#the irritation at the pickpocket and the rage at having been ripped off
hpdabbles · 5 years
holy merlin himself, i’d pay both in cash and with my soul for a sequel to that pick-pocketing fic
Remus Lupin was not pleased in the slightest. He’s not one to go to these type of places but Lily had convinced him clubbing might be a good way to release some stress.
Usually, he didn’t listen to his best friend and roommate but it’s been a hellish week and he really needed something to pick him up. The full moon last Sunday had been so bad he missed three days of work the following days, which prompt his fed-up boss to finally fire him. Remus couldn’t really blame him, after all, he did miss so many days of work per month with called in sick days but short of telling the older man about his condiction could prove he needed those sick days.
Remus felt terrible when he had to tell Lily he would not have enough for the rent and his Wolfsbane potion again. She assures him it alright but he saw the way her eyes had strain obviously thinking of her own financial problem. Lily wasn’t exactly dirt poor like Remus but her interest in studying advanced potions forced her to get an unpaid internship and a part-time job as a waitress in a muggle restaurant which made supporting them on her lonesome impossible.
Lily’s parents stop sending money the day she refused to web a muggle man and had all but cut her out of their lives upon learning her ex-lover. Apparently, being a witch was much more acceptable than being bisexual.
Muggles just couldn’t keep their priorities right. What did it matter who their daughter loved as long as she was happy right?
Remus needed to find a job and soon.
He was going to buy the Wolfsbane potion tonight, from his secret supplier. The only way for Remus not to get outed as a werewolf was to buy it underground even if it cost a little more. Being outed as a Dark Creature is much worse than being on the streets.
At least the later he could somehow claw his way back to a stable livelihood even if it took him years, the former would set his life in stone. A very cruel and cold stone.
Which was why he was hyper-aware of his heavy wallet disappearing from his back pocket seconds after it vanished. He needs to buy that potion tonight. And the money was missing.
Alarm Remus, look everywhere attempting to find the thief among all the dancing bodies. It was hard to see anyone clearly, the dark lights only allowing him to see slight outlined shadows. Thank goodness his nose was able to find his friends. Marlene and  Dorcas were at the bar, laughing and flirting with one another (He gave them three more weeks before they broke and started dating) while Lily was being chatted up by some bloke in glasses.
Remus made eye contact with her very briefly and she nearly excuses herself from the guy when she saw the panic in his face but he shook his head indicating she could stay. After his slight fright, Remus was able to calm once locating his companions his mind clear enough to realize he may not know the scent of the thief but he knew his own scent.
His wallet left a trail among the sweat and alcohol in the air which he followed all the way to the male bathroom. With the door closing behind him, the loud bass of the music dulls just enough for his super hearing picking up the sound of paper being shift.
Taking some quick sniffs Remus realize his wallet was inside this room still and the paper sound must be someone counting his money. With the full moon just a few days away his emotions were all over the place, and light a light switch rage suddenly flickered into his mind.
Remus kicked the stall door open.
It took longer then he likes, he could usually intimidate people because on some level they sense that he wasn’t quite human, but the idiot that robbed him wasn’t being cooperative. He spent must of the time Remus threaten staring with a red face and daze eyes. Maybe he was on some kind drug?
Shame, he was kind of attractive.
“Remus!” Lily shouts over the music the moment she spokes him leaving the bathroom “Remus, are you still sober?”
The werewolf rolls his eyes fondly. His irritated temper cooling just a bit. “Yes. We agree I would be the designated diver tonight. Why? Do you want to leave?”
He couldn’t keep the hopeful tone out of his voice. Remus was tired of this place, the crowd made him uneasy, the music gave him a headache and he was still slightly steaming about the bathroom encounter.
“Yes!” Lily shouts, bouncing on her heels.  “We can get the other two and go.”
Other two? He didn’t understand. Marlene came in her own car and she always offered Dorcas a ride since they lived in the same area. Still, he nodded, assuming perhaps Dorcas managed to get Marlene to take a few shots which meant Remus had to drive them. He didn’t mind much, as long as he made it on time to meet with his dealer.
Gosh, that sounded like he had a drug problem.
