#the end of night 4 (?) where he'd end up tied in the basement happens around a week after being moved in
scoliosisgoblin · 7 months
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Peter and Jay doodles feat. T.K. and Lucy (headcanons for what I think they'd look like as humans.. gonna change their designs though)
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This aesthetic and story is for @coffee-randomness another person I've known for I think 4 years already dang time passes by so fast. You're such a kind soul and your comments always make my day. I'm glad to have met you and here's to more years as writing buddies.
Edit: this is a vampire au for our ocs Annabella and Lucy fic I wrote for @coffee-randomness a while back and just touched it up and added some things
This was wrong, yet why did it not bother her? Lucy thought as she let her wrap her arms around her and snuggle her face into the crook of her neck.
Lucy looked up at the ceiling trying to distract herself but she was stirring awake.
Lucy had been so busy rummaging through her bag she wasn't really paying attention, she just heard her drink description and reached out a hand to grab it only to feel a soft cold hand collide with hers. Lucy looked up and blinked as a pair of soft brown eyes peered at her through thick eyelashes.
"My apologies miss, I did not know this was yours." The woman spoke making Lucy's spine chill.
"I um it no it's my bad I wasn't paying attention." Lucy stammered like an idiot but the woman smiled softly at her.
"Take it if you are in a hurry." She said simply pushing the coffee closer to Lucy.
Lucy wanted to protest but the woman seemed like she was not going to take no for an answer, besides Lucy was in a bit of a hurry. She mumbled a soft thanks and took off her heart nearly jumping out of her chest.
This was a sin. Lucy thought as she felt her brush her fingers underneath her shirt. Then why didn't Lucy feel guilty? Instead she smiled and blushed as she felt her fingers continue their lazy strokes
"We need to stop meeting like this." A soft voice spoke just behind Lucy making her turn quickly.
A familiar pair of soft brown eyes gazed down at her.
"Oh hello again." Lucy said as she fixed her hold on the book she had just grabbed. "What brings you here?"
"That book you’re holding actually, I was told it was the last copy they had in stock. Though since you have already claimed it I suppose that's alright."
Lucy looked down at the book and back up at the woman. "Y-you can have it."
"That won't be necessary." The woman smiled. "I can wait for the next shipment to come in."
"Please, you let me keep the drink last time and I know it was supposed to be yours… Annabella." Lucy tried to reason, feeling her heart flutter when Annabella smiled at her.
"I'm good at waiting but since you insist, how about you tell me your name and we can talk over another shared drink?" Annabella asked so casually Lucy had a hard time thinking if it meant more than just a simple drink.
She was a monster. It's what they had told Lucy. Yet Lucy did not see Annabella like a monster. Not even the night when she discovered the truth.
The cursing is what had woken Lucy up that night. Screams and shouts coming from the building next door. This was Gotham after all but still something about the screams unsettled Lucy.
She had gotten dressed hastily and ran out as fast as she could. When she burst through the doors she was shocked at the scene in front of her. Most of the nuns were there hands firmly gripping the ends of a rope that was tied around a girl who was screaming as if being burned. The girl thrashed and bared her teeth at the nuns who simply tightened their grip on the rope.
"Hold her steady." Sister Jasmine shouted.
"We're trying." Someone grunted.
The girl hissed and looked up at sister Jasmine her eyes glowing red but when she caught sight of Lucy her eyes flicked to a familiar set of soft brown eyes. Lucy blinked as a look of heartbreak spread across Annabella's face only to quickly change into pain as Sister Jasmine slipped a silver cross on her neck.
"Take her away." Sister Jasmine ordered.
"What are you doing?" Lucy questioned as she tried to make her way towards Annabella.
"Lucy what are you doing here?" Sister Jasmine demanded stopping Lucy from going any further.
"I heard screaming. What's happening? What are you doing to her?" Lucy questioned as she tried to get through Sister Jasmine.
The older woman however kept a strong grip on Lucy. “This is not how I wanted you to find out.”
Lucy stopped and looked up at the sister. “What do you mean?”
“That thing is a monster, a vampire to be more accurate. We got lucky to catch this one.”
“You’re lying.” Lucy protested. “Annabella is a good person, she’s not a monster.”
“You’ve met this creature before?” The sister said, looking disgusted.
“She’s my friend and you have to let her go.” Lucy insisted.
“She is not going anywhere and you are not allowed to go anywhere near her.” Sister Jasmine ordered grabbing Lucy and taking her back to the other building.
She’s a creature of darkness… then why did she fill Lucy with so much hope?
Lucy snuck back into the church the following night. She went towards the area where she had seen them drag Annabella. Sister Jasmine had told her about what Annabella really was, how she was a vampire, a monster of darkness that needed to be taken care of. But everytime Lucy asked why Sister Jasmine would simply say it's what needed to be done and left it at that. Something didn't seem right, the story just didn't seem to add up. Lucy needed to know the truth.
She found Annabella in the basement chained to the wall, her cuffs seemed to be burning her and the cross that was hanging from her neck was digging deep into her skin. Lucy quickly ran over and took the cross off making Annabella hiss in pain.
“What did they do to you?” Lucy whispered lifting Annabella’s face only to discover a black eye forming and her lip was split.
Annabella tried to move her face away from Lucy’s touch but the action seemed to cause her a lot of pain.
“Like you would care.” Annabella said her voice was so cold it made Lucy shiver.
“I do care.” Lucy whispered as she looked at the chains.
“I’ll admit they are getting smarter, sending someone like you my way. I should have seen this coming.”
