#the armour is specially designed by a mandalorian armourer she's wearing to be light and flexible
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This is Ali Ondasa’jega, my Balosar Jedi rocking her new look courtesy of the ever-talented and utterly phenomenal @cadhla182 !
She’s been through one hell of a narrative arc, going from one of the earliest Jedi to voice concerns with the Clone Wars as a Padawan, and even trying to defect to the CIS when it wasn’t clear how dark they were as a form of protest, to the death of her adoptive father and imprisonment by the Republic, to her corruption by the Inquisition when she was made easy pickings during Order 66, having already been wracked with grief and anger, to finally meeting the love of her life, a Clawdite ex-Jedi as well who managed to bring her (mostly) back to the light by simply acting as a positive influence and effective counterbalance to the darker impulses she was grappling with. Back to the Light, though not exactly the picture-perfect image of a serene Jedi by any stretch, Ali is the Jedi Knight you call on when diplomacy has failed and you really need someone willing and able to ruin some jerk’s day.
But before they can rebuild the Order, they kinda need to tear down the Empire! Rebellion, ho~!
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Mandalorian Chapter 14 reactions: HOLY SHIT THAT WAS AWESOME BUT ALSO I’M CRYING edition
- the good good din characterization is back after all the weirdness last episode!!!! that soft way he says ‘no, no, I’m not mad at you’? THAT’S din djarin, he would not be fucking impatient with his son having just been informed and seen for himself that he is terrified, go away mr filoni I know you’ve got all of canon memorized but you don’t get this lol. this feels much more right in how din being conflicted and still thinking he should give the baby away for his own good plays out too  
honestly every line of dialogue for him in this one was perfect I was just whispering ‘I love this awkward clueless wonderful man just doing his best’ to myself any time he said anything. “...does this look Jedi to you?” sir I adore you more than words can describe
- we got din chuckling. asjdklfhsdkafghsdafsadhjkfsdahjkfh. fskahfksjad. side note: I can’t believe my joke post about din desperately trying to Force home school the kid with the one (1) jedi trick he knows about and the baby being delighted by it over and over anyway -- listen to his expectant excited laugh when din takes the ball and sets up the game!!!! -- was canon all along. and then the baby & mando music kicking in when he gently put the silver ball into the baby’s hands again and tells him he’s special (because he IS special. to din)? hmng. hmmmmnnnnn  
they opened on the height of softness so we would all crumple under the weight of the rest of the episode and that was very mean of them in a way I sincerely appreciate 
- nothing to see here... just a dad trying to walk through the literal manifestation of the unassailable underlying forces of the universe to get to his baby again and again........ the desperation in that, the love, the foolhardy devotion................... shit
- okay so I might be a dumbass, but I’d never noticed this before -- the silver ball has a blue spot on the top, like so: 
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and in addition we get the room where the baby goes full darth grogu (I have to laugh so I don’t cry okay) on those storm troopers, and there’s a red light in there dominating the room (and it did even more in the concept art):
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in star wars blue means light side and red means dark side (it’s very sophisticated that way), meaning the visual storytelling here is that there’s a battle for the baby’s soul and gideon and all his nonsense (and the trauma bb’s been through in the wider sense) is pulling towards the dark, while grogu and din’s connection leads him towards the light. just... the image of the baby looking at his own reflection in the symbolic representation of his relationship to din? the way children find their sense of self through being safely reflected and held by their caretakers? god help meeeeeee I will go in there and fistfight gideon myself for disrupting that in any way  
the smaller light seems to be blue too, like there’s still the presence of light even if it’s dimmed and small in that shitty horrible room, which is a change from the concept art!
