#the bestest everrrr
chinelacanta · 3 months
Do you have some autistic dragon headcanons?
sorry in advance im abt to yap
he definitely has, for the most part, the 'kinda blank, unenthusiastic, uninterested' resting face, which i think a lot of people see as mean or rude, but that's just the lack of eyebrows i think, makes his eyes a lot more intense!!
holds the den den mushi really close to his heart. he probably spent a lot of time on marine bases so he saw them pretty regularly. i think he was at first curious, then after reading more about them smth just resonated and they've been one of if not his favorite creature since
long periods of time where he doesn't feel like really talking to anyone at length, which is kinda bad for the rev organization, but he has close friends who he shares administration with, like iva kuma and inazuma. he does like being involved and he thinks it's integral to be hands on, but he genuinely enjoys the mundane paperwork stuff they relegate to other members, like collecting newspapers clippings and searching into small time but sketch govt. officials
id say living w garp constantly made him have to mask all his social ineptitudes, plus making him realize very early on that he was Different and, to his father and the other people on base and ships, 'Wrong' in a way. he definitely feels better after the creation of the RA, and leaving all of that behind
he's on the quiet side, not speaking much (after realizing that when he did he was labeled as being 'offputting'), and i think given different circumstances he'd be way more outspoken, but i also think he doesn't mind being a more introspective person. his safe space is definitely his quarters and when he's by himself, and even then he mostly just chills out i think ^^
he's not as blunt as luffy in the sense of saying things he thinks without caring much, or denouncing things he doesn't agree with or thinks are stupid, but he's more questioning of everything- how and why it is the way it is, which i doubt the marines or his father liked.
if he did have any stims i think he'd gently sway with the wind and the leaves while out by the sea, its very soothing and calming. post having luffy he'd do that while facing the east ;;
if you're into dragodile, id say after meeting croco he'd have a special interest for sand, and have those multi colored little jars of it to give as gifts. post breakup he couldn't fully enjoy that hobby anymore, he probably tried to switch to leaf collecting since the wind carries over so many of them to him but it just wasn't for him.
another thing i think he could do is whistle if he's all by himself, like he's echoing the swirling winds <33
he's not photosensitive per say, but he dislikes bright things. but his son is the sun itself, and he loves him more than anything else. it'll always be luffy above himself in his heart, which makes his sacrifice oh him so much worse
i think he hates salt water, the way it messes with his hair and stings his eyes and leaves a bad taste and burns his nose- definitely a nono
little silly bonus, i think he'd have the time of his life riding the cloud bike things at skypiea
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warped-paranoia · 2 years
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i'm addicted to you
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songtwo · 9 months
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22nd bday !!!<333
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lordfreg · 25 days
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US ♡♡☆☆
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guavasbizarre · 8 months
i can’t believe it’s been a year and some change sense i’ve seen my boy
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oceanmoss · 1 year
the sun our beautiful sky bread of sandwich hii saharrr <3<3<3<3
I LOVE YOUUUU TOOOOOO KATHERINE LETS FROLIC IN THE FIELDS FOREVER UNTIL WE GET SUNBURNED . MWAH. 🤸🤸🌻🌻💛☀️☀️☀️💛💛☀️🌊🌊 also when i first saw the ask i thought this was one continuous sentence and like. literal poetry out there^ the sun is our beautiful sky which is bread of sandwich :-) hi.
