#the first batches of taigat's food were chugged by the voidsent blorbo btw
arcann · 2 years
3, 10, and 16 for the wol ask?
thank you sasha my beloved mwah mwah
3. How good are they at saying “no”? Has it gotten better or worse with time?
Very bad. Extremely. Ever since they were a child. Now it's worse! Most of the time when they don't want to do something they procrastinate doing it and give very pathetic excuses for it. Or find ways around it (they feel guilty for looking for them though). It's so bad that sometimes Alisaie their friends come along to say no for them. Embarassing how they celebrate themself when they manage to do it when they're on their own.
10. How do they deal with the pressure of being a or the Warrior of Light? Do they have a ritual to relax and recenter themselves?
They have let pressure overwhelm them and have had breakdowns over it. They tend to isolate themself or run away but they do come back and quickly since deep down they know it's not right. Much later they like to go somewhere close to the sea or just large bodies of water andwatch the sunset like they used to do with their father. And even later, since the sea is not always close, they learn how to sew and cook which they do it for large periods of time until they feel better and gift the results to the people around town when they get actually good at it.
16. Tell us about the two major events from MSQ that left the deepest emotional scars on your WoL.
Discovering how Minfilia was lost crushed them since every other Scion had been found alive. They had very high hopes they would find her well and to be taken away by Hydaelyn left them resentful. All that resent would slowly get redirected towards the ascians, the people that brought the Flood to the First. It became a viscious and ugly sentiment.
And yeah of course Haurchefant. It was so bad their mind and the drk soulstone made a little not-their-child physical manifestation of all their guilt and impotence that killed birds. Because they hate birds. That's messed up.
Bonus from my Werlyt rewrite: Letting Alfonse get recaptured by the 7th Legion and never seeing him again. Maybe. They spend all night running around Mor Dhona knowing it was not possible that he was still there and end up having a breakdown in front of the Agrius wreckage in the Silvertear Lake.
It's meaningful
So yeah just adding that because in context and in their darkest moments they relate romantic love with loss, grief and failure.
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