#that's the failing of the verm algorithm
vermillioncrown · 2 years
Sooo what would you say bil!kagamus playlist would consist of…? 👀👀👀
Also love love LOVE your writing it’s amazing. I keep refreshing my bookmarks to check updates and rereading it!! I’m really glad I checked out ur other fics too :) they’re all great!! 💗
some answers here in the reblog section of this post (x)
i assume you're relatively new to my blog bc there's periodic evidence that nothing quite provokes a meltdown from me better than asking a general "what does x like" question - particularly concerning music
(it 10000% is a me problem and not anyone else's problem)
also, like, you mean playlist as in songs that fit his vibe in a meta sense? or his top songs, which must be sourced from 2012 and earlier?
he has multiple playlists depending on mood and if it's an audience of one or background music. and bc it's an SI, he listens to music the same way i do AKA play one song to fucking death at a time
there will be some music stuff when he meets up with tatsuya again (the reunion will be Teenage Rebellion at its finest), but that's the party playlist
also also i hope my answers above didn't turn you off... i know i get fussy and precious with certain things but i try to keep it civil but i'm just like this... a verm in the dirt.
thank you for your praise! you should probably subscribe, instead - or you already do, but you're doing the internet equivalent of pacing within your enclosure. I'll take that as a compliment 😎
and thank you for reading my other stuff, too!
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