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hyuckswoman · 4 months
text imagine - jeno bf texts
pairings: jeno x reader
genre: fluff
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notes: here it isss for my anon who’s been nothing short of kind to me,, tyvm and hope you’re having/ you had thes bestest day everrrr
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rinbowaman · 10 months
hiiiiii reinna i love ur work it makes my day everytime i read it lmaooo <333
i was wondering if u could make a fic abt sunoo like youre the 8th member of enhypen and since youre not that girly or act cute like the other female idols instead kinda tomboy and baddie sunoo finds you annoying cos hes not used to it but the other members r fine. one day after dance practice (y/n and jungwon r roomates) saurrr jungwon told yn the tea abt sunoo hating her but yn secretly likes sunoo. So after jungwon left to go somehwere idk shopping?? Yn cried n cried n cried and u can basically use ur creative imagination for the rest 👻👻 pls make it smut at the end tho i love it 👻👻👻
Thanksssssss miss bestest ever writter everrrr!! 1!111!1 ❤️❤️❤️
@reyna-ohno - I hope i did you justice ;)
Warnings: unprotected smut, fingering, gossiping, enemies to lovers trope, some minor angst, cursing's, a little bit of hate sex....and i think that's it. to make it more believable, Y/n has her own room but is close with the members and allows them to come hang out. I wrote majority of this while i was on bedrest recovering, so i apologize this is not proofread.
"She's really not at all like the others..." Jake remarks as he sits next to Heeseung, noting that your behavior on camera, was very much genuine as you were no different than how you were off camera.
"Yeah she doesnt seem to be into that whole cutsie thing. Kind of refreshing actually."
"Yeah man, i think so too."
Everyone could relatively agree, to see you be yourself, it was new and fresh, and a delight to see. For Sunoo, it was an abomination.
While you were filming alongside Jungwon, while you were chic and stylish in your own manner, you opted for casual and simple flares of fashion rather than the traditional girly and fancy type. With a loose pair of jeans on, a fitted tee shirt with a matching baseball cap, you displayed your smile and laughter by having a good time being the only girl member in the band.
Watching from aside, Sunoo glares and rolls his eyes. Next to him, Sunghoon pops over and gives him a slight side bump to break the silence after noting the look of irritation on his face. "Whats got you all worked up?"
"Why can't she just be like the rest of the girls in the industry? She's not at all doing well on these weverse lives, people want to see cute girls being....cute...not relaxed and chilled."
"give her a break, she's just being herself man. Can't be mad at that."
"I'm not mad i just.....i just dont get it." Sunoo shakes his head as he turns and walks away with his arms crossed, obviously irritated by your lack of enthusiasm when it came to attempting to be adorable, much like your counterpart, Jungwon. For a young man to be far more agile in being cute in his mannerisms, more than you, that usually was an indicator that you were someone who was far too much of a hopeless cause. Truth of the matter, Sunoo knew what the public liked, he knew that fans liked it when idols did silly and cute things like finger hearts, squinting eyes while displaying a cat like smile, or making high pitched sounds. You didn't do any of that, nor did you attempt it, which caused him to wonder if you were going to be the downfall of Enhypen.
Finishing the live stream, you and the boys all made your way back home to the dorm where you nestled yourself in you room, conveniently next to Jungwon's, who had developed a close bond with, much like a sibling. Since receiving your room assignments, being the only girl, you got your own room, yet it was nice to have Jungwon right next to you, since it was easy for him to come in and out to visit all throughout the night to hang out or watch tv together. Tonight was no different, especially with the new episodes of your guys favorite tv show coming out.
*Knock knock*
"come in." you softly call out, and as expected, you watched as Jungwon brings in a plate of fresh hot hotteok, and tea.
"did you start it?"
"no not yet, was waiting for you."
settling in as he places the plate and two cups on the table, you both prepared to watch the latest episode. As the opening credits rolled, Jungwon took the opportunity to talk about the vlive from earlier.
"Hey so......only because i'm the leader.......but......does it bother you that Sunoo.....well....you know...."
Raising your eyebrows in confusion as you munched on the honey filled treat, you looked up and shrugged your shoulders slightly. "What do you mean?"
"You dont know?"
"Know what?"
Jungwon sighs as he curses himself for opening a door that he wish he hadn't. "nevermind."
"Nooooo...dont be like that....tell me."
"its just....well....he really doesnt like you......and he makes it obvious."
Stunned, your eyes grew wide as you felt your heart drop. "Oh....he does?"
"yeah......do you want me to talk to him about it?"
Shaking your head, you kept your composure as best as you could. "No...its fine.....i'm sure he'll get over it."
