#the azalea's past selves
eorzeanflowers · 6 months
The Archeologist's Journey
Oh... Where to begin. Ah, well. I guess the beginning...
Created as a Allagan Weapon, something hidden in plain sight. Something that couldn't die.. Well, not outright. He was a second generation model, of which there were seven of us. He wasn't the Archeologist yet, he was much to young and childish! I don't fault him for being like that. He hadn't lived more than the sheltered life the scientists gave him.
The Soldier always scoffed at the young in's. He was the last first generation model, one that the scientists keep trying to fix. The war with Merycidia was in full swing, and all of the espionage models were about to be deployed... At least I think we were? He got shoved into a storage cache by the Soldier. The Soldier said he'd be back with the others... Well... They never did show up.
I guess the cache got forgotten, since no one found the first me. No scientist, not a single one of my siblings. I pieced together why, later. The Dalamud project had gone live, and destroyed the empire. Not necessarily a bad thing, but... Well, its not my place to judge.
He restored power to the door after months of moping and using up the supplies. The yellow haze that was the sky that greeted me was unexpected. Azys Lla was fully detached... He got so dizzy looking at the clouds that he, well, fell off.
And that was my first death.
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Falling was exhilarating. The crunch of the ground... Not so much. I woke up minutes, hours, days... I'm still not sure. The self I became after was strong, righteous. So he went searching for civilization. He found an old army storehouse, and gathered a set of armor and a blade.
He decided to act on the silly ideas my siblings and I had promised each other after we were done fighting. I was... to become an Archeologist. Bit silly now, but... a name is a name. My second self figured he needed some sort of a name for when he found people.
He wandered the land, protecting those in need, helping others with their problems. He was a remnant of the old Allag to the villages I encountered, but a welcome sight. His prowess with the blade saved many a people. But not every monster can be bested alone.
And that was my second death.
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The self I became after, well, she was cautious. She turned to the summoner's art, something easier to disguise. She became a sort of recluse, living alone for a very long time... So long, that astral era passed her by with nary a hint of her involvement.
The Age of Endless Frost brought her out of hiding. She made her way to settlements to assist in keeping themselves warm. She, while cautious, still had a warm and giving heart that hadn't frozen over in her solitude.
She was right to be cautious however. There was a faction that opposed her efforts to be a light to everyone regardless of allegiance. They sabotaged themselves to get her back and stabbed her in the back. She didn't even register the pain, that is how surgical this assassination was.
And that was my third death.
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Waking up in a hastily dug grave, my fourth self was angry. She broke free of her prison and went to the nearby settlements. With her knowledge and charisma, she bent them to her ear. Forging herself new armor and a massive blade, she went to become the darkest of my selves. I understand her actions... But I wish they hadn't come to be.
She went and conquered those that had murdered her. Then she conquered their allies. Her bloodlust and anger still not sated, she conquered the entire continent. Ruling with an iron fist and a deep anger, my fourth self became a tyrant.
Thankfully, her rule was short lived. Magick was created, and the fledgling nations of Amdapor and Mhach defeated her, destroying her with their destructive magicks.
And that was my fourth death.
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My fifth self regretted the actions of her predecessor. She vowed to never directly influence history as my fourth self did. She knew that her immense knowledge and aether stores would make for another tyrant in the Age of the Magi. So she settled herself into an apprentice position to who would become a great archmage of Mhach.
A bit of a prankster, this self was a joy to be. Freely sharing her knowledge to those that asked, she was a delight to all who knew her. That did not stop her for fighting for her new homeland, but she did so with a great sadness in her soul. She accidentally let slip how Allag summoned voidsent to the wrong person and Mhach started down a dark path.
She thought nothing of it for years, her master becoming a the greatest voidmage of her generation. The War of the Magi that started, sat as a vile taste in her mouth. She worked with her master, following orders, but always showing mercy when she could. She was reprimanded many a time, but that did not stop my idealistic self.
A grand summoning occurred, and she was imprisoned alongside her master. When the flooding began, my fifth self and her master forged the Void Ark, a place of refuge. Unfortunately, the voidsent queen broke her bonds and she sacrificed that life with her master and all the other voidmages to keep her sealed.
And that was my fifth death.
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Upon my next self awakening, she teleported back to the world below, leaving the sad memories of Mhach behind with that ship. She became a wanderer, an explorer. She became very worthy of the Archeologist name. Far more than I have been doing. But I feel the help I have done for people is worth just a little bit more... Just a little bit.
My sixth self's life was not very grand. But it was full. She lived solely in the past, exploring old ruins, and gathering like minded souls. She was very beloved for the centuries she keep popping up in. Her end was quiet. On an exploratory dig in the wilds of Othard, a cave in crashed around her as her allies watched in horror. A rock split her head open and she was laid to rest under many fulms of rubble.
