#the fucking gargoyles tried to take me and only got my shoes. stop laughing this isn't funny. why did they take my shoes'
amatres · 1 year
to keep from ever having to design shoes, im going to just headcanon that layla keeps losing her shoes no matter where she is
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Chapter 8
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Word Count: 3.6k Join my taglist here :) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7
By the time I got to Teller-Morrow, I was a little calmer, but my hands still shook a bit and I’d made sure to keep an eye out just in case she had me tailed. Juice met up with me in the parking lot, hurrying me back to the clubhouse so we could sit down and talk.
“What happened?”
“She dropped in and started asking me about my personal life, brought up my scars, mentioned how it was interesting that she couldn’t find any info on me at all, then asked if I knew about any illegal activities you or the rest of the club were up to.”
“What’d you tell her?” He was staring intensely at me, lips pressed into a thin line while his brow furrowed a little.
“The truth: as far as I knew, you and the others are just mechanics and motorcycle enthusiasts.” It was true; Juice hadn’t mentioned anything he did for the club and didn’t mention anything beyond anything relevant like helping Gemma with fundraisers or stuff like that. If they were doing illegal shit, I didn’t know and I didn’t want to know. “We keep that shit separated from home. Unless it somehow involves me directly, like my life is in danger or your life is in danger or something, I don’t want to know. I’m perfectly fine being kept in the dark.” I rubbed my face with my hands, tired as all hell.
“You should get a room at Ivy’s hotel. I want you somewhere protected from Stahl. If that bitch harrasses you again, she’s not gonna like what’s gonna happen to her.” Juice growled, his fierceness endearing if not a touch scary.
“I’ll be fine at home, I’m not going into hiding.” I protested, getting up to follow him over to the bar, resting a hand on his shoulder. “She thinks she can intimidate me into talking about shit that I don’t know about. She’s bluffing and I’m not scared of her.” I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head on his back with a soft sigh.
“Humor me, please? Just for now, it’s not forever. I just want to make sure that you’re safe and protected. It’s bad enough that that Ares fuck was trying to get Rusalka to turn on you, I don’t need Stahl hauling you in for something stupid.”
“Fine, but only because I don’t want you to worry. I’ll go home and get my stuff packed up.” I relented. I didn’t want to stay at the hotel, but if it gave him peace of mind, then I’d suck it up and do it. “I’m doing this on one condition though: you come with me. We can treat it like a vacation or something.” If I had to hide out, then he was coming with me.
“Yeah, alright, that’s fair. Let me let Clay know what’s goin’ on and then we’ll go pack our shit up and head over to Ivy’s.”
“I have to get over there now, we’re supposed to be having a meeting on what to do about Ares lurking around and what to do about Helena trying to take control of the Faelands. We’ll pack later after I deal with all of this mess,” I popped up to my feet, placing a quick kiss on his cheek.
“Now? C’mon babe, wait just a minute, you just got here.” Juice caught my hand in his, pulling me down into his lap with a playful grin.
“Juan Carlos Ortiz, I have to go! I’m going to be late and I am never late for anything!” I giggled as he pressed soft kisses along my jaw and neck, squirming in his grasp when he reached a sensitive spot on my neck. “Stop it, that tickles!” I was full on laughing now, trying to move so he couldn’t access my ticklish spot, wiggling in his grasp to try and get free.
“I dunno babe, it’s kinda cute seeing you like this,” He teased me, but quit trying to tickle me all the same. “Go on, I’ll meet you over at Ivy’s later.”
“See you in a while love.” I was breathless from laughing so hard, tendrils of silvery hair that had come free of my braid falling into my face when I leaned in to kiss him. I could feel his hand come up to cup my face, rough fingers stroking over my cheekbone tenderly as he returned the kiss, resting his forehead against mine when we came up for air.
“Be safe, okay? Don’t let Stahl get a rise out of you.”
I could tell someone was tailing me towards Ivy’s, the creepy black van not exactly blending in well with the rest of the cars going by as I walked to the hotel. I wasn’t willing to risk exposing our people so I found myself ducking into an alleyway when a large truck blocked the van’s view, taking a back way to the hotel to avoid any problems. This bitch was absolutely relentless in trying to get information, and while I found her tenacity somewhat admirable, I was getting highly agitated that she was focusing that tenacity on us. Whatever her hard on for Juice and the others was, it was quickly becoming a thorn in my side. I already had enough on my plate without this being added to it.
I don’t know what the hell Juice is involved in, but damn if it isn’t a lot of trouble. I peered out around a corner, looking both ways to make sure I’d lost my tail, and went into the hotel quickly, breathing a silent sigh of relief as I leaned back against the doors.
“Hey, you must be Danica. The boss is out at the pool with Ashlyn, they’re waiting on the other two to get here.” A young gargoyle greeted me from the front desk, a grin lighting up his face as he jerked a clawed thumb back towards the twin frosted glass doors to the left of the desk.
“Awesome, thanks!” I raised a hand in a slight wave, striding towards the doors and heading out to the really fancy looking pool where Ivy and Ashlyn were talking quietly. “We have a problem. A big one.” I kicked my shoes off, setting them off to the side so I could dip my feet into the pool, pleased by the comfortable temperature of the water.
“What’s going on? Is it Keres? Did she betray us already?” Ashlyn was frowning, worried at the thought of having to potentially deal with Keres turning us into her mother.
“No, no I don’t think so. This is about that ATF agent, June Stahl. Y’know how she’s been poking around trying to find some sort of dirt on the guys and the rest of the club? Well now she’s looking into us. Er… okay, maybe not you Ashlyn since I don’t think anyone’s seen you and your soulmate together out in public before. It’s Happy right?” I glanced her way, trying to recall her soulmate’s name. I’d only ever heard his name a couple of times from Juice, but hadn’t met him yet.
“We haven’t really known each other long. It’s only been a couple weeks. And even then, we’re not together in public. I don’t think they’d have any proof of me even existing.” Ashlyn nodded, biting her lip. She was clearly thinking about this fairly hard, her brow creasing slightly and a frown was tugging at her lips.
“She came by Juice’s place this morning asking a bunch of questions. And she’s been actively trying to dig into who we are, like doing actual background checks.” I glanced over to Ivy since she had been seen with Kip, the prospect. “Of course now she’s even more suspicious because we don’t have anything: no ID, no birth certificates, not one thing. I’m worried we’re going to have our world exposed to the human world.” And now we reached the crux of the situation: our potential exposure to the human world beyond what we’ve already dealt with. It was one thing to show our true selves to our mates, it was an entirely different matter for our world to be exposed to all of humanity.
“Fuck. No wonder Kip’s been asking me to stay here. He’s been acting strange lately and I couldn’t figure it out, but this explains so much.” Ivy’s eyes went wide with the realization of why Kip had been so overprotective lately. It had explained why Juice had been so much more protective lately than usual, too.
“What do we do? How do we handle this? We can’t risk our world being brought into light, the humans would panic. We got lucky that our soulmates didn’t freak out about us.” Ashlyn was wringing her hands together as she spoke, the same anxiousness she displayed welling up in the pit of my stomach. Humans didn’t even like different humans, if they knew about us? It would be chaos waiting to happen. Oh sure, some would be into the idea of Fae existing, but others would call us monsters, want us wiped off the planet, and it would be a war they wouldn’t win.
“Oh, no, Chibs totally freaked out. He waited until he was out of earshot of Rusalka, but he definitely freaked. He’s from Scotland and lived in Ireland, the stories they have about us? I mean, okay, not totally wrong, but definitely not one hundred percent accurate either.” I grinned, hoping to ease some tension by joking around with Chibs’ reaction according to Juice. “But you’re right, Ashlyn. I’m not sure we’d receive a warm welcome by the people here, especially if they knew about the Blood Court and the Court of Bones.” We traded knowing looks, Ivy agreeing softly with me about those two abominations. Despite what Nyx had said, I still didn’t like or trust Keres. Something just seemed off about this whole thing with her and I didn’t trust it one bit.
“Ivy, I’m gonna need to get a room. Juice wants me hidden away here just in case Stahl tries to pull some shady shit. We need to lay low until all of this blows over.” I continued on, thanking her when she nodded in agreeance.
“Shit. Here we go.” Ashlyn murmured, her gaze trained on something over my shoulder. Turning, I saw Keres and Rusalka walking our way, the two of them looking less than thrilled. They were talking quietly amongst themselves, but I could tell whatever they were talking about had them as agitated, if not more, than I was.
“Have you guys been questioned by this ATF agent yet?” Keres growled, her crimson eyes blazing with rage. Oh she’d definitely had a run in with Stahl then and it clearly went about as well as my own encounter with her had.
“Yup. Just had an encounter with her this morning. I take it by that shining attitude of yours, you met her too.” I moved over so she could sit down as well and so I could put some space between the Blood Fae and myself. I didn’t want to be this close to her; I was still skeptical of her intentions and didn’t want to be tainted by her evil.
“She reminds me of my mother. Do you have any idea how unsettling that is to see in a human?” Keres shuddered at the mention of her mother, making a face. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her exaggerated reaction to the comparison between the two women, scoffing slightly. Who did she think she was fooling?
“Oh? You mean that’s not comforting to you?” I shot back, snorting derisively, sneering at the Blood Fae in disgust.
“No. It’s not. Are we gonna have a problem? If you’ve got something to say to me, I suggest you do it.” Keres snapped back with a vicious snarl on the tail end of her words. I could see Ivy back up quickly out of the corner of my eyes as we got to our feet. I was ready to throw down with Keres, wanting a little blood for the blood her people spilled. Keres had squared up as well, fists raised in preparation to swing.