Jungwon smiles in return. "yeah, i'm glad you're not too upset about it."
But the fact of the matter was, you were upset....deeply. No one would know of it, since you were very much strategic in keeping it hidden, but you were quite fond of Sunoo....you actually liked him even....so much, that you caught yourself dreaming of him, fantasizing on what it would be like to snuggle up with him, going on dates, or just being in his embrace and smelling his cologne.
You held it all in and the entire night, one episode after another, you felt as if your heart was punching your chest outward.
"Well, i'm gonna go to bed. we got an early morning tomorrow, so dont stay up too late."
"Okay." you feigned a smile as you watched him walk out. The moment you left the room, you hid yourself into the dimmed lighting in your room and began crying. You felt hurt. Did Sunoo really not like you? Why? You both hardly shared any words to one another. Yet it all started to make sense, for all the times you though back when you tried to make conversation, only to watch him side eye you as he would get up and leave the room. There were other moments too, such as whenever you would sit right next to him, and he'd let out an exhausting sigh, and get up to walk across the other side of the room to sit in a different seat. Initially, you didn't think much of it, you had thought he merely was just shy or just was not used to being around female idols. But now......it all makes senses. The man who you really wanted to be with....the one you admired from afar, day dreamed...the one you would do anything for, actually disliked you.....hated you......
Sobbing away into your kneecaps as you held your legs to your chest, you failed to notice that Jungwon had mistakenly left your door cracked open, not shutting it all the way through. With the bit of the dimmed lighting peeking out from the crack, the hallway remained pitch black with just a strip of the orange and yellow hue coming from your room.
Walking up after grabbing a bottle water from the kitchen, Sunoo strolls through the same hallway, all to reach his room at the end of the corridor.
hearing the faint sounds of your sobs, he takes a swig of his water and gulps it down as he sides eye the slivers crack in the door.
“is she….crying? What is her deal?”
sighing out in frustration, he took the chance to enter and see if he could get you to stop, considering your room was across from his. With all that sniffling and whimpering, it would be hard for him to get some sleep with your cries echoing in the hall. Walking into the dimmed room, he gently shuts the door behind him and walks further in. Breaching the opening of your room, he stands straight and leans against the wall while watching your pitiful state. Taking another gulp of water down, he rolls his eyes as he breaks the silence.
“you know if you’re going to cry, you can at least have your door shut all the way through so you don’t wake anyone.”
jolting out of your fetal position, you look up him with your tear stained face. Shocked, your eyes were wide and glossy, pieces of your hair remained plastered on your face and you softly whimpered out a few sniffles before stuttering out an “s-sorry….”
eyeing you down, he takes yet, another gulp from his bottle. Switching his gaze to the floor as he screws the cap back on, he crosses his arms before asking you the big question, merely because he grew curious after seeing your face.
confused, you sat there in silence and looked off to the side before turning back to him. “……um….s..sorry?”
sighing out as he rubbed his temple, he finally speaks out. It was soft yet firm, with a low tone….much lower than what he normally dispelled.
“bitch why are you crying?”
taken aback, your eyes became overflowing with the stinging of tears once more when you heard his harsh tone. Whimpering into your kneecaps again, he rolled his eyes in defeat as he regains composure and attempts this once more.
“okay okay look….just tell me why you’re crying. Can you do that? Hmm? Can you just stop and talk for a second? I’d like to eventually get some beauty rest.”
you shifted over and turned your back towards him.
“just go sunoo…….you’re not going to be the solution to any of my problems right now.”
gaining width in his widened glare, you heard his foot steps and thought he was walking in the opposite direction to exit the room. It wasn’t until you felt his weight plopping beside you that you realized he was sitting right next to you. Not only that, but the moment you heard his careless whisper, how his hot breath touched your ear, you knew he was far closer than he had ever been with you.
“Why is that?” He whispered into your ear. you shuttered as you felt an electric shock travel up and down your spine.
