#that's funny you can get away with it without being followed by sion!
dairine-bonnet · 6 months
On Korriban:
Darth Sion: ...You are her apprentice in name only. I am the Master, and that is why you will die!
The Exile: And it is time to find out who is better at mastering Force speed!
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awfully-sadistic · 5 years
Prompt #12: January 12, 2019
pill bottle
No theme for today. It’s the weekend.
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It’s been a while since littlespace has been explored. Here are a couple of headcanons from various Daddies in the Family who will remind dot and her alters all about caring for themselves.
Angelo will be an on-the-dot (pun not intended) “take your medicine as soon as it’s time” kind of Daddy. 
He follows the directions to the T even though He doesn’t need to but He doesn’t mess around with His littles’ health.
He’s a Doctor, so He would understand how important it was that dot and her alters take their medicine whenever the hour, on the hour, comes up.
If everyone is separated, He sends out a mass-text reminder. But usually, the alters are really good with coming to Him for their medicine.
He always tells them what a good girl/boy they are for remembering to see Him and gives them head rubs and cheek caresses when they take their meds from His hand.
He would not get too much resistance from dot, misi, or sione but tiny and drette are almost always “fighting” back.
tiny almost always caves immediately when Angelo counters her reasons for “why i can’t take my medicine today, Daddy” and squelches her brattiness with logical replies.
“But sweetheart, it takes care of you in places I cannot. The medicine drops into your belly--” Angelo tickles her tummy, “--and spreads all over to battle all the bad things inside. And you want to take care of yourself for Daddy, right?”
“Now, take your medicine like a good girl and give Daddy your best hug.”
He has to keep a close eye on ensuring that drette doesn’t spit hers out. Even does the whole “lift your tongue” thing because she’s been known to hide it and spit it out later.
He offers up water for them to take along with the pill despite any complaining. He just smiles at them and tell them it’s good for them and He’s very proud of them for drinking water today.
But He also understands that sometimes taking pills or any other kind of medicine sometimes leaves a funny taste behind.
While He may adore the adorable looks on their faces sometimes, He does offer them something tastier afterwards.
Healthier juices as opposed to soda.
He tells them what all good girls and boys they are, providing them with lots of reassuring kisses and hugs when it’s all done.
Alessio is also really strict on what times dot and her alters take their medicine. He is by the book and follows the directions to the dosage.
He expects each of the alters to come to Him when it’s medicine time. There is no excuses for being late since T/they have been doing this for a very long time together.
There are separate punishments for being late as opposed to not taking your medicine such as receiving a spanking upon arriving and having the other alters watch the example.
He displays good judgement on whether the dosages need to be upped or lessened; such as sick medicines (cough syrups, night time syrups, sinus meds, etc).
He makes them stand in a line when He starts giving out the doses of either pills or syrups.
This allows Him to pay special attention to the alter He stands in front of while letting the others know He will get to them in time.
He also expects an alter not to interrupt another alter’s time with Him and their medicine. He pays them each their own attention and it’s unacceptable to take that time away from an alter.
Or teasing an alter for taking their medicine (drette).
Alessio is also very NO NONSENSE, so He expects tiny and drette to take their medicine when given as opposed to when Angelo puts up with a little disobedience on their part.
tiny usually obeys after a harsh glare and Alessio’s silence but drette likes to push the boundaries.
It takes only one instance of drette refusing her meds for Alessio to stick His fingers in drette’s mouth to force feed her any pills.
she’ll be in so much trouble if she tries to bite Him.
If it’s syrup, He pinches her cheeks together and forces her to gulp the little cup down.
He absolutely makes sure she has taken her medicine while the other alters are witness to Alessio’s brute force.
It usually deters them from disobeying the harsh Dominant.
Afterwards, drette usually follows procedure until it starts all over a week later when she starts up again. she likes being forced sometimes.
That’s fine with Alessio as long as drette is taking her medicine.
And He never gets mad.
He gives them all looks of approval, kisses, “good girl/boy” when they have taken their medicine, and head pats when it’s all finished.
Benedict isn’t quite as strict as Angelo or Alessio but he is also pretty good at giving dot and her alters medicine at the same time.
He has been doing this for a very long time so He doesn’t need to read the directions.
He pays special attention to the alter He is giving the medicine to so they are more likely to obey and not fuss with declining the medicine He has to offer.
He allows each of them to sit on His lap, one at a time, while they take their medicine.
they each get special attention while seated on His lap. This does prove effective to coax them into taking their meds.
dot, misi, and sione are easier than tiny and drette, again.
But it’s a toss up between whether tiny or drette will take their medicine based on their individual mood.
If tiny is fussy, she will whine about taking her medicine.
If drette is agitated, she will flat out decline.
Benedict offers tiny a compromise; if she takes her medicine, He will do an activity of her choice one on one.
If tiny continues to be fussy, He will start taking away activities and substitute them for a time-out instead.
The longer she doesn’t take her medicine, the longer she sits in time-out.
drette gets an ultimatum when she flat out declines; she either takes her medicine or her toys get taken away.