“I’ve got a lot to say actually. What sort of game are you playin’ at here, Blood Court? Your kind doesn’t just turn traitor at the drop of a hat, so what’s the deal? Did mommy make you angry so you decided to run off in a tantrum?” I hissed out, taking up a fighting stance as well, watching her with deadly intent. Keres swore, cocking her arm back, and struck me in the jaw with her clenched fist, the taste of blood filling my mouth as my inner cheek and lip split wide open. I spat blood, watching the silvery gold liquid spatter across the concrete near the pool, and tackled Keres to the ground. We scrabbled for purchase, talons digging into exposed skin, Ivy screaming while Rusalka laughed her ass off.
“I can’t see what’s happening, but it sounds hilarious!” She cackled like a mad woman from where she perched herself on one of the lounge chairs. I ignored the Bone Fae, more focused on raking my talons across Keres’ face.
“I’m not playing at anything! I didn’t agree with the choice that was made to attack your people! Hell I even sent my friend Kiril to try and save your people!” Keres bellowed in my ear, grabbing onto my arm and yanking hard to pull it away from her neck. I snarled viciously in response and bit into her shoulder, digging my fangs in deeply, the sour taste of her blood mingling with mine, but I refused to let up. Fingers gripped my hair, yanking back hard to dislodge me, a foot making impact with my gut. The force of the kick had me flying back into some of the furniture and Keres was on me in an instant, her fists connecting with my face, chest, and gut.
“Hey! Break it up!” A masculine voice broke through our screeching and snarls.
“Shit!” Juice’s voice cut through the blood haze as his arms wrapped around me, pulling me away from Keres, holding tightly to my waist as I struggled in his grasp, hissing at Keres who had been hauled back by a very tall, lumberjack looking man who must have been her mate.
“What is going on?” Nyx had pushed her way through the others, disbelief written all over her face as she looked between the two of us, covered in blood and a right mess.
“She started it.” Keres ground out, spitting black blood from where I managed to clock her in the mouth. Nyx was frowning deeply, her brow furrowing in frustration and let out an exasperated snarl.
“You have got to be kidding me. What did we talk about already, Danica? Keres is on our side!”
“I don’t buy it! Watch, this is all just for show. Now that we’re all here, she’s going to find a way to bring in her assassins and deal with us right here and now.” I spat, gripping onto Juice’s arms tightly. He pressed a gentle kiss to the back of my neck, one hand moving carefully to rub my back gently, whispering sweet words to try and calm me down.
“Easy babe, c’mon take it down a notch. It’s okay, I’ve got you.” He murmured softly, kissing along my ear tenderly.
“We have bigger problems right now! Settle your issues later, today isn’t the day for this. And Natalya, egging them on certainly doesn’t help. Ashlyn’s the only one here who hasn’t been interrogated by Agent Stahl since she and Happy haven’t been seen together in public. The rest of us are in big trouble if she keeps pursuing this, our people could be dragged into the light, shown that we’re not just stories, myths, made up monsters to keep children in line.” Nyx barked, her usual cool demeanor cracking slightly to reveal a fiery anger brewing just under the surface. It was eerie to see her look so calm and yet so furious all at once, her sharp features seeming sharper than normal as she glared at Keres and I.
“Fine, okay, whatever.” I grumbled, pushing away from Juice to walk off a few feet away, hissing softly as he immediately came after me, inspecting the damage to my face.
“She got you good, babe. That lip of yours doesn’t look good.” He very carefully ran his thumb over my swollen lip, absently licking the blood off as he studied me with a slight frown.
“You want to beat each other senseless? Fine, you’ll have your time. Right now though, I need you two to act like the royalty that you are and not some common Fae fighting for scraps. The only way we are going to survive all of this is by working together. Something big is coming and if we don’t get ahead of whatever it is, we are all going to be pulled under and crushed.” Nyx was still berating us, and I found I couldn’t meet her harsh gaze, keeping my eyes averted, my cheeks and ears burning from shame. A beat of silence passed, no one saying a word, until Happy scooped Ashlyn up to take her back to her hotel room, her mermaid tail glittering in the sunlight as he carried her past us, grinning at the wolf whistles from the guys. That moment of relaxation seemed to break everyone up, Keres and her mate going up to the room she presumably had here, Rusalka and Chibs going in as well, the Bone Court Fae laughing loudly at something he said to her, I got to my feet to go in as well, Juice right on my heels.
“Come here baby, let me get a better look at you,” He was gentle as he pulled me to a stop, carefully touching my face with a frown. “Shit you really got the hell knocked out of you. Might need to start calling you my little hellcat.” He teased me softly, smiling just a little.
“Bite me, my love.” I muttered with a huff of annoyance.
“Don’t tempt me.” He leaned in to kiss me softly before lifting his hand up, a soft, blue glow coming from the palm of his hand. “Hold still, okay?”
I stood still as he carefully ran his hand over my injuries, focusing entirely on healing the wounds, humming softly under his breath as he worked. The warmth of the healing magic knit itself into my skin, leaving my mouth tingling with the magic and I smiled as soon as it was over. He’d gotten so good at this so quickly, I was impressed.
“Thank you love. You didn’t need to do that, it was fine.” I leaned in to hug him, wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing my cheek to his chest, breathing in his scent, finding it soothing.
“You doing okay? You two were goin’ at it pretty hard and she really landed some good shots.” He’d put a finger under my chin, tilting my head up to meet his worried gaze.
“Yeah, I’m alright. I don’t regret what I did, but I do regret letting my temper get the better of me. I shouldn’t have done it. I’m making questionable choices left and right lately. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Juan.” I was frustrated with myself for lashing out, but just seeing her face was enough to set me off. I wasn’t normally violent or angry like this and everything just hurt when I saw her.
“Nothing is wrong with you. You’re grieving, Dani. You lost your home, most of your people, you almost lost me… It’s a lot to put on someone. You don’t have to do this alone, let me help.” Juice pulled me back into a tight grip, one hand stroking my back while the other ran through my hair, tender and caring as could be. I pressed my face into his neck, my fingers gripping the back of his cut, bunching up the leather and the soft cotton shirt beneath it. I didn’t want this moment to come to an end, my heart swelling with a joy I’d never known before as we held each other, quietly appreciating one another’s presence.
“It’s my burden to bear. I’ve done enough to you, I can’t put anymore on your shoulders.” The protest was weaker than I’d meant for it to be, his strength and kindness nearly bringing me to my knees.
“Bullshit, you saved me by performing that ritual. So what if I’m Fae now? You did what you had to do and I’m glad you did. We’re a team, Danica. I’m here to help shoulder your burdens and do whatever I can to lighten the load. Just say the word and I’m there baby.” His hands went from my hair and back, to my face where he gently peppered me with kisses, making me laugh softly.
“I love you.” I leaned in to kiss him when someone cleared their throat and we jumped apart quickly, a scowl darkening my face when I spotted Keres strolling our way with a nasty smile on her face. Juice quickly traced the sigil to renew his glamour on his arm as surreptitiously as possible as the Blood Fae approached us. “How long have you been there?” I demanded hotly, bristling at the intrusion on our moment.
“Not long at all. Why? Did I interrupt something?” Her grin only got wider at my reaction.
“No,” I growled icily, turning to Juice with a softer look. “I’ll see you after the meeting, okay babe?” I stood on tiptoes to plant a quick kiss to his lips and stalked off to the board room where we were supposed to be meeting up to discuss our options.
“Wait a second,” Keres grabbed my shoulder, forcing me to stop and face her. “I know you made Juice a High Fae. How’d you do it?”
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In Unity There is Strength
Chapter 14: Who’s Next?
Masterlist // Playlist // Character Guide // Face-Claim
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A/N: hey guys changing things up with a shift in narrative
To say Kurtz was mortified would be an understatement; he wanted to bury himself into the deepest ditch possible. For the first time in his life, he regretted his words. He rubbed his chest as he stared up at the ceiling of Zara’s room, the trowel texture eating him alive as his heart started thumping faster and faster. Rejection, clearly, did not sit with him well. 
Becoming dizzy from gazing at the ceiling, Kurtz swung his legs over the bed and gripped the edge of mattress tightly. Turning his head, he looked down at the sleeping girl and sighed. For her to reject him so easily was, honestly, quite a shock to him. Not that he believed he was some sort of a ‘catch,’ but he believed that they had bonded somewhat over the trials they had faced this past month alone.
Gritting his teeth, he tried to stop himself from getting infuriated. How dare she… Kurtz had never felt this way about anyone before, and he expected Zara to reciprocate the feelings because she was his first love. Selfish wouldn’t even cover that thought process, but the omega couldn’t care less. He wanted her, needed her. A few obstacles never killed anyone, least of all him. 
“Did you talk to Archie after I left?” Zara asked Jughead quietly, who sat across from her in the cafeteria. It was just the two of them now, seeing as the rest of the pack were still mentally recovering from the last meeting.
“I tried, but he was a little too distraught and yelled at me and Betty to leave-“
“I’d imagine,” she whispered.
“I feel like you know something about that fight you’re not letting on,” Jughead inquired, squinting his eyes.
“Of course, there is, but who said you were privy to that information?”
“Well, we are a pack-“
“It was a redundant question,” Zara deadpanned. “Listen, Kurtz has a fucked-up mind. Archie feeding straight into it was stupidity on his part. Kurtz wanted to rile him up, and the boy wonder fell into the trap.”
“I really think it should be you who talks to Archie first. I mean, he clearly likes you-“
“So I’ve been made aware,” Zara sneered. “If it wasn’t for those pesky feelings, we wouldn’t have made an enemy out of Veronica fucking Lodge. I mean, Hiram was holding off until now. Who’s to say he won’t just release all of his psychotic hunters on us because we hurt his mija.”“I’m not saying Archie wasn’t stupid-“
“And yet, I’m the one who has to make amends. Even though I didn’t ask for any of this!” she yelled but sank down into her seat as the whole cafeteria turned towards the source of the outburst. Much quieter now, she explained, “I cannot be held accountable for Archie’s or Kurtz’s actions. You need to go talk to Archie because he’s your best friend.” Zara stood up from the bench and begrudgingly, threw out her uneaten lunch all the while imagining starving children. 