“stop! Why are you here? Why do you even care or try? I know you hate me…..just….leave me alone.” You broke down and began to sob as you lashed out the truth.
he didn’t deny it, nor did he try to argue with you on your statement, he did in fact, borderline hated you. Though hearing you say it aloud made him feel a certain type of way about it.
“you’re right….I do hate you.”
“could you please just go……..I….I don’t understand…I’ve never done anything to you….I’ve tried to be nice and I’ve always been helpful…..I’ve……I’ve don’t everything I could to make you see how much I care…” breaking down, you sobbed as you curled your body in.
“I know.” He admitted, nonchalantly at that, as if he knew all this time yet still found it suitable to hate you. But that’s as all about to change….
feeling his hand grasp your shoulder and turning you over, in a rather forceful nature, you gasped out in shock as you witness his frame hovering over you. His feline eyes staring right into your iris and a soft, very faint smile appeared on his pouty lips.
his pupils shift in random direction as he takes in y the sight of your face. Releasing a soft chuckle, he calmly speaks out.
caught off guard, he blinked in shock before uttering an “excuse me?” Bidding him to clarify.
“I said, ‘cute’. Does crying make you deaf too?”
“why are you being this way? I don’t get it…..”
“welcome to my world."
"What is your problem!?" you snapped. you've about had it with his cocky attitude and the lack of sincerity in his tone. Yet the moment he pinned you down as he leaned further in, with his nose pressed against your cheek and his hot breath grazing against your lips, you were shocked still.
"you know, you put on that act to behave like one of the guys. you act cool and casual, and you treat all aspects of being a girl as something that is beneath you. yet look at you now.....crying and looking so adorable......so soft....all your feminine features coming out with each tear drop you cry out."
"ar.....are you toying with me?"
"Maybe.......is that bad?.....is that something that bothers you?"
Shrugging from left to right, you try to break free from his grasp as he began to hold on to your wrists. "huh....you're even cuter when you struggle."
"stop it! get off of me!"
"I will.....if you can get me off." he smirks with that sly smile that he was known for. You gave in as you break down from feeling the immense different in strength. Despite being the carefree and adored idol he was, Sunoo was indeed still, a man.
"Why .....just why....?"
Smirking once more, he leans further in and pauses just before his lips are met with yours. "ddeonu" he whispers.
You raised a brow in annoyance as you whispered back. "is that supposed to be funny? like a joke?"
Once more, he whispers back "ddeonu....you tell me...." smiling and smirking against your lips, you faintly smile back as you feel his grasp loosen and soften up, with his finger tips stroking your skin.
"do. you really hate me?" you asked.
Before he could answer, you softy whispered and cut him off. "let me guess.....ddeonu?"
His eyes widening for a moment, he whispers firmly and tells you, "say it again."
Leaning slightly upward, you softly tell him......"ddeonu....."
His lips lock yours in. His hands eagerly roam up and down your body. Your hands rest on his broad shoulders as you feel his grope slightly shift your body upward from the overwhelming sensation of his soft skin traveling all over your stomach, your breasts, and your ribcage. breaking the kiss to catch his breath, ultimately allowing for you to do the same, he breathes out his gasping words as he rips your buttons apart.
"Whine for me....little girl."
"No Sunoo...."
"Do it."
Kissing you, he shoves his hand down your shorts and flickers his two fingers against your clit. Just as he wanted, you whimper into his mouth as he holds your wrists down with one hand. "Whine some more." he breathes out.
Meshing his lips with yours, he rubs your slit up and down and presses his palm on it as he clams a grip and shoves his tongue deeper into your mouth.
Breaking free for a moment, you turn your head and gasp out. "God!.....I hate you i swear."
"Do you now? Tell me how much you hate the fox." he mumbles against your lips, as. he pulls down your shorts and panties, rolling them down past your kneecaps.
"Sunoo....." you whispered out.
Hovering over, he props his frame on his knees and pulls his shirt off, loosening his sweatpants, he leans back in and props his chest to remain heightened just above your exposed breasts as he uses his arm to stilt himself up. His hair loosely draping down as he eyes you with an intrigued glare.
