#the anime is looking very promising rn if you haven't watch it give it a try it's pretty cool
herman-draws · 1 year
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anime so cool looking and almost no fanart smh? here you go have my little drawing of kiruko and maru at least
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petrichoraline · 7 months
hi petriiiii 🫶🏻 what dramas are you most looking forward right now? or not just dramas but other things too! i'm losing excitement and it's making me a little sad :c
hi, cutie!! right now i'm mostly looking forward to things that have finished airing haha, like a few jbls and dangerous romance. if it's a jbl released this year - i want it. the last bl i finished watching was, iirc, taikan yoho and i haven't been interacting with the fandom on here in terms of commentary in months. i've been out of the loop so getting this question makes me very excited and flattered but also a lil sad cause i might not have anything of substance to say.
i'm not too sure what is coming up in terms of shows but last twilight is smth that i hope i get to keep up with! @stormyoceans managed to get and keep me excited about it so that could be a bit of a comeback for me. i dare not be excited for supposed 2024 gmm releases for now (except maybe for the kieta hatsukoi adaptation uwu) and i'm not really aware of what the other companies are putting out.. oh, i am interested in middleman's love! although i never actually watched bed friend, idk why i'm so interested in tutoryim considering i never even finished cutie pie but here we are 😄
ohh, i want to watch the cute kbls!! sing my crush, why r u, love alarm s2 for example 🥰 also to finish love tractor but that's not up to me only @howitrulyam ˙꒳​˙ and to rewatch kinou nani tabeta? and proceed with the second season <3
as for other media - i'm interested in how ofmd s2 ends; i kinda want to watch miyazaki's the boy and the heron because it's gonna be released in cinemas here! trying to hype myself up to go to the movies alone lol; i'd like to watch a nice regular jdrama, maybe something like beni sasu life :) my happy marriage are a movie and an anime i'd like to get into as well; and lucky my love seems like it'd be to my taste!
anyways, there are plenty of fun shows out there, both older and newer <3 i personally have no desire to watch a lot of stuff so there are no personal recs i can give you about recent or upcoming shows. the dash seems to be full of lots of opinionated bloggers who are keeping up with everything that's currently airing so i'm sure goof stuff are being released and there's def a lot that you're going to like! sometimes synopses don't sound too promising but the series turn out to be really enjoyable so keep an open mind ☺️ in any case i can always recommend older stuff..? if you crave smth in particular i'm alwaysss open to digging through my lists💕💓💞 that being said, i get the desire to watch new stuff as they're being a topic of discussion in the fandom and it's a lot of fun so i'll encourage you to pick a few random shows - varying by country, genre, cast, company, and try to keep up with them weekly. maybe also look into het dramas or even anime? western series? books or games? sometimes you may need a palette cleanser and if the current catalog of upcoming bls isn't really doing it for you, direct your attention elsewhere for a minute. that's what i'm kinda doing rn after a bit of a burnout and it feels good. just mix it up <3
and let's keep in touch! 🥰
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charmspoint · 3 years
Mars Red: Anime vs Manga pt 1
Alright so I promised myself that I would do my best not to compare the anime and the manga too much because the anime isnt the adaptation of the manga but the adaptation of the stage play and since I haven't watched the stage play I don't know which one is staying more loyal to the original and which one is adding stuff in/cutting stuff out. That being said if anyone did watch the stage play and can answer these questions please come talk to me I'm very curious. So that being said I'll do my best not to mention too much manga only scenes like Suwa's backstory, Takeuchi, Yamagami and Suwa doing slice of life lab stuff, or the conflict between Suwa and Kurusu. The anime may get to this stuff later, it might not I wont judge it for not including it rn even if I feel that the conflict between Suwa and Kurusu should be developed more consistently what did we have maybe one scene? That being said while I can't compare it on different scenes I sure as hell can compare it on scenes they share with each other. I may not know which one is more loyal to the source material but I sure as hell can say which one is more effective tl;dr: It's the manga, read the manga its more effective and it only has 9 chapters so far, please join me in hell under the cut
That being said I'll be comparing the execution of two scenes
1. Conversation between Suwa and Akesato
So the conversation between these two is mostly fine honestly, though the reason Suwa even went to see her (that she reminded him of someone he knew as a human and which turned out to be his little sister) is missing, which kinda gives the whole scene a slightly different tone. The manga has a much slower, softer pace to it, Suwa really comes across as more somber instead of coming in here to sleep in some girls lap, in the manga he keeps his distance for the most of the conversation before sitting next to her when he starts opening up about his past.
