#the baby's name is Mira because they're a miracle
just-a-mod · 6 months
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-clicks tongue-
I blame this post
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direwombat · 8 months
3, 6, 16, 21, 26, 29 -> for both ships in case some don't apply etc etc <3
ahhhh thank you <3
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3. Jealousy issues?
jkfas;ldfkjasdfadsf jealousy issues? with a jacobship? 100%. Jacob will never admit it, but his possessiveness does stem from jealousy...at least a tiny bit. I think jacob's got some self-worth issues, and on a certain level he's aware of them. he knows he's not a good man, so part of him does worry that syb will wise up and leave for someone...better...
6. Double Date? Thoughts? Who?
afl;kjafdl;fjaf no. you think jacob is going to share syb's attention with anyone? no way
but...au where syb doesn't kill shaw...the idea of a jakesyb/shawstaci double date is soooo funny to me. I think they'd go bowling and to spice things up syb and Staci would be a team while jacob and shaw are another. jacob and shaw lose so fucking bad, it's almost sad (but mostly its funny)
16. Who cooks most?
syb. she's better at it than jacob is. since she'll...you know...actually season things. I firmly believe jacob's cooking skills begin and end at the grill. man is eating unmarinaded grilled chicken and unseasoned steamed veggies and plain white rice and that is it. syb takes one look at that and goes "no thank you, I'd like to enjoy my meal" and cooks something else lmao. not that Jacob minds. he likes watching her cook. it's what she was doing when he had his oh moment. and once she joins the cult, she'll occasionally work the kitchens at st. francis and help give the chosen and the hunters some actually good food when they do a good job/have earned it.
21. Movie Night?
jacob strikes me as more of a reader, and so is syb, so movie nights happen less often (also what are they gonna watch? I don't think either of them are really into whatever cult propaganda films john wanted to make). they're far more likely to read together. but I think every now and then, if they're able to get their hands on some old reels, they'll watch some stuff from the earlier decades of cinema.
26. If they have kids, who named them? What would they name them?
in the bunker buddies au, they do have a kid! but they're both bad at naming things (animals...objects...people...). due to her combat injuries, having a child is unlikely and dangerous, so the fact that she was able to carry their baby almost to term before having to have an emergency c-section is a miracle. and that's what they call their child for a long time. their "little miracle." after a few months of this they're like "we should probably give her an actual name, huh?" and syb is like "well...what about mira? short for 'miracle'?" and Jacob said "yeah, sure, that works for me."
29. Who said I Love You, first?
r;fkjafsd;aldfskj so real talk, I don't think they actually verbally say "I love you" until after they're reunited in new dawn. like...they know they love each other. they've proven it time and time again before the bunker years. they never felt the need to say it, they just knew. but after the bunker years, when they find each other again, I think "I love you" is one of the first things they say to each other when they cling to each other. Jacob says it verbally out loud while syb is tapping it in Morse code against his back. both of them are crying.
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3. Jealousy issues?
no not really. both of them are pretty comfortable in their relationship. sure, eli worries about the interest Jacob takes in syb, but that's less jealousy and more genuine concern because uh...he knows what Jacob does to people and he doesn't want syb to be conditioned to serve the cult.
6. Double Date? Thoughts? Who?
oooh. idk why but my initial thought was joey/mary may. in the universe where sybeli happens, the disaster of sybjoey never happens so she and syb remain close friends in that timeline. I think they think double dates are fun on occasion, and having the company of another couple is nice when they're actually going out-out, but for the most part they keep to themselves.
16. Who cooks most?
when they actually have time/ingredients? they're cooking together. I like to think that eli is really good at cooking whatever game he catches and has family recipes memorized. and syb isn't a terrible cook herself and is a master when it comes to seasoning and marinading things, so they're a pretty good team in the kitchen.
but for the most part (in their "canon" verse anyways) they're eating MREs and instant noodles lbr
21. Movie Night?
awwww now I'm just imagining Wheaty organizing militia movie nights <3 tbh I think syb and Eli are fans of 80s action/sci-fi movies. Indiana Jones, John carpenter films, terminator, robocop, the og mad max movies. stuff like that.
26. If they have kids, who named them? What would they name them?
lol realistically they would adopt, take in some poor kid and raise them as a member of the whitetails/in the bunker. but assuming an au where syb successfully gets pregnant and carries a baby to term, eli ends up naming the baby. syb is awful at naming things (see the jakesyb answer to this question), so after she exhausts all the little pet names she's just like "eli...help..."
that said, considering their animal symbolism (syb a hare and eli a white tailed deer) I consider their baby a jackalope so...I hereby name their child "jacqueline (jackie) palmer"
