#the absolute information illiteracy of everyone involved in writing this article and everyone who wasn't immediately like
cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
that good housekeeping article is actually so fucked... like starting with the story of someone whose first gay relationship was abusive in a way that's clearly trying to frame it as innocent previously heterosexual woman led astray by violent lesbian (even though they're both lesbians),and then a bisexual woman abused by a lesbian with emphasis on the lesbian's jealousy of men and masculine behaviours.
most egregious, disturbing misuse of figures to claim that lesbians represent 19% of IPV related homicides; I managed to track down where they got this figure and in reality it's ONLY discussing lgbt and hiv+ cases. extremely different figure that lesbians represent 19% of LGBT IPV related homicides:
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even if you missed that, it's very obvious in that 1. there are clearly more than 6 IPV related homicides per year in the US 2. NO heterosexual women killed by their partners?! 3. men more likely to be victims than women (because these are lgbt figures where the men were mostly killed by other men) 4. concentrated in the south. this isn't a mistake you could easily make by accident, especially as the author is an abuse counsellor & should have been able to recognise this.
they then ALSO selected a hugely lowball figure, that 1.5% of US women identity as lesbians and 0.9% as bisexual, which other surveys do not bear out, one where lesbians outnumber bisexual women which is pretty demonstrably false, to attempt to claim that lesbians represent 0.75% of the population and 19% of IPV homicides i.e that we are more than 25x more likely to kill our partners than cishet men.
this is literally an article of straight up lesbophobic propaganda under the guise of concern for abuse victims. this is the oldest lesbophobia in the book. before we were ugly man hating dykes we were violent, murderous and mentally ill dangers to women who lead innocent girls astray and kill them in fits of jealousy or bloodlust. the comparisons to straight men made constantly throughout the article are reinforcing the idea that you're safer with a male partner, that lesbians are warped women attempting to be men, and turning violent when we fail.
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