#the big version of it that i didn't wanna put in the reply :'D
noamuth · 1 month
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Dalamus holds the newest cabochon between his fingers, feeling for any unevenness, and turns it in the light to look for scratches. It is immaculate, if he were to say so himself. And he would.
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apocalypseornaw · 2 years
Hunters & Marshal Stars- Part Seven
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After digging deeper you discover that the base of what's happening lies in Harlan.
Warnings: Cursing, mention of injuries
The next morning when you walked back into the motel room with a list of ingredients Helena had given you that the antidote would require Sam was the only one to look up. Raylan was on the phone with either Tim or Rachel from the sounds of it and Dean was looking over the part of your hunter's journal you'd shown him that you'd added while recovering from when you'd last gone against one of these things.
"Well I checked the trunk. We've only got half of this stuff and not enough to make as big of a batch as we need anyways" you spoke forcing Dean to look up at you as Raylan ended his phone call before holding his hand out "Can I see it?" 
You shrugged and stepped over to hand the list off to him. He looked over it and nodded "I know a few people down in Harlan that can put their hand on most of this. It's really just different herbs and such" Dean cut his eyes over at Raylan before saying "Weren't two bodies found down that way?" 
"Yeah, two down there. One here in Lexington and one in Berea" "Which was first?" You asked Sam who held up the coroner's report "Alan Richman. Lived here in Lexington" you nodded then walked over to where Dean was sitting and stepped in front of him not minding the fact that meant you were nearly sitting in his lap so you could read over your own journal entry to make sure your memory was right.
He leaned over to look up at you tentatively placing his hand on your hip "Wanna share with the class here?" You turned to show him the journal again before saying "The first death was in Lexington. I'm guessing the second was Berea and the most recent was in Harlan. It starts in a highly populated area then slowly works its way towards a less densely populated area. More food supply and less chance of someone happening across it's den"
"Den?" Raylan repeated and you shrugged looking over your shoulder at him "For lack of better word. It's dropping bodies slowly but chances are if you go down to Harlan and ask around, there's people missing. Last time I found two vics still alive but they were knocked unconscious by something. Knowing now I'm willing to bet it was a more diluted version of the venom. When it bit me it was on defense so it injected more because it didn't have to worry about spoiling it's meal"
"So we need enough antidote to protect the four of us and to cure any vics we may find?" He asked and you nodded, feeling Dean's hand slid from your hip before he reached around you to pluck the journal out of your hands "Just how bad are the aftereffects of this thing's bite? Because Raylan said your heart stopped, twice apparently yet this entry is.." 
You cut him off by gently pulling the book from his hands and closing it "The entry is clinical at best but Bobby taught me that hunter's journals are supposed to be informative for anyone who picks it up. I added how venomous it was and I'm gonna add the antidote I just don't feel like the entire recovery needs to be documented" 
He watched you walk across the room and you could practically feel his gaze on you even before you caught Raylan cutting his eyes at Sam in your peripheral vision,you couldn't blame them the tension in the air was thick enough to taste. "So me and Sam don't even merit the cliff notes version here sweetheart?" You turned to look at him then at Sam "Sam?"
He didn't look Dean's way before shaking his head "I trust that what I need to know you'll tell me"  Raylan cleared his throat then held up his phone "I gotta go meet Tim. At least sorta clear as to why I'm not in office. Sam, you wanna go with me?"
Sam shrugged before saying "Sure" Raylan nodded then said "Y/N I'll call you when we leave Tim then we can all meet and head to Harlan"  "Sounds good to me Raylan. Thank you" You replied with a smile watching the two of them leave before deciding to do a once over of the supplies you had in your duffel. 
As you dug around you started talking aloud more as a means to clear the air than anything "The thing that's bugging me is out of me, you and Sam we've only seen one of these things and that was a few years back now. Then all of a sudden one's hunting in Kentucky?"
"So we're gonna act like you're not completely avoiding telling me what happened after you hunted one of these things last? I mean your cowboy already said your heart stopped and he had to play hero and do cpr twice to get it started back. What could be worse?" Dean's tone of voice cut deeper than any knife could've.
