#that's all I have for now sfgvbsgb
mintytrifecta · 3 years
Do you think we could hear more about ur Buzz and Zurg AU? The one where Buzz knows Zurg is his dad? I love it, and would love to hear more HCs about it!
Oh for sure!!! I will warn you this gets,,,, very self indulgent but I'll take any chance I get to talk about it jkhbgljhvj - So Buzz sort of,,, always knew that Zurg was his dad - Mainly cause his nana wouldn't shut up about it, going on and on about how her daughter married That Guy Specifically - Buzz does know his mom and she is alive and well and the biggest girlboss to ever girlboss - She's a retired Space Ranger who runs a nightclub (not that anyone in Star Command believes him when he says that) and is always super super busy with it so she couldn't really be Buzz's primary caretaker so Nana stepped up to the job - I don't really have a name for her yet so let's just say it's Carmilla for now khgvkhgvfk - Carmilla's a native Morphian and moved with her mom to Capital Planet after a siege on Morph by non-Zurgian evil forces - She becomes a Space Ranger in undercover roles, trying to gain infromation and find all the Morphians who were forced into hiding but somewhere along the line runs into Zurg - Zurg, as it turns out, is also a Morphian, something he reveals only to her - She develops a soft spot for him but in a monsterfucker "god you're so annoying c'mere lemme kiss you" kind of way - They begin a secret relationship on the field and off and eventually Carmilla doesn't really want to be a ranger anymore so she kind of sort of fakes her own death and elopes with Zurg for a while there - Lo and behold a while later she has a son - But she can't really raise him to be evil, can she?? It doesn't matter if her husband is an emperor it's unjust and she wishes he had a better career than this :// - So she leaves to go back to Capital Planet and leads Buzz down a lawful path - Anyways that's enough backstory let's get to some fun things - Buzz and Zurg have a very Doofenshmirtz and Perry style of relationship where work is work and outside of it if they're not causing any harm to eacho ther they're family and just,,, vibe - Family cookouts on sunday are Mandatory - Buzz has Zurg's number and Zurg spams him with evil pro-zurg memes - This is after he's tried blocking Zurg sixteen times already - Buzz is a weird case in Star Command because he's been there practically since he was a child and nobody ever tries to conceptualize what his life is like outside of SC because of that - Which leads to absolutely nobody believing him when he says anything about his personal life cause it's so different from the Space Ranger Persona he has - It might also be why he does Shiv Katall so well - Zurg defo looks back on Shiv Katall after finding out it's Buzz and being like "god fucking dammit of course he can fool me with that act he's carmilla's son" and sulks for the next week - Warp genuinely had no idea - Like zero - Zurg is a blabbermouth but he's never going to admit that His Son beats him like every week - They do celebrate each other's birthdays and whether it involves a prank scheme or foil I cannot say - Buzz knows personally every minion Zurg has and just talks with them causally whenever Zurg kidnaps him - Team Lightyear only finds out about this during a mission where Zurg has them all hostage and he's just full on rambling while Buzz tries to get him to shut up like "Zurg... Zurg.. Zurg... D A D" and then it works and that's how they find out - Commander Nebula also has no clue and Buzz woudln't allow his team to tell him - Now the team has inside jokes about Buzz's home life - Mira: Damn Buzz and I thought I had issues with my dad and royalty Buzz: For the last time Mira just because he says he's an emperor- - Buzz's neighbors do know about it because The Emperor Literally Comes To His House Every Sunday but he never does anything evil so they're all like "yeah whatever idc he can stay" - Buzz learns Morphian dialect from Zurg cause he never had a chance to study it as a child - Carmilla does rub Zurg's losses in his face she thinks it's hilarious - and she's right
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