#the LAST of the 'Stay Behind me" meme XD
actuallyredorchid · 7 years
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation 2016
Six months late, but better late than never! I got tagged by @sadamenoito, who is absolutely awesome and did some great stories herself last year. And I’m doing this 2-for-1 by mixing it with this meme with this one as well, from @janoda (who’s currently pulling me into all sorts of challenges, and I’m loving it. :))
A . Total number of completed stories: 14 (15 if you count this not!fic)
B. Total word count: 176 038 (104 634 if you don’t count my ongoing WIP)
1. List of works published this year:
‘Til I Change My Luck (Sailing AU, HG fusion)
Shadowhunters TV
Series and fics that play off each other:
Quid Pro Quo (+ Bittersweet, Into the Night) (Canon divergence)
Close Call / Between You And Me (Canon divergence)
Missing scenes (S01):
Of Men And Angels (“Stay for one more drink”)
Between A Moment And the Next (“Checking the perimeter”)
As Deep As the Sea (Magnus&Luke friendship)
In Plain Sight (Sex in public pwp)
I’ll Make This Feel Like Home (Magical fluff)
Nothing But A Distraction (Meta, canon divergence)
The Exchange (Canon divergence)
Still Stuck In The WIP Folder:
Bunch of codas/extras for Quid Pro Quo
Closed Doors Don’t Lie (which is now complete since I’m so terrible late in completing this meme XD)
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
I’m actually most proud of ‘Til I Change My Luck (1D, Sailing AU, HG fusion), I think. In large part because it took so long to write and got absolutely no traction while posting, so there wasn’t really any feedback from readers helping with motivation. Seriously, this fic had a total of 10 subscribed readers and got less than a hundred hits per chapter. But there was this one reader, Anna, who followed it along and left a comment on every single chapter--very often the only comment that chapter got--and her support gave us the push we needed to get to the end. <3 I also really like the fic itself. I think it’s one of my better ones, both storywise and writingwise, so that makes me extra proud that I actually managed to finish it.
3. Personal fave among your works this year (and why):
I think it’s would have to be a tie between I’ll Make This Feel Like Home, because I love magical spaces that grow sentient over time, and As Deep As the Sea, for the Magnus & Luke friendship.
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
“He gets off the bed and walks out of the bedroom, grabs a travel mug and fills it with freshly brewed coffee as he passes the kitchen. The lock on the front door clicks as he approaches it, the wards surrounding their home parting to let him out. A portal shimmers into place as soon as he closes the door behind him, the perfect height and width for Alec to walk through.“
-- from I’ll Make This Feel Like Home
5. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
I love love LOVE “live reaction” reviews. Being able to “follow along” with the reader as they read your fic is one of the most gratifying and illuminating types of feedback, I think. Both because it’s very educational (you see whether different parts you put in are having the reaction you intended) and because it’s just plain FUN. :D
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Last couple of chapters for ‘Til I Change My Luck. It’s always hard to find motivation for me to keep on writing once I know how the rest of the story plays out. Once it’s done in my head, it’s hard for me to find the motivation to actually sit down and write it down.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you
Basically all of Quid Pro Quo. It was supposed to just be a smutty what-if one-shot, but as soon as the characters got on page, that didn’t end up happening at all, and instead of 3K words of slightly angsty porn, I got to write this 32K canon-divergence fic with lots of plot. It was awesome. :D
Aaaand, that’s the end! Whoot! If anyone else wants to jump on and do this one as well, feel free. Though I’m probably the only one who’s THIS late with 2016 roundup stuff. XD
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