazing. 
- Wow, I love Cassandra. So much. I would die for her. 
- The way he sings “Victoria”? AMAZING (but that whole foot thing is just kind of weird so yeah)
- I know people have their feelings about his accent, but I find it totally adorable and I think he does a really good job of maintaining it throughout the song, except for a few moments. 
- Misto is ready to magic the hell out of Tugger at the end. Pls leave your ex-boyfriend alone and figure out your feelings, sweetie, before you do anything rash.
Grizabella the Glamour Cat:
- I really feel like Grizabella is Cassandra’s mother. That’s honestly the feeling I get, or she has to be a sister of some sort. The contempt that Cassandra sings with is just too intense. 
- Okay, unpopular opinion time: I wasn’t completely blown away by Jennifer as Grizabella. She was really good, but I just didn’t get the “wow” factor that I got from watching Elaine for the first time, or hearing Mamie singing “Memory” for the first time. I feel the same way about her Grizabella that I felt about Leona’s Grizabella. She’s good, but now insanely good.
- Demeter is protective of her girlfriend and stands with her against her mother/sister. 
- Plato/Socrates (I’m still not sure which one is which) standing in front of Victoria just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. They’re already so protective of her!!
- Why did we need another plothole about Grizabella’s past with Macavity? We didn’t need that!!
Bustopher Jones:
- Oh god, here we go again.
- Listen, I don’t hate Bustopher Corden’s voice. He has a good voice, I just really don’t enjoy his portrayal of Bustopher. He’s just a fat joke like Rebeldots, and I hate that. 
- Plato and Socrates have giant hats on, and they’re just sweet baby boys, okay?
- Cori!!! I love you!!! You’re so curious!!
- Misto’s so enamored with Tori. Honey, just tone it down a tiny bit, please.
- The entire “jumping onto the piece of wood” part is kind of cringey. The “gather up a few more of the... cats” line seems like it was a blooper/mistake they left in, because it almost seems like he forgot his line for a moment and they just didn’t catch it before sending the movie out. 
- Munku: *has his arms around Misto to help lift Bustopher* “don’tpanicdon’tpanicdon’tpanic”
- Mistoffelees, feeling Munku’s arms around him: “fuckfuckfuckfuck he’s really strong someone help pls”
- Demeter during this song is me. Confused, a little disgusted, and would rather be with Tugger and Cassandra during the song. 
- Just saying, Bustopher Jones would NEVER dig through trash. He’s a high-society cat, and only eats the best. 
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer:
- Hoooo boy those accents. And the music in the background just is everything.
- Jerrie, you’re an absolute devil, and I’d die for you. Teazer, you’re just an angel and a cheeky sweetheart.
- I do love this version. I think it’s really cool, it has a really fun sound to it, and I’m glad that they went back to the original London recording. I do prefer the Broadway version, though, but I’m not angry at this version. It’s really cool, and the feel of the song gives you old-time crime-heist vibes. 
- Jerrie being gentler with Teazer than he is with Tori? What a good brother. 
- This song is basically just “Which twin can seduce the pretty cat the fastest”
- “Hello police officer! Bought these for her myself.” “You did what?” “Wait-” YOU HIMBO JERRIE I LOVE YOU
-  2019 Jerrie and Teazer are very chaotic, and a bit darker than the other twins we know, but I really do love their portrayals in this movie.
- Oh... oh no... I’m having flashbacks to my short. Now I’m crying over Misto again. Why did I kill Misto? (because I can, that’s why)
- Growltiger’s just kind of meh, and I guess he’s kind of a cool addition, but it’s just eh.
- Misto covering for Victoria when they get to the theater just makes me so soft, and Munku’s just kind in awe but also just like “what is happening with the pretty cats?”
Old Deuteronomy:
- Munku is such a sweet boy and he’s just the best son!! He loves his mom!!
- CORI YOU’RE AN ANGEL (this has also just turned into “liv is looking for any appearance by Cori”)
- I love this song just for the interactions that they all have with each other and with Old D. The way that they all look so happy and excited to see her is just so cute!!
- I think Judi Dench is a fine Old Deuteronomy, but part of me thinks that the main reason she was brought in for the movie is because she never got her shot to be in Cats, as she had the injury that then caused Elaine Paige to be brought in, so when they were trying to figure out the cast, she was probably one of the first ones to pop into their heads. (nothing against her or her portrayal of Old D. Just a thought.)
The Jellicle Ball:
- Skimble and Munku helping Old D into the theater is probably the sweetest thing ever. They’re Very Responsible Boys who Respect everyone.
- I love Gus very much.
