#that's kind of the point that yeah she is unmistakably a targaryen and yet she is not like the rest of them
khalesci · 7 months
I understand the tragic poetry behind the idea but (personally) I cannot get behind the concept that Dany dying to save the world would be a fitting ending for her. Is it likely? Yeah actually lol but I don't like it. Why can't she save the world and live?? Also the way some people act like a "Targaryen restoration" would be a bad ending as if it means all the dead shitty ones are suddenly going to come back to life and entrap Westeros under a vicious dynasty again when really "Targaryen restoration" for the most part just means Dany is thriving and happy and claims the throne while Jon and f!Aegon are doing Whatever depending on where their arcs take them. In what world will Dany ever reinstate all the systems of oppression that she is actively trying to dismantle???
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kittensjonsa · 5 years
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Otherwise, Engaged
The Proposal AU (with a slight deviation from the actual movie)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Jon had just turned sixteen when he received news of his parents' death. It was a car accident that took their lives instantaneously. He could still remember being called to the principal's office one sunny afternoon, sitting in that uncomfortable chair whilst the police officer broke the news to him.
He did not remember crying much but he did remember the people who came for the funeral, a good-sized turn out, paying their respects to Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell. Everyone was cordial, kind and concerned. All he did was shake hands with them and telling them he was all right, and that he was getting the help needed. That was the only memory growing up that stayed with him, sad as it was, being around that many people who knew and loved his family. Jon loved his parents and they adored him that much he knew but being left alone and on his own, truly changed his world. He had to do everything himself, apart from the lawyers who helped with the estate, he had to figure out life on his own. It was difficult at first but soon enough, it became comfortable. His solitude became a sanctuary; a soft-padded cell he enjoyed retreating to and quite often.
But that was almost twenty years ago. A sad memory he associated with family. A social event he wished he didn't have to be a part of and since then Jon had grown accustomed to avoiding any large family gatherings or any gatherings at all. He grew comfortable living in a huge house alone, got through university alone somewhat breezily thanks to the lack of social distractions. He had the time to hone his writing, an outlet that healed him and thanks to it, eventually went on to be a reporter, the kind whose articles touched the outside world. And with that, surfaced a chance meeting with Jeor Mormont of the renowned Mormont & Sons Publishing, in whom Jon found his family.
Family, Jon thought. For fifteen years or so, it was word that rarely came to mind.
And now here I am. Jon watched as people stopped them to greet and hug Sansa as she made her way to the house. Jon could tell she was very much loved in Winterfell and it made him wonder why Sansa would want to leave all of this behind.
“So, you ready?” Sansa's voice broke through, waking him from deep thought. Jon afforded a smile and a shrug. “Here we go.”
“Hey, look who's here everybody!” the announcement was barely needed.
“Ahhhh! SANSA!!”
The collective squeals and shrieks of joy were deafening and perhaps startled him a little as Jon stood back and observed the throngs of people heading his direction and huddled around Sansa. Beloved Sansa.
“Oh my god! You're back!”
“It's been so long!”
“ You look amazing!”
“We missed you so much!”
The showers of love kept on coming for Sansa and though he was mostly invisible, which was understandable, Jon quite enjoyed watching as it all went on. Sansa took the time to hug every single one them and it occurred to him that he hadn't seen her entire family yet. Did it say anywhere in that file how many siblings she had? Jon made a mental note to remember these things. After all, it might turn up during the inquiry with the Immigration Department.
The excitement eventually subsided and Jon found himself face to face with a crowd of curious onlookers. Jon figured he probably looked out of place, with his formal suit on and not being recognised as someone from Winterfell.
Sansa was quick to pick up and as always, the well mannered lady she was, stood next to him as everyone gathered around them.
“Everyone, this is Jon. And Jon, this is everyone,” Sansa began with the introductions. Jon gave his best smile and shook hands with everybody. No mention of fiancé yet, he thought. Keep mum and follow her lead.
“Sansa?” a small boy peeked out from behind one of the guests. He had blue eyes and dark auburn locks just like Sansa.
“Hey buddy! Oh my god! I missed you! Look at you! You're so big now, Rickon!” Sansa swooned as she lifted the boy in her arms.