"you look so cute when you cry...."
"........you're crazy."
"every sly fox is." he smirks as he kisses you once more, this time it was tender, and more gentle. Leaning all the way down, you relished as his body melts into yours, your arms wrap around his neck as you feel him probe your entrance. Gasping for air, you grip on to his shoulders and dig your fingers in as you feel him slide the remaining length inside you.
"Y-you...you're not wearing a condom." you breathed out, wincing your eyes shut as you felt the sting of him inserting all the way through.
"Don't worry.....i know you're a good girl....and you know i'm clean.....considering we're with each other all the time." he heavily breaths out upon feeling the pressure of your entry squeezing him as he bottoms out inside.
It was true, since you always had feelings for the man to your right, you never once paid any mind to all of your fans, the other idols, or staff that showed interest. You remained faithful to a dream that you never thought would have come, yet you stayed hopeful. The dreams alone, were enough to get you by, now that you were in this moment, it all felt surreal.
"Ah! You...you're too big!"
Kissing you tenderly, he begins to thrust slowly and deeply. "Yeah?....It might be because you're super tight." wincing at the last part, he grits his teeth slightly as he pulls out yet kept the tip nestled in before shoving himself all the way back in through.
"Fuck.....you're really tight......" breathing in deeply into your ear, he caresses both sides of your head and twirls his fingers with your hair as he softly kisses your helix, nibbles on your lobe and licks the inside of your ear canal.
"Ugh! ugh! Sunoo!" you gasp out as you release each pleasurably moan and bite your lip. Remaining in the missionary position, Sunoo props himself up as he lifts both your legs and rests them over his shoulders. "S...sstop." you shyly utter out as he positions you to be fully exposed and in his view. "Shhhh......be a good girl." breathes out as he reaches around one of your thighs and circles the pad of his thumb on your clit. With your hips dipping high and low with each thrust, he picks up the pace upon seeing how delectable your breasts looked as they jiggle up and down from his momentum.
"Oh.....shit....move like that some more baby girl...." he gasps as the sweat beads drip down and his hair glistens and becomes slick wet. "Move...baby....move some more...." thrusting in faster and faster, you lose breath as his bumping thrust instilled a raging sense of pelting pleasure that penetrates deep into your chest.
"Oh.......oh my god...fuck.......what.....what are you doing??...." you gasp out as you bite on to your finger as you shift your face off to the side, your body drenched with sweat as you take in thrust after thrust. Feeling him easily sliding in, you felt your body leaking the bit of moisture onto his lengthy shaft as his thrusts and friction caused it to thicken and cream up on the base of your opening, with a reside ringing around his length.
"Shhhh......take it cutie....fuck.......take it all." he gasps out as he thrusts in deeper, leaning back in as his chest rests atop your breasts, locking your lips in once more. Your moans started to pick up volume, so he swoops a hand and gently covers your mouth while planting his lips on your forehead, taking in the feeling of your face jolting up and down as he pelts you with his hip thrusts. "Oh you're so fucking good.....you know that?" he whispers as he kisses your sweaty brow line as you moan out your muffled answer into his palm. "keep taking it.....just......shit....little more......r-...right there...." gasping out a deep breath, he pulls out his shaft and watches as the slime of your body's lubricant and his pre-cum lines a bridge between your entry and his tip. Aiming for your breasts, he holds his shaft steadily in his palm as he releases and paints your chest with his seed. Chuckling as he catches his breath, he kisses your face tenderly as you whimper out, trying your best to calm your heartbeat.
"Can't get you pregnant....not yet.....staff and company wouldn't like that....." with a tender kiss, he softly rolls his tongue around, massaging the inside of your cheeks as he continues.
"but maybe.....a little later......maybe we'll make something as cute as you.....hmm?"
Tired, breathless, weakened and limp, you whispered out "ddeonu...." to which he laughs as he keeps his lips planted on your cheek.
"I do...."