- FENNEC SHAND SURVIVED BITCHES!!! I even called that she’d be back with new shiny robot parts back in season 1, could not happen to a cooler lady, I hope we get more backstory and interaction from her the next episodes -- sounds like she’s basically sworn herself to boba’s service in gratitude for saving her life, I wonder if that’s a cultural thing of whereever she comes from? does she live aboard slave 1 now too?? because that would be hilarious and amazing, it must be like two strange cats trying to get used to sharing the same space   
- everything I could ever hope for about boba fett in this series came true, they went down the much more interesting and nuanced route with jango and boba’s identities as mandalorians, he looked cool as fuck and made din as a character shine rather than overshadowing him... amazing beautiful yesss 
(I did 100% not anticipate just how ‘cool uncle boba here to help you fuck shit up’ he was going to be but I am delighted to get it anyway. uncle points deducted for getting someone to point a gun at the baby, but the main point still stands lol) 
the power and brutality of his hand to hand fighting too... a w e s o m e , I enjoyed the action scenes a lot in this one
- they even recanonized him actually wearing jango’s armour. what more could I ask for. I’ve had confused parent & child feels about these two since I was like eleven and here we fucking go again. and jango fighting in the mando civil wars too!
- so I’m grieving the razor crest (and I always will be, rip you magnificent jalopy, always in my heart) but also there’s the grim satisfaction that my reading on it was sort of true -- it is (...was. oh god it’s going to take a while to sink in huh) a symbol of din’s self and life, and at this point when they take the baby it tears everything else to pieces. the only thing that’s left in the ashes is the beskar and the thing that connects him to the baby. and there’s... a strange solace in seeing that that’s all he needs to keep going? he’s fucking obliterated from orbit but he still has his love for the baby and the beskar and that can keep him going until he finds something new, everything else can be replaced?????? weirdly healing, though he is probably going to have a solid breakdown at some point after they get the kid back (shut up they are getting the kid back) and the cold distant fog lifts 
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also this scene/shot feels like it carries some Meaning, doesn’t it? I’m on record several times saying I never want din to be mand’alor and that’s still true, but there’s something about the framing of this and the way boba looks at him that’s like... hm. I’m not sure I have the words for it. there’s something heightened about it, anyway, for a moment he looks like something mythic there in the wreckage 
(something I would be much cooler with is our clan of two growing a little bit and those new people rallying behind him, actually, that might be neat. imagine if a force user does show up for the baby and gets adopted into the clan somehow??? so many possibilities.) 
- from the way he picks up the silver ball... din djarin is on his way to straight up murder some people huh
I think part of what reassures me about this scene is the music -- this mando flute is not distant, is not beaten, is not despondent, it’s clear and determined and strong.
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I love this. I love when we get explicit baby POVs, it makes it feel so real and intimate and... like home. (I especially loved baby’s point of view inside the razor crest, which just made me tear up again. baby lost the closest thing he’s had to a home in a long long time on top of it all. everything is suffering)
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Emotionally Significant Thumb Grabbing tm; the show
- din djarin looking for the ‘on’ switch on a magic rock fhsdakjfhsadlfhsdjah I can’t breathe
 “Well, this is the seeing stone. Are you. Seeing anything?” fsafkdsajhfsa sdhfksjalhfkjsdahfkjsdhf
- the energy around the baby as he’s, in ahsoka’s words, ‘choosing his path’ is blue, and the force sort of works across time and space, right?? so there’s definitely still hope for our lil green bean to not have to come up with a really dumb unsubtle sith name for himself, as is regrettably yet delightfully tradition. darth babbu should never come to pass (I do like how they’re interrogating the normal dark/light side dichotomy in this series, seeing as this is a literal baby who can’t really be responsible for that stuff himself yet and has such capacity for both.)  
- listen. listen, the way din says ‘can you please hurry up’ with no sarcasm or real impatience whatsoever, more like a harried worry, to his force-meditating son as he jogs off to make sure no one’s trying to kill them. is hilarious and also YES this is what the character is!!! weirdly and incongruously polite under stress sometimes and with a slightly odd reaction pattern to things!!! he’s not just quiet and badass, he’s a little strange sometimes and it’s so good!  