As Zara descended the steps of the school, she contemplated calling Sabrina so that she could talk to someone who didn’t know of the whole high school romance drama. Before she could take out of her phone thought, a hand grabbed her from the bottom of the stairs and dragged her off to the side of the building. She went to yell at the snatcher but instead scowled, looking up at Kurtz’s face. “What the hell do you want?”
“You to like me back-“
“And, as I’ve stated before…” Zara trailed off as Kurtz began to laugh. “What’s so funny?”
“See, you’re under this false impression that I care. I was patient with all of the bullshit I had to put up with ever since I moved in with you and played house with the Red Circle. That ends now. You all have gotten absolutely nowhere in the case and instead, are focused on the romantic life of your alpha. News flash, I don’t care if Archie likes you. He’s just an obstacle for me.”
Zara opened her mouth, but she couldn’t think of an appropriate reply. What was going on with Kurtz? “Why are you acting like this, all of a sudden? Is this what happens when someone rejects you? Get used to it; you’re not the slightest bit boyfriend material.”
“You think this comes down to mere relationship status?” He chuckled, all the while, gripping Zara’s shoulders tighter. “I want you as my mate. You know, I always thought that there was something missing from my pack, and now I know. I needed an anchor, a support. All this while, I had been searching for an emissary, I didn’t realize how much I needed you as well.”
“What do you mean ‘had?’” Zara asked, diverting the conversation. “You stopped searching for an emissary?”
“Yes, because I found one. Long while back after your accident, someone finally tolerated the drugs and gave me accurate visions.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this before? We could’ve told Archie! When we decided that having a magic wielder on our side would be advantageous, why didn’t you-“
“You think I want Archie’s gang to utilize my weapon? I spent weeks recovering from my loss, only for the almighty Red Circle to reap the benefits of my pack’s demise.”
“Archie did no such thing-“
“Are you certain of that? Him having dated Veronica Lodge at the time and finally becoming the alpha of the only pack in Riverdale, you’d say that he didn’t find pleasure in the fact that he was no longer being persecuted or fighting for territory?” Kurtz smirked as Zara looked down at her shoes, unable to deny the things he said. “You’d rather care about the emotions of someone who takes pleasure out of other people’s misery? Be my fucking guest. Just know that I have done more for you in under a month than those people have for two years. You don’t even realize-“ Kurtz cut himself off as he saw a tear escape from Zara’s eye. During this hesitation, the girl broke free of his grasp. “Zara, I-“
“Save it; you’re not wrong,” she said lowly, sniffling. “I’ve always done everything slightly logistical for them, and now, they’re all shunning me for not accepting Archie’s love.”
“Wolves will always follow their alpha, even if you are to be more credited for their survival,” Kurtz informed. “I’m… sorry for making you emotional.”
“And, I’m sorry for hurting you,” Zara replied, wiping tears from her cheeks. “Let’s go home.”
“You know what I’ve realized?” Zara asked, rolling herself away from her desk. 
“What?” Kurtz inquired, sitting up in bed, reading his textbook. “That the pack is every bit as pathetic as I believe?”
Zara rolled her eyes. “No. I just realized there hasn’t been a sacrifice since the warlock’s henchman tried to kill me. It’s just really weird for them to take such a long break…”
“Two weeks is hardly a break. They used to do weekly killings. Now, they just skipped one.” Kurtz shut his textbook. “Unless, you’re thinking that they might be planning something. Something bigger.”
“I don’t know what to think. A part of me wishes…”
“That there would be another sacrifice.” Zara shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. “It sounds awful, but I hate having to be concerned for Betty, Polly, and all of the others who were ever at the Sisters. Because even if your beta or emissary was killed first, there is a clear trend with the ‘mortals’ being killed.”
“I couldn’t care less for your friends, but… I understand your qualms.” Kurtz stood up from the bed and slipped on his shoes. Zara raised a brow at his actions, and he explained, “I’m going to see my emissary. Have him actually hone in his visions to what we need.” He walked over to the window and pushed it open. Swinging a leg over, he looked back at the girl. “Be awake when I come back. I’ll need to someone to rehash all of the info to before I forget it.” Zara nodded and then, Kurtz jumped down to the grass. 
Kurtz parked his car at the edge of the woods near the rail tracks. Stepping out of the vehicle, he listened closely to see if anyone was around him. He heard a singular heartbeat in the forest, and he smelled that it was his emissary. Transforming, Kurtz ran into the woods and shifted back once he saw the familiar dark hair. “Thanks for meeting with me on such a short notice,” he greeted.
The other man nodded. “Of course. What do you need me to do?” he asked.
“I need you to find out who’s next.”
“K-kurtz I-I don’t think I can do that,” the man stuttered. “I mean, it’s been barely a couple of weeks since I found out I could do stuff like this.”
“Listen, the more pressure you’re under, the faster you learn.” Kurtz then brought out fizzle rocks from his backpack and passed the packet to the other. “Now, chew.”
The two sat down on the clear ground, waiting for the effects of the drugs to settle in. Kurtz kept a strong gaze on the emissary, who had his eyes closed. “Okay, I think I’ve meditated enough,” the man huffed out.
“How do you feel?” Kurtz asked, listening to the calm heartbeat from the other.
“Amazing… What do you need me to see?”
“Who’s going to be sacrificed next.” The emissary’s heart rate spiked. “Calm down, otherwise you’ll be taken out of the mindset. Just focus on what I’ve told you about the warlock and go from there.” The emissary nodded and then, the forest was quiet except for the two men breathing. 
It was about thirty minutes before the emissary gasped and opened his eyes. Kurtz got closer to him and held the man’s head. “What did you see?” he asked loudly.
“His next sacrifice… a red headed girl. Couldn’t get a clear image of her face, but she’s next…”
“Tomorrow night.”
Notification Squad: 
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nevensato-blog · 8 years
Take Two | Neven & Reza
@rezathevamp​ has something to tell Neven, and soon secrets are spilling out of the both of them.
It felt weird, being on the other side of the door. Reza had been the one on the inside before, feeling hurt and pretty fucking shitty -- at least that’s how he imagined that Neven was feeling right now. But Reza wasn’t Heath. He wasn’t here to manipulate Neven into forgiving him, didn’t even fully expect Neven to want him back in any sort of way, not even as friends. He wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t but he at least had to explain himself, tell Neven the truth about everything. Opening the messages to Neven for the first time since he’d gone completely AWOL, Reza tried to ease the suffocating nerves in his stomach with a deep breath before texting a ‘come outside. please?’ to Neven. Shivering in the freezing cold, the night made a little bit brighter by the snow, he waited with hands stuffed into pockets. He prayed that Neven would actually come outside to meet Reza where he stood on the curb outside his house, ears and nose tinted red from the cold, to get the explanation he deserved.
When Neven got the text to come outside, he really didn’t know what to think. It was random, that was for sure. No lead up. No online conversation preceding it. He’d just showed up, and Neven could see him on the curb when he looked out the window. Reza. Why was he here? Why wasn’t he trying to stay as far away from Neven as possible like any sane person probably should? He pulled on a jacket and some boots, heading for the front door. But before he opened it, he stood there for a moment, just staring at the door. What was waiting for him out there? Another argument? An apology he didn’t deserve? A continuation? An ending? He didn’t know what to expect and it terrified him. With a deep breath, he yanked the door open and headed for the curb where Reza stood, his breath hitching in his throat when Neven saw him. It was too late to turn back now, no matter how much the uncertainty of the situation was screaming at him to do just that. He didn’t even know how to greet Reza, so what he did say probably came off colder than it should have. “I’m outside.”
Reza was sure he stopped breathing for a moment when the front door opened, indescribably thankful to see that it was Neven and not someone else. Nervously, shifting on his feet to resist the urge to meet the other halfway, Reza waited until Neven was standing in front of him. “Thanks,” he replied quietly, stomach twisting, blinking at Neven’s shoes before finally meeting his gaze. “I have no idea where to start or how the fuck to get this out properly so just… listen and then you can leave or whatever and I won’t bother you again. Cause I’ve been keeping secrets, too.” Reza sighed deeply, feeling stubborn tears threaten to push their way to his cheeks, and swallowing them down. “I’m a mess. Like an actual mess, inside and out -- my mind’s a mess, my heart’s a fucking train wreck and I’m still on this fucking edge of rocking between an inactive addict and someone who might wake up in an… an abandoned apartment with a needle sticking out of his arm because my shitty, disgusting ex of a boyfriend was a drug dealer and a vampire and I thought it was okay. I thought it was okay that he was just… evil. To everyone, including me most of the time and he just got me hooked on everything and cheated and treated me like… and I thought it was okay. I was so delusional and so stupid and now I have this voice in my head convincing me that you’re going to hurt me because of what you are but I know you won’t because you’re not… you’re not like that, at all. And I don’t want to bring… this and my fears and this whole fucking shitstorm into your already shitstormy life so that’s all why I didn’t answer you but I wanted to. So fucking bad and I…” The words caught in his throat, threatening to choke him while making him realize just how fast he’d been speaking, and breathing. No, no panic attacks now. He needed to finish this. The lightheadedness made his knees weak as he struggled to stay on his feet, his steely but teary eyes meeting Neven’s as he managed to stutter out the rest of his insane speech. “And I’m sorry.”