Lucy stared at her blinking slowly as she tried to process what she was saying.
“What… what are you talking about?”
Annabella stared up at her lifting an eyebrow in amusement. “Oh my little dove you really don’t know?”
“Know what?”
Lucy froze as Annabella leaned forward her face centimeters from hers.
“You really think your sisters let you wonder about Gotham because you’ve been a good little girl?” Annabella brushed the tip of her nose against Lucy’s making her flush bright red.
“No it’s your blood, so sweet, so rich, so unique. Meta humans attract monsters your sisters have gained quite the track record since they’ve acquired you. And yes my little dove I know you're a meta human like I said it’s in your blood.” Annabella leaned down and placed a small kiss against Lucy’s neck making her shudder.
Annabella slumped back against the wall, her chest rising as she tried to catch her breath.
“Don’t worry little dove I was never going to hurt you. My family has sworn off blood for thousands of years already, well at least from taking it from a living human. But still I did want you to be mine. I wanted to whisk you away and spoil you. My family tried to warn me but I didn’t want to listen. Now I see I was mistaken.”
“And that you were.” Said Sister Jasmine, making Lucy turn around. “Lucy get away from it.”
“Is it true?” Lucy questioned standing directly in front of Annabella.
“Lucy I will not ask you again.”
“Is it true?” Lucy demanded. “Have you been using me this whole time?”
Sister Jasmine straightened up and let out a deep breath. “Yes, we’ve known how valuable you could be since you were born. Your father however wanted to change our way of life; he wanted to ‘make peace’ with the creatures. He wanted to ‘reason’ with them, please, there is no reasoning with them. Her father killed him in fact.”
“My father was set up.” Annabella growled.
“Silence you foul being. Oh but your mother she knew how valuable you were. She knew how to probably handle these monsters. If it wasn’t for your father you would have been trained properly. Now move Lucy I will not ask you again.”
More sisters came in and Lucy noticed the weapons they were holding, her hands curled into fists as she stared down Sister Jasmine.
"No." She said fiercely.
"Get out now." Lucy warned, Sister Jasmine straight ended up her mouth tight but Lucy could see the fear in her eyes.
"Do it." Sister Jasmine ordered but before anyone could react Lucy shouted and all of the sisters went flying towards the wall hitting it with such force they were knocked out cold.
"Well I didn't expect that." Annabella mumbled and she slumped down.
"Woah easy." Lucy said as she helped support Annabella up. "I gotta get you out of here."
"Wayne Manor." Annabella groaned.
"If you manage to get me out take me to Wayne Manor." Annabella mumbled and her eyes closed.
“They will never accept you.” Those were the last words Sister Jasmine ever said to Lucy, and at first she almost believed her.
She had managed to get Annabella back to Wayne manor though granted it was ironically because Lucy knew how to drive the hearse the church owned. Add that to the list of sin she was already committing. The Waynes had always been a mysterious family now Lucy knew why. Their butler Alfred had been nice to Lucy once they got Annabella settled into her room and treated he set up a place for her to rest.
Annabella’s father Bruce thanked Lucy for bringing Annabella back safely. However Annabella’s bothers were a different story, at first they all eyed her wearily. Then Lucy was sure Alfred must’ve scolded them because at least three of them attempted to make small talk with Lucy as they waited for Annabella to get better. But Jason was a different story, he'd glare at her every time he walked in to check on Annabella.
"What are you still doing here?" Jason asked from the doorway making Lucy almost drop her book. She looked up at him his icy blue eyes staring daggers at him.
She couldn't think of a good answer. Honestly she had no where else to go, she couldn't go back to the church and spending a night out on the streets of Gotham was a hard pass. Besides she was the reason why Annabella was like this she needed to make sure Annabella would be okay.
"I just want to make sure she's alright." Lucy mumbled pathetically making Jason narrow his eyes.
"You may have everyone fooled with your little sweet girl act but not me. The moment you break her heart will be the last thing you will ever do." Jason threatened before turning around and leaving.
"Don't mind him… sorry." Annabella smiled weakly as Lucy nearly fell out of her chair.
"Your family really needs to stop doing that." Lucy breathed out then quickly helped Annabella sit up.
"We tend to forget humans can be so easily spooked." Annabella smiled brighter, she glanced at the door way and sighed.
"Jason was a human many years ago. He died protecting me from a madman. It was difficult but we managed to bring him to life he's been even more protective since then so don't take his insults personally."
"I'll try not to." Lucy mumbled, rubbing her arm nervously.
"I'm sorry." Annabella apologized.
"For what?"
"I was selfish. Like I said before I wanted you to myself. But in doing so I've cost you your home."
"To be honest I don't think I ever really considered that place my home. I'm sure I'll be able to find something."
"At least let me help you get back on your feet." Annabella said reaching out to hold Lucy's hand.
"They will never accept you." The words had echoed in her dreams yet a year later that had not been the case.
"Why are you up so early?" Annabella mumbled snuggling close to Lucy and pressing a small kiss to her neck.
"Just thinking." Lucy responded blushing slightly.
"About when we met."
"Mmm that's nice, but go back to sleep." Annabella mumbled.
"I have to go to work." Lucy said.
"Mmm do you have to?" Annabella protested, placing more kisses long Lucy's shoulder.
"I can't be late again." Lucy tried to reason but Annabella refused to listen as her hand trailed higher up under Lucy's shirt making her giggle and succumb.
Lucy smiled and turned, placing a kiss on Annabella's forehead. If Annabella was a monster Lucy didn't mind sharing that title with her.
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