- a friendly opening volley warning shot from boba there
also din uncertainly asking BOBA FETT if he’s a jedi... now this is the dramatic irony I’ve been looking for haha 
I guess neither shand nor boba actually know din’s name after this either. baby you gotta start introducing yourself at some point it gets real confusing when there are two mandos on screen 
oh the long weary sigh going through din’s frame when boba says he wants ‘the armour’ and he thinks it’s just someone trying to peel the beskar off his corpse again. sorry the galaxy’s so shitty dad   
- “But fate sometimes steps in to rescue the wretched” is a killer line well done mr favreau. I like that boba actually offers din a good deal as well and seems to intend to deliver on it from how things are going. 
- din using his beskar-covered bod to cover someone he’s fighting alongside!!! literal moving cover haha. also I love fennec’s costume design  
- I don’t know where din got more whistling birds from and I don’t care, it was really cool haha 
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wow haha um so anyway -- 
(cue all the ‘who wore it better’ with cobb vanth’s ‘spiderman’s first home made costume’ look on one side and ABSOLUTE UNIT DADDY boba fett on the other side posts lol)
- aaaghh the music almost like a stunned desperate fluttering heart beat as din watches the razor crest be destroyed 
- for someone who has willingly worked for them in the past boba sure sounds less than thrilled about having the empire back in any capacity 
- oof the deadness in din’s voice when he says “The child is gone”. ooooh no that got me  h e l p 
- guessing next episode is at least partly a ‘gathering old allies and preparing the assault’ step before the grand finale, then! they cannot go for the season ender cliffhanger with this, I will fucking riot. anything can be up in the air except baby and dad being separated, I will not allow it
it would be very funny if the force user baby called out to comes stumbling into the middle of all this like the troy entering the room with pizzas meme too 
- the music in the darth grogu scene is partially a dark mirror of the baby & mando music :’( is nothing in this world sacred
also from how he reaches out for it baby might have used a light saber before in the past with the jedi? ngl the idea of baby wielding the dark saber not when he’s all grown up but in like two episodes -- with all the chaos a toddler holding a laser sword would involve -- is all that is keeping me sane here 
‘liable to put an eye out with one of these’ well gideon you sure have doomed someone to lose an eye with that one, here’s to hoping it’s you, for full dramatic payoff 
he is a deliciously smug awful force with great musical cues tho, you have to give it to him
- okay so this
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is obviously awful and horrible and it makes me so sad... but it is undeniably also very very very funny in how it’s framed. you know what? after all this bullshit baby grogu can have a little dark side tantrum, as a treat, we’ve all been there right
(forget finding a jedi, we need to go out there and find a child psychologist who can help him deal with this without adding the fear that he’s on the path to become a two foot tall evil space sorcerer to the mix Y_________Y) 
- rip the razor crest except for the second time :’’’( gone but never forgotten
- the last thing din tells the baby is “I’m gonna protect you; I’ll be back soon”. and I hope that stays with the kid somehow and that it actually comes true, that din will be back for him as soon as humanly possible and all this pain and fear can be repaired. ggggghhhhh my emotions are too big for my dumb human body 
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For the Star Wars Q&A (P.S. I love your writing and I miss your Star Wars stuff!!!): 5, 6, 11, 12, 20, 21, 23, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 59, and 60.
Aw thank you!
5. Empire or Rebellion? 
Rebellion !
6. Bounty Hunter or Clone/Storm/First order Trooper?
Bounty hunter all the way. Clone Trooper is a close second tho.
 11. Top 5 favourite female Jedi?
It’s a sad state of affairs when I can really only think of five female jedi to begin with.
