#the familiar depresso espresso jude... i don't have to make this part of him up-
mathcs · 1 year
(gundam verse) SKIT : Dark Room
He's sitting up in bed, shoulders slumped over, one hand against his face, tangled in dark hair. Even this is tiring. Like the way there's barely any light in here. Like not knowing what time it is. Or how he's still not hungry. Staring at the wall. Everything. Everything makes him tired. He's completely alone, except for the round machine creature at the foot of his bed. Because everyone else has learned to leave him alone by now. Finally.
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「Jude... still low battery? Me too. Charge!」
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"...." He doesn't move at all, but words finally come out. "Haro, activate sleep mode."
「Roger. Feel better soon! Milla is worried about you, zzz...」
Is she? He doesn't see it. She doesn't understand. No... it's not just her. None of them really do. There's just empty platitudes and pity... that he can't get angry at. Because he's tired of getting angry, too. He doesn't feel like screaming anymore. He can't even cry. There's only numbness. His head lowers slightly to stare down at himself, eyes gently closing.
Law's dead because of him. And he feels nothing.
... So why is he still here?
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