#that's my Lucio & Lucilius' dynamic reading you're welcome
icharchivist · 9 months
I feel like if there's one man in the whole world who can lie in a puddle of his own blood and be in immense pain as he's bleeding out, but still admit that you're looking fabulous in his stolen wings, it's Lucio
I believe in him <3
Honestly i want to believe it too. Like it's not like he said Lucilius was looking gorgeous with his stolen wings when he was laying in a pool of blood after them being stolen, but he did not NOT say that either yaknow?
I'm sure he's the type to nod and like "hey i gotta give it to him. he's fashionable."
So good for him <3
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icharchivist · 2 years
Happy to see you like these ideas, i was worried i may seem rude by appearing suddenly with snb Luci, but this man lives rent free in my head (now more like potential evolution for Lucifer).
Snb Azazel is the same as gbf Azazel in character, but he is demon general and him and Lucifer are refered as Fallen Angel Brothers. Except Lucifer calls him his subordinate and once hit him with book for being disrespectful and screaming at him, with bright smile informed him that this was his punishment and then listened to Azazel about his issue with himself and took action in a way that satisfied Azazel, so like ???
Snb Lucifer only loves books and Azazel to the point he ignores his other generals, is oblivious/ignores demon lord trying to take his place as king (man has plans and yet he's still in perfect 90 bow when talking to Lucifer). Mostly just reads, ignores world, god, archangels and demons trying to kick him out and... Lives, sits on his throne and shines at peasants below him. Sometimes get up to save Azazel and join in making shield to stop dragon of destruction, but... He's not impressed and looks like he just want to go back to reading. Absolute mood, no one knows how or why he become a demon king, he is just there, looking, being perfect. His waist is very thin and has a perfect make up. It's very important. Very.
I was thinking that Lucio once catched him reading on stream, people gone feral, Lucifer decided that it looks funny, got into Luci intrigue and joined to Lucifer to wreck more chaos, because he's demon, ofc.
Plus i think he looks kind of older that others, have something ancient about him, saw shit and know shit (Luci granpa) and makes people go mad, because he seems sadistic, but also lovely. Demon with angelic face. Also his channel would be about ASMR, books and maybe tea (i think there was voice drama? How it's called? When he ask Azazel to make him herbal tea, which would fit to his current book) and i feel he simply just fucking loves sweets. And that usually Azazel makes sweets for him, idk.
Bahamut looks and behaves like serious businessman, but he's asshole and probably write everything on Lucifer with Lucilius and Bahamut getting just one penny/cent/whatever not my monetary system.
Also snb Lucifer just stands there and watch Lucio and Lucilius screaming under Bahamut's door like *first time?* with his infuriating smirk and then just... Walks in, shut up door before they can react and...
A) leaves moment later with book
B) leaves few hours later, because he got catch in the book and ignored Bahamut, who decided to ignore him as well
Azazel is screaming and cursing Lucifer and then gets furious because someone didn't show Lucifer enough respect and then gets K.O. by flying book and Lucifer takes over stream and just... Reads, with Azazel on his lap and ignoring chat going feral. Azazel dies from embarrassment, counts money (they thought they will get Lucifer attention but he was making his infuriating smirk and petting Azazel head), get mixed feeling and takes milliard screenshots.
One day i will get free, but it's not today
Ahah you're fine! It was fun actually! even if i don't know SNB Lucifer very well i know of his existence and appearance and just the idea to add to this Luci-madness was a welcomed one! And i see th eguy did an effect on your brain and i respect that so much
and oh omg :O they seem to have such an interesting and fun dynamic. They seem very close!
"he only loves books and Azazel to the point he ignores his other generals" well he has his priorities sorted at least (?) "mostly reads, ignores god" now i can already imagine Lucio subtweeting Lucilius going "that could be you but you decided to be a bitch instead". I feel like just his existence could be a flex to the others Lucis.
Oh god the more you go on the more i totally understand what you mean about how he ended up living in your mind rentfree, he's incredible. Also thank you very much for the information about his waist and make up, this is, indeed, one of the most important information i'd need.
I was thinking that Lucio once catched him reading on stream, people gone feral, Lucifer decided that it looks funny, got into Luci intrigue and joined to Lucifer to wreck more chaos, because he's demon, ofc"
this is incredible, yes i totally subscribe to that.
And ooh so more infos, indeed. He probably won't be totally in the confusing "is that the same person" area but people would totally think he looks too similar to the Luci + his name for it to not be because they're related. But it'd sure take everyone aback and i love the idea of people just trying to make family theories about him.
Also ASMR Channel? with all you said about him, i'd love that so much.
I feel like it could be very fun! Either reading alone and you mostly tune in for the ambiance of the video, the sound of the page turnings ect... or him reading aloud, with people just mesmerized and swallowing his every words. Maybe once in a while he does book reviews? That'd depend on how much he actually cares to share. Once he does a self ranking of his best video according to him, and to everyone's surprise it's ranked by his favorite Azazel's tea and sweets.
For Bahamut, i love the idea so much lmao. Also "behaves like a serious businessman" made me imagine Bahamut in a work-suit with his hands linked in front of him on his desk. Very specific imagery that i find hilarious so thank you for that!
The way SNB!Lucifer would mess with Lucio and Lucilius about it is so damn funny i love it so much. Lucio would be devastated (the following videos on his channel are depressing as hell) while Lucilius grows more and more angry and probably will try to insult SNB!Lucifer for all of this. Lucifer opens a book to his face and ignores him, starting reading.
Oh god the Azazel thing is glorious, poor Azazel. Yet i could see people loving this stream and loving his misery because "aww they look so close that he allows it to happen!"
This is incredible, thank you so much for sharing.
One day hopefully, but in the meantime at least your suffering (?) brings forth a lot of very enjoyable ideas and it was really fun to read!
thanks for sharing ;D
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