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Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️  ☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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astrophileblogs07 · 2 years
Astro observations pt.12 💙
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🫐 Saggitarius (esp mercury) literally know lyrics of any song by heart?!! Idk, its like once they hear the song and boom! They remember the lyrics so accurately!
🫐Pluto 10H biggest turn on: Power Authority, Influence!!! ( I remember when a veryyyy powerful person was standing infront of me and i just couldn't take my eyes off him 😂🙈)
🫐 Virgos are not as clean and neat freak as the stereotype. Infact they are very messy indeed (me being a Virgo, i like literally bump into each and every person at my school 😭😭)
🫐 8th house Synastry is one of those aspects where you both meet at every point of time. Like you can't really be "out" of each other's lives, you'll eventually meet at some point of time and esp if it is the moon, the other person (most prolly the house) won't let you forget that they're there. They'll always do something or say something to catch your attention in some way or the other.
☞︎I have a mutual 8th Synastry with a guy..his moon in my 8th and my moon in his. Damn, i just wanna say that person has been appearing in my life for like no reason? How do i explain this? I mean one way or the other, we both cross paths but always land up in trouble if we just talk (even if it just a "hi" lol 😂) And yesss, the jealousy, the possessiveness, the intensity when you're in the same room...its all true!
🫐Dev gana nakshatras really have such a good intuition and gut feelings. Intuition comes to them very easily as compared to Manushya Gana or Rakshas Gana nakshatras (click here for Gana post)
🫐 Pls Save your Ashwini friends 🤧🤧🥺🥺 they're the bestest friend you'll everrrr have 🥺💗💗
🫐 I learned a thing about transits today: when a planet, for eg. Saturn in your natal is in a deliberate house (6, 8, 12) so when you have your Saturn Transit (Sadesathi) it will only effect you (mentally, physically and emotionally)but not your surrounding ppl. But on the other hand if it is in a "uccha bhava" or a good house (anyother than the mentioned) in the natal, then during your transit, it will effect you and the ppl surrounding you and the respective house it is transiting.
🫐 Not an astro observation but During any transit (no planet or transit is malefic tho) you should always be just, humble and fair. Most importantly you should do charity most at that time.
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acearcane · 3 months
Hell yeah, now that I’ve achieved ultimate boops, it’s time to pause and make a little post inspired by the ones @kittiwittebane and @willowsz-plants did.
I’ve only been on Tumblr for a few months, and already it’s been a lifesaver because I’ve met so many cool people who like the same things I like!! It’s great!! But that being said, there’s a few special moots who mean extra to me…
@lunar-jewels Literally my favorite person on this silly hellsite. The amount of chaos she and I have gotten up to is amazing… the headcanons we’ve procured… the memories will last a life time 😌✨ Plus, she’s my extra super cool beta reader, and QKD would be in deep shit without her!
@childlikegoblinqueen I’m sorry, but I’m with Katta; you’re hella cool. I get it I get it, you’re just some average joe, but when new-TOH-fan me, who had just binged SCOM, saw that you were my mutual, it was like the coolest thing ever.
@seafoamwolf Cousin. 🫵😐 But also the bestest person everrrr, and don’t you forget it!! Let us all remember her inspiring words when I came out to her… “Hell yeah, be gay do crime!” And so I shall… so I shall.
@yourlocalbimexican You may be a newer moot, but now not only are we both a part of the Veezine, but you always leave the best comments on QKD and it means a lot. Thanks for making this silly person in your device happy!! 🫡
@kittiwittebane Boop. But also you gave me a good laugh last night, and seriously, thank you for that!! It helped ward off the Monday blues. So anyway, we’re gonna be best friends now /lh /nf
@unniebeans We don’t interact much outside of tags or the occasional reblog, but you have a great vibe, and your posts usually make me laugh. Also, I’m usually not one for the spicier flavors, but your fics… 😏 that’s good shit there.
Honorable mentions to @oh-cramity-its-amity for being the coolest and letting me spam boop them, and @coffee-n-sleep for always saying “mate” in his comments on QKD. I read them and go, “Hell yeah, someone called me mate!” Don’t ask me why. It’s just cool.