You stopped mid movement with your jacket in hand "Excuse me?" You really didn't want to pick a fight with Dean but if this was the route he was picking by God you were gonna let him take it. 
You still had your back turned towards him but he knew from the set of your shoulders he'd struck a nerve and one hadn't intended to. "Nothing. Forget I said anything Y/N" You spun around and he could see the anger flash through your eyes "No Dean. Let's not. What is your issue here exactly? The fact that I was fucking Raylan or the fact that you didn't know because it wasn't like either of us thought we were blushing virgins here" 
"I didn't mean anything by what I said" he offered trying to avoid any further argument with you at the moment considering Harlan was a couple hours drive. "Yeah you did. You definitely meant something by saying my cowboy and that he played hero by keeping me alive but I'm gonna let it go. I've known you most of my life and this Dean? He ain't the one I know or the one I want to be with" you turned to walk out the room and right before the door closed he heard you say "I'll ride with Raylan to Harlan. At least he has no issue saying what the fuck he means" 
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"Why did I think it was a good idea to leave you two alone?" Sam groaned listening to Dean recap the argument between you and him. The road stretched out in front of the impala, Raylan's car in front of them being the only source of other traffic.
"I didn't mean to come off like an asshole but c'mon Sammy you can't tell me that you aren't the least bit curious as to what else happened during that time that she hasn't told us? I mean she frickin 'died again!" Dean's eyes kept wandering to Raylan's rear window, seeing his hat and the top of your head over the town car seats.
He wished he'd just kept his damn mouth shut but knowing that despite over the years you two hadn't kept anything from each other yet now there was a gap he had no idea about was itching its way under his skin. "Dean, if this is coming from jealousy of Raylan being her ex. I'm sorry but I'm in her corner. You were with Lisa. She did nothing wrong. No matter how long we've known her or how close we are or even if you two are trying to be together she's allowed to keep parts of herself for just her"
"It's not that" Dean insisted so Sam turned to look at his older brother closely before saying "Then what is it? Because I don't want to lose my best friend out of my life anymore than you want to lose her" 
Dean sighed defeatedly "He was there Sam. If she would've died we wouldn't have known until Helena called Bobby and honestly at that time Bobby hadn't told me you were alive so would he have kept that from me to protect me? Raylan knows what she went through after one of the worst injuries she's ever gotten. I just want her to trust me enough to tell me, trust me how much I thought before now that she did" 
No matter what he did Dean couldn't get the image of you dead out of his head now. You'd sugar coated the hell out of that hunt and even then the story had been brutal. He couldn't imagine a phone call saying you were gone. 
So many of his memories held you. When John went missing you were the one him and Sam had called for help and you hadn't hesitated. When Sam started having visions you'd scoured New Orleans for answers. The day John died he'd called you and you made it to him and Sam before they'd even finished the funeral pyre.
He wasn't jealous of the fact that you'd been with Raylan. You deserved to be happy no matter what that meant. He just wanted to be the person for you that you'd always been for him. He'd even confided in you about what had happened in hell before ever telling Sam. 
What was wrong with him if one of the most important people in his life felt as if they couldn't share with him a piece of their past?
