#the 'homesteading bad' sentiment i saw from the post im dunking on especially baffles me?
dein0nychus · 6 months
perhaps i am just a hater but i find "defending small businesses and homesteading is BAD LEFTISM and you're NOT A REAL COMMIE IF YOU DO" is like.... stupid especially for USAmerican type leftists. our system is borked and exploitative and dependent on keeping YOU dependent on the exploitative system so it can continue to wring you dry of all your money and all your life. in an ideal world yes nobody would need to run a business just to survive and not be exploited and nobody would have to grow food just to get proper nutrition that doesn't rely on slave labor but consider this: we are not in an ideal world. so supporting the businesses that aren't exploitative mega-millions corporate slave drivers and supporting yourself with your own labor ("from each according to his ability," anybody?) to avoid fueling the exploitation of the disenfranchised is actually quite the very leftist thing to do
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