If she’s petulant about it, she gets force fed her pills, her “toys” taken away, and she has to sit at Benedict’s feet in one of her uncomfortable kneeling positions until she apologizes (and really means it).
If especially bad, she gets put in her padded cell for a time-out.
If all the alters take their pills in a timely and good-mannered way, Benedict rewards them with a home-cooked meal done by His own hand to wash that horrible tasting medicine away.
they also have the choice of juice or soda to go with their food.
Bennett is the most lenient of the Daddies when it comes to medicine time.
But that doesn’t mean He lets any of them skimp out on meds in either pill form or syrups. He lets them argue with Him but they always take their meds in the end.
That’s because He takes their health seriously despite being as brash and loud as He is normally. 
He is full on Daddy mode and is usually more serious around this time so the alters know what Bennett they’re getting when they receive their medicine from Him.
Bennett knows there is a schedule and sometimes things come up that hinders T/their meeting times.
Sometimes dot may be at the Mortuary while drette may be all the way across the Haushold in the Asylum. He just doesn’t see the point on making everyone drop what they’re doing so they can take their pills and then go back. He’s considerate in that sense because It’s really disruptive and He knows He’d hate that shit being done to Him.
So sometimes, it requires Bennett to make visits to the littles instead of them coming to Him. He’s very fast anyways so it takes no time for Him at all to meet with them in whatever capacity they’re in.
He usually gets away with letting the alters fuss with Him in terms of medicine because He hates taking the shit, too. And they know it.
dot will usually try getting out of taking a dose of medicine with Bennett. T/they will banter back and forth until Bennett either pegs her with a logical reply or He offers something up (like a free pass) if she is especially fussy with no sight of budging.
misi and sione are usually complacent when Bennett comes to them with their medicine. However, if it’s bad tasting, Bennett is the one they can usually voice displeasure to without too much fear.
“I know it tastes bad, but if you take ‘em, I’ll give ya some pop and lots of kisses.”
That usually wins them over.
tiny and Bennett “argue” like dot and Bennett do with the exception that tiny usually ends up getting spanks because she bites off more than she can chew, sometimes.
“you should have just taken the two passes, ya little brat.”
tiny wails from over His lap, “i thought i could get away with three!!”
“Now you have no brat passes and still have to take your medicine.”
tiny is usually too distracted by her sore-bottom to fight back after this.
But Bennett still tells her she is a good girl and gives her the aftercare she needs after a spanking and taking her medicine.
On a good day, she can walk away with a brat pass or two. But one day, she’s going to get three. she just knows it.
drette is another story; she knows she can get away with The Most™ sometimes and therefore does... the most.
One time, drette started throwing her equipment and tools as soon as she saw Bennett walk through the door. It could be argued that drette is the side of dot that’s very opposed to taking medicine in any capacity given how unhinged she is.
Bennett understands this and never holds it against her but He does have a duty to perform as Daddy.
Good thing He’s tough. And He enjoys a confrontation.
At the end of the day, drette has to be held down to take her medicine as she knows this is the only person she could get away with not taking any--she has escaped before.
But Bennett has gotten to know all her tricks that she’d get Him with at the beginning. It’s not like that anymore.
drette usually calms down after the medicine has passed down her throat. And it usually ends with Bennett having sat on top of her and her wild gaze tic’ing this way and that, seeing nothing but the ceiling to the Asylum.
At this point, Bennett is most attentive to giving drette the most aftercare because of the amount of fight she put in and He gave back. There was no doubt He was forceful and that she will have bruises that reflect Him handling her from thrashing about.
He holds her for hours, stroking her hair and telling her she was a good girl. It didn’t matter that He would have to do this tomorrow or the day after that, He loved her and would do it for as long as it took.
Aiden has to put on his glasses to read the tiny print to see who gets what and at what time. By the time the medicine is supposed to be given out, He has fallen a little bit behind.
It is not neglectful, but rather He has recently taken up the mantle of actively giving out medicine to the littles.
He’s actually very excited and eager to learn.
Eventually, He, dot, and her alters get into the habit of a proper medication routine.
The alters are usually very good at meeting up with Aiden for their medicine. He turns it into a game, somewhat. 
Aiden is more playful than the other Daddies despite His larger stature and rank in the Haushold.
One of the games He plays is whoever takes their medicine first gets to have Daddy Aiden do whatever they ask for the whole day.
This one becomes a little hectic on account that the littles rush to take their medicine so He’s made it a little more challenging by hiding the medicine first.
Whoever finds their medicine and brings it up to Him and also takes it wins!
He also gives little prizes for the runners up for their participation such as stuffies and little toys.
It’s very important that the littles don’t feel left out.
Then He spends a lot of more time with them afterwards to find out if they’re okay after having taken the medicine.
Sometimes it doesn’t always show right away. He might stay for a bit brushing dot or any of her alter’s hair.
Other times, they can all play a board game.
Since misi is a lot more sensitive than the other alters when taking hir medicine, Aiden hovers close. If sie shows any signs of discomfort, He rubs hir back until it passes.
Sometimes tiny pretends to be sick so she can get the same treatment.
Aiden knows this but He still spoils her, too. ♥
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