Neven didn’t really know how to process what he was hearing, so he just stared. He couldn’t bring himself to do much else at that moment. He hadn’t know what to expect, but on his list of options, this hadn’t been one of them. He could tell when he first met Reza that the boy had baggage, but he hadn’t imagined damage that rivaled his own. He met Reza’s eyes as he spoke. He wanted him to know that what he was saying might be scary, but it wasn’t scaring him. And there was a difference. Reza breathed out a final apology, and hesitantly, Neven took a step forward, putting a hand on Reza’s frozen cheek. “It’s….okay.” There was so much to say, but the words escaped him. “It’s okay,” he repeated, not really talking about the apology anymore. He brought his hand down from Reza’s face to grab hold of his hand. “I want to show you something.” He pulled Reza along through the snow, rounding the house until they got to the shed out back, gargoyle on top feeling more like a weird comfort now than anything to be scared of. He let go of Reza’s hand when they got to the doors and tugged them open, motioning him to follow into the thankfully heated space. He left the door cracked so Reza wouldn’t feel trapped, and flipped the lights on. “This is where I turn, when it happens. The walls are solid and magic’s keeping me from hurting anyone in here. There’s no way I’m getting out.” He knocked on the wall, then approached Reza. “I understand, Reza. I do. I’m scared of me and I haven’t been through what you have.” He looked Reza in the eye, but it pained him. He hadn’t thought about how this had all started, who’s fault it all really was for a while...not until he’d talked to Molly about it. His wounds were fresh and seeing Reza, no matter how happy he wanted to be about it, felt like burning salt. He turned away. “You deserve better.”
The silence was destructive, slowly tearing Reza to pieces until Neven finally spoke and gently touched his cheek, fingers somehow warm against Reza’s numb face. This wasn’t what he’d been expecting, maybe something he’d been hoping but… a part was still braced for the rejection. For Neven to say that this was too much, that he couldn’t deal with something like this but the blow didn’t come. Reza was still pulled taut, like an anxious bowstring, and Neven insisted that it was okay again but it still didn’t feel okay. It still felt painful and nervewracking and wrong and that was just the turmoil inside Reza’s head at the moment. Curling his fingers around Neven’s, latching on like a man about to drown, he followed complacently, even as the whispers in his head returned to taunt him. ‘Just adorable. This is clearly all heading for a happily ever after, right Rez? With no deaths-’ Clenching his teeth, Reza shook out the thoughts, instead focusing on Neven and entering the ominous shed. He looked around, the faint scratch marks on the walls, and felt a shiver running down his spine. They were standing close again and Reza found himself basking in the warmth coming from the other boy, wishing for a moment that things were normal and they were just two human teenagers with normal human problems. “I deserve… Seriously?” Reza laughed, slightly maniacally because this situation was just… no. “We can’t both be the fuck ups in this… whatever this is. Because if I’m allowed to choose, I’d choose this but that’s not… I don’t think you know what you’re signing up for. I can deal with almost getting mauled or eaten or whatever, that happens to me all the fucking time whether I hang out with monsters -- sorry, or not. I don’t care that you might be dangerous, I really don’t.” Raking back his hair, tugging almost painfully on the roots, he let out a shuddering breath. “Because honestly, I’m pretty sure I might be addicted to the whole almost-dying thing, too.”
Neven almost smiled when Reza was done talking. Almost. Only a little tug at the corner of his mouth, that quickly faded, showed up on his face. He wanted to be relieved that Reza was okay with all this. Neven was fine with Reza’s past in return. He was a good person and both addictions and abusive relationships were hard things to kick. He could never blame someone struggling to make themselves better. But Neven couldn’t be relieved, because there was still more secrets hanging in the air between them. “Fair enough,” Neven said. He shoved his hands in his pockets, deciding to ignore Reza admitting he might literally have a death wish. It was surprisingly low on the spectrum at the moment. “But I think it’s you that doesn’t know what he’s signing up for.” Neven let out a sigh to steady himself. It felt like he’d been holding his breath this entire time, and the sigh did nothing to help the tightness that felt like drowning in his chest. “I don’t want any more secrets, so I need to lay this all out for you. Especially given your past...I might not be evil like your ex, that much I know, but I’m not innocent either. My origin story doesn’t start with some attack in the woods where I was forced into becoming a monster. I was so... I was selfish. I wanted to be special, like the rest of my family. So when I moved here and got talking to this guy, he told me his dad turned into a monster some nights. He brought me over to see his dad in a cage one day...and in a reckless, selfish move, I stuck my arm in there and let myself get bitten. I did this to myself, Reza.” He hadn’t realized he’d started crying. This was so much harder than telling Molly. Not only was this face to face, but he somehow knew Molly would still accept him. Reza had baggage that was all laid out between them now, and Neven was just waiting for the moment that it was all too much for him. “People tell me I’m not a monster, but I beg to fucking differ…”
The faint smile on Neven was gone as soon as it appeared, sending Reza into a frenzied train of thought because maybe, just maybe he’d been allowing himself to think this was going… not well but not awful? But the lack of a smile, as it turned out, wasn’t because of anything Reza had said. Watching Neven talk as tears began to roll down his face was hard and Reza still wasn’t very skilled at handling other people’s pain but the reason for Neven’s despair was… relatable, for lack of a better word, and Reza couldn’t help but smile, just a little. There was a moment after Neven trailed off where it was completely silent, any noise getting swallowed up by the snow outside and the thick walls of the shed, until Reza finally grabbed Neven’s hands and pulled him down to sit on the ground with him because he was tired and this was overwhelming, to put it gently. Legs crossed, hands still holding Neven’s because it was an odd comfort in this fucked up situation they had in the monster shed, Reza leaned his forehead to rest against Neven’s for a brief second. “You think that’s going to… scare me off, or whatever? I dated a vampire, Neven. I pretty much lived at Dance Macabre because I wanted so fucking bad to get turned, and my family’s completely human so you...” His hands squeezed Neven’s tighter, gaze moving from their interlocked fingers to Neven’s eyes. “I get it. Like… completely. Whether you think you’re a monster or not. So unless you got something else to confess…”
Neven was so thankful when Reza grabbed his hands and pulled him to sit on the ground. He hadn’t realized how unstable he’d felt, how lost on rough waters, until he had Reza there to anchor him. They were two ships caught in a storm, but they had each other to stay topside. Another tear rolled down his cheek, but a different emotion was behind it this time. Relief. He closed his eyes and just got wrapped up in the feeling of Reza’s hands in his and their foreheads touching, their heavy minds leaning on each other for support. “I got nothing,” he said with a dark chuckle. He opened his eyes to see Reza’s so close to his own and locked onto them. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Reza, pressing his tear soaked cheek to Reza’s as they hugged. He gripped onto the fabric of Reza’s jacket as if for dear life. As if the boy would fade away if he let go. “Thank you.” It was all he could think to say. There were no other words. He was speechless in the best way, finding someone who understood him and his fucked up motivations. “Thank you.”
The hugging was… different. Reza wasn’t a stranger to kissing and the likes, and barely to holding hands but hugs… there hadn’t been a lot of them and those few he’d shared with Izel were probably the only reason for Reza actually embracing Neven back. His shaky arms held onto the other just as tight, eyes closing to avoid looking at the scratched up walls in case his snarky train of thought decided to comment on them, and for a second everything was almost calm. “Thank you,” he repeated back, even though he still worried that Neven would realize just what he was signing up for and would back out eventually. “Do you, uhm... “ He cleared his throat as he pulled away, wiping at his damp face and Neven’s cheek as well with his thumb. “Do you wanna do something… normal? Like… I don’t fucking know, play video games or go have hot chocolate or something? You said you were going to teach me.”
Neven leaned into Reza’s hand when the boy’s thumb reached to wipe his tears away. He sniffled as he nodded. “Yeah, let’s...let’s do something normal. Get back to normal.” He got to his feet and held a hand out to help Reza to his. “Come on,” he said, still holding on to Reza’s hand as they left the shed and made their way to the back door of the house. It was pretty late, and he doubted anyone in the house would be up, especially his replicant dad. That guy went to sleep on the most rigid schedule he’d ever seen. But as he popped the door open and walked quietly into the kitchen with Reza behind him, he was surprised to find a silhouette sitting at the table in the dark, sipping orange juice. He couldn’t see her face very well, but he could tell it was his mom and she was giving him a look. He was busted anyway, so he flipped the light on. “Hey, Mom,” he started, but she cut him off. “The light was on in the shed and I was worried sick, young man. And who is that behind you?” Made sense. He’d randomly transformed during the day last week. She had right to worry. He nodded, hanging his head a little, then stepped out of the way to so his mom could get a full look at Reza. “This is Reza.” Her face lit up a little, getting up from her seat. “Reza as in...? Well, it’s nice to finally meet you. Wait...you two weren’t…?” Neven let out a nervous chuckle, waving his hands in front of him dismissively. “Oh my God, no Mom.” She laughed in turn, closing the gap between them and gasping when she saw the tear stains on their faces. “Oh my, have you boys been crying? Is everything okay?”
Reza wouldn’t have suggested going inside Neven’s house at any other time of the day, but from the looks of it, everyone would be asleep. At least he sincerely hoped so. Trailing behind Neven, he actually considered turning around and leaving when they found that there was actually someone awake. That option, although ridiculous, vanished as soon as the light was turned on and the woman, presumably Neven’s mom, started to worry at him. Reza inched forward just barely as he was introduced, offering a small smile that turned into pure horror at the implication of her following words. “No!” he objected, drawing back into himself when Neven, obviously, did the same. Right. Parents blatantly asking about sex. That was… new. He wasn’t sure which was more cripplingly embarrassing, that or the fact that yeah, their eyes were still totally puffy and red. “We’re… okay. I think?” he replied hesitantly, glancing over at Neven to confirm his answer, hand hovering close to the other boy’s, not quite daring to grab it.