Another boy, this time brown-eyed with the same copper hair jumped in. “You're back, Sansa!”
Sansa gave them each a kiss on the forehead as they held on to her tightly. It was a lovely private moment Jon felt he wasn't privy to and his insides were twisting a little, reacting to emotions he had not experienced for a very long time.
Sansa wiped away a stray tear. “Hey guys, I want you to meet Jon.” She didn't have to, Jon thought.
Jon knelt down and extended his hand to them. Family. Her family.
“Hi guys. I'm Jon. What are your names?”
“I'm Rickon and he's Bran," the younger boy pointed to himself and Bran. “Are you Sansa's boyfriend?”
Jon had to laugh. He had skipped all of that when he fake-proposed to Sansa eighteen hours ago. “ Well, yeah I guess.”
Rickon made a face. “Eww.. don't kiss okay.”
“Rickon!” Sansa chided him. Jon guffawed. Nope, buddy. No kissing expected. Bran had his face in a palm, obviously embarrassed by Rickon's forthrightness. “Oh my god, Rickon! You can't just ask people stuff like that!”
Sansa giggled at the exchange. “They're my little brothers. Rickon is six and Bran is ten. They're just curious so don't mind them if they keep asking you questions.”
“That's all right. They can ask me anything,” Jon winked at them. For a moment, flashes of his own childhood came flooding back. I was once like them too.
“There she is.” A young man appeared squeezing himself in from the group, this time much older than the boys. He had the same blue eyes and auburn hair.
“Robbie! Lisa!” Sansa held out her arms once again, to him and the lady who accompanied. Sansa was beyond ecstatic having everyone she loved surrounding her.
“Oh my god..” Sansa gasped the moment she saw the noticeable bump on Talisa. “I'm going to be an aunt?”
Talisa nodded excitedly, stroking her belly. “Yep. To twins.”
Sansa sniffed, the tears were coming hard and fast. The welcoming party isn't so bad after all. I miss everyone so much.
“Congratulations,” Jon added . Then, he forgot they haven't been introduced.
“Oh hi.. you must be-”
“Jon. Pleasure,” Jon introduced himself to them.
“Nice to meet you Jon. I'm Rob and this is my wife, Talisa.”
“I'm guessing Sansa's older brother?”
“That obvious huh?” Robb chuckled.
“The eyes and the hair,” Jon smiled.
Sansa cleared her throat. She forgot for a second that Jon was here with her, and why. Rip the band aid. Do it.
“So, guys.. he's my fiance. S-surprise.”
There it is. Jon bit his lip.
The smiles on Robb and Talisa's faces dropped. Jon guessed that would be the general reaction to the news so he'd might as well get used to it and perhaps, practice his best ‘surprise fiancé’ face.
Sansa and Jon both grinned nervously, watching both Robb and Talisa slowly come round from their initial shock.
“I.. I heard from Dad about a guest but… well, this is news! Congratulations to you both,” Robb finally said. Talisa eyed them curiously, wearing a polite grin but leaned in to whisper to Robb.
Jon had to get used to that too for the next two days. Talk of the town.
“But we thought… Jon is.. kind of your boss?”
Bingo. Cue the Q&A. Sansa was about to face the firing squad and she hoped Jon had well-prepared answers like she did.
“Well, yes but you know.. things happen,” Sansa lied, shooting a warning glance at Jon.
“Right. Of course.” Robb and Talisa paused for them to continue.
Think of something.. quick!
“I guess all the late nights at the office, the weekends working together.. I mean, she was practically glued to me,” Jon quickly added, though it made things worse.
“So is that why you said you couldn't come this weekend, Sansa?” a voice called out from behind them. A lady with long dark red hair and fierce blue eyes approached them. She was beautiful and elegant. A lady of the house. It was unmistakable who she was and didn't take long for Jon to guess.
“Mom,” Sansa greeted her. Jon watched as the two of them hugged. It wasn't quite as warm as he had seen with the rest, and Jon noticed how Sansa pulled away almost immediately.
“You must be Jon. The boss she had been talking about lately.”