 Ahsoka Tano, Rey, Ahsako Tano Shaak Ti, Jocusta Nu, Depa Billaba 
12. Top 5 favourite male Jedi?
Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obiwan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Qui Gon Jinn
20. Top 5 favourite planets? 
1. Tatoonie. Death planet ftw!!  No, in all seriousness, I love the surprising amount of depth it has, with the hutts, bounty hunters, moisture farmers, and sand people all crawling around it. It’s basically the Wild West in Space, now that I think about it. Plus, I think we all have a special place in our hearts for the first planet introduced in the SW universe :)
2. Naboo. Not only does it boast beautiful architecture and ridiculous elaborate clothing but it’s a planet where two different species, two different governments essentially, coexist on the same planet. Most Sci-Fi’s have a planet governed by a single entity for the sake of simplicity but I like that touch.
3. Coruscant. It’s essentially a planet turned into one huge city, how cool is that?? It’s almost an imaging of what Earth could look like if we ran into an overpopulation problem. 
4. Alderaan. A moment of silence for the millions of people obliterated by the Death Star’s blow.
5. Mandalore. I love it’s design in TCW! Not to mention, I find the culture of the Mandalores fasnicating. I know some people hate what TCW did to them and don’t understand Satine’s motivations but I think it makes sense for a Duchess who underwent a brutal civil war to swing the opposite way entirely and want to avoid war after seeing its’ devastation. 
21. Where would you live in the Star Wars universe?
Naboo, definitely. 
23. What ship would you own?
Padme’s ship. The J-type star skiff (the one she uses in ROTS).
35. Would you customise your ship? 
Definitely!  I’d probably weaponize it, since it’s a civilian ship to start off with.36. Would you customise your Droid?
I’d probably give them a paint job every now and then.
39. 1 lightsaber, 2 lightsabers, double lightsaber, or 2 double lightsabers? 
This was a tough choice! Since I’m a fan of duo-wielding in videogames, I’m gonna go with two lightsabers40. What colour would your lightsaber(s) be? 
Green! I really wish Luke faced off Kylo with his green lightsaber :( also everyone always seems to forget that Anakin’s first lightsaber was green before it was destroyed by Dooku41. If you’re a Bounty Hunter, what armour would you have?
If you’re not wearing Mandalorian armor, then what even is the point? I kid, but honestly their armor is too cool not to wear. The color would be dark purple with light purple highlights
42. Would you customise your armour? 
Um, probably? Depends what type of armor we’re talking here. Because apparently the stormtrooper armor is actually pretty uncomfortable kinda like the German uniforms in WW2 lmao and I’d definitely make it more comfortable to wear. If it’s the First Order armor, definitely getting rid of that hugely unnecessary black hole in the back of the armor that just screams SHOOT ME.43. What colour scheme would your armour/robes be?
For Jedi Robes, I’d think the inner rubes would be a rich maroon color with the outer robes a dark grey or muted purple.
46. Pod racing or ship racing? 
Ship racing--although I doubt it’s any less dangerous.47. Space battle or ground battle??
Ground battle, because like @au-where-everyone-lived said, you get to swing lightsabers around! 
59. If you could bring any Star Wars character back to life who would it be? 
LUKE SKYWALKER. Although, I’m not a fan of how they handled his character in TLJ, I still think he shouldn’t have died. Especially since Yoda made it sound like it was his responsibility to teach Rey, meaning he had a reason to live. I mean, there’s a reason ghost!Obiwan brought Luke to Yoda, the still-living Jedi, to continue his training, right??
60. If you found out the Star Wars universe was real, would you move there or stay here?
That’s a tough choice. Because on one hand, there’s a lot of awful stuff that happens in SW universe. I mean just speaking within seventy years, there’s been two regimes terrorizing and taking over entire planets--not to mention one succeeded in ruling the universe in an oppressive reign for over twenty years of that period. But there’s so many cool and wondrous things about the universe that I’m not sure I’d stay there permanently but it’d be cool to take a long visit to it.
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Paying Back Part 1/?
You wanted to believe that you were alone, that you were the single person you could trust. But people kept coming in, unabashedly loving you for everything you were - every knick and scar and cruel word and impulse - and you felt. Scared. Because suddenly you felt something, and it wasn’t duty or obligation. It was... It was exposing, and it sank your one-man island like it was simply a raft in a lake. You weren’t sure if it was love, but you knew it was unconditional.