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Like I don't think it's bad for anime Suwa to have sought out some human contact but it does leave quite a different impression about him. Manga Suwa leaves a much more thoughtful, mature impressions, he never once asks to touch Akesato in anyway and mostly refers to her as a child, but doesn't patronize her. It very much comes across as a tone of a dotting older relative because you know, she reminds him of a family member he had forgotten. Idk I just like the image the manga paints of him better, he comes across as this distant person but also a kind and mature one, which isn't the Suwa we often get to see on the field. I just don't think anime brought across the same feeling. To me it just made it feel like his very goal was to come in here and lay in someone's lap whereas Suwa in the manga is v much there to scout and meeting Akesato is a sheer coincidence based on his hazy memories and so a long lost feeling of attachment.
Anyway, lets talk about uh
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In the manga Suwa has yet to be unmasked. And for a good reason. The anime doesn't set it up very well I think that 'I'll lose control' line is the only set up we get and far too late considering it's happening now. In the manga we have a whole lil slice of life chapter in which multiple different things are introduced, one of which is the fact that Suwa constantly wears his mask because he spent a long time as a feral vampire and if he smells human blood he will go feral. It's kind of...very disappointing to see this moment that I felt would be rather monumental in the manga (cuz feral vampires are way scarier in the manga I'll talk about that later) just kinda...pass here. Suwa unbuckles his own mask too??? And then at the end of the episode he takes it off willingly??? In a district very much swarming with humans??? Some of which are people he works with??? I think the screen writers forgot that the idea of 'a character takes off his mask to show his true emotions' doesn't really work if said character will go on a murder frenzy if he has his mask off. This is what I mean when I say that the manga takes its characters more seriously and is more impactful. The manga simply thinks more about how its characters would act and react to things. In the manga Akesato doesn't even take off his mask, she just hugs him and that gets her close enough to him that he freaks out, because his mask isn't as thick as usual. Just to that much he reacts somewhat violently in pushing her away and it leaves you wondering what would it be like if it was completely off. It really makes the anime Suwa just plopping on her lap out of his own free will even more meh :/
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dw he immediately apologizes after this cuz he seriously didn't mean to hurt her he just lost control.
But that's what I mean, the manga makes this scene feel so much more serious, it puts so much bigger threat behind Suwa taking off his mask. It leaves you with a feeling of 'fuck, he lost a bit of control just by a human being close, if he was to take it completely off he would really lose all reason' While the anime just makes you feel 'oh he can control himself for a few moments after the mask is gone? That's good lol' It just minimizes the threat Suwa could pose when unmasked n seeps out so much tension out of that situation. Double especially when he just fucking takes it off at the end of the episode.
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WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT LOSING CONTROL YOU STUPID FUCK (tho I did like him asking Takeuchi to teach him some songs, that was a nice addition.)
Anyway my last and least complaint cuz it was just kinda...funny
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Its so weird cuz in the manga we get this soft ass moment
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Like jhbhjkbhj that's just a completely different vibe. I think this ending scene actually best shows off the vibe Suwa has in the manga. Gentle, caring, distant but affectionate. Compared to the anime where the similar scene almost ended up looking like a gag jnjkbkj idk man like the anime mostly has the same dialog, aside Suwa dunking on western influences which i enjoy, but the atmosphere is all over the place and it kinda feels too fast, idk. I dunno if I explained this well but here we are.