- “Jellicles jump like a jumping jack” their little hop!!! What a mom and son!!
- I do like the chanting that they all do, but there’s just something about everyone having their moment, and their own delivery of a line that’s just so great about this scene on stage, and that’s really something I wish they had kept in the movie. 
- I actually really like the idea that their dancing is influenced by the moon. The way they all react to the moonlight, and how Victoria is at first confused as to why she’s also reacting how they are before accepting it and dancing with them just shows how important this night is to them. It also goes with the title of Act 1, “When Cats are Maddened by the Midnight Dance”, and this scene definitely makes you feel like they’re all just being controlled by the moon. Also, Grizabella dancing along with them in the corner is absolutely heartbreaking.
- Skimble... and Munku... they’re husbands... they’re doing a mating dance... fight me...
- The way that Grizabella kind of perks up curiously during the couples portion of the dance makes me think that she probably raised Mistoffelees, at least for a little bit. He arrived at the theater young, and Grizabella already had Cassandra, so she raised the two of them together, so she’s now seeing her boy dancing with a pretty queen and now I’m sad over Grizabella again.
- I can’t remember who made the post about this Ball being Cori’s first, but I absolutely see it now, because everyone’s so excited and happy to just watch him dance, and he’s so hopeful, and Old D’s just so proud of him, and oh my god my heart can’t take this I love him. 
- PROTECTOR CASS AND PROTECTOR DEMETER!!!! ALSO Protectors Plato and Socrates who won’t let anyone interrupt their little brother’s dance!!!
- I love Les Twins as Plato and Socrates, and their dancing is absolutely insane. 
- You can definitely tell that, during Victoria’s solo, Francesca had pointe shoes on, but they did a good job at blending everything together and not making it seem jarring or out of place!
- Again, the whole thing about them being controlled by the moon to an extent is really interesting, and I love how they played that part of being so overcome by the moon’s power that they just can’t help themselves. 
- I really love that they incorporated the Victoria lift from the stage production into the movie.
- I also really like that Victoria gets very overwhelmed and needs to step back from everything. Because everyone else knows what’s happening. They understand. This is her first night as a Jellicle, so everything is new and unfamiliar to her. of course, the strange power of the moon would scare her slightly. 
- I do like how Jennifer sings “Memory”, but I just wish that she would hold out the notes for longer. It’s very choppy, and you don’t really get to immerse yourself into the emotion like you can with Elaine or Mamie’s version. 
- She does an excellent job at conveying the feeling of pain and longing that Grizabella has, as well as the pride that comes back for just a few moments at points in the song. 
- I also really like her appearance, but at the same time, I think she looks too clean. On stage, Grizabella is haggard, torn, and scarred. Her fur is matted, she’s limping, and her makeup is smeared around. Jennifer’s Grizabella looks too clean to have been on the streets and abandoned for a while. 
Beautiful Ghosts/Moments of Happiness:
- “Beautiful Ghosts” is a lovely song. It really is. it’s actually one of my favorites, but it just does not fit in with the movie at all. But something that I’ve actually just realized while watching this is that this song represents Victoria. It doesn’t fit in with the rest of the music, just like Victoria feels she doesn’t fit in with the rest of the Jellicles.
- But ignoring symbolism and all that stuff, I really don’t think this song works. As beautiful as it is, I just feel like it puts the brakes on and slows the movie. Especially with the stark contrast in style. 
- Judi Dench is a wonderful Old Deuteronomy. The confusion, but slight acceptance on her face really shows how much she wants to help Grizabella, but she can’t. 
Gus the Theater Cat:
- I love how Misto fanboys over Gus. He’s just so excited to meet his idol, and Gus just smiles and indulges him. I love how MIsto kind of copies Gus’ good luck motions. He’s just such a sweetheart. 
- There is some kind of history between Gus and Old D. The looks that they give each other are... something else. 
- The trio of kittens looks so ashamed and sad and I just want to snuggle the three of them because they deserve all the love in the world. 
- Misto being very helpful during the song is adorable, and he just wants to do his best!!
- Ian McKellan is an icon and he must be protected. 
Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat:
- “Hey Liv, do you ship skimblestraps or mistoriastraps?” “Yes”
- Munku loves his husband!!!!
- *shoves jerrie and teazer away* “move, fours, an eleven is arriving soon”
- I LOVE the excitement in this number. You can just feel how much fun everyone is having, and I sweat, every time I listen to this or watch it, I can’t stop smiling. 
- Skimble, we get it, you’re a smooth, suave boy.
- TAPPING!!! The entire beginning portion of the tap sequence is just so satisfying, and as he picks it up and it gets faster, I’m just in absolute awe of Steve McRae. 