She made him nervous. Jon smiled and nodded, holding his hand out anyway.
“Well, I'm not surprised. I hope it has all been good.”
She eyed him up and down, the upturned corners of her mouth faded the moment she met his eyes. Jon regretted immediately just breathing in her presence.
“I'm just glad she decided to come. I guess you must be the one to thank then.. Jon, was it?”
“Jon, this is Catelyn, my mother,” the introduction by Sansa was unnecessary.
“But you may call me Mrs Stark,” Catelyn advised. Jon gulped.
“Pleasure to meet you, Mrs Stark. Y-you.. have a beautiful house.”
Catelyn looked around at the people from around town that she had invited for her father's eightieth and Sansa's long overdue homecoming. And here was Jon. A complete stranger who kept her beloved daughter away for far too long. Keeping her composure, she had promised Ned to be at her best behaviour, especially after he shared with her the shocking news. It wasn't the homecoming she was looking forward to.
“Thank you. Please do make yourself comfortable. Seeing you'll be joining us for the weekend.”
“Thank you… Mrs Stark.”
A chime of the doorbell and a cacophony of voices joining the fray caught Catelyn's attention, before she could continue. Saved by the bell, Jon watched as Catelyn gave Sansa and him a nod before greeting the guests who had just arrived.
If hell froze over, it would have been right at that moment, as Jon exhaled, a long breath he didn't realise he was holding.
“Interesting,” Jon remarked, giving Sansa a questioning look. Robb and Talisa were similarly reeling from the chilly encounter but deflected well, excusing themselves and shuttling the younger boys away from Sansa and Jon.
“Well, it's clear your mother doesn't like me very much. I wonder why,” Jon nudged Sansa into a quieter corner. “Is there something I should be warned about?”
“What do you mean?” Sansa bluffed.
“Okay so I haven't been the best boss, I know that but I am trying my best as I promised you. We're in this together so help me out here. What am I missing?”
Sansa couldn't look him in the eye. “She kinda hates your guts.”
Okay not really a surprise. “Because?”
Sansa groaned. “ Because! Well.. because I left Winterfell right after graduation and got a job in the city! And I then told her you were kind of a dick. That's why.”
Jon sighed. “Great. Just great.”
“Well, you asked.”
Sansa continued. “Since I left and started working for you, I haven't really visited home.”
Jon was confused. “And why didn't you? What has that got to do with me?”
Sansa stared at him in disbelief. Three years I have given to you. That's three long years I haven't seen my family. “I have not had any vacation days since I started working for you, just to jog your memory a bit. So yeah, she kind of blames you for taking me away from her.”
Oh. And him being here, as Sansa's fiancé was a slap in the face, Jon surmised. “Right. So.. there's no way to fix this?”
Sansa shook her head. She really didn't expect her mother to act out the way she had with Jon. But it was unavoidable, the tension brewing from day one, what with all the heaty exchanges on the phone with Catelyn demanding why Sansa hadn't resigned yet if she hated her job and boss so much. And now, imploded with Sansa returning home with him as her fiancé. Sansa was well aware how she herself had caused it but simply had no clue on how to fix it. She hadn't thought that far yet. All she wanted was to get through the weekend without the family drama.
“Sweetie, do you want to put your bags in your room?” Ned's soothing voice was just the escape both Jon and Sansa needed. Yes, they were tired, exhausted already from the charade and some time away from lying to people would be a welcome change of pace.
Jon followed Sansa upstairs where Ned, Robb and Talisa led them to their room for the night. Jon noticed there were many rooms in the large house, he had hoped it would be one with a comfortable bed at least. And as far away from the family as possible.
“Oh, my old room! You still kept it like before?” Sansa cooed as she dropped her bag on the floor. Her bed and the comfy couch were still in the same spot as was her desk and dresser. The posters were long gone and probably for the better but the nostalgia got the better of her.
“Yeah, Mom wanted to keep it in case you returned home. You know how she is. But anyways,” Robb said, draping his arm around Sansa's shoulder. “Welcome back, Sans.”
It was all very nice and warm to observe but Jon couldn't wait to see his room. Sansa's had a fantastic view of the snow capped hills that Winterfell seemed to have so many of and he didn't mind waking up to the same.
