#the fact that goose had to wear socks to be so much taller than mav is adorable
Top Gun '86 did use a lot of tricks to make Tom Cruise look taller though. Both Val Kilmer and Anthony Edwards (Goose) said they had filmed their scenes with Tom in their socks (they are 5'11" and 6'2" respectively). Tom apparently had to wear stilts with Kelly McGillis (Charlie) because she is 5'10". She also couldn't wear heels next to him, and it's not a coincidence she was sitting, crouching, or reclining in most of her scenes with Tom.
It's so funny yet weird! Hollywood is so weird about this man's height that they accidentally caused people to assume Tom is even shorter than his perfectly average 5'7" because they keep putting the poor man on apple boxes or filming him at angles that make him look taller (He is literally the example image on this topic in TVTropes).
I wonder if he always had a complex about his height or Hollywood gave him one.
Sorry for the random timing of this ask. I recently saw your commentary about Mav's height in fandom and wanted to share my own unasked two cents. Feel free to ignore this because apparently, you wrote that a month or so ago and seem to have already moved past it (and maybe even already got asks saying the same stuff I did).
Hey! I love to hear from people. I guess if they really did put that much effort into it...they didn't do a very good job. It's pretty obvious that Tom is shorter than everyone else.
I think it's less that they try to hide it that makes people think Tom is shorter than he is, and more that movie stars, as a general rule, seem to be taller than average. That, combined with all the 5'9" guys running around claiming to be 6 foot have left us with a very skewed idea of how tall average people are, even though we're around them all the time.
I genuinely don't think Tom himself actually cares about his height - it's Hollywood people are weird about it. He seems like the kind of guy who's very comfortable with exactly who he is. I will admit that I don't watch a lot of interviews and stuff, because I generally find them uncomfortable (I just can't stop thinking about the fact that those poor people have answered those same questions 57 times already, plus interviewers are frequently really awkward people, even though talking is literally their job? I know, I'm weird), so some of the confirmed background information flies right past me.
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