Staring into the mirror, Delmire exhaled slowly as she turned and looked at herself - full matte black armour fitting over her body perfectly, the deep purple designs on it streamlining her and giving the outfit a personal touch - before sighing and removing the Mandalorian helmet, turning to her Rodian companion and stating blandly, "... I'm sorry Zigs, this doesn't suit me." She stated, feeling bad for not liking the gift that her companion had clearly painstakingly gotten for her from Mandalore somehow. The entire suit was beautiful, but she felt wrong wearing it. It wasn't meant for her, even when designed solely for her to adorn it, and that was the shit part of the gift.
Turning to look at Delmire as she stated this, the eldest Bingo brother came out fully from behind his changing screen in a tidy suit, him admiring himself in the same mirror Delmire had been looking in as he pulled a large gold chain on around his neck, commenting firmly, "Spacer, y'be lookin' like yous belongs in dat dere uniform. God fuck if y'ain't meant tah look likes a 'dalorian." He stated firmly, patting the helmet under her arm and giving her a look, then promptly stepping away and turning in a circle, asking, "What ya sink? Lookin' like I'mma one'a dems big time gangstahs, yeah?" He joked happily, rolling up the sleeves of the suit and striking a pose before starting to laugh.
Rolling her eyes at her companion, Delmire shook her head before setting the helmet down and beginning to remove the armour, Ziggy looking away uncomfortably as the Toydarian removed her top, both of them very aware of the two large scars vertically cutting down her shoulder blades - marks from where wings used to be, a long story that both Delmire and Ziggy often tried to pretend never happened - as Del quickly went to pull her shirt on to conceal the markings once again, her toning blandly, "You just want someone to believe you have a Mandalorian guard so Tigelle quits putting bounties on your ass. I should just let her blast you full of holes." She commented tersely, scolding her friend for his personal slights against the wrong people to mess with.
Grunting in disapproval at Delmire's comment, the Rodian dragged his fingers through the grown-out spines cresting his skull, pulling an elastic out of his pocket and tying the mess of tresses back out of his face while he buzzed, "That dame jus' wan's mah skins 'coz I dun broked her cold, dead 'eart." He commented briskly, trying to not look agitated by the mention of the second angriest person in his life, the first being his own brother Moji. On a good day, the Rodian thief and con artist only had Kingpin Tigelle Till and head hunter Moji Bingo on his ass, but those days have been becoming increasingly less due to the pastimes Ziggy chose to partake in. Del understood somewhat - it could be very easy to piss off the wrong people when one lurked on the bad side of space like the two of them - but at the same time, the two most dangerous people in Ziggy's life were products of his own cowardice. Sometimes Delmire even questioned if he'd want to backstab her as well for the sake of saving himself.
Shrugging off her suit and folding , Del kept changing into her regular clothes and ignoring Ziggy's poor excuses, retorting, "No, you stole her ship, stole three of her brothel maids, and made off with three thousand credits to pay off a gambling debt to her ex. You can say you broke her heart, but I think she's mad about all that other stuff." She stated, watching her friend shake his head but not refute her statement as Del pulled her vest on and buckled her holsters, turning and facing Ziggy while toning, "Look, if that's everything you wanted from m-"
"-Ya gots it, right? Ah, ya mama's light-blade?" He asked abruptly, fiddling with the hem of his collar as he continued, "Could'ja... Could'ja shows it tah me, Spacer?" He inquired, clearly unsure of if he was overstepping a boundary just as Del paused - thinking - before sighing and turning to fumble with the cylindrical holster resting along her tailbone, removing the weapon and balancing it in her grasp for a moment before turning it on. Large green blade zinging to life as the pirate held it out, almost as if she was scared of it, Ziggy scolded, "Damned well holds it likes it be meant fo' ya, Spacer! It yours! Show me what ya looks like as a fancy Jedi! Put on a show!" He prodded, figuring Del was in a semi-malleable mood while she shook her head in disapproval.