Now this isn’t to say all my other moots and followers aren’t important. I smile every time I see any sort of like, comment, reblog, or ask. And actually, I’m 99% sure there’s someone I’m forgetting right now. I love you guys, and I hope you have an absolutely lovely day!!
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wildflowerluver · 1 year
valentines blurb idea !!
i just think valentine’s day would be the cutest event everrrr with emily. so maybe picking her up from work with a flower bouquet and a sweet kiss to head to a dinner date?? tysm august you are the bestest ever i hope you’re having an amazing day <33
(cutest idea ever. emily my fav girl <33) fem!reader, no warnings
emily was less than happy to be spending valentine’s day at the bau.
she supposed it was better than being off on a case in another state, but the desire to be with you gnawed at her heart. 
valentine’s day has always been a special holiday for you and emily. you hadn’t started dating much before and it was your first official holiday together in your new relationship. now, years later, you loved an entire day dedicated to love. 
you awoke that morning with your stomach pressed to emily’s back. her alarm hadn’t gone off yet. you savored these early morning moments. 
the blaring from your bedside clock finally broke emily out of her sleep. you nuzzled further into her back as she reached over to turn it off. “good morning, baby.”
“good morning. happy valentines day.”
she echoed your phrase and settled back down. “one of the many days i truly dread going into work.”
“let me drive you in today,” you offer in your sleepy state. 
emily rolls over so you’re finally face to face. “any particular reason?”
the corners of your lips upturn slightly. “just want to spend as much time with you as possible.”
it’s not necessarily a lie, but you do have something planned. the two of you get ready for the day to the sound of vinyl playing through your apartment. sleepy kisses and love exchanged as you brushed your teeth and got dressed.
she slipped out of the car with one final kiss and you were off to plan your day.
you returned back to quantico right at five like promised. 
emily ignored the teasing comments of her team as they exited the building behind her and watched her make her way over to you. 
you took your first surprise out from where it sat on the hood of your car behind you when shw was close enough. emily blushed heavily when she saw the bouquet in your grasp, raising both of her hands up to her face to hide her smile. 
when emily finally takes the flowers, she brings them up to her nose, still smiling. “you didn’t have to do this.”
“it’s valentine’s day, em. let me spoil you.” you pull her into you to place a soft kiss on her forehead.
“you’re too good to me,” emily protests.
“i love you and i'm simply showing that today.” 
“i have something for you too, you know,” she adds. “it’s just at home.”
as much as you and emily mutually loved to spoil each other, the shyness of giving and receiving gifts on any occasion still made you both shy. 
“we might want to get going,” you start. emily raises an eyebrow. “we have dinner reservations at seven”
“you said we were staying in this year!”
you shrug, biting your lip to hide your smile. “surprise?”
emily hugs you again. “i love love love you.” she repeats the words three times as if you put emphasis on her emotions.
you reach down to bring the back of her hand to your mouth to kiss her ringed finger. 
“happy valentines day, em.”
she beamed, leaning forward to finally press your lips together.
“happy valentines day, baby.”
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M1SA_M1SA posted…
“Out with Ruru again!!! Hehe he was soooo confused X3 Love u Ruru!!!! Thx for being my bestest friend everrrr!!!! The only man that I need in this gangster world is uuuuuu!!!!!!!! ><“
Ft L fucking up and not knowing the hand pose thing lmao
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transgenbur · 6 months
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hi :3 i voted for the bestest boy everrrr!!! could i mayhaps get a c!tommy doodle with henry and shroud :33
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friend of the animals
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rinnberry · 2 months
🔪 azusa stimboard.