And that was my sixth death.
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That brings us to me! I'm a bit old now, been this face for the longest of any of my lives. I chose to live in the here and now, not bound by anything my past selves did. Well, I guess you could say I'm just continuing my previous self's lust for adventure. But I am going about it in a different manner. She was very solitary, gathering small groups of dedicated allies.
I just enjoy meeting new people and going on grand adventures with them. I know I can't stay long... Being centuries old does make things a little bit difficult when you barely age, even among Viera standards. But I've met so many interesting souls, and loved more. This realm is full of interesting people and I want to meet as many as I can! I do meddle in current affairs a bit more than before now. I can't help it! I want to keep people safe as best as I can.
For this world is a beautiful place, and I won't rest as long as I can keep protecting it and its people. After this many centuries of living, its the best I can do.
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thedorfmirrin · 1 year
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Probably my most favourite part of any henshin, ever. Every magical girl deserves to hug their younger selves 😭
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fatewalker-phoenix · 2 years
28. What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
Eden Azalea
I love her general AestheticTM, and while I was initially lazy when I came up with her backstory (I knew next to nothing about final fantasy when I made her so I said hey what if I gave her amnesia and figured out her past later when I knew more), it somehow evolved into a whirlwind of emotions and feelings and I love that this drunken damaged hot mess was able to find peace for herself despite everything.
Kiana Kveykva
My child, my baby, my little lizzer. I always root for the underdog and I've always had a soft spot for the Child of an ensemble cast (see Wendy Fairy Tail for example) because they always carry so much potential! They can become so strong! And I love seeing them grow into their best selves, even to the point of surpassing their elders to carry the future on their tiny shoulders. Kiana is my contribution to that trope, both as an adopted daughter and as part of a larger WoL group, and I never get tired of finding ways to challenge her and help her grow.
Also I like that she is smol and huggable and snuggleable.
Airi Nakamura
I really like her open-book personality. She is genuine and honest to a fault, which can be just as refreshing in a world full of secrets and schemes as it can be dangerous. Luckily Shay is there to keep her from getting too embroiled in something she can't sweet talk her way out of (most of the time anyway)
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Send ‘👶’ for a glimpse of my muses parenting | Accepting
~*Awakening AU*~ | @convxction and @pieman1112
It was a quiet but lovely day as Azalea was walking through the familiar halls of the Valm palace. Her past self memories had faded away for a while and she felt it was because of her and Bercutio not ending up like their past selves. She gently rubbed her stomach as they were expecting another child and she was a little worried about how Lionel would be feeling as the boy had been oddly quiet. She walked to the main play area where she saw her 5 year old son was painting something. “Hello sweetie. What are you painting this time?” She asked softly. “Hi mama! I’m painting the family for Uncle Chrom’s birthday!” He wanted to give his uncle something nice. “That’s sweet of you to do.” Azalea knew he was a prodigy when it came to art. Both her and Bercutio had no idea where he got that talent from but they wanted their son to do what he loved. “Lionel? I have to ask you something.” She had to tell him about his thoughts of being a big brother. “Is it about the baby?” Lionel had a feeling it was. “Yes. You’re going to be a big brother soon but you have not said anything. Are you worried?” She was a little bit worried about asking such a thing. Lionel put the brush down and looked at his mother. “...Will you still love me even when the baby is born?” He did not want to be forgotten. 
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“Of course I will. Your mama and papa love you very much. Nothing will change that.” She gave her son a hug but she also made a note to tell Bercutio about her son feeling left out. “If you are ever worried about anything, just tell us ok?” she knew it was not going to be easy for him to get used to having a sibling but she felt everything would work out. “Ok mama.” Lionel smiled as he felt his mother gently pat his head. “I need to work on the painting now mama.” He was determined to finish the art for his uncle. “Alright my little lion. I’m sure your uncle will love it.” She wanted to stay to see her son paint but knew he would want his privacy for it. She was very proud of her son and was looking forward to seeing the man he would become. 
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Planetary Magic 3: Mercury, the Mind and Communication
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by Christopher Penczak | Jul 29, 2013
(Originally appearing in Crow’s Calling)
Mercury may be one of the smaller planets of the solar system, but its power is great. Mercury is the power of the mind, our ability to think, perceive and communicate. Mercury rules over the power of our words and how we use them.