29. Who said I Love You, first?
Eli. Syb is almost physically incapable of saying the words herself. she'll always answer "you too," whenever he says it. she does mean it though. she just has a difficult time verbalizing her emotions and is much more likely to express her affection in other ways (ie...acts of service or physical touch)
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sweetjazzygirl · 3 years
Help Miracle Mercado, a 20 year old, victim of ab//s//
this is a story of a young adult, 20 year old victim, born 2000, November 28
I'm sorry for some mistakes and typos, i was tired so i will fix them later when i have the chance
the post will contain, Domestic violence and ab//s//, mention of R//p// and s//xu//l a//s//ult, Bullying, and many more
if you PLAN to share this on Facebook and Instagram, i have to inform you her 'family' is using them, entire family using Facebook and a "dad" and a "brother" (they don't deserve those terms) using Instagram so please, be careful, i can't leak them due to knowing people will attack them for ab//s// which will lead her life probably to an end
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Miracle (short name Mira) Mercado is a 20 year old young woman, lives in Pennsylvania, Mira has suffered so much ab//s// since birth and currently, she's now only being emotionally abused than physically (used to be abused physically)
Mira has been bullied in school because she was born in the toilet, calling her "toilet baby" (it's been confirmed she was born in it), she was 6 months old after birth, Mira died 3 times at the hospital as an infant which she deserved the name "Miracle" for surviving
but unfortunately, Mira didn't get the happiest childhood she deserved, she was being abused, pushed in, punched by, insulted, many HORRIFYING stuff, all by her entire 'family' except her grandma, the mother of Mira's "Mother", who stood by her side and passed away due to cancer because of her daughter's (Mira's 'Mother') death wish
Mira had a teacher at 9th grade with her before but her luck vanished as her teacher left her because the school threatened to fire her and suddenly told Mira's "Dad" everything, causing the r//p// to happen as possibly a punishment (as what i've heard)
Mira also got as//au//ted, instead of support she got victim blamed by her 'family', her "Dad" blames Mira for also his parents death
To let you know, his parents were also behind the abuse as well, he forced her, her as a child that time to take care of them instead of his lazy ass to do so, forcing her to watch them all night while he gets all the rest and after all that, Mira's 'grandparents' (her "Dad"'s Parents) passed away due to lack of treatment. Mira even mentioned she was told she looked just like his mom which is unknowingly if he could be abusing her because of that as if he and his brother were abused in their entire life as well
Mira also mentioned her cousin was crushing on her older 'sister', unknown if he still does
Mira is also Asexual but her entire 'family' are LGBTphobic, her oldest 'brother' and 'father' never stop making sexual jokes, no matter how much it can be uncomfortable
Mira's entire 'family' also mocks people with disabilities and mental illness, this includes Mira as well since she's suffering with a disability and mental illness so she's being mocked and made fun of, they also tend to have no respect for people who are into dark stuff (goths and emos, she's into Goth stuff)
Mira also had pets before but that faded away because of her sick minded 'father' and 'brother', i also have to mention that her 'dad' and his brother abused his own dog who was old at that time for their entire life, Mira's oldest 'brother' also locks dogs and cats in basement because he can't stand them meowing and barking, Mira had dogs, one is a brown puppy, male, got kicked by her 'Dad' and one is an old fluffy white dog, female, kicked by her 'brother', she also had a cat on her own but it's known it got kicked out as well (currently, her 'mom' has a cat so yes, she's a cat person as well for an abuser)
a picture of Mira's dog before losing her (the only picture she has left)
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Mira had lost everything by the hands of those devils, only to make her life like hell
Her 'mom' also has a boyfriend (her 'parents' are not married, but one of the siblings are half), who's an abuser as well and was sent to prison, he could've gotten out this month (march) right now
Her family also starves her as they give her only little food or nothing at all, making her underweight and then saying the stupidest words "you look awful" like of course she look awful, you devils straight up made her life a living hell
Mira's 'sister' has a room for her own but her selfishness decided to use Mira's room instead, having the power to control it and because of it Mira can't do anything
Mira used to have that card where she gets food to survive but they took it from her and has control in it, so they use her name to get the food for themselves, making her starving
i may not be the type of a person who'd leak pictures of faces but this is for the best, if you ever found them, especially with Mira, please i'd love for you to save her staying away from them
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i didn't get the pictures of the older and younger 'brothers' but i hope this helps
Now for the questions and answers
"Did she called the police/has anyone reported it?"
Her online school did but unfortunately, the police didn't believe her and she couldn't say anything because 1- she was being watched by her 'brother' to make sure "she doesn't talk shit" (more like "she doesn't expose their crimes") and 2- her 'Dad' uses his overweight body and mental illness as an excuse against her
"Why didn't she ran away?"
She did once but was forced to go back now it's very difficult for her to run away so she needs a plan
"Does she has anyone else to live with?"
Her 'friends' but they kicked her out because they hated her, for no reason so sadly, she doesn't have anyone else to live with
"Does she have evidence of abuse?"
Fortunately yes, she does and i'd like to share them but some of them are graphic so..
"Does she have enough money to get out?"
She's poor, she doesn't have a job because they don't let her but she at least gains them but it won't be that easy because they're stealing it from her (she's currently living with her 'mom' and 'sister'
"Can't she defend herself?"
They get more angry when she tries to defend herself, believe me, abusers gets the power whenever the victim tries to defend themselves
"what can I do to help?"
If you live in the same state as her and found her walking around the street, alone or with her member family, help her to escape at all cost and DON'T let one of them take her away (her 'Dad' has a car so watch out), i'd also to love if one of you created a GoFundMe page for her since she used to have one but it got removed, also show her support
i got Instagram highlight where i share her life story
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Mira's profile, she also created a highlight of her abused life story as well
Note: if you're the type of person who makes fun of people for self insert and such, i suggest you to get out, this is an abused victim we're talking about here and if you're careless so much about it then i hope you rot in hell
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Please, be gentle with her, she's sensitive and doesn't take it well. she needs help to escape this help
thank you very much
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