“This is nice. Well, I do hope mine is half as nice as this.”
Robb and Ned turned to him, puzzled at his statement. A nervous chuckle escaped Ned, as he scratched at his beard.
“Well, this is weird for me to say in front of my daughter but I am under no illusion that you two have shared a bed together. I mean we are all adults here, we can understand how two people engaged to each other sleep.”
Oh dear god. Jon and Sansa exchanged looks of horror.
“Besides there is only this room. The guest rooms are being renovated at the moment,” Ned added.
“Right.. okay.” Jon gave up.
Can today get any worse?
“The towels and sheets are in that cupboard over there if you need them. And, oh,” Talisa walked over to a wooden closet and took out a thickly folded hand made quilt.
“This should keep you warm in the cold Winterfell weather,” she smiled and handed it to Jon.
“Oh, lovely. Thank you so much.” It looked nice and comfy, just what he needed since he didn't quite pack proper sleep wear.
Talisa giggled, then whispered to Sansa and Jon as she pointed to the quilt. “That blanket is also sort of a Stark tradition. It's called the Baby Maker, you know.” Talisa cheekily pointed to her burgeoning baby bump.
Oh god, no. Jon flinched and tossed the blanket aside. “Well, we gotta be extra careful with that one, right there.”
Sansa was aghast. “Yeah, super extra careful.” Goodness.
“Right, okay we'll leave you two love birds to take a break. And umm.. maybe keep it down eh?” Ned joked awkwardly. It was disheartening to see his darling girl all grown up.
“Oh my god, Dad!”
“Okay, okay we're leaving,” Ned yielded as he made his way out.
“Do come down in a bit for snacks and say hi to the guests if you can. Seems they're all curious to meet you,” Robb suggested, giving Jon a wink and Sansa a kiss on the cheek.
Sansa and Jon watched as Ned and company left their room. Sansa quickly shut the door and locked it before anyone in her family barged in. In that room and only in that room were they Jon Snow, Editor-in-Chief and illegal immigrant and her, Sansa Stark, executive assistant and accomplice. Just two people brought together by a set of very strange circumstances and ill-thought decisions. The brevity of the situation wasn't lost on Sansa as there stood only one bed before them. Yeah.. nope.
“You're taking the couch.”
Jon groaned. He wanted the bed. If he had stayed at the hotel, he would've already been in bed now, all tucked in and snoring away. “This is not how I planned the weekend.”
“Well, too bad. Unless you want to all this to blow up in everyone's faces and we're found out because of your brilliant idea, we have to stay here, like it or not. In my old room. And no, I am not sharing my bed with you.”
Fair enough. Jon couldn't insist on taking the bed nor share it with Sansa. There were clear boundaries he had set for himself, unspoken but unquestionable. This was a fake engagement, they didn't have to actually share anything at all. Besides, Jon had slept in worse places before, recalling the futon from his old college dorm. Sansa's couch looked bigger than the futon and far more comfortable.
“Fine, take the bed.”
The rest of the evening was more of the same - Sansa and Jon introducing themselves to the rest of the people who were either neighbours or childhood friends. Winterfell seemed like a large town where the Starks knew everyone. Well, they are well to do, Jon understood that was expected. Catelyn was still giving him the cold shoulder and Jon found solace in playing UNO with Sansa's kid brothers at the kitchen table. Sansa was still catching up with everyone else and it was only right that she did, so Jon didn't want to intrude.
“Hey guys, think maybe it's time for bed?” Jon asked, seeing the large yawns that took over the boys. It was their fourth hand in the game and though Jon enjoyed their company immensely, he too was tired.
Rickon rubbed his sleepy eyes. “Okay but only if we play again tomorrow.”
“Promise,” Jon held out his fist for a bump. The boys waved good night and Jon drank the last of his juice as he compiled the cards into a neat deck. The house had gone quiet with the party guests gone, save for the quiet hum and rattling of dishes in the dishwasher. It was ten and high time for a hot shower and then crawl into bed. In Sansa's room. Great.
“Knock, knock. Everyone decent?” Jon had to make sure.