“Alright, let’s go. Grab them and meet me at the front.”
He chooses not to tell Lily about the pickpocket incident. Maybe because he didn’t want to worry, her unnecessary or maybe because he didn’t want to ruin her night. Or maybe it’s because he was ashamed? Whatever the case, he lets her wander into the crowd heading for the exit.
He breaks the door with a deep sigh, happy to be out of the overwhelming crowd. There are a few people outside but it’s easier to handle. His advance senses always made going out a bit difficult. Some people couldn’t hear, smell or see everything he could.
His ears are still ringing from that stupid dance music.
Sighing Remus drags his feet to the car. He always gets the car and picks the girls up from the door, since it’s safer for them then walking into a darkened parking lot. Not to say it’s safe for Remus but the man was fairly confident in his fighting skills also he always suspected the girls were just lazy.
Pulling to the entrance he spots Lily’s bright hair, but their friends are nowhere in sight and she jumps into the car with a quick. “Don’t be mad.”
Instantly he’s on guard. “What did you do?”
Before she can answer, a stranger opens his back car door. Remus watches a man with glasses, the same one that talked to Lily for almost the past hour,  climb in with a wide smile. “Hi, I’m James and this is my friend Sirius.”
His brown eyes take in the man that apparently has been invited back to their place without permission and then switch over to the friend, only to find familiar silver eyes staring back at him in wonder.
It was the wallet thief!
“Mr. Gourgous Brown Hair! It’s you!” The guy gasps then shut his jaw turning a bright red. He seems to not have meant to say that out loud while James’ already wide grin turns smug.
Remus gapes at Lily. “What did you do!?”
“Now, now, James and Sirius are just coming over for some coffee. Nothing more.” Lily defends. “I thought you might like to get to know someone, and when James said his friend fancy men I knew it could be a chance at love for -!”
“Get the hell out of my car!” Remus sneers cutting her off. He twists around, hand fumbling for the hunting knife he keeps in his car and banishes it out in case Lily accidentally put them in a dangerous situation. “I’m not taking you fucks anywhere! Get out!”
“Remus!” Lily screams appalled.
“Whoa whoa, he’s got a knife! Mate, please don’t kill us!” James screams leaning away from the blade with wide eyes.
Sirius’s already red face turns more awe if a little weary as he too leans away. “Um..is this about me stealing your wallet?”
“Stealing his what!?”
“Shush Lily.” Remus tells her without taking his eyes off the two threats. “Yes, it’s about you trying to steal my wallet! Get out! I won’t have you wanna-be murders knowing where we live!”
“I’m really sorry about that-”
“You stole someone wallet Padfoot, what is wrong with you-”
“I have pepper spray! I’ll spray the lot of you, get out of our car-”
Three different voices scream at once. Remus can’t decide who he should answer but he does feel better Lily is now pointing a small circular can with the promise pepper spray at the two men who are frozen in his car. He sneers at the thief- Sirius if that’s his real name- who looks both frighten and...infatuated? What kind of people did Lily pick up!?  
“If you don’t leave right now I will cut you!” He screams making some quick slashing motions with his hunting knife just to add more effect.
“We’re leaving!” James squeaks. He makes a slightly sadden glance at Lily who’s hand evens the can at him with narrow eyes. “I wish this had gone differently. But..Sirius the failsafe.”
Sirius’ face clouds over with sadness that makes Remus really worried and he grips his knife handle more tightly. He notices both men suddenly grab something from their jackets- a gun!? A knife!?- and pull out...wands?
These two are wizards. He thinks in shock. He watches them light up in preparation to use memory charms, he recognizes color and hand motion but before they could activate the magic or Remus could launch forward to make due on his promise Lily panics.
(Later, if you ask her, Lily will admit that she hadn't noticed them holding wands instead she thought they pulled out guns and thought they planned on murdering her and her roommate.)
She screams while pressing the button to harshly, her magic accidentally ripping the lid off with her scared emotions and the car fills with Peper Spray.  
Someone calls the muggle cops and the four get dragged off to the holding cell with red watery eyes and burning skin. In all the drama, Remus forgets about his Wolfsbane potion meeting.
This later comes to bite him in the ass.
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