#the day after a night out drinking is always dark. no bby boy don't cut yourself ahaha. seriously i won't but i can't just sit here
non-un-topo · 5 months
Those days where you open your drawing program and just want to have a fucking meltdown
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gaegurikyu · 5 years
I’m your ID
Pairing: (Stray Kids) Hyunjin x (Female) Reader
Genre: Idol au (Like real life), Fluff,
Warnings: Small anxiety but nothing big I promise, One (1) curse word, Lots of heart melting fluff
Word Count: 1,441 [Masterlist]
Summary: "But one stage caught your eye. There were 9 people but you could only follow one. It was the same guy who let you in, the same eye smile and the same small dot. You point to the screen and ask your boss for his name, to which she replies: “Hyunjin from Stray Kids, I think Sanha might be friends with them.”
A/N: Im trying to brand out and write for all the groups I stan before I go into longer stories/series so I decided to write some for my friends to cheer them up while I fill this blog up! Sorry if you're not cool with that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. 💕💕💕💕 @heartskun This ones for you bby, ily and have a good rest of your day life. Also I thought this fit you well because queen of makeup? Yes. Names??? Are hard to come up with.
Also, this is currently !UNEDITED! for now
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You're rushing down the streets of Seoul, you may look unhinged to others but you don't care. You're late to the stage show and you're 100% sure that your boss is going to scold you for not getting this makeup there sooner. You're turning the last corner, and your phone's gps tells you the back entrance is on this street.
You glance from it and sure enough the location is obvious. Security and small barricades set up around the doors to keep the wards of fans and paparazzi from going any further.
You waddle up to the entrance line through security in your puffy marshmallow jacket and colorfully designed scarf. Your giant tote bag is in hand, you know security will check it, like always, only to find pallets of eyeshadow and giant amounts of lip tint. You stay glancing down at your phone, texting your superior that your outside the entrance and that she should stick to clothes before she tries anything with your expensive foundations.
The security guard recites a large yell of “next!” Which makes you jump and look up to see youre the next he's referring to. You allow him to check your tote, praying that he doesn't break or open any product that could spill everywhere, as you go to reach for your company provided ID. When you feel it missing, a tidal wave of worry and anxiety falls over you, climbing into your heart as it speeds up to an erratic beat. The Security guard looks through the tote once again when he sees the uneasiness present on your face, but ultimately finds nothing.
“I'm sorry miss, but I can't allow anyone in without an ID. It's protocol, again I'm really sorry. But if you could call someone to get you from the inside.” You nod in understanding and step slightly to side to let others in. ‘He's just doing his job,' you tell yourself as you text your boss (that is really more of a friend to you).
You retrace your steps in your head,leading you to remember dropping your ID on your apartments wooden floor as you swung your jacket on. ‘Fuck, I hate winter,,,’ you try to keep your tears from forming. It's a dumb reason to cry but you've had a rough day and this could be the final crack.
The text from your boss tells you to stay put as she comes to take you in, so that's what you do. You stay put while wiping some fallen tears. Until an arm wraps around your shoulder gently and a pair of lips softly talks into the shell of your ear, the yelling of the fans is extremely loud and the snaps of camera shots are headache inducing, but it's all a white noise as you process what you heard.
“What are you here for? I mean, what's your job?”
You look up and see the person attached to the voice, he's very attractive. He's wearing a black wool coat with a light brown turtleneck underneath to shield him from the cold and a black bucket hat pushes his messy black hair into his face. You don't fail to notice the face mask that is pulled under his chin or the little dot that is present under his eye. But you quickly end your starring when he tilts his head a bit to hurry your thinking.
You turn as pink as the blushes in your bag as you utter a small, “Oh, I, well, I'm here for Astro, Im their makeup artist,,,, but I dropped my ID at home and they won't let me in,” shameful of your own clumsiness. You fidget as he pulls you with him towards the security guard, “Yeah, I figured that last bit.” He sends you a small smile, mostly in the eyes, as he turns back to the sentinel.
“She's with us. She's our makeup artist, she just got here a little early. She's always so forgetful and clumsy, right?”
You nod even though you aren't really listening to what he said, lost in your own sea of thoughts. 'He's an idol… I mean of course he's an idol dummy, look at him! But why would an idol help me? Who is this guy???’  Your thoughts are cut short when he continues to guide you past security to the door, which he opens for you.
“Any friend of Astro is a friend of Stray Kids,” He bows slightly at you and you give a small bow and  wave in return. He turns around and leaves to find his group, but he also leaves you dumbfounded. Your brain is complete mush as your boss shakes your shoulder and drags you to Astros dressing room, asking about how and when you got in backstage.
But ultimately those questions are put aside as you are brought back to reality of your job. You enter and greet the 6 members you had known for years now (with the needed honorifics) before starting on their makeup and eventually sending them to the stage with wishes of good luck and thumbs up.
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You sit down, exhausted after both the rush to get here and the rush of your heart. You've cleaned up all your supplies and are watching the broadcasted music show on the t.v. in the dressing room while drinking some coffee. You're proud to see your boys perform as you high five your boss for a job well done and you even belt out some Chungha lyrics, ignoring the laughing of your friend, by the end of it.
But one stage caught your eye. There were 9 people but you could only follow one. It was the same guy who let you in, the same eye smile and the same small dot. You point to the screen and ask your boss for his name, to which she replies: “Hyunjin from Stray Kids, I think Sanha might be friends with them.”
You nod and take another sip of your coffee as the show continues. 'Yeah that makes sense,,,’ you think as you recap to what he said at the door, 'Hyunjin, huh?’
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Once all the performances and awards and speeches came to a close, Astro shuffled back into the room looking tired and ready to go home. You two offered them their hoodies and water as you went to work brushing out their hair and removing their stage makeup. Telling them how well they did and how cool they looked.
You wrapped it all up with a shut of one of your cases and gave your farewells for the day, most of them gave you a small hug or ruffling your hair before throwing on their coats and leaving with their manager. Before Sanha left he handed you a small note before giggling a bit mischievously and bolting out of the room to mess with Jinjin.
The note in your hand seemed kind of random and you glanced at it peculiarly before opening it up to reveal a small letter addressed to you in messy, rushed handwriting. It read:
Here's my number y/n-ssi (Rocky told me your name)
Just in case you need someone to remind you to get your ID or get you past security again ;) Text whenever if you need me to be your ID instead
You smiled, putting the new number into your contacts before searching Stray Kids into your spotify. Plugging in your headphones and saying your goodbye to your boss as you walk out that same door into the cold seoul night. A small giddy smile on your face as a catchy beat resonates in your ears.
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Bonus scene
Hyunjin smiled at his phone, the light illuminating his face in the darkness of the car, when he saw the notification telling him you had added him on Kakao talk. 'Even your profile picture is super cute,,,’ He thought to himself, clicking the add back button.
Chan took a small look at Hyunjins phone and then his smile, concluding to everyone in the car that “She added him guys!! There's hope for our Hyunjin!” Everyone began teasing him for his move on the girl that was Astros makeup artist, but he ignored them.
He was in too fond of a mood to acknowledge Jeongins bad imitation of him, the sarcastic “She's with us!” followed by a chorus of laughs fell deaf to his ears. He sent you a small text of 'Hope you got home safe y/n-ssi,’ before turning around to pinch Jeongin and pull his ears. Laughing along with the rest of the boys in the car.
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