#the fact that she'd get online and fight about that stupid shit and now it's crickets from her...she needs to sort out her priorities
septembersghost · 1 year
Taylor’s tweet about women’s history month rubs me the wrong way especially more now that we know Matty has racist beliefs. Not all women are white.
one thing isn't equivalent to or even really reflective of another here, but that tweet was by far one of the more ignorant and tone deaf things she's done (until recently), and the fact that the young actress in that show was then attacked, including racially, by unhinged swifties on the internet proves exactly the point as to why words and commentary from celebrities, and intersectionality on issues, matters, and driving your rabid stans after someone does actual harm even if you didn't intend to cause it. she can be very myopic in her worldview sometimes, unfortunately.
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