“Yeah,” Sansa answered. She was already dressed for bed and tucked in under her covers, scribbling thoughtfully on her notepad she had propped up on her knees.
“Whatcha doin?” Jon cringed. He had never made any small talk with Sansa before and it showed.
Sansa's eyes never left the notepad. “Just a script. Sort of I guess.”
“A script?” Jon took off his coat and hanged it neatly in the empty closet. Sansa obviously hadn't unpacked yet, seeing her bag was only half open.
“Yeah. I mean I have to say the right things when my family and people start asking questions. At breakfast, at dinner. We're going to be surrounded by family if you haven't noticed. Maybe you should do one too?”
“What's wrong with going with the flow?” Jon wondered. He thought today had gone pretty well, considering.
“Well, my mother for one and two, I'm really bad at lying if you can't tell already.”
Oh dear. Jon sighed as he removed his vest and unbuttoned his shirt. Though, a script didn't sound half bad. Charm might not work so much in the North.
“But I'm drawing blanks. I really don't know what they're going to ask,” Sansa tossed her pencil in frustration.
“Maybe it's best not to overthink it. Say what comes naturally. We'll figure it out when we get to it, okay?” Jon suggested. He didn't want to overact his part, he'd look and feel awkward and that would only make it worse. He needed to sell it and sell it right. Jon sighed as he pressed on his temples. His head was pounding from the amount of quick thinking and shrewd planning he did today. All he craved for now was a hot shower, to wash the day away stinking of lies.
The steam and the hot water did wonders in soothing the tense muscles he didn't realise he had. He was wound up so tight from all the interactions earlier than day that his shoulders and neck were as stiff as concrete. Can't wait to get into bed. No, Jon thought. Couch. Dammit. Jon didn't want to leave the shower but any longer he would've used up all the hot water in the house. I miss my bed.
“Umm Jon? What are you wearing?” Sansa narrowed her eyes at him as he came out of the bathroom. He felt the chill seep right through his bones. Note to self, buy pyjamas.
“ What? This is what I wear to bed.”
“Boxers? You're going to freeze in your sleep.”
Jon was fully aware and accepted his fate, that it could happen but he didn't have much of a choice now.
“Well, the idea was to have a nice warm bed all to myself in a hotel. But... here we are.” The cancellation was uncalled for but it wasn't her fault.
Jon glanced at the couch. Sansa had already placed pillows and a blanket for him but Jon had an inkling they wouldn't be enough to keep him warm. But he'd make do. One night down. “Good night Sansa.”
Sansa shrugged. “Good night Jon. Don't die on me, okay?”
Whatever. Jon ignored Sansa and rested his head on the pillow, pulling the sheets and blanket right up to his neck. He still felt cold but he would try to endure. Shutting his eyes, Jon counted to a hundred. It was a coping technique his grief therapist recommended, especially useful during uncomfortable situations and for whenever Jon needed to get his bearings. Also, he didn't want to think about dying frozen in his sleep, no thanks to Sansa. 
Jon sighed as he reached sixty, his eyelids were getting heavier and the cold wasn't nipping at him so much now. As he gently drifted off to sleep, Jon made a wish, for warmer weather the next two days, the only remedy he'd ask for to get through the weekend.
Stay warm, stay warm.. stay warm.. must keep warm..
And indeed it was. Jon wriggled, his body welcoming a lovely warm sensation that enveloped his chest and legs. Slowly, it covered him more and more, causing Jon to stretch his arms as he adjusted himself, wallowing in the sudden warm, comfy bliss. It was so soft and cozy where he laid, pleased that the weather gods had heard his wish. Jon wanted to remain just like this for as long as he could.
“Mmmm..” A groan. 
A rustle.
But Jon didn't move an inch. He didn't want to. Another groan heard and then the warmth he felt, shifted. Why is this couch moving? 
Reluctantly, Jon opened his eyes, squinting as the bright rays broke through the crack in between the drapes and slowly came into his line of vision. Jon shut his eyes again. All he wanted to do was sleep in. It was the weekend, after all.
Weekend... Sansa.
“Oh my god!”
“Why are you in my bed?!” Sansa shrieked.
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