“Yeah, we’re okay Mom.” Neven felt Reza’s hand close to his own, so he grabbed it to steady the other boy, who looked anxious to say the very least. “We had a fight, I guess you could call it. He knows now...about me.” He’d leave off the fact that Reza also knew about the entire family. That could wait. “Oh,” his mother replied. She looked concerned, but seemed to read Neven’s face and his confidence on the matter. “Well, that’s great. I’ll tell you from experience that a good relationship never stems from secrets. Just ask your fa--” But she cut herself off, obviously pained by the mention. It was easy to forget he wasn’t here, still seeing his face on a man too similar and at the same time too different all at once. Ken had suggested that they should ask him to leave, but their mother’s heart was too big to kick out a man with nowhere to go who was just as confused as them about the situation. “We were going upstairs to play some video games.” His mom nodded, obviously out of it as she’d rattled herself with her last comment. “That’s fine.” She stepped out of their way and let them pass, Neven giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling Reza along to the stairs. “But no funny business!”
The mood in the room shifted back to the tense atmosphere from before, in the shed, and Reza found himself physically cringing. Shit, yeah, Neven’s dad. The guy from AR who’d actually hurt Neven. Reza’s hand squeezed his tightly, the only comfort he could offer right now. Thankfully, Neven broke the mood and dragged Reza to the relative safety of Neven’s room. Face flushing, he couldn’t help but glance at the woman over his shoulder as the two of them ascended, hoping that the look he shot her was at least somewhat trustworthy. Sorta hoped that she was joking, too. It was a relief to finally enter Neven’s room, as intimate as it felt, and Reza found himself hovering by the closed door, uncertain of where to place himself. Sitting on the bed without Neven suggesting it felt weird and forward and just… no. So instead, he looked around. “I like your room.  Pretty… you.”
Neven chuckled. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” He noticed that Reza was hovering by the closed door, so after quickly turning on his TV and PS4, he sat on the bed himself and motioned for Reza to join him, patting the spot next to him. When the boy did, he handed him a controller and planted a soft kiss on Reza’s cheek before pulling away. “To a new beginning,” he said, bringing up the controller slightly as if to propose a toast with it. “Or a continuation, I guess.”
Reza held the controller in the unpracticed manner of someone who hadn’t played many, or any, video games in his life. It almost fell from his hand when Neven’s lips pressed against his cheek, eyes closing for a moment as his stomach fluttered. In that exact moment, Reza wanted nothing more than to lean in again, kiss him like they’d been kissing back in the alley before things went to shit but after everything, he knew it wasn’t the time. Not to mention that Neven’s mom downstairs kinda freaked him out. “I… yeah. Yeah, I like that.” Gently poking Neven’s controller with his own, scooting just that bit closer because the warmth was helping to warm both the physical cold and the icy claws inside his chest, Reza stared at the screen. “So… what the fuck do I do with this?”
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greenflamedwriter · 3 years
First Draft. Part One
Thinking back on it now, lance has never made any good decisions in all of his life. Falling from heaven, was not on his to do list.
He fumbled around like a newly born deer, unable to walk unable to communicate, and there were so many rules he needed to know to survive, he thought other fallen angels would help him.
But they cast him aside.
Lance didn’t understand it at first, the sneers and glances they gave him. Until he heard others gossip thinking he couldn’t hear them.
“He choose this! No one wanted to fall for something as stupid as he did.”
He began to ignore them and kept to himself at first it was fine.
That was until the hunger started.
The raw hunger was new, it burned him from the inside out, he had no idea how to stop it. He knew he craved something, anything !
Eating human food helped for a while but it didn’t take away the pain.
Then one day he saw a demon, and he was...handsome. Not that Lance cared about that sort of thing, but he was someone that made Lance breath stutter and freeze in his tracks.
His human side that was.
Lance could tell he was a demon, just by his scent, his mannerisms, but what he truly looked like Lance figured he would never know. His every instinct told Lance not to get involved to go the other way and avoid him.
Then Lance’s eyes trailed to the woman hanging of the demons arm, tugging him playfully towards somewhere.
Lance’s feet moved on their own, curiosity dragged him from heaven before, why not follow it further?
The demon took her home and Lance watched from the rooftop of another street, perched on the edge like a gargoyle.
He saw the two going into her room he presumed, he waited for the demon to pounce and wondered if he’d be witnessing a murder.
What happened...was not what he was expecting.
The demons warm smile, that even gave Lance butterflies, changed and even the hungry look in his eye was indescribable.
Both the demon and human started taking of their clothes, Lance gasped and covered his eyes. An Angel- no wait, ex-angel- Couldn’t watch this, he’s never seen this before. He’s heard of it, it was the main reason why most angels fell in the first place.
But he’d never, oh my god- he was going to hell! Lance’s heart beat thumped against his chest like a twittering bird.
He peeked through his fingers feeling his heart sky rocket as he saw in full detail what this demon was doing. Oh god he could still see his face, until the demon looked up their eyes locked.
Lance gasped and fell backwards, falling off of the ledge and onto the rooftop. He groaned more than winded until he realised what happened and crawled over the wall covering his mouth.
He saw him! Now Lance was full out panicking, what the hell was he going to do?
“What are you doing here!?”
A voice growled behind him, Lance all but screamed and whipped around, his white wings fluttering behind him. The demon flew above him with a beat of his bat like wings he landed before the angel.
His yellow eyes scrunched into a snarl, his horns haphazard and broken, unlike Lance’s halo that was still intact.
Lance was petrified.
“Kid, I don’t actually enjoy voyeurism so you tell me what was…” The demon paused as it took in Lance’s wings, still white and halo still intact except for that tell tale hairline fracture at the centre.
Shiro reached out and grabbed his wing, Lance panicked trying to move back and his other wing spasmed his body reacting at the danger, his thoughts only screaming red-alarms.
He’s going to rip my wings off!
“Keep still.” Lance stopped instantly, biting his cheek to stop himself from crying.
The demons eyes dragged from his wings, as some feathers molted to the floor, to his face.
“When did you fall?” The demon asked, Lance was unsure of answering until he saw the flex of fingers on his wing and gasped out “A-A few months ago.”
The demon drew back, slowly letting for of his wings, the angel gave a sigh of relief. Until the other spoke.
“And how long have you been starving yourself?”
Lance eyes flickered, starving?
He asked those sentiments himself, the demon only growled and lunged forward. Lance cried out about to fall over the side of the rooftop, about to eat concrete-
- Then his whole world snapped to a stop.
As lips crashed onto his, Lance was too stunned to move. Until he felt a tongue probe forwards and slip into his mouth he gasped, and the demon slotted forward keeping him still by gripping his wings.
Lance buckled trying to shift, until he felt something warm travel down his throat and he gasped, as that long simmering burn he once felt in his stomach diminished like a cold bucket of water.
The demon pulled back “That, is what you need to feed. The essence of humans, make them pray for you, believe in you- fear you or...the most simplest way is to have carnal relations with them and draw out their essence.”
Lance was too busy being shocked that he was just kissed...by a demon.
“Why did no one tell you this?”
Lance looked up at the demon still processing, until he realised what he said “I....maybe it’s because I didn’t really fall, like….like they did.”
The demon crossed his arms “Really? I doubt it’s that different to the others, let me guess you missed your old life and wished to return.” Lance shook his head.
“You had tempting sinful thoughts-”
“God no!”
Lance didn’t have to tell him, but the demon felt less...horrible than the others, and this was the first time anyone had talked to him. Lance was going out of his mind being unseen by the others and ignored. Call him a little desperate.
“I fell in love, okay? I know it’s stupid as soon as I fell down here she died. I’m stuck and she’s gone and it’s pathetic. The others wanted nothing to do with me, that I actively choose this while they feel cheated.”
The demon said nothing and Lance started playing with his wings, the demon gave a tut and grabbed his arm.
“Wh- What are you-”
“Shut up, you should be grateful that I’m taking you under my wing.” Lance gaped and tried to look at him properly “And I’m supposed to follow you?I don’t even know who you are-”
The demon looked back with a smirk “My name is Kuro, there. Not strangers...”
.....Years Later....
Lance was on his own, looking seriously at a poster chart for a space program.
He might as well right? He was practically immortal, better to start now than never.
He glanced at the poster and gaped “That son of a bitch.”
Right there looking like a ray of sunshine was Kuro, he was a senior cadet and already had missions in space already.
Lance grit his teeth together. he thought he was done with that demon. But no matter what Lance did he couldn't escape him!
He was calling himself Shiro now (White? HAH!) He was acting like some goody two shoe poster boy and Lance saw through that act like clear glass.
He knew why the demon was doing it though, Shiro was looking for alternate ways to feed, humans weren’t stupid. They were becoming more aware of them, demons and fallen angels. Although they did call their kind vampires, some sort of superstition at least.
Still better safe than sorry, not to mention the surplus population the ratio of humans to their kind was not enough.
It was better to look for alternate food sources while they could.
Lance though, he wanted to return back to the stars. He knew heaven wouldn't take him back but…just a touch of his outstretched fingers would be enough.
Although knowing Shiro was here made him almost reconsider.
But… being on earth...alone. He fell for a reason to stay on Earth with the one he loved. But now he would do anything to get away from the reminder.
Then Shiro got lost in space, and Lance well- he cackled like an idiot. He didn't mean to it was just, Kuro finally goes in space ister big bad I'm going to fix the food shortage problem and ends up vanishing like a fucking idiot.
Lance laughed, then got punched by Keith Kogane.
He wasn't laughing now, at least he took Keiths spot as a fighter pilot. But it didn't feel earned even the flight instructors got in his face about it.
Lance held back on so many choice words, he was an angel for crying out loud he could suck everyone in this room dry till they were crumpled corpses.
But if he said that outloud you gotta believe everyone would take that wrong.