Time and again I’m always fascinated by the physical characteristics of the planets, and how they uniquely match the astrological energies. Our ancient ancestors didn’t have the scientific knowledge that we do, but perhaps their intuitive perceptions were just as accurate, or even more so. Mercury physically has much in common with the Moon. While the Moon rules our more emotional nature, Mercury masters the mental side. Both are the fastest moving planets, though the Moon is technically a satellite of Earth, leaving Mercury the fastest of the true planets. If Mercury represents thoughts, it shows how quickly we can change our thoughts, and how fast our thoughts travel into the universe. The planet has no real atmosphere, so if you were able to stand on it, you could see far and wide. Light is not hazed by any gases or water vapour. Your perception would not be clouded as it is on Earth. Mercury is clear, logical and detached perception, not influenced by the waters of emotion. Having no atmosphere, Mercury’s surface suffers no erosion, like the Moon. When something leaves an impression in Mercury, it is always remembered and recorded.
Metaphysically, Mercury is the archetype of both the messenger and the magician. Both images deal with communication and travel. The most popular image is of Hermes, the messenger of the gods in Greek myth. Mercury is his Roman name. With his winged helmet and sandals, he travels from the heavenly home of the gods, to the land of mortals and to the underworld, communicating and connecting all parts. In a way, that cosmology can be a symbol of our three selves, our mortal or ego self, our intuitive, or lower self and our higher, divine self. The power of Mercury connects them all, assuring good communication. Hermes is said to lead the souls of the new born to life and the souls of the dead to the nether worlds, earning him the title of Psychopomp, a shaman or magician of sorts. He is also credited with the invention of mathematics, the alphabet, gymnastics, music and gambling, truly the first Renaissance man. As a child, days old, he was so precocious he stole the flock of his brother Apollo, the Sun god. He was clever enough to trick Apollo, but was eventually caught. To make up for his acts, he created the lyre from a tortoise shell, and gave it to Apollo, giving him greater dominion over music. Apollo, in return, gave him the caduceus, the staff wrapped with a serpent, as a symbol of medicine and healing, which became Hermes’ realm. As Hermes and Apollo have a special friendship, the Sun and the planet Mercury have a special relationship. The two are never far apart from our view on Earth.
The word Hermetic comes from this god, meaning “sealed,” and now referring to certain laboratory and medical procedures. Hermes is the god of medicine. It’s less common definition refers to “sealed” as in secret, referring to a system of magic coming from the ancient Hermetic documents. The Hermetic documents and Hermes himself, under the guise of Hermes Trismegistus, is linked with the Egyptian scribe god Thoth. Thoth is the god of mystery and magic, power and creation, very powerful, yet acting as a guide for the Egyptian Pharoh gods Ra, Osiris and Horus.
Keys to the Mercury archetype are magic, walking between worlds, writing and communication. Often they have an androgynous quality to them. Sometimes they are out right tricksters, tricking us into seeing ourselves and the world as things really are, rather than living in our illusions. Other Mercurial figures are the Norse Odin, Loki, Hiemdell and Hermod; the Celtic Ogma, Lugh, Gwydion, Math and Merlin; the Sumerian Nabu; the African Legba and the Hindu gods Ganesha and Sarasvati.
Air is the element associated with Mercury, even though the planet contains no atmosphere. Air is the symbol of the mind, communication and expression. Likewise the throat chakra, the centre of communication, is its energy point. Wednesday, or Wotan’s day, an older name for Odin, is the day when the energies of communication are high. Phone calls, networking and writing are all emphasised on Wednesday. The metal of Mercury is liquid Mercury, or quicksilver. It shifts and moves quickly, but can also be poisonous if not handled correctly, just like our thoughts and words. Most modern magicians substitute aluminium in their charms instead of using quicksilver.
Mercury rules two signs, Gemini and Virgo. Gemini, an air sign, deals with communication, expression and learning. Virgo is an Earth sign, but has many Mercurial qualities. Virgo’s talents are processing information, discernment and detail-oriented work in the service of other. Virgo brings the mind down to Earth. The yearly period of Mercury is approximately August 24 to October 24, the fourth 52 day period from the Vernal Equinox. It happens to start near the Sun’s entry into Virgo. To find your personal Mercury period, divide the year into seven 52 day periods starting at your birthday. The fourth period is your Mercury time. Both times are great for change, to stimulate yourself and shake things up. Travel, education, writing, working with children or any other mentally active task is enhanced at this time.
One time to take note of is the dreaded Mercury retrograde. People with just enough astrological knowledge to make themselves dangerous will warn others not to leave their homes or do anything when Mercury is retrograde, but don’t exactly understand why. This time caused much fear and should simply be used to our own advantage. To understand Mercury retrograde, lets first understand retrograde. If you have ever been on a train that passed another train, you have experienced a retrograde. Both were going in the same direction, but due to an optical illusion, it looked like the other train was travelling backwards. It wasn’t. It simply looked that way.