You hadn't said two words since getting in Raylan's car. As a matter of fact the only thing you'd said when him and Sam had returned from meeting with Tim was "I'm riding with you"
He knew better than to try to make you talk when you clearly weren't in the mood to do so. "So there's a chance Tim may be getting a bit suspicious. You were one thing but since I took Sam with me this morning he may start questioning as to why I'm having old friends show up out of the blue in the middle of a case involving unsolved deaths" you waved a hand seemingly unbothered "Not the first time we've dealt with people asking. If he does, point him my way. I'm well versed in handling things along that line"
"Believe me I know that first hand" he replied hoping that maybe that would pull you out of your thoughts enough to get you talking but when you cut your eyes at him he had a sinking suspension you were about to say more than he cared to hear. "Raylan Givens, are you seriously going to wait to kick a woman till she's down? For fucks sake we've more than gone over why I initially lied to you about my actual name"
He tried to hide his grin, he really did but the moment it slipped onto his face you rolled your eyes realizing what he'd done "You pissed me off to make me talk?" He nodded "So, how come by the time we got back you were sitting on the steps and not looking in Dean's direction? I mean I got the idea that if you two ain't something yet you're tip-toeing in that direction. I didn't mean to cause any issues I just don't know any other hunters, especially not one I'd trust like I trust you"
He stole another glance at your face and wondered for a moment if he'd overstepped but you let out a puff of air "It's not you as much as the fact that Sam nor Dean knew I was with someone during my time in Miami"
Well damn. He was glad on one hand that he hadn't caused you any trouble by calling but on the other hand his pride was wishing you'd lied at least a little. Hell you'd been his second longest relationship. Only coming in behind his marriage to Winona. "So I didn't even merit a mention?" He asked and you covered your face with both hands letting out a low groan "Fuckin hell Raylan. Not you too!"
"Want me to talk to him?" He offered and you moved one hand to shake your head "Naw. I honestly just want to focus on this case, please?" He nodded because really what else could he say? 
A silence fell back between the two of you and his mind drifted to times spent in Miami. From being able to hear your laughter ringing through his ears from the one time he attempted to cook French toast to being able to close his eyes and see you bloody on the table at Helena's, begging him that if you died he'd call Bobby. 
The two of you had been something. It was good while it lasted but some things, even good things come with expiration dates. The day the two of you went from something to something that used to be he'd wanted to ask you to stay but knew you with hunting was the same as him being a Marshal. No one was going to change that. 
You felt like you couldn't do what you needed to and have obligations in Miami. He'd understood but that don't mean it didn't hurt carrying your bags to the car.
"Raylan! Are you listening to a word I just said?" You asked, breaking him out his thoughts and he grimaced "Sorry darling can't say I was" you shook your head with a laugh before saying "Where are we headed first?" "Somewhere I don't necessarily want to but a better option than some" he replied and you raised an eyebrow "Very omnius there Marshal"
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"Raylan, where are we?" You asked sitting up straighter in the seat when he pulled into a bar's parking lot.
He parked and glanced over at the impala parked next to the two of you before saying "This is Boyd's bar. If people are missing round here? He's gonna know before the cops do"
You perked up from the stories you'd heard "The Boyd Crowder? Oh can I meet him?" Raylan shook his head at your grinning face "All my life I have never seen anyone who wants to meet a Crowder but sure why not? Hell let's grab those two and really make it an affair"
You walked into the bar between Raylan and Dean, the irony not being lost on you. "Hillbilly chic" you muttered and saw the way both men cut their eyes at you while trying to hide a smirk. 
Sam touched your shoulder as Raylan greeted a man who couldn't be anyone but Boyd. "Who is this guy?" He asked in a whisper so you explained "Old friend of Raylan's. They grew up together, worked the coal mines" 
You could feel Dean's eyes on you but purposely didn't look his way for the sole purpose of keeping your attention on the case at hand. Raylan walked back over with Boyd in tow. He introduced both Sam and Dean to Boyd before introducing you.
"Pleasure to meet you ma'am despite some of the company you keep" he greeted and you couldn't help but laugh "Gotta admit Raylan he doesn't seem as bad as you've made him out to be" Raylan scoffed "Not at the moment"
Dean spoke up then "Well Boyd, Raylan here says you're who to talk to about the chance of anyone being missing around here" Boyd nodded "Yeah but can I ask what exactly does missing persons have to do with the three of you? I see no badges" 
Dean shrugged one shoulder "Consider us just some off the books assistance that he called in" "Besides wouldn't you rather talk to us since there aren't any badges?" You added and Boyd grinned at your words "Oh I like her Raylan. She's a spitfire"
You returned his grin before saying "You don't know the half of it. Now I can promise me that me, Sam and Dean don't give a damn about nothing illegal going on in these parts except for getting the missing people back alive" he nodded approvingly "Ok then. Step back into my office"
By the time Boyd was through listing the missing the heavy weight in the pit of your stomach had doubled in size. Four dead and five missing.