Huffing, Del replied dejectedly, "Zigs, I don't really wanna-"
"-No! Spacer, ya fuckin' act likes yous gots it in yer blood tah be a Jedi, y'hear?! Ya part Jedi, ya act like ya knows it! Do it likes ya Mama woulda!" He defended, stamping a smooth, silver boot down on the floor while pumping his two fists in the air and causing Del to jump, her shooting a hard glare at her pushy Rodian friend before getting into a stance and holding the lightsaber defensively, blade close enough to her face that she could feel the power buzzing off of it in electric waves as Ziggy nodded in approval, "See? Ya looks likes yous a Jedi! Ya looks like..." He started, pausing and swearing under hie breath for a moment before continuing, "... Ya looks like ya mama. From all'a dems stories 'bout her, y'know? It suits ya."
Shaking her head at Ziggy's comment, Delmire got out of her silly pose and turned off the weapon, holstering it again and crossing her arms as she scuffed her boots against the floor, stating blandly, "... I'm not my mom, Zigs. She was... She was trained. She was strong and powerful and known and, well, a legend. I'm a scavenger that ended up getting turned into the worst pirate ever. I'm not special." Del defended, brows furrowing as she tried to remember her parents more clearly - them always not seeming all that real in her memories, almost like they were just placeholders in her mind to fill in the gaps at times - and quickly gave up on the endeavour, Delmire huffing, "And really, only people your age remember them. The Jedis. The legendary Force Knights. People my age? Nothing. Nothing to no one. And I'm no different. I'm not-" She started to ramble, quickly getting cut off in her downward spiral as her comm-system pinged.
Scowling and pulling the device out, Delmire flipped the holo-caller on just as Cam's face popped up, them looking nervous and dishevelled as they quickly barked, "Del? Del, you stupid guncta! If- If you get this, just. There's a problem. On Takodana. I-I mean, I'm no expert, but AT-ATs setting fire to everything is usually a bad sign, and Geht hasn't been able to boost his ship yet. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if you left us to die, but maybe don't be a total ass and help?!" They yelled, the sounds of trees splintering and the message cutting out for a moment before coming back on, Cam pleading, "Del. Delmire. Look, I get it. I've been a jackass. But. Please. Please. Come hel-" Before the signal cut out entirely, just the holo-screen and the painful buzzing of a lost connection filling the air, Delmire finally releasing the breath caught in her throat as she looked down at Ziggy.
Exchanging nervous expressions, Ziggy growled before starting to hastily remove his nice suit, barking in annoyance, "Y'knows, yo frins gots tah git their shit down! I mean, callin' an outlaw?! 'Cause they ain't gots no other choice, pro'lly, but fuck!" He rambled, running behind the screen and pulling on his combat gear while commanding, "Spacer, ya put ya new duds on, y'hear? I ain't gonna lose mah only frin 'cos sum no good Jedis ain't know how tah boost a fuckin' ship, ya got it?"
"Wait, what?" Del asked rather stupidly, still stunned and trying to shake off the shock before stamping her foot down and demanding, "And who fucking said you're coming?! They called me, they don't expect one of the top outlaws on the galaxy to come and-" She started, getting cut off quickly as Ziggy threw his boot over the top of the screen he was changing behind, the shoe meeting it's mark and perfectly smacking Delmire in the head as she yelped in surprise.
Defending darkly, Ziggy snapped, "No, they di'n't, but I ain't gonna leave ya ass tah go an' haul Jedis like dat be ya day job! Now shut ya grub-masher an' git ya gear on! If th'planet goin' down in flames we ain't gonna have a matin' season tah rub rancors in 'fore some'ne gets torched!" He barked, running out from behind the screen as he pulled his visor and holsters on, gloves in his mouth as he ran out of the room they were in on his space station while he yelled back, "I'll gets Glunko an' Rigby tah load up mah ol' Frigate, ya fuckin' dress an' meet me in th'hangar. An' hurry, ya dumb spacer guncta!" He stated as he ran out, leaving Delmire alone in the Rodian's private quarters.