Part 2: Kurusu vs the vampire mob
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therealvalkyrie · 3 years
Heard you were looking for company!
I don't wanna spam you so this is gonna be pretty long lol
Okay first!
I'm sure you don't know what monster prom is but I have a self insert for it and I think I'm finally gonna make her look like me??
Which is exciting???
Like all my self inserts look like me but since my monster prom one is a monster girl all we have in common is hairstyle, personality, and like what clothes we wear
But I think I'm gonna have her have my skin color but keep the horns and stuff
I might draw her today???
Can't promise anything
I've made it a lil mission of mine to have my moots fall in love with my ocs
And the two I've been talking about are Alizah Hale and Alaska Howler derogatory cough cough
Also I just realized that their initials are both AH so that's interesting
Ah! The element of surprise
I've talked about Alaska more so I'll get his ass out the way
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Alaska Howler, a 23 7'2" werewolf who's your stereotypical rich fuck boy asshole
I absolutely hate him he's a piece of shit
He can be nice
The type of guy that helps drunks at the bar home
The type of guy that gets his personal make you clothes because you keep complaining about not being able to find cute clothes
The type of guy that would hold you close and validate you if you had a bad day
Since he knows how attractive he's an egotistical piece of shit and the fact everyone throws themselves at him doesn't help
I've been thirsting over him with some of my moots, their fault I swear I hate him he's a guilty pleasure, like GOD he's such an ass I hate him so much
It's his damn height
It makes my size kink act the FUCK up
He's the type of guy you wanna punch in the face, just knock that fucking smirk off his face, but then have hate sex with him later
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And then there's bby boy Alizah Hale
He's one of my yandere ocs
He's just so soft
Like he isn't that bad when it comes to yanderes
He pushes people away and hurts others for your sake, yes, but he does it so you don't get hurt or used!
Like Alizah is a double edged sword, he'd do absolutely anything you asked and kisses the ground you walk on like absolutely worship's you but also believes you're waaaay out of his league like why would you ever like him? Even as a friend?
Like he's desperate for your attention and will do anything to be next to you, so uh don't be too worried if one of your windows is unlocked, and takes any compliment from you as you wanting to date him/sharing the same feelings
Like he's just a really soft bby that wasn't affection
Has that childhood best friend/nextdoor neighbor kinda personality
I care he
He's a sweetie
Just a lil overwhelming at times
Lastly (?)
Idk if you have Netflix but I just binged Love Death + Robots and I loved it so much
It's a bunch of animated shorts, so like 5-20 minutes all depending, and there's this one short that I can't stop thinking about
It's really interesting and I'd give it a watch!
There's only 2 seasons rn
I think that's it?
The only book rec I have is Dumplin' it's a book I read junior year of highschool and I really liked it
It's about this chubby southern girl running for a pageant with other girls that have their quirks and aren't attractive by society's standards
I think there's a second book out?
Not sure
Anyways mwah mwah I hope this isn't too much of a read
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BEEE!!!! omg i love hearing about people's ocs, this is such a treat!!🥺
for your monster girl, do you know what kind of monster she'll be? does she have any cool powers? tell me more~
okay. so alaska is SEVEN FOOT TWO AND YOU EXPECT ME TO ACT NORMAL. i swear if he even breathed in my direction i would crumple like a piece of aluminum, SEVEN FOOT TWO?????? homegirl i am Tall and like to feel Small, so this is the dream. thank you for bringing him into my life.
as for Alizah, yandere doesn't normally do it for me but HE is very pretty, and i would like to feel his tongue piercing:blush: that's what got me, honestly.
i haven't watched love death + robots, but i've heard good things!! if i ever get around to watching it, i'll let you know:)
And i've seen the movie for Dumplin', but i didn't know it was a book! the movie was really sweet, so maybe i'll check it out! oh no i might have to go to the bookstore /s
thank you for keeping me company and introducing me to your lovely ocs, dear<33 I appreciate you and love seeing you on my dash xx
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