The same thing happens to planets. When one planet passes another, it often looks like it is going backwards in its orbit. It is simply an optical illusion we call a retrograde. But in astrology, our perception is often more important than the reality. And from our perception, it is going backwards, so it acts like it is going backwards. The energy is introverted, internalised and often used for reflection on the past. When you try to use it externally, you are swimming up stream.
All the planets go retrograde except the Sun, Moon and Earth, at least from our view. Mercury is more feared because we base our society on extroverted communication and don’t honour private, inner time. So the universe forces us. Some people perceive that during Mercury retrograde communication breaks down, both on a personal level and communication systems such as computers, phones, etc. Travel is disrupted. Legal misunderstandings occur. Information is incorrect. Lies, deliberate and unintentional occur with this trickster spirit. Accidents happen.
Frustration abounds at this time, unless you are doing inner personal work. Then we know where we are going and can take some time to look backwards without pushing forward. But even if we are having no difficulties, others around may still affect us with their retrograde experience.
Mercury retrogrades are the most frequent kind, since Mercury is the fastest planet. It occurs about every three months, for about three weeks. Its best to relax, take things easy and plan nothing major at these times, but continue to live life. Just live a more reflective life. If you want to do Mercury Magic, to improve communication, mental clarity, memory or perception, or if you want to increase your magical and shamanic abilities, I suggest using the herbs and crystals ruled by the energies of Mercury. They help ground this mental energy into the world.
Minerals: Agate, Alexandrite, Aventurine, Green Aventurine, Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, Howlite, Mottled Jasper, Kyanite, Merlinite, Mica, Snowflake Obsidian, Pumice, Variscite
Herbs: Agaric, Alfalfa, Almond, Azaleas, Banana, Bayberry, Bittersweet, Buckwheat, Burdock Root, Caraway, Carrots, Cedar, Celery, Cherry, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Coffee, Dill, Echinacea, Elecampane, Fennel, Fern, Flax, Garlic, Gentian, Goat’s Rue, Hare’s Foot, Hazel, Nut, Honeysuckle, Honeywort, Horehound, Jacob’s Ladder, Lady’s Slipper, Lavender, Lemon Grass, Lemon Verbena, Liquorice, Lobelia, Lungwort, Mace, Mandrake, Meadowsweet, Morning Glory, Mountain Grape, Mulberry, Mushroom, Myrtle, Nightshade, Papyrus, Parsley, Parsnips, Pecan, Peppermint, Pistachio, Sage, Sandalwood, Sassafras, Savory, Scullcap, Slippery Elm, Uva-Ursa, Valerian
(Be sure to consult a reputable medical herbal book or herbalist before using any herbs topically or internally. These are listed for their magical properties, not medicinal.)
If you would like to attune to the energies of Mercury, here is a simple ritual anyone can do. On a Wednesday, take some grain, seed, cornmeal, sugar or any other powdery substance, and draw a Mercury symbol, a circle on top of a cross, like the female symbol, but with a crescent moon on top of the circle, like horns or antenna. Throughout the day, observe your communications and thoughts. Keep a part of you “detached” and observing your thoughts, words and actions. At the end of the day, write in a journal about all your observations. All of this mental activity, along with self-introspection will align you with the powers of Mercury.
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ierohero · 7 years
My friends were into Blood On The Dance Floor for like three years and still are low key, but I can't even say anything bc I liked Iggy Azalea for about three months tenth grade year and almost bought tickets to see her before I found out she wasn't a good person
The lesson here is we all have cringey phases and we have to forgive our past selves for them or we'll literally collapse under the weight of our own shame,,
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What do Azalea and Bercutio look like?
//That’s a good question! Well I would say they look close to their past selves but with some differences. 
When it comes to Azalea, she would have the same hair color as her big brother Chrom but her eyes will be a lighter shade of blue. Her outfit would probably look a little bit more of a spring dress instead of her winter dress, but similar colors and still giving off that she is nobility. 
Bercutio would have the brown hair and style it similar to his past self. Even so it would be a little bit on the fluffier side. Since Alm is his ancestor, I think he would have dark green eyes. His armor before becoming emperor would actually look more like Berkut’s but in the same color scheme (red and black) as his uncle Walhart. Afterwards though he completely traded that armor for Alm’s over class armor instead as he feels ashamed for his uncle’s actions except the colors are like Berkut’s armor (dark brown, blue and gold if my memory is correct). 
…And I know their son Lionel is not mentioned but his armor would be totally like Alm’s and when he is king it’s so going to be the over class armor. The very same one Alm had.  
It is times like these that I wish I could draw…..
@convxction  - since Azalea AU is talked about. 
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