#the fact that I've only publicly posted 2 chapters of ouyu haunts me eternally
ilovedthestars · 2 years
WIP Challenge (again)
@grammarpedant you didn't tag me for the wip challenge but you put it back on my dash again and I am having emotions about my Old Unit, Young Unit wip tonight so I am considering myself tagged. thanks for the chance to ramble about it more <3
The challenge is to post the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
From within the ou,yu/polaris 'verse, but a little snippet of a flashback, with characters who haven't been officially introduced in what I've posted so far:
Niri looked at the code when xe was done, and told xem it would work, and that it hoped xe never had to use it. It did not smile, but it did not try to change xyr choice, and Hope is grateful for that. 
I tagged a bunch of people when this went around a couple weeks ago, and I don't want to tag them all again, so I think I will just not tag anyone specific this time. If you see this and have a wip that you want to share, consider yourself tagged :)
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