#the fish ♥♥ I agree. it's a superior gift!
abyssaldespair · 3 months
((@storiedocs Chitose [and Cat] ))
A cat arrives in the window with a wrapped present in its mouth.
"Heya. Chitose's still at work, but she made these for you. And I caught you a fish, which is far better, nya."
It's a box of many-flavored dango!
...And also very fresh, raw trout with kitty claw and tooth marks around the neck. At least it's been cleaned and boxed separately, all ready for cooking.
Obito opens the box and grins, "How does she know I like Dango? He he he, pass the thank you for me, would you?"
Then there's the fish. It does look big enough to cook... Should he?
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"The fact that you, a cat, caught a fish is already impressive in itself..."
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