Later that night, feeling antsy and starving he convinced Hunk to go to the next town other to meet some girls.
Then he spotted Pidge.
And curiosity got the best of him yet again, he needed to stop following that thing but what was the worst that could happen?
He followed Pidge onto the roof where a meteor landed right outside of their base. Weird coincidence but whatever.
Then Pidge hacked into their video feeds.
“Is it the aliens? Oh God they came here so quick.”
It turned out to be Shiro strapped to a table.
God why couldn’t he escape him!?
They all agree to save Shiro not until another player joins the field, and it happens to be Keith.
Could this day get any more better?
He followed Keith into the make shift tent and watched as the kid pulled down his mask and tilt Shiro's face.
Then Lance saw it, Keith's devotion- and understand why he punched Lance before.
And something ugly twisted inside of Lance's chest.
"Uh-uh, Oh no. I'm saving Shiro!" Lance said forcefully pushing the table out of the way and grabbing Shiro's...robotic arm?
The fuck did this guy even do in space?
"Who are you?"
Lance raised an eyebrow, was this guy serious?
Well guess you can't remember everyone you punch.
"Uh, Guys?" Hunk called out worried "I think we have company."
"Ah shit."
They managed to avoid the garrison, and death from Keith's reckless driving and made it to his shack in one piece.
Lance collapsed onto his couch, welp there goes the space program. He could probably try again in a couple of years when the garrison forget all about him.
Keith growled "Help me!" Lance flinched and saw Keith drag Shiro towards a door, maybe the bedroom?
"You look like you have it covered buddy."
"Get the fucking door!" Keith yelled his voice pitching, Shiro must be heavier than he thought.
Lance took his time in opening the door and Keith huffed, there was a bed that Keith placed him on once Shiro was settled did Keith go towards the closet and grab some clothes.
Lance glanced at Shiro and frowned, the white streak in his hair was new, and the scar across his nose....
did Lance feel bad for him...?
Nah! Of course not, Shiro was unkillable. He was like Samuel Jackson in hitmans body guard.
Still it was taking a while so Lance took a step back "I'll leave you to it, he'll probably get spooked if there's more than one person in here."
Keith just grunted and Lance just sighed and left the room, shutting the door with a slam, after walking out into the hallway he heard Pidge and Hunk.
"The Anaesthetic should be wearing off soon." Pidge said, still typing on her computer.
"I know but it's taking so long- the garrison is going to kill us Pidge, and the aliens? Are they here, I'm freaking out."
Lance grimaced and stepped inside "Hunk, it'll be fine. Once Shiro wakes up everything will be all sorted out. All we have to do is wait."
Waiting turned into an hour....then a few more minutes. In that time Hunk was looking at Keiths wall and announced he could find Voltron with a geiter meter. He has just now finished it.
Having nothing left to do, Lance walked towards the bedroom to tell Keith the good news.
They should at least prepare until Shiro wakes up.
Lance opened the door “Hey Keith-” He stopped to see both Shiro and Keith making out, Lance should’ve figured, Shiro was starving for...who knows how long. It still pissed him off though.
The two stopped startled and looked at him in surprise, Lance beamed.
"Lance get out!" Keith squeaked, Lance couldn’t help it his smile spread further.
"Oho! I'm sorry," He dodged a flying shoe still smiling like a chesire cat "But Hunk has that geiter meter finished,"
Keith's paused "Wait, really- Shiro C'mon!"
Keith ran past them grabbing his shoe along the way, Lance leaned against the door frame with a smirk.
Shiro scowled, and grabbed his shirt pulling on the sleeves and doing up his jacket.
"You did that on purpose," he prowled forward making Lance look up.
“So what if I did?”
Shiro took a breath then exhaled resigned, "Lance, about where we left things off...." He was going to apologise, Lance couldn't believe it. There was no way.
"I wish I had left sooner."
Lance gave a slow blink "What?"
Shiro shrugged, still blissfully unaware "I think taking you under my wing,"
Taking? More like grooming.
"Was okay, but I think just knowing me instead of branching of to the others is why we resent each other."
wrong, so so wrong.
"Thanks for saving me, but Keith and I can handle this, so you could just go back to the garrison-”
"Fuck you Kuro."
Shiro stopped talking and finally looked at Lance who was visibly shaking "When they said you vanished you know what I thought? Thank god."
Sure he wished Shiro was lost in space he didn't want the guy dead though, he didn't have to know that.
"I saved you since you helped me back there, so you have nothing to hold over me. But don't start acting like a guardian now especially with how much you fawn over your god damn precious golden boy-"
"Save it. We're finding this Voltron and reporting back to the garrison and then I am done with you." Lance turned around then whipped back around pointing at Shiro.
"I wanted to leave Earth to get rid of my demons."
Shiro's eyes widened in hurt, Lance walked back towards the sitting room where Hunk and Pidge were suspiciously quiet he glanced at Keith and almost flinched when the others eyes flashed at his.
What was his problem?
Shiro came out of the room looking sour and drained, oh yeah he was hungry and was about to use Keith as a meal. Lance's smirk grew, serves him right.
End of Chapter one
Angel Dialouge.
_Kuro opened the door to his (now shared) apartment and paused when he looked up. He still wasn't used to the sight.
Lance likes heights to remind himself how he had never fallen."
"Admiring the view?"
"I like the height, it's almost like I..."
"Oh, how was your day?"
-Kisses Lance This wasn't a permanent arrangment, once Lance figured it out himself he'll leave. And Kuro can continue on like normal.
"Scoot over."
"T-thank you
"You're welcome
"Do you want to fly with me?
You do still remember?" He asked.
"Well duh, You do realise you're looking at the fastest flyer in Celestia?" "Uh I mean-"
"Well if you're that good, you're going to have to prove it."
"I don't have to prove anything- You'll be so shocked you'll fly into a billboard."
“Hey Lance, mind if we talk a minute?”
“Lance, I can’t keep talking care of you like a mama bird that feeds her chick.”
“Lance, do you want to come with me, and see how I feed?” Lance blinked then flushed “H-How you feed?”
“No. No- I’m not ready.” Kuro’s face fell and Lance stood up walking away.
“I can’t-��
“Would others help?” Kuro asked and Lance blinked “Others?”
“I mean other fallen angels, to show you how it’s done.” Lance stared and Kuro waited a beat then held his hands up “Lance, I don’t see any other way-”
“I will- I’ll watch...I do want to learn.” And Kuro smiled and Lance had to beam at him as well.
“Kuro? Hey I’m sorry for-”
There was no one there.
He opened the door and froze eyes wide as he inhaled sharply.
“I can’t do this.”
He had to leave. Now.
“Lance? Lance wait-” He felt his arm being grabbed and let himself be pulled.
“Lance? You said you wanted to learn-”
“Yeah to watch- as in you had no part in it and now you’re- you’re having...intercourse with angels something that doesn’t benefit you.”
“Lance, it’s okay for angels and demons to have sex,”
“Yeah but I- nevermind. Look thanks Kuro, but I’m still not ready for this world yet.”
“You can’t just,”
“Apparate towards heaven?”
“It’s not called Heaven- it’s Celestia.”
“And I can’t go back, I know that I’ll figure something out.”
“You’re leaving?”
“Yes. Thank you Kuro for everything, once I figure everything out-”
“No.” Lance flailed at the sudden dark tone from Kuro.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
-Lance thought it was impossible to fall further into this abyss called hell-
They said hell was an internal flame with burned wretched souls, but Lance never believed in that Hell, no this was stone cold, ice glaziers striking his heart and wearing him down with the weight.
Kuro brought another angel over. Kinkade.
“Out for a flight.”
“Maybe Kinkade could join us?”
He was enraptured with Kuro’s flying. How strong it was, powerful and beautiful, like a shark coming to sweep you up from below.
Lance had no ides he’d been engulphed long ago.
But then Kinkade flew towards Kuro and Lance felt his heart clench.
None of the other angels fell into Kuro’s trap, it was as if they were all playing a game, and Lance was too stupid to know how to play it.
(At least they got closer) a traitorous voice told him (They get to touch him, have him in a way you’ll never have.)
Lance let his wings beat one final time before he plummeted his eyes slipping shut.
Falling brought him into this mess, maybe the second time might kill him.
All Lance did was fall in love, why was this punishment?
Before he could hit the ground the sound escaping his ears he felt something tug against him harshly and he cried out as he went the other way shooting into the sky, he cried out scrambling against the thing that had him and was flying higher into the sky. Lance almost stopped breathing he didn’t have to as they shot upwards breaking past the smoky clouds.
Lance blinked as they escaped the clouds and reached higher as he looked down to see Earth's atmosphere.
The line between the blue of the earth glowing and almost swallowed by the black of space.
Lance eyes widened tears springing to his eyes.
His hand outstretched as if he could touch it, the earth the clouds the stars in the sky and further and further.
What he used to see at Celestials gates.
He looked up and saw Kuro holding him in his arms with a murderous look on his face. Lance blanched leaning further away.
“Want to go back to Celestial so badly?” He asked his words scaching and almost blending in with the vast space behind him.
Kuro was like a black hole that was sucking Lance in and if he got too close, he’ll rip him apart.
“Then fly there yourself.”
His hands slowly let go and Lance gasped as he plummeted. Too weak to even beat his wings never mind trying to fly back to that place that unreachable place that is not only closed off by the length of space but by physical limitations too.
Lance screamed as he fell flashes to the first time, he was as scared as he was now.
His wings beating uselessly against him and Lance turned to see the Earth greeting him, welcoming him in with it’s gravitational embrace.
It wasn’t comforting.
Lance was screaming so much he couldn’t breathe.
He stopped just as quickly still panting, gulping in large gasps of air and heard Kinkade laugh.
“Did you see his face, Kuro?” Lance’s face scrunched in confusion. Until he heard the beat of the bat like wings attached to a chuckling demon.
