#that's how the fcking body is built and it's normal? what else would there be? but like back then this was still a reason to bully and idk
lady-lycany · 2 months
sometimes I remember random sht back from school (students trying to bully me or making me uncomfortable) and today some of these things have me like ?????????
why did that work? It shouldn't have.
and then sometimes I'm still like "okay, what the actual fck"
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ftlandon · 5 years
me: sitting
the horse i’m on: galloping 
hi beezus here & i’m running out of fun things to say at the start of my intro’s :/
this is truly going to be....a mess ‘cause he’s a new muse of mine so still getting a feel for him ! i also am not sure exactly which triggers to tag but there’s mentions of death, mental illness, stalking, grief, murder 
ok landon was born & raised in kansas ! country boooy i looove u blegh. both of his parents are doctors & they own a huge plot of land that they built their house on when landon was just a lil baby. his mom is also obsessed w golden retrievers so they had like 4 of them omg. his home life was good, he’s close w his parents, had nothing to complain about ! 
he was really popular growing up. despite being kinda shy he played sports, had a solid group of friends, was good looking & well liked. he was that jock that was friends with literally EVERYONE like would walk down the hall & everyone would greet him. outside of sports he spent a lot of time writing. his mom encouraged him to start keeping a journal when he was 13 & his friends gave him a lot of shit for it but it’s been 10 yrs & he hasn’t stopped writing. he keeps every notebook too so he could literally look back on every day of his life for the last ten yrs which i think is pretty fcking neato. 
after graduating high school he attended a local college. his grades were great & he could have gone to school anywhere but he wanted to stay close to his high school sweetheart. he’s only ever been in one relationship ! he met her when they were 15 & he didn’t see himself w anyone else...wanted to marry this girl so bad
about one yr ago was when things started to get rocky...he was at this frat party & there was this girl there that everyone kinda outcasted & he knew that she was only invited to the party as a joke which made him feel :( so he went out of his way to talk to her in fact he even made sure to ask his gf if she was ok w him just...spending the entire party w this girl just to piss off everyone that was being mean to her ! & so he did he spent the whole night w her & made sure she had a lot of fun then gave her a ride home 
things were fine for a few weeks i mean he noticed that this girl seemed kinda off...like she was always where he was ? if he was eating at a diner w his friends she happened to be at the same diner at the same time, he would walk across the courtyard to go to class & see her head following him like shamelessly staring...it was pretty uncomfortable but he didn’t think much of it 
exactly three weeks after the party ( literally same day of the week as the party & everything ) the first body was found. one of his guy friends was murdered & it sent the entire school into a panic ‘cause no one knew what happened ? the town had been so quiet for so long it didn’t make much sense. as time when on things started getting creepier....he would find love letters in his locker but they never said who they were from, he was receiving cryptic texts messages & boxes of strange gifts on his doorstep which had him thinking he was the next target & then Yikes only a week after the first body was found they found another one & it happened to be ANOTHER one of his friends this time it was the girlfriend of one of the guy’s...at that point he was confused & completely terrified 
things were quiet for a couple months after that & he hadn’t even noticed the girl from the party watching him anymore which put him at ease a little bit ! he wanted to get away from it all at that point so him & his girl were planning a trip out of state & he was planning on popping the big question omg he had it all planned out & bought a really cheap ring but it was still cute she would have LOVED it ! he hadn’t even told anyone besides his family about his plan to propose but for some reason....someone knew & he was getting letters in his locker again but this time they weren’t love letters they were ANGRY & he had no idea where it was coming from. that’s when he started seeing the girl from the party again but she wasn’t being sneaky anymore she was approaching him in the hall, claiming things that weren’t true like asking him why he slept w her & then stopped talking to her....he was thinkin in his head “omfg this bitch crazy” ‘cause literally ALL he did was give her a ride home from a party but he was too nice to like say that to her face especially ‘cause he knew that she like...wasn’t all there 
THIS IS GETTING LONG SO long story short....the last body that was found was his gf right before they planned to go on their trip :/ he was fcking devastated and was starting to put the pieces together so he confronted the girl from the party ( i really should give her a name uuuuhhhh juliet ok her name is juliet ) & she just completely SNAPPED in front of him it was so crazy she was like threatening him, chased him w a knife, tried to convince him that what she did was FOR HIM wow a whole mess. he ended up having to like attack her & hold her down until the cops got there & she confessed to everything 
flash forward to today ! it took him a few months to get back to his normal life for obvious reasons but without his sweetheart holding him down back in kansas he decided to transfer schools & now he attends lockwood. he’s a psychology major but he kinda struggles w it like his grades aren’t the best rn
personality wise he hasn’t changed much he’s still v sweet, likable, doesn’t play any sports but he works out a lot, he looks more disheveled than he use to but do you blame him ? he stills writes everyday, doesn’t go out as much anymore like parties ? scare the shit out of him but...after he scopes out the area & feels safe he’ll get really shitfaced 
he tries hard not to live his life in fear ‘cause he knows he SHOULD feel safe now that she’s behind bars buuuuuut he really doesnt. the situation was just so out of no where he’s terrified that it could happen again if he doesn’t notice the signs & now he thinks he knows how to notice them but he really....does not...he’s just paranoid & will not hesitant to accuse anyone of being a murderer 
he’s a tier 1 shepherd he just likes to gather as much info on people as he can in case he feels like anyone might be doing something sketchy or potentially harmful he feels like it’s his job to stop it now that he’s lived through it ? 
he’s still shy af that’s something he never grew out of but he’s so....sweet like his voice is soft & quiet & he’s too nice to tell people to fuck off so he holds conversations well even when he gives short responses it’s always “how are you” & he genuinely cares how people around him are doing when he asks it yea he’s that guy 
he smokes weed now but it’s more of a recent thing he started doing since moving here ( feel free to be the person that got him into it ) it helps with his anxiety so much if you asked him about it he’d go on & on about how much he likes it....he’s a new smoker that’s how it be 
he struggles a lot w past trauma now....reasonably ! it was a horrible situation to be in & he really didn’t deserve it :( even when she was bein crazy he was still nice to her like probably felt so bad & tried to justify her actions even though they weren’t justifiable & she p much ruined his entire life 
he’ll hook up w people but probably not sober ? he’s still grieving i mean he wanted to be a married man by now & that got taken from him so dating isn’t an option...yet ? sexuality...i wanna say straight but y’all know by now i’m Gay so all my muses will be a little gay too....someone volunteer as the first man to rock his world  
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