#the kind of voice i was going for with garyboy is basically “larry but evil” because...well that's what he IS
duckapus · 11 months
It's the middle of the night at Glitch Productions, and all is dark and quiet as all the staff have long since gone home.
That is, until the monitor of one very special computer suddenly turns on on its own, and a certain supervillain eggplant peeks from off-screen out into the real world before hopping out onto the desktop (of the computer, not the actual desk it's sitting on).
"All clear, perfect."
"And why are we here again?"
"Just a sec, gotta find it first." As he says this, Garyboy hops around the screen, looking around all the icons for one in particular.
"Well, I say we, but I really mean you, seeing as despite our alliance I am STILL TRAPPED IN THIS SUN-SCORCHED NIGHTMARE!!!"
True enough, the great virus Ozymandias is not actually present. Instead, Garyboy has managed to finagle the camera, microphone, and speaker in his suit to allow his new boss to see what he sees, hear what he hears, and speak to him, even with the entire internet between them (though in certain high-traffic areas the connection can get a bit spotty).
"Well, yeah. If I let you out now, you'll just do exactly what got you caught the first two times!"
"...Fair enough. I suppose this is meant to be my first lesson in these "strategy" and "subtlety" concepts you mentioned?"
"Exactly. Ah, here we go!" He opens a folder, revealing two other folders inside, "Alright, within these folders are the files needed to run the two candidates for the next SMG universe. Now, if you were here, what would you do?"
"Destroy them utterly, of course. Along with everything else in this place."
"Right. Now, I don't want to do that. While destroying two entire universes would be satisfying in the short term, there would be too much evidence tying it back to me and I'd be hunted to the ends of the multiverse and deleted with extreme prejudice."
"There is logic in that, I suppose. So what will you do then?"
"I'm glad you asked!" He extends his prehensile Super Suction Ears to manipulate the window's controls, explaining his actions as he goes, "First, I create an empty folder with the same name as one of the existing folders. Normally you can't do that, but I'm using a bit of my venom to trick the system. Not enough to cause real damage, but that also means it's a small enough amount to not be traced. Then, I put the original folder inside the other game's folder, and use the same trick as with the names to fudge the memory values. And now that I'm done, I close the window so it's like I was never here."
"...That's it? What did that even accomplish?"
"Well, nothing right now, but when it's time to install the SMG Mod it'll be an absolute disaster!"
"How so?"
Garyboy leaves the desktop to return to the portal he'd used to get here, speaking as he goes, "With how I've set things up, one of two things will happen. Either they'll try to install the Mod in the empty folder and the SMGs will fade away into nothing without an Avatar to anchor them, or they'll try to install it on the other folder and...well, I don't know what'll happen. No one knows what happens if you try to add one set of SMGs to two games at once. No Admin is stupid enough to try. But I bet it won't be anything good."
"Fascinating. Perhaps there is something to this whole "subtlety" thing."
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