#the castle's dad epsode
castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 6x12 deep cover
the castle's dad episode liveblog
Hm, leaves the phone off the hook but lmao how slow he called 911
It rained on my mom & dad's wedding. They didn't care about the superstition that you can't see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding so they took all the pictures they needed & when it rained & her dress may have gotten muddy it didn't matter.
but yeah lol this is what it's like planning to have your kid's bday.
Martha <3
(clears her throat) A little unsolicited advice –
Do you give another kind?
BECKETT gives him a look, but MARTHA ignores him.
In life, there is no such thing as a perfect time for anything.
She turns away. They’re confused.
I’m sorry, that’s advice how?
(scoffs) Don’t wait. Hell, just go down to city hall right now. You love each other. Stop talking about it. Just do it.
She turns back to her coffee. CASTLE and BECKETT look at each other, considering her idea.
I thought this was where they had the "we got married!" "seriously!?!?" part I saw in gifs.
Yes, I have a feeling esposito DOES know Beckett can lift her... whatever you were going to say
Hello? Nothing.
Yeah I noticed too, his place is beautiful
Oh yeah no grease won't come out.
RC: Sounds like a case of Weekend At Bernie’s gone wrong. (they look at him) No. No, wait. That would mean there’s such a thing as Weekend At Bernie’s gone right.
Maybe he ties one left handed & ties one right handed.
My dad's house-- no my great aunt's house had a loose floorboard but there was no space under it. You couldn't fit anything under there. It just gave you splinters. You know, the house at the farm kind of sucked.
lmao the animation is hilarious
JE: One you can’t crack? (he leans over her shoulder) C’mon genius bar, I thought you were the best. *flirtatiously*
& they didn't see the criminal record? otr wait ig he was a minor so it was sealed.
He’d call it ‘pulling a Robin Hood’.
love it
RYAN u know, pat leave could have been a good excuse to send the actor away for a collaboration with one of abc's other shows for a week so he doesn't have to be in this ep.
rc: Now, Ted’s laptop is like Fort Knox on steroids, but Tori found some unscrambled artifacts in the registry to a service set identifier. (off BECKETT’S impressed look) I don’t know what that means either, but she got really excited about it.
( A sec later) RC: Now, according to the website, Universal Banking Solutions handles strategic and tactical procurements for international clients.
KB: And what does that mean?
RC: I – I don’t know. I’m just reading the screen there.
I would have given the phone to becks immediately
Not a word!
Man's obv lying
I thought becks recognized him bc he looked like castle.
Castle just staring into space lol
KB: mentions international espionage
RC: we have no information to speculate
LP: approximately 15 minutes before his death Ted at clams and funnel cake. Can you believe that? Ugh.
KB: Lanie, you slice open dead people for a living and you’re grossed out by that?
It's different!
Is clams is carnival food...???
LP: Okay, you two creep me out when you do that shared brain thing.
Love the c being burnt out
love how they are eating funnel cake XD
& ryan eats esposito's funnel cake while wearing his crime scene gloves dkjlsdjkfs
*checks his watch* about 40 years
That doesn't seem likely. He'd hire soeone else.
He said to text lol
"leave a message >:("
JE: Castle.
RC startles. RC: Geez!
JE: Man, bro. Why are you so jumpy?
RC: Dude, I’m not. I’m just –
JE: Well, you will be once you hear what we found. C’mon.
"you will be" that's such a thing to say
castle your version of emergency might not be the same as anderson cross's
KB: U ok?
RC: .. Yeah
Me: you can say "meh this case is putting me on edge"
Ryan ADHD moments just chewing on a paperclip
I was a little busy getting shot
Cross: Did you bring the booze?
RC: Did you bring the booze?
Cross: No. I want you to steady your nerves. Take a swig.
RC: Good idea.
*martha drinks too*
Reminds me of my autosurgery
I love the sound of someone's hand in a tub of mayonnaise. & the music is good too
"at elast this time I got a needle" WHAT
she's right, he made that choice a long time ago
Wow the cia just hired a kid who was arrested for identity theft & got him killed? Sounds about right.
it IS a good story
Lol gun battle
Cross: I was in spycraft a car chase!
Becks: lol no
the news: There was a car chase!
Becks: that doesn't prove it
Esposito: Ted was a spy. also the car chase.
So that's cool
also wow nice colourful computers. & wow nice Ryan being the techy one of the four
(Ooh & the csu techs have their own background & lives & motions & stuff)
KR: idk someone stole the hard drive
Anderson Cross: *holds up hard drive* :D :D
"that's incredeibly illegal"
Beckett wants lto go? she wants to... Ok then.
Ok but copy-paste the password in
MR: You can find a spy on your phone?
RC: Mother, there’s an app for everything now.
You can't promise that. You cannot contrl gemini or the buyer.
But I know what he means by that promise
she DOES have juice
Call ur mom then
oh my gosh please just control c control v the password
3 minutes for that much content? rly?
speed dial
I have those glasses... or work does
castle if ur mom is calling u better answer bc she is relevant to this
lol the gun
Oh no a router!
*pulls a gun on him*
say "I have to go" or smth
left the phone book & laptop. becks can see "hang up or i'll kill you"
*appears out of nowhere*
i mean ig that was the mission...
*remembering that time castle "randomly" hugs esposito in a future season*
"the way you never let anything happen to ted?"
Beckett & castle are not telling them that he's dead? I mean they can't bc then they'd have t o tell abt anderson cross. but also wait. how would they be able to tell it was tony blaine in the first place w/o revealing that it was castle's dad?
Work you for information or beckett is right, he wanted to spend time with you...
She's so happy
oh wow that's beautiful
Great ending scene too
0 notes