#the halloween collection gvf
gretavanhoney · 3 years
Hey love can i get a ship and maybe a little imagine??
I am a 23 y/o female from Washington 🌲I have a six year old daughter named Swae who is honestly the coolest little person in the world (she was born on halloween like how cool!) , i just recently dyed her hair hot pink which looks so cute
I am a 5’3 ginger with freckles everywhere, i have a few piercings and small tattoos, Swae and I are vegetarians but if she wanted to eat meat i would honestly totally let her. I have a 70’s curly bright orange shag going on right now my daughter calls it my “Stevie Nicks” hair, we both have a very 70’s indie grunge style like she has the cutest little bell bottoms that i love so much but her school says they aren’t “play ground appropriate” how lame.
I’m not like a “crunchy” mom cause honestly i couldn’t do that but every time she gets a break from school and i get a break from work i take her on road trips and we sleep in the van, i let her run around without shoes and collect all the rocks and flowers she wants, we don’t yell at eachother but instead have talks about our big feelings, i have to stop her from adopting every single worm she sees because god knows why that girl loves worms. We are a spiritual family but not the way most people think, we thank Gaia and collect herbs, crystals and lots of plants.We do yoga together and walk down to the farmers market and get our coffee in the morning (Coffee for me and strawberry milk for her)
Her dad isn’t in her life so it’s just me and her, she’s my best friend honestly. We live in a small apartment with lots of plants and a little frog named Mark. We both have this problem of every weekend wanting to go to the thrift stores which honestly we always do. My favorite GVF song is Tears Of Rain and hers is Always There.
We both have lots of personality, there’s no shame in dancing down the street with us. I don’t shave or wear bras, my hair is never brushed and i just want to teach my daughter that she doesn’t have to be anything for anyone. I take her to protests and encourage her to be open with her body and never embarrassed, she knows she can be whoever she wants no matter her gender or sexuality because i will always love her. our home is surrounded in love and fun. We write a lot, sing loud, dance around, laugh a lot and have open conversations no matter how hard the topic is
as you can tell i could talk about my daughter forever but honestly i don’t even remember who i was before her, my entire life is based on my baby. I didn’t even mention my career oh wow so i’m an artist and people commission me for murals and stuff which i love. Sorry that was a lot i love you have a great evening, morning or night!
Hey thank you for sending a ship!
I ship you with Sammy boy. He would fall head over heels for you loving how free spirited you and your daughter are. Not only would he love you but he would love your daughter endlessly. Adopting worms would be their thing especially after a day of adventuring and hiking. Being barefoot is the dream for your family. The 70’s vibe is what would catch sams eye right after seeing your cute daughter. Sam would try to plan as many van vacations as he could. Sam knows that he will never be her father but he would try to assist in her life to the best of his ability even though he knows you’ve got that covered. He would do it in support to you not trying to become a parental role since swae has you. He would ask for swaes permission to be a part of your family before he would ask you. Her opinion would mean so much to him.
I hope you like it!!
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