Pausing and debating on wether or not she should change, Delmire exhaled and picked up her backpack, something wrapped falling out of one of the side pockets as she scowled and picked up the object, unwrapping it and biting her lower lip as she lifted a knotted bracelet up, memories flashing in Del's mind as she gazed at it.
Smiling, Geht held the misshapenly wrapped package out to Del as they sat around the fire Cam had started, Ko poking her head over the scavenger's shoulder as he chimed, "Go on! Open it! I mean, it isn't the best, but it's-"
"I tied it all together, Geht only carved the wooden beads on it!" Ko interjected, bouncing on the balls of their feet excitedly as the pirate unwrapped the small parcel and gazed down at the clear white Kyber crystal bracketed by two round wooden beads, the craftsmanship fumble and rushed, but the markings clear and distinct on the dark wood while Del held up the bracelet as Ko clapped excitedly, tuning brightly, "Ah, we hope you like it! I mean, it isn't great, but you mentioned that your birthday was a month ago and you didn't tell us? So we were at a wit's end trying to pull together something for you!"
Nodding quietly, Delmire admired the clear crystal in the light of the crackling fire, Cam standing at the very edge of where the light reached and leaning against a tree as they muttered, "... I got the crystal. It was meant to be for e new weapon for myself, but Geht and Ko defended that birthdays were important and it was needed. You're welcome." They stated rather snidely, not looking back at the other three as Camren brooded at the edge of the firelight, going back to ignoring everyone as Geht stuck his tongue out in their direction and Ko rolled their eyes at the sour attitude from the other Force user.
Still nodding slowly, Delmire clutched the crystal in her palm - feeling the strong pulse of power running through it, for some reason hearing a melodic hum emitting from the small crystal - before looking over at Geht and Ko, stating quietly, "Uh, thanks. You really didn't need to get me anything, but I appreciate it. I probably won't wear it, though. I... Don't think it'd hold up to how rough I can be." She commented blandly, trying to sound grateful - which she was - but also not wanting anyone to be disappointed when she wasn't spotted with it on.
Smiling and not even blinking at Delmire's comment, Ko chimed warmly, "That's fine! I mean, I didn't really expect you to wear it much, anyways! Someday you might want a lightsaber, and then you can use that and make one! Even if you aren't attuned to it, it'd be good practice for if you went and found a Kyber crystal of your own to use!" The rogue charmed, clearly pleased with themself as Del snorted at their enthusiasm, nodding.
"Yeah. I'll remember to consider it. And... Thanks."
Sighing and shaking her head after recalling the three people who had gifted her the small trinket, Del got up from the floor and sluffed her bag onto her shoulder, pocketing the crystal bracelet and grabbing the Mandalorian armour before trudging out of the room and towards the space station hangar, her climbing into Ziggy's Frigate ship and dropping her bag into L1-66's lap as she began to change right there in the cockpit, the Rodian getting the ship off and into hyperdrive towards the other system, Libb asking in confusion, "Now, brush me up on everything. We're going to traverse to a planet being overtaken forcibly by the Order it seems and simply to save a few renegades? I'd like to inform everyone that we were very safe back on Thief Ziggy's station." He commented, copiloting for the Rodian as Delmire pulled on her suit quickly, snapping on her vambraces and hissing back.
"No, Libb. We aren't saving renegades, we're saving... Friends. And you know very well that we don't leave friends behind. Right, Zigs?" Delmire stated, looking over at the Bingo brother and watching his antenna twitch before he begrudgingly nodded, muttering under his breath.
"... I shoulda stayed a fuckin' coward when I had th'chance. Dis hero shit ain't mah style..."
((Geht belongs to @caezsucksdangs, Camren belongs to @kalamitis, Ko-Brii belongs to @fef-x-kan, and Delmire, Libb, and Ziggy belong to myself.))
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