You had your work cut out for you and had to narrow down places quickly. You were sitting on the couch between Sam and Dean so you leaned up to the edge once Boyd was through giving the addresses and last known locations of each possible victim. "Can I ask you one more thing Boyd?"
He turned his eyes towards you "Yes ma'am" you knew you were gonna sound off the wall but had an idea he'd heard worse "Would it be possible to ask if you could round up a list of places off the beaten path that either have large caverns or old houses with rather large cellars that maybe have been abandoned but maybe recently the paths to them are a little more beaten?"
He held your eyes as he said "The three of you ain't no damn feds or any form of law enforcement I've ever seen are you?" You raised an eyebrow at his question "What do you mean?" He shrugged before saying "You'd be surprised at the people I've ran across. In Kuwait they called them what translates directly to hunter of evils"
You let a laugh bubbling in the back of your throat from the fact that Raylan had been clueless as to what really went bump in the night yet his old mining buddy could pinpoint it from a mile away. "Can you help us or not?" You asked and he nodded "Yeah. Anything else you need ma'am?" You cut your eyes at Raylan who waved a hand as if to say go ahead before replying "Know anywhere I can get an extensive list of different herbs?"
He looked at Raylan before chuckling "You did get into some fun while you were gone didn't ya?" Then looked back at you "Got a list? If I can put my hand on it I'll send Jimmy to fetch it and even offer you and your boys a drink while you wait"
Jimmy had indeed gone to get the ingredients you needed. He hadn't even questioned Boyd. You were sitting at the bar considering Boyd had closed early waiting for him to return. Dean was playing pool at one of the tables with Sam while Raylan sat at one of the tables and Boyd had disappeared to his office.
You glanced up when the door opened but instead of Jimmy it was a pretty blonde. "Ava" Raylan greeted and she looked confused as she greeted him then cut her eyes at Sam and Dean then you. "Who's your friends?"
Before Raylan could answer Boyd came walking out the back "Ava, darling let me introduce you to Y/N, Dean and Sam. They're here to help the situation with the missing people" Ava looked around at the three of you "Cops don't care why should they?"
You shrugged one shoulder "Do we look like we got badges?" She looked back at Boyd before saying "If you can help the people around here I don't care who or what you are. My little cousin is one of the missing"
"We'll do everything in our power to get them back" You replied and she nodded "Want a drink Y/N?" You smiled "How about just a cherry coke?" She returned your smile fully before saying "coming right up"
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By the time Jimmy returned you and Ava had the men uncomfortable with how much the two of you were laughing while you talked. Sometimes it surprised you how much you missed having a female's company.
"If you need to come down here to work the case I've got some extra rooms at my house" She offered and you nodded "May take you up on it. Thanks for the drink"
You walked out the bar with the three men following behind you. Once you were outside Sam slung an arm around your shoulders "Y/N you've got to be one of the only people I know that we could drop you anywhere and half the people around are gonna adore you by the time you walk away" 
You laughed "I'm a likeable person Sam" and cut your eyes at Dean before clearing your throat "So new game plan? Go to Lexington, brew up the antidote then we can pack up and move our stuff down here closer to the actual action?"
Dean nodded "Sounds good to me. Raylan?" You glanced towards Raylan who nodded "Yeah. If Boyd says you're good at his place he means it" "Ok then. Let's get back to Lexington and get this stuff brewed. We need a lot"
Raylan's phone chimed and when he looked at the screen he cursed under his breath "Y/N that's Tim" you stepped closer to look at the screen over his shoulder. The text read "You weren't assigned to any case. Who are these old friends?"
You looked back at Dean "He may be a problem" Raylan explained the situation so Dean shrugged "Fuck it. If he gets too close and doesn't know what's going on we tell him. The truth is weirder than any story he could've concocted"
Raylan shook his head before saying "Helena was right. Hunters really are an entirely different breed"
@guineapigcuddleparty @m-winchester-67 @universallyraylangivens
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