plssss bc ilyyyy bestest twin everrrr /silly
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here u go <333 I hope u like it. :DDD
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i-luvsang · 1 year
hi feelind soft from seeing p1harmony
cheol would take your hand to hold and just swing it around while walking around town (totally not to keep you from wandering)
mingi going dress shopping with you and trying on dresses for funsies
when sick yeosang would stare at you looking Miserable and giggle bc you look so cute to him
wonwoo falling asleep on the armchair with his glasses slanting down and book still open in his lap
OMGGGG I HOPE YOU HAD THE BESTEST TIME EVERRRR !!! that’s so cool bro i really wanted to see them but alas. next time maybe ! tHANKS FOR SENDING YOUR THOUGHTS ILY
seungcheol does this for two reasons. the first, is to keep you from wandering out of his sight. practically, he knows that you can take care of yourself, but that doesn't stop him from being overly concerned about you. that, and finding you again can be a just little bit of a hassle when you get lost in window shopping and forget to answer your phone. the second reason is that he is madly in love with you, and the simple action of grabbing your hand and swinging it gently as you walk around never fails to make you smile. sure, he's saving himself some grief by keeping you near, but he'll never admit that he just wants to see you smile.
honestly shopping with you is one of mingi's favorite things to do already. but dress shopping? another level. he just adores to see you having fun and exploring things that you like. he's your biggest fan, the only hype-man you'll ever need, because he's just so so enthusiastic about it all and will not hesitate to absolutely shower you in compliments. you look so good he can't help but blush as you try on different dresses. he'll probably buy at least one for you because he can't resist, especially if the both of you love it. he also loves loves loves when you pick out horrendous looking dresses for the fun of it and you can both laugh about how ugly the print or design is (and then he'll tell you that you still look pretty because you look pretty in everything).
i'm crying rn tawni hELP. yeosang must be a little out of his mind from the combination of medicine that makes him endlessly drowsy and the sickness that muddles all his thoughts. there's an eternal pout resting on his lips and he'd really just like to wrap his arms around you to feel you close. but you're up and about, doing your best to cook him soup or bring him a new glass of water or some other little thing to take care of him. and while he wishes you could lay beside him in bed, this is another type of heaven too. when he first got sick he told you to stay away to avoid getting ill to. that, and he knew you'd be all over him, not letting him do a thing. but the next day it was even worse, so san called you and you were over in a heartbeat. he woke up with your gentle hands combing through his messy hair and he couldn't help but relax with you around. so despite the way he feels miserable in almost every way, he looks up at you with a loopy smile and thinks you're so cute. with your pursed lips and lightly furrowed brow, he can only process how sweet you look rather than the fever that's worrying you. he lets out a rough, barely audible giggle and you look at him, confused. you ask what's funny, but he just continues to give you that dopey smile, so you give up on an answer and press a firm kiss to his forehead instead.
for once, you had wonwoo to yourself for a whole day. it seemed there would be no better way to spend it mostly at home, given his tired state and your want to relax for the day. you'd just eaten an incredible lunch and opted to take some quiet time, so you sat on the couch watching your newest favorite show through your headphones while he settled into the armchair with a book. it was beyond nice, with bright afternoon sun leaking into the living room and the scent of a homemade meal still lingering. when the episode to your show ends, you brings your eyes away from the screen and stretch your arms as a yawn pulls itself out of your mouth. you let out a contented sigh, bringing your attention to your boyfriend. a giggle nearly tumbles from your lips when you observe his state. he's fallen asleep, his face smushed against the armchair and book still hanging open in his lap. you make your way to him quietly, wondering how he still looks so pretty with his mouth slightly open and his glasses lopsided on his face. as gently as you can, you maneuver the glasses off and setting them aside. with soft kisses and whispers, you wake him and pull him to the bedroom for a well-deserved nap.
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sunflawyer · 3 months
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AHHHH oh my goodness marly thank youu!!!😭😭😭🧡🧡🧡 THE IMAGES AHHHSHFHJFJD JUST WHAT I NEED THESE ARE SO SO SO SWEET THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!😭😭🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 !!!
omgsgsg,,, big inspiration,,🥹🥹🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 IM SO HONORED!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!🥹🥹🧡🧡🧡
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THANK YOU FOR THE WELL WISHES.... i needed that so much actually uhheghhh SUNFLAWYER LOVE FOREVER!!!🧡🤎
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