Lance pushed Kinkade away, that was it. He’d had enough.
Watching the angels getting closer to Kuro while he could barely get a finger's breadth, he felt Kuro fly towards him his hand reaching out.
He touched his shoulder then screamed as he ripped his arm back as if he’d been burned.
Lance skin was smoldering with smoke as if he was burning, he turned face scrunched into a snarl his eyes glowing bright light with an angelic scorn.
Kuro forgot, Lance fell recently and unlike him who was surviving from humans or Kinkade who barely had any left. They forgot the remaining Grace that Lance had.
And he looked like an avenging Angel smiting those that disobeyed his beliefs.
They forgot for a moment and felt fear as Lance screamed a shockwave bellowed out, the clouds rolling grey and a thunderous roar bringing down the rain.
Kuro and Kinkade fell back crashing to the earth their wings ripped from the sheer impact, Lance collapsed onto the pavement his feet barely holding him up as smoke waved of his body and his own wings ripped from the impact.
His still looked Murderous.
“If you try to find me again, Kuro. I’ll kill you.” Lance slowly stood straighter the light dimming from his eyes. “Consider that a warning.”
Kuro was barely able to hold his conscious as he watched Lance turn around in the rain his wings dragging behind him, Kuro blacked out.
And once he awoke, Lance was gone. Missing, and Kuro frantically searched for him everywhere in the city but he couldn’t find him either because Lance knew how to hide from him or worse….Lance was dead.
-He will never fly again, the ripped out crystals won’t affect his flight after food he’ll be as good as new…wait..-
“Um, excuse me?”
“Um, are you okay?”
“No, I...I was kicked out of my home, as you do.”
“Kicked out in this rain? That just won’t do, come on. Let’s get you out of this freezing cold.”
_Guy lunges and kisses lance and lance accidently sucks out his soul-
“I did it- I didn’t even have to go the whole way!”
“Hey! What’s going on over there!”
"Oh, he tried to hassle me then he just collapsed.”
“I’ll call an ambulance,”
“You may need to give a statement.”
-Gives Lance his jacket in the rain-
“Sorry, you look cold.”
“Do you have a place to stay?”
“Um, no...my friend uh, kicked me out.”
“What? That douche, I uh, I know this is creepy but I do need a roommate, I work full day shifts and my dog is always alone.”
“If it’s no bother-”
“No bother at all, oh I didn’t get your name.”
“The names Lance.”
The man chuckled “I’m Ryou,”
If Kuro was an angel, he guessed this is what he would look like, Lance figured. There was loads of differences with the two, the whole lack of demon aura for one was comforting. Lance drew the coat closer to himself and smiled. He just hoped he wasn’t another creep like Kuro, or the other stranger on the floor but at least.
Lance smiled slow and cunning, he could take care of himself.
-Pods open to reveal Allura falling out.-
“Who are you?”
“I-I uh,”
-Lance overloaded on altean energy-
“Who are you, how did you get into the castle!”
“Whoa- let him go we are not the enemies here!”
-Lance wobbles away-
“Are you okay?”
“Back off.”
-Allura give her hologram lions to each of them.
“What, a handsome gifted pilot that's ever existed? I get it."
“Ahem, the black lion requires a leader someone who is focused where everyone will follow them.”
“Shiro, You will be the Black Paladin.”
“Oh fuck off.”
-Others stare-
“What? Why is Shiro the leader? He was taken by the galra he could be brainwashed for all we know.”
-fight sentry and misses shot-
“You were too slow.”
-Fumes when Allura agree's with him-
-Mind meld-
“Visualise in your mind your most important memory.”
“Pidge stop thinking of your girlfriend!”
“I’m not it’s Lance!”
“Hey I wasn’t thinking of my-”
“Plus it wasn’t me it was Pidge!"
“I’m just- I’m just tired
“Okay, we’ll take a break.”
“So, who was she anyway. You never mentioned a girlfriend at the garrison and I pegged you for the bragging type, she looked cute.”
“Hunk, not now.”
“Well we’re taking a break I mean, she looked latino, a sister I don’t know-”
“Hunk- Back off !”
“I’m sorry Hunk,” “I’m just uh, going to look for Coran.”
“What was his problem?”
“I don’t know, did I say something wrong?”
“He was probably stressed from the training, but still that doesn’t mean he takes it out on you.”
“Her name was Penolope.”
“She died. Before Lance could even tell her how he felt, he fell for her and she died. I know you meant well Hunk but Penelope is a bit of a sore spot for him.”
“I...I didn’t know.” Shiro nodded “He’s not open about it,”
“Was this when…?”
-Lance wasn’t talking to Hunk. Hunk wasn’t talking to Lance.-
“Look, I’m sorry to snap at you if you’re mad at me I get it-”
“Whoa whoa- What?” Hunk cried out looking alarmed and even Lance flinched surprised.
“Wait- I thought you were mad at me !”
“What? Why would I be mad at you? I was the one who was being an inconsiderate jerk.”
“You were avoiding me?”
“What no- I tried to give you some room I thought you hated me!”
“Of course I don’t hate you-you're Hunk. You’re like the nicest person here! I would never hate you.”
-They make up-
“If you guys are treating me like glass because of what you know I’ll stop speaking to all of you.”
“Look, I’m sorry.”
“I know it’s my fault that we can’t form Voltron I hadn’t been honest about myself,”
“Nonsense, trusting each other is the key not knowing each other’s secrets. Just trust each other blind faith! That’ll get it done!.”
“Which we can’t do when someone is purposely being an ass.” (Keith)
“And that’s not the reason why we can’t form Voltron. You hate Shiro and that’s why we’re not moving. We’re on a planet like sitting ducks out here waiting to be killed by the Galra all because you can’t just man up and get over this stupid fight with Shiro.”
“I hate Shiro. There happy now, And I doubt those feelings would change. Even if you guys tell me that I have to man up to work with you all but honestly? There’s nothing keeping me here.”
“I can leave if I damn near want to. If it’s that or make nice with Shiro I know where I’m going.”
“Lance! You can’t just abandon this fight! You have an obligation as the Blue Paladin-”
“You can do it then, if you’re that interested.”
“Believe me, all I’ve ever wanted was to be a pilot to Voltron. To make Zarkon pay for everything he’s done and I won’t let a human destroy the last hope to save the universe.”
“Oh, you won’t let me? so you’re going to force me to be a paladin then what’s next? force Voltron to save the world, Force it to make the Galra pay for what they did to you and the alteans and put them through what they went through?”
“That sounds like dictatorship and you’ll be just as bad as the Galra.”
-others flinch at Shiro's tone-
“I’ve been in the arena, I had to fight other prisoners to the death to survive and when they had enough they made us fight their champion a monster that was too strong for any of us and they died . Civilians that did not ask for this and imagine that they learn we could've saved them but didn’t because one member was too selfish and cowardly to do anything about it.”
“This is bigger than you or me, lives are on the line here and you can take that hate you feel for me and cram it. Use it to help us to form Voltron and think of it this way. The quicker we form Voltron the quicker you and I can be on different sides of the galaxy as far away from each other.”
“And plus
“You still owe me from all those years ago, I didn’t have to take you under my wing.”
“You can leave if you want Lance, but that doesn’t mean we’ll hold it lightly."
“Look, my feelings aren’t going to magically disappear overnight. And not only do I have the right to have second thoughts, I’m allowed. We were on earth and now your asking us to risk our lives for a cause we have no part in?”
“No, here me out first. None of us have spoke about this, I bet Pidge had ideas of coming out here in the first place."
“Don’t drag me into this.”
“But it’s true, and you Hunk, do you want to die in space, never seeing your family again?”
“They are allowed to know! We’re just kids! And believe me I’m not running away. I’ve honestly got nothing better to do. But none of you asked us if we’re okay with this.”
“He has a point.”
“I get what you’re saying but I miss my family and I want to go home like is that an option?”
-hits grenade-
“Lance just- dived in front of Rover, like steve rogers on the grenade in captain America!”
“Oh god what’s happening.”
“it’s the Galra, that’s what happens when we stay planet side for so long.”
“And our crystal was destroyed. We can’t power the ship, we’re defencless princess.”
“We need another crystal, luckily Corans grandfather made a back-up chamber.”
“But with no power to activate it, that chamber is radioactive.”
“How else can we get it out then?”
“The Paladin suits were upgraded to withstand any environment, space and radiation you’ll have to go to a decontamination chamber but you will have to remain there until the ship is up and running.”
“Why do I feel like your asking me to do it.”
“Hunk that is final. Pidge Keith, you have to stop any intruders to getting to this point, it is the main control panel and the galra would take over the ship and take the lions with them.”
“And Shiro, we need to take Lance to the medical bay."
“Medical bay?”
“It has it’s own solar crystal. It hasn’t been affected by the blackout, come we don’t have time.”
“In here.”
“Quickly, we don’t have time, remove his clothes.”
“uh what-”
“No everything , the pod will place him in medical suiting without disturbing the wound.”
“He’s going to be okay, two days in the pod and he’ll make a full recovery.” Shiro wished he could believe that especially at the blood seeping through the white suit the Pod put him in.
“How? He was exposed to a grenade. That would’ve killed him.”
“Not with Altean technology, we can treat anything. Shiro this is why I brought you here, with the Galra threat we need someone to watch over Lance.”
“Of Course I’ll stay here, what are you and Coran going to do.”
“We’re going to help Hunk hook up the crystal and re-activate the castle. I’ll assisted Coran. Keep your cons on and don’t for any circumstance abandon this room until we give the all clear.”
“Are you an idiot or something!?”
“No wonder you hate me, any normal person would let go.”
