#the bits where you can respond to andrastian nonsense with 'i straight up do not care about this in the slightest' are very fun
crossdressingdeath · 1 year
In a lot of ways DAI is so funny if you're not playing an Andrastian. Like, it's super frustrating, but it's also hilarious just because so much of the game is predicated on Quiz having an Andrastian crisis of faith at some point, so if you're not Andrastian the lack of impact is amusing. You're told Andraste had nothing to do with your survival and everyone's clearly expecting you to be super broken up about this and you're just like "Cool, didn't think she did". Corypheus is like "The Maker is a lie" and you respond with "I agree wholeheartedly". There are so many points where DAI's emotional impact relies on Quiz having Andrastian beliefs that it all becomes really funny if they're just standing there going "Why should I be upset about the thing I've been saying from the start getting proved right".
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