- Plato and Socrates are really just happy to be included and I love them. 
- Munku and Skimble doing their little toe tap makes me very soft and I love those boys. 
- Steve McRae doing the spin by himself while being lifted into the air? Iconic.
- Okay, Taylor Swift as Bomba was really underwhelming. I knew going in that it wasn’t going to be the same, but I really just did not enjoy her Bomba at all. It’s more helpful to see her as a different character, especially since they never say her name, but still, it’s just a bit annoying that they changed her character so much.
- As Bomba’s coming down, Tugger has his hand on Munkustrap’s back while they’re all looking up. Just something I thought I’d point out. 
- I will say, the entire catnip sequence is really something else to watch. Especially Munku with a martini glass.
- Bomba and Teazer are girlfriends. That’s what I’m getting, and that’s what I’m sticking with. 
- I really don’t like the whole “henchcat Bomba” storyline, but I guess it works in some way?
- “We didn’t know he was gonna take Old Deut!” NO you’re not supposed to be baby! Also, GO PROTECTIVE ALONZO!!!! GOOD BOY!!!
- I do miss the Macavity/Munkustrap fight, absolutely, but I really love Skimble just. aggressively tap-dancing to take down Growltiger. 
Mr. Mistoffelees:
- I really have mixed feelings about this entire song. On one hand, I like Munkustrap singing to Misto, and everyone encouraging him, but on the other hand, I really don’t like the very uncertain and awkward Misto. However, he’s still baby, so that’s all that matters.
- Munku: “how do I make this cat fall in love with me” *gently tilts the chin of every cat he meets* “perfect”
- I love Robbie’s sweet, angelic voice so much. 
- Munku’s very confused expression throughout the song is just absolutely hilarious for some reason, and I love how done Cass looks the entire time. 
- The small moments with Tugger watching, and Tugger singing int he background just makes me really happy, and again gives off the energy that Misto and Tugger are ex-boyfriends. 
- But I really love the little Mistoria moment at the very end, when they’re dancing together. It’s just so sweet. 
- This version of the song definitely has not grown on me, and I definitely don’t enjoy it as much as the other songs, but it’s still pretty fun to listen to. 
- Skimble snuggling Gus. That’s all that matters.
Memory (Reprise)/Beautiful Ghosts (Reprise):
- I definitely enjoy the second version more than the first, but it still doesn’t have that same impact. She does an amazing job, but there’s just something about her version of the song that I just can't connect with it as much. 
- Munku crying is NOT okay and he needs a cuddle immediately. 
- I think it’s the fact that Grizabella didn’t approach the Jellicles that gets me. It was Victoria who brought Grizabella in, Victoria who told Grizabella to sing. It kind of wasn’t really Grizabella’s choice to compete. 
- She doesn’t hold the notes out for very long, just like with the first version, so that definitely takes something away from the performance of the song. 
- I do love how she sings lines, like “I must think of a new life”. I made a post about this, but she just spits those words out, and you can feel her anger and feel how tired and done she is with everything.
- The “touch me” line was really powerful, though, and I definitely got chills at that part. 
- The look that Grizabellla gives Cass right before the song ends, in that small pause, really hints that they have some kind of connection, and I really get the feeling that Grizabella is Cass’ mother. 
- I really don’t like that there was a reprise of “Beautiful Ghosts”. I think they should have just let Grizabella have her final big moment, and they really didn’t need that reprise. It was unnecessary and took away from the impact of “Memory”.
Journey to the Heaviside Layer/Ad-dressing of Cats:
- Of course, we all know the massive plothole with what happened to the other contestants, so I’m not even going to get into that. 
- Misto lighting the candles and just being a confident boy with his magic. I’m so proud of my anxious baby boy. 
- I really love the setup of the final shot at the end of “Journey to the Heaviside Layer”, how there’s the chorus cats on the street level, the named/recognizable/secondary cats on the pedestal, and then the four main cats sitting on top of the lion. 
- The two of them running off together right at the end, and being just so playful with each other... angels...
- Victoria and Old D having their sweet little moment together while watching Grizabella go to the Heaviside Layer is a really sweet scene, and I think a really good end to the movie. 
alright, there you have it! my 1:30 am ramblings and thoughts about the 2019 movie, bring it back around once again!!
I’ve been wanting to do a more in-depth look at my own thoughts about it since it came out, but I haven’t had the chance, but @queencurlycrown and I were talking, and she mentioned this idea to me, and I knew I had to do it. 
so yeah!!
i will have some sleep now because it is late
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