“But I’m selfish,”
“I wish we could start over, I wish I knew what to fix this. But I don’t know…”
“Champion, I know Zarkon will be pleased to have all the lions and his champion back in his empire.”
“As if I’ll roll over for you.”
“The galra gave me an upgrade as well.”
“Want to see what it does?”
Only to freeze as Lance fired a warning shot taking a step back against Shiro.
“Stay right there!”
“Kuro- What the hell is even going on, and who the heck are those guys...what’s with the weird outfits?”
“Lance, what was the last thing you remembered?”
“He was let out the pod too early, his memories must have been affected.”
“My memories?”
“Lance, we’re friends all of us.”
“So how much am I forgetting?”
“Well the fact that you’re glued to Shiro right now? That’s alot.”
“What? Why would me being next to...wait Shiro?”
“When did that happen?”
Lance reached out his finger almost about to touch the bridge of Shiro’s nose until he paused.
“Sorry, I- Sorry,”
“Everything was fuzzy there for a second.”
“It’s fine, why you were let out early is- oh my Altea you should get back in, you’re wounds a probably…”
“The Galra let me out but I think I’m okay? Maybe it works differently on humans.”
“Lance, if you want to leave Voltron it’s okay.”
“I don’t want you to go, but it’s your choice. The others won’t give you a hard time I just,"
“I don’t want to force you to stay with me this time. I know I screwed up and if there’s anything to make up for it I will.”
“W-well fine. God if I left you guys all of you would be in pieces all over the control room."
"Too soon?"
“Dude I’m a leg!”
“That’s awesome man!”
“Alright team,”
“Time for some battle formations.”
He was starving. Lance stood on wobbly legs, his door opened with a silent whoosh he walked towards Allura's room one hand on the door, the neon lights reflected his shadow and in turn the hidden wings.
Lance eyes caught the reflection and his breath hitched. Instead of the transparent crystal like wings he grew up with- he saw leathery bat like wings in his silouette.
Lance fell backwards scrubbing at his eyes to see his shadow the same. Just him, wingless.
Before he could even think of stepping inside the alarms began to blare overhead, Lance scowled. Just typical, he began to run towards the hanger then backtracked once he saw Shiro leaving Keiths room.
Both looked haggard while running towards the doors while pulling on their armour.
Lance almost ran into the wall.
Oh- So that’s why he couldn’t find Shiro last night. Lance scowled and began to walk towards his room grabbing his armour. That was just typical.
“If the Galra attacked we would be dead!”
“Been there, done that.”
“And you should be even more vigilant!”
“I almost died which makes me even more tired. I think I’m allowed a small break?”
“Seriously, you okay?”
“Uh yeah- I’m fine,”
“Uh, are you okay?”
“Not really, I wish I had more time to mentally prepare.”
“Well I guess you can’t ever prepare yourself, I mean your the type that over thinks things and freaks out.”
“But honestly, you’ve been doing fine so far, I mean out of everyone you looked like you adjusted well.”
“Yeah, the first mind meld you were thinking about food,”
“Yeah well when I’m nervous I think about food, or stressed it’s uh my comfort.”
“Remember the time we pranked Iverson at the garrison?”
“With clarity.”
“You were freaking out so much, we were almost caught you know.”
“What Prank with iverson?”
“Remember that time Iverson was locked inside the classroom and no one opened the door for him- not even the teachers?”
“That was you?”
“I heard a student hacked into the system and unearthed lots of dirt on Iverson and uploaded it on youtube.” Lance fist pumped “Kudo’s to that guy- he’s our hero!”
“It’s a distress signal.”
“What if it’s a trap?”
“There are thousands of distress signals caused by the galra, if we start saving them maybe we’ll gain allies.”
“I think it’s worth a shot, if it falls down to a fight we can handle it.”
“Is there any objections?” Allura asked at last and Lance felt himself grow irritated, too late we’re already there!
“We came as soon as we heard your distress signal,”
“Distress signal- oh that- that was a trap?”
“For the Galra! We always trap the Galra and integrate them to tell other rebellions what to look out for.”
“This whole planet is actually a ship-”
“Rolo, how should we even trust them.”
“We’re the paladins of Voltron,” Nyma raised an eyebrow.
“Isn’t that supposed to be a myth?”
“We’re as real as they come.”
“This ship is just the entrance,”
“No way you can control the whole planet!”
“Yep, wouldn’t it be suspicious for Galra to go missing all the time? They’d have to investigate the same coordinates they were located, it’s a shame that the planet disappeared though.”
“That’s a cool trick.”
“Well if the Galra are dumb enough not to catch on the better for us,”
“What exactly do you guys even do?”
“So what do you do around here?”
“I run maintenance, Beezer navigations and Rolo is the pilot,”
“Oh that sounds like my team, Hunk is our maintenance guy and Pidge is our navigations and I’m the pilot.”
“Oh I could tell, you act so confident
“Yep, you have to be to lead a team on a dangerous exhibition-”
“Hey, you’re a paladin of Voltron, right?”
“Uh yeah,”
“So you have a lion, right?”
“Right what was not to get- oh.”
“We’re going for a flight!”
“Lance wait-”
“Oh let them go. Nyma has been cooped up in here for a while.”
“Hey You said this planet was used as a trap to lure people inside and then gruel them for information.”
“Since we’re inside the planet right now, how do we know you’re not tricking us the same way?”
“What? There’s more of you than of us,”
“These camera’s should be recording what is happening on the planet right?”
“Hunk- there’s no need for these accusations.”
“No he’s right, Lance just left- but...he’s not on the screen.”
“Someone’s sabotaged the camera’s- Beezer!”
Hunk flushed “Oh my god dude I’m so sorry-”
“It’s fine, Nyma must of changed the screens for some privacy, now I’m embarrassed.”
“Hey, want to try something?”
“Uh sure-”
“Sorry Lance, The Galra promised me if I gave them a lion they would let my team go, you understand right?”
“It’s a shame I really liked you-”
“What did you do to her!”
“She tied me up and was about to take the blue lion, she made a deal with the galra."
“What- you’d really think we’d do that?”
“The cameras were faulty and you even said Nyma must have done it. That was the perfect chance to take the blue lion.”
“Nyma could be dead for all I know, how do I know you’re Paladin didn’t kill her!?”
“She’ll be fine, once she wakes up we’ll ask what happened.”
“How can we even trust them after what just happened,”
“How can we trust you!?”
“It was true I was trying to steal the blue lion.”
“Nyma- Voltron is our last hope, the only thing that could stop the Galra and you almost sabotaged that?”
“They gave me a deal, the Galra’s technology are advancing you have noticed that they can find us much quicker than usual, they’re catching on to us Rolo, I don’t think we can last long.”
“But we can help,”
“If we have your trust, then trust that we can help you. We’ll stop the Galra from their rein if other Rebellions like you can help us.”
“But if you betray us, the Galra will be the worst of your concerns
“Wow that makes us sound just as bad- no she meant we’ll just leave you alone, because you know it takes two to tango and trust isn’t a one way street.”
“Listen, we don’t necessarily trust you, how can we? You might not even be voltron.”
“Really? Did you miss the memo with the freakin space lions out side?”
“Don’t patronise me.”
“Fine, we have connections to other Rebellions, the Gaia clan and Orion and the Bulmarans.” he shook Allura’s hand.
“I hope we can become allies.”
“Get off, I can walk okay by myself.”
“Your welcome?”
“Lance- did I...do something to offend you in some way?”
“Oh no we are not doing this!”
“Now would be the best time, just us two. You can tell me if I did anything- I said sorry for keeping you, I should’ve let you go- be your own person and learn things on your own-”
“I wanted to stay with you, I- I was alone and no one even looked at me...except you.”
“The other demons and angels ,” Lance’s eyes narrowed “Didn’t like me, you know why?”
“You fell in love and choose to go to earth to be with Penelope...Why?”
“The angels hated me, Shiro. They would tease me, shove me off buildings to fall a second time and the worst one was Adam
“Adam- no, Adam was really nice he agreed to help you remember? To learn how to-”
“Have sex.”
“Thought it was odd, how much Adam liked helping you- like all the time, especially when I was involved. He loved to rub it in because he knew- all the angels knew so I thought you were all conspiring against one another or something.”
“Lance- what are you talking about.”
“Lance- we should go and find the lions. Now .”
“I hate Coran.”
“Me too...What’re you laughing at?”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re looking a little grey and wrinkly there.” Shiro squinted at him then looked offended “That’s my scar you ass!”
“Is it? I just think it’s one big ass wrinkle that’s what it is.”
“You fucking show off..."
“Please don’t do that- we’re okay one minute and then you just, shut off. I know you do it, and I said I was sorry- and I do mean it Lance to whatever I did that made you upset I apologise.”
“Shiro I can’t forgive you, I might not ever forgive you.”
“But that doesn’t mean we can’t get along right?”
“Let’s go, we must be further away from the lions.”
Shiro tensed waiting for the other shoe to drop, Lance followed the smell, it….it strangely smelled like a barbeque?
He pushed back the vines as he neared closer and outright gaped as he pulled back a large leaf.
It was the village.
“Are you freakin kidding me?”
Pidge was there, and they were stroking a raptor- an honest to god raptor turned with a smile “Lance, Shiro you made it!” Did they walk into another dimension or something?
Hunk even appeared and yep- he was holding the barbeque ribs Lance was smelling.
“You guys took so long, so Coran sent us down to see if you were okay?”
They heard Coran before they saw him “Ah so you were taking the scenic route? I’m not surprised this planet is beautiful.”
Lance could only stare at them “We lived jurassic park Coran, we almost died three times !”
Coran waved them off as he was stroking a raptor that had a blue streak and flickering eyes “You must of scared them.”
“ We scared them !?” Lance loved Coran at the best of time, but there were moments (Like this one) When